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1、星火书业 晨读英语美文100篇六级Passage1. Knowledge and VirtueKnowledge is one thing, virtue is another; good sense is not conscience,知识是一回事,美德是另外一回事。良好的意识不是良心refinement is not humility, nor is largeness and justness of view faith. 优雅不是谦让,也不是认为信仰的广博与公正。Philosophy(哲学), however enlightened(开明), however profound(深刻),

2、 gives no command over the passions(激情), no influential motives(有影响力的动机), no vivifying principles(富有原则).哲学,无论多么开明的,都深奥莫测,都无法驾驭情感,不具备有影响力的动机,不富有原则。 Liberal Education makes not the Christian(基督教), not the Catholic(天主教), but the gentleman. It is well to be a gentleman, it is well to have a cultivated i

3、ntellect(智力培养), a delicate taste(敏锐鉴赏力), a candid(坦诚), equitable(公平), dispassionate mind(冷静的头脑), a noble(高贵) and courteous bearing(礼貌轴承) in the conduct (行为)of lifethese are the connatural qualities(固有品质) of a large knowledge;they are the objects of a University.自由教育并不造就基督教徒抑或天主教徒,而是绅士。成为一个绅士是很好的,他有一

4、个有教养的智慧,敏锐的鉴赏力,坦率的、公平的、冷静的头脑,生活中一个高贵的和礼貌的行为-这些是一个大量知识固有的素质;他们是一所大学的对象。I am advocating(提倡), I shall(应当) illustrate(说明) and insist(坚持) upon them;but still, I repeat, they are no guarantee for sanctity(圣洁) or even for conscientiousness(责任心),and they may attach(附上) to the man of the world, to the profli

5、gate(挥霍无度的),to the heartless(无情), pleasant, alas(唉), and attractive as he shows when decked out(分队的) in them.我主张,我应当说明,并坚持他们,但我再说一遍,它们是没有保证的神圣,甚至为自觉性,它们可能会附加到世界的人,当他穿上它们,就显示出挥霍的,无情的,愉快的,唉,和有吸引力的。Taken by themselves, they do but seem to be what they are not;they look like virtue at a distance(距离), bu

6、t they are detected(发现) by close observers, and in the long run;and hence it is that they are popularly(普遍) accused of pretense(伪装) and hypocrisy(虚伪),not, I repeat, from their own fault(故障),but because their professors and their admirers persist in taking them for what they are not,and are officious

7、(好管闲事的) in arrogating(窃取) for them a praise to which they have no claim(声称).就其本身而言,他们这么做,但是似乎他们又不是,他们看起来像和美德相隔一段距离,但是长期来看,他们会被密切的观察员侦测到,因此它们被普遍指责虚伪,伪善,再说一次,不是因为他们自己的错,而是因为他们的教授和他们的仰慕者坚持认为他们没有,而且是在爱管闲事地为他们窃取一个他们没有权利要求的赞誉。Quarry(努力挖掘) the granite rock(花岗岩) with razors(削刀), or moor(停泊) the vessel(容器) w

8、ith a thread of silk(丝绸),then may you hope with such keen and delicate(精致) instruments(仪器) as human knowledge and human reason to contend(认为) against those giants(巨头).用剃刀努力挖掘花岗岩,或者用一根丝的线系停泊的船只,那么,也许你才能希望如此敏锐的和精致的仪器作为人类知识和人类理性去和那些巨头抗衡。 Passage 2. “Packing” a PersonA person, like a commodity(商品), need

9、s packaging(包装).人就好像商品,需要包装。But going too far is absolutely undesirable(不可取的).但过犹不及是绝对不可取的。A little exaggeration(夸张), however, does no harm when it shows the persons unique qualities to their advantage.有点夸张,但是,当它以自己的优势显示了人的独特气质时是没有任何伤害的。To display personal charm(魅力) in a casual(随便的) and natural way,

10、it is important for one to have a clear knowledge of oneself.展示个人魅力在随意与自然中,重要的是要清楚地认识自己。A master packager knows how to integrate art and nature without any traces(痕迹) of embellishment(点缀),so that the person so packaged is no commodity but a human being, lively and lovely.一个包装的高手知道如何将艺术与自然不留痕迹地结合起来,以

11、便人这时不再是商品,而是一个活泼可爱的人类。A young person, especially a female, radiant(光芒四射的) with beauty and full of life,has all the favor granted(赐予) by God.一个年轻人,尤其是年轻女性,焕发着美丽和充满生命力,这是上帝赐予的青睐。Any attempt to make up(弥补) would be self-defeating(弄巧成拙). Youth, however, comes and goes in a moment of doze(打瞌睡).任何努力去弥补都会变

12、成弄巧成拙。然而青春就在打瞌睡的时刻来去。Packaging for the middle-aged is primarily to conceal(隐藏) the furrows ploughed(印迹) by time.中年的包装主要是掩盖时间的印迹。If you still enjoy lifes exuberance(丰富) enough to retain(保留) self-confidence and pursue pioneering work(开创性的工作), you are unique in your natural qualities(自然本色),and your cha

13、rm and grace(优雅) will remain.如果您仍然足够享受生活的繁荣来保留自信,追求开创性的工作,你的自然本色是独一无二的,将保持你的魅力和优雅。Elderly people are beautiful if their river of life has been,through plains, mountains and jungles, running its course as it should.如果老年人的生命之河曾经穿越平原、高山和树林,那么他们是美丽的,它们就应该运行它本来的进程。You have really lived your life which no

14、w arrives at a complacent(自满的) stage of serenity(宁静的) indifferent (漠不关心的)to fame(名声) or wealth.你是真的在生活,然后现在到达一个对名声和财富宁静的漠不关心的自满阶段。There is no need to resort to hair-dyeing(染发);the snow-capped mountain is itself a beautiful scene of fairyland(仙境).没有必要诉诸染发,积雪盖顶的山脉是仙境之美。Let your looks change from young

15、 to old synchronizing(同步) with the natural ageing process so as to keep in harmony with nature, for harmony itself is beauty,while the other way round will only end in unpleasantness.让你外表的变化,从年轻到年老与自然老化过程同步,以保持与自然和谐相处。和谐本身就是美,而反过来只会事与愿违。To be in the elders company is like reading a thick(厚) book of

16、deluxe edition(豪华版) that fascinates(着迷的) one so much as to be reluctant(勉强的) to part with.和老年人在一起就像读一本豪华版的令人爱不释手的厚厚的书,以致于让人不愿舍弃。As long as one finds where one stands, one knows how to package oneself,just as a commodity establishes its brand(品牌) by the right packaging.只要你了解自己所处的境地,就知道该如何包装自己,正如商品建立其

17、品牌合适包装。Passage 3. Three Passions I Have Lived forThree passions, simple but overwhelmingly(压倒性地) strong, have governed my life:the longing for love, the search for knowledge,and unbearable(不堪忍受的) pity(怜悯) for the suffering of mankind.三种简单却又无比强烈的激情支配了我的一生:对爱的渴望,对知识的追求和对人类苦难不堪忍受的怜悯。These passions, lik

18、e great winds, have blown(精疲力竭的) me hither(到这里来) and thither(到那里去),in a wayward(任性的) course over a deep ocean of anguish(痛苦),reaching to the very verge(边缘) of despair(绝望).这些激情像狂风,肆意方向不定地把我吹去痛苦的深海,到了绝望的边缘。I have sought(寻求) love, first, because it brings ecstasy(狂喜)ecstasy so great that I would often

19、have sacrificed all the rest of my life for a few hours for this joy. 我寻求爱,首先因为它能带来这种狂喜是如此的美妙,使我愿意牺牲余生来换取几个小时的这种欢愉。I have sought it, next, because it relieves lonelinessthat terrible loneliness in which one shivering consciousness(意识) looks over the rim(边缘) of the world into the cold unfathomable(深不

20、可测的) lifeless(无生命的) abyss(无底深渊).我追求爱,又因为它使我消除寂寞可怕的孤独中,一颗颤抖的灵魂望世界的边缘看到冰冷死寂的无底深渊。I have sought it, finally, because in the union of love I have seen,in a mystic(神秘的) miniature(微型),the prefiguring(预示) vision(视觉) of the heaven that saints and poets have imagined.最后,我寻找爱,还因为在爱的结合我所看到的,在一个神秘的缩影中看到了圣人和诗人想象

21、过的天堂的景象。This is what I sought, and though it might seem too good for human life,this is whatat lastI have found.这就是我所追求的,尽管他对于人类的生命来说太美好,这是我最后发现的。With equal passion I have sought knowledge.以同样的激情我探索知识。I have wished to understand the hearts of men.I have wished to know why the stars shine . A little

22、of this, but not much, I have achieved.我希望能够理解人类的心灵。我希望能够知道群星为何闪烁一点点,但是不多,我已经明白了。Love and knowledge, so far as they were possible, led upward toward the heavens.爱和知识,只要有可能,他们就通向着天堂。But always pity brought me back to earth.但是怜悯总是让我回归现实。Echoes(回声) of cries of pain(疼痛) reverberate(回荡) in my heart.因疼痛哭泣

23、的回声一直在我的心中回荡。Children in famine(饥荒), victims tortured by oppressors(压迫者), helpless old peoplea hated burden to their sons,and the whole world of loneliness, poverty, and pain make a mockery(嘲弄) of what human life should be.孩子们受饥荒煎熬,无辜者被压迫者折磨,孤弱无助的老人被他们的儿子视为可憎的负担,和整个世界的孤独,贫穷和痛苦嘲弄着人类本应该有的生活。I long to

24、alleviate(缓解) the evil, but I can not, and I too suffer.我渴望能减少邪恶,但我不能,我也感到痛苦。This has been my life.I have found it worth living, and would gladly live it again if the chance were offered me.这就是我的一生。我发现它值得一过, 如果给我机会我会很乐意再活一次。Passage 4. A Little GirlSitting on a grassy grave(多草的墓地上), beneath(与。不相称) on

25、e of the windows of the church, was a little girl.With her head bent(弯曲) back she was gazing up(抬头凝视着) at the sky and singing,while one of her little hands was pointing to a tiny(微小) cloud that hovered(盘旋) like a golden feather(羽毛) above her head.The sun, which had suddenly become very bright, shini

26、ng on her glossy(光滑的) hair,gave it a metallic luster(金属光泽), and it was difficult to say what was the color, dark bronze(青铜) or black.So completely absorbed was she in watching the cloud to which her strange song or incantation(咒语) seemed addressed,that she did not observe me when I rose and went tow

27、ards her.Over her head, high up in the blue,a lark(百灵鸟) that was soaring towards the same gauzy(薄的) cloud was singing, as if in rivalry.As I slowly approached the child,I could see by her forehead(前额), which in the sunshine seemed like a globe of pearl(一个环球珍珠),and especially by her complexion(肤色), t

28、hat she uncommonly lovely.Her eyes, which at one moment seemed blue-gray, at another violet,were shaded by long black lashes(睫毛), curving(弯曲) backward in a most peculiar(特有的) way,and these matched in hue(色调) her eyebrows(眉毛),and the tresses(长发) that were tossed(扔) about her tender throat(娇嫩的脖子) were

29、 quivering(颤抖) in the sunlight.All this I did not take in at once;for at first I could see nothing but those quivering, glittering(闪闪发光的), changeful eyes turned up into my face.Gradually the other features(特性), especially the sensitive full-lipped mouth,grew upon me as I stood silently gazing(凝视).He

30、re seemed to me a more perfect beauty than had ever come to me in my loveliest(可爱) dreams of beauty.Yet it was not her beauty so much as the look she gave me that fascinated me, melted me.Passage 5 Declaration of IndependenceWhen in the Course of human events,it becomes necessary for one people to d

31、issolve(消除) the political bands(政党) which have connected them with another,and to assume(假设) among the powers of the earth,the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Natures God entitle them,a decent(体面的) respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the

32、 causes which impel(推动) them to the separation.在人类事务发展的过程中,有必要让一个人解决一个与另一个有联系的政党,并假设在地球的权利,以自然法则和上帝赋予他们独立平等的身份立于世上,出于对庄严的人类舆论的尊重,必须要求他们宣布驱使他们独立的原因。We hold these truths to be self-evident(不言而喻的), that all men are created equal,that they are endowed(赋予) by their Creator(创造者) with certain unalienable(不

33、可剥夺的) Rights,that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted(创立) among Men,deriving(派生了) their just powers from the consent(同意) of the governed,That whenever any Form(形式) of Government becomes destructive(破坏性) of these ends,it i

34、s the Right of the People to alter or to abolish(废除) it,and to institute new Government,laying(铺设) its foundation on such principles(信念) and organizing(组织) its powers in such form,as to them shall(应当) seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.我们认为这些真理是不言而喻的:人人生而平等,造物主赋予他们若干不可剥夺的权利,其中包括生命

35、权、自由权和追求幸福的权利。为了保障这些权利,政府是在人类中创立,派生的权力来自于被统治者的同意,即当任何形式的政府对这些目标变成破坏性的,人民就有权改变或废除它,并建立了新的政府,用这种方式在它的基础上铺设这些原则和组织其权力,因为他们认为唯有这样才最可能获得他们的安全和幸福。Prudence(审慎), indeed, will dictate(决定) that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes(短暂的原因);and accordingly all experie

36、nce has shown,that mankind are more disposed(愿意) to suffer, while evils are sufferable(可容忍的),than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.诚然,根据谨慎的原则,成立多年的政府不应该因为轻微而短暂的原因改变,相应的所有经验表明,当罪恶是可以容忍的时候,人类更倾向于受苦,而不是通过自己的权利去废除他们习惯的政府形式。But when a long train(火车) of abuses and u

37、surpations(强夺豪取),pursuing invariably(不变地) the same Object evinces(知之甚少) a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism(专制), it is their right, it is their duty,to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards(警卫) for their future security.Such has been the patient sufferance of these Coloni

38、es(殖民地);and such is now the necessity which constrains(约束) them to alter their former Systems(前系统) of Government.但是当像一个长途火车这么多的滥用职权和强取豪夺的行为发生,追求总是安全的设计去减少绝对的专制,这是他们的权利,这是他们的责任,去摆脱这样的政府,去为他们未来的安全提供新的保卫队。这些已经被殖民地过去受苦难的人们经历过了,这就是现在改变约束他们的前系统政府的必要性了。The history of the present King of Great Britain is a

39、history of repeated injuries and usurpations,all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny(暴政) over these States.大不列颠王国的历史就是屡屡伤害和强夺豪取的历史,所有的直接目的,是在这些州建立一个独裁暴政的政府。To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid(坦诚) world.为了证明这一点,现将下列事实公诸于公正的世界。Passage 6. A Tribute(致敬) to the

40、DogThe best friend a man has in the world may turn against him and become his enemy.一个人在这世上最好的朋友也可能背叛他,成为他的敌人。His son or daughter that he has reared(养育) with loving care may prove ungrateful.他用爱心养育的儿子或女儿可能被证明忘恩负义。Those who are nearest and dearest to us,those whom we trust with our happiness and our

41、good name,may become traitors(叛徒) to their faith.那些最近的和最亲密的人,那些我们信任的我们的幸福和我们的好名声,可能成为他们信仰的叛徒。 The money that a man has he may lose.It flies away from him, perhaps when he needs it most. 一个人的钱可能会失去。也许在他最需要钱的时候,钱就飞走了。A mans reputation may be sacrificed in a moment of ill-considered(欠考虑的) action.一个人的声誉

42、可能会在他做出欠考虑的行动的一瞬间牺牲。The people who are prone(倾向) to fall on their knees to do us honor when success is with us may be the first to throw the stone of malice(恶意) when failure settles its cloud upon our heads.人们倾向为了荣誉屈膝奉承,当我们成功时,我们可能第一个扔掉当失败的乌云落在我们头上的恶意的石头。The one absolutely unselfish friend that man

43、can have in this selfish world,the one that never deserts him,the one that never proves ungrateful or treacherous(奸诈), is his dog.人类在这个自私的世界上一个绝对无私的朋友,一个从不抛弃他,从不忘恩负义的朋友,就是他的狗。A mans dog stands by him in prosperity(繁荣) and in poverty, in health and in sickness.无论一个人贫穷还是富有,健康还是疾病,他的狗都始终在他身边。He will sl

44、eep on the cold ground, where the wintry winds blow and the snow drives fiercely,if only he may be near his masters side.如果他在他的主人旁边,即使是寒风凛冽,大雪纷飞的冰冷的地上,他也愿意睡在那里。He will kiss the hand that has no food to offer;he will lick the wounds and sores that come from encounter with the roughness of the world.当

45、没有食物提供的时候,他会亲吻主人的手,当他遭遇来自这个世界的残酷时,他会舔着自己的伤口和疼痛。He will guard(保卫) the sleep of his pauper master(乞丐主人) as if he were a prince.它会保卫它的正在睡觉的乞丐主人,就好像他是一位王子。When all other friends desert, he remains.当主人所有其他的朋友对他冷漠的时候,它仍然那么爱着它的主人。When riches take wings and reputation falls to pieces,he is as constant(常数) i

46、n his love as the sun in its journeys through the heavens.当财富消失,名誉扫地,它的爱就像太阳通往天堂之旅这般永恒。If fortune drives the master forth, an outcast(弃儿) in the world, friendless and homeless,the faithful dog asks no higher privilege(特权) than that of accompanying him,to guard him against danger, to fight against hi

47、s enemies.假如命运向后拖着作为世界的弃儿的主人,没有朋友而且无家可归,那么没有比这只狗更高的特权去陪伴在主人的身边保卫他,并且与敌人战斗了。And when the last scene of all comes, and death takes the master in its embrace,and his body is laid away in the cold ground,no matter if all other friends pursue their way,there by the grave will the noble dog be found,his h

48、ead between his paws, his eyes sad but open in alert watchfulness,faithful and true even in death.当最后一个场景来临的时候,主人被死亡带进怀抱,他的身体躺在冰冷的地下,就算主人所有的朋友已经追求他们自己的道路,这个坟墓都会发现有一只高贵的狗在旁边,它的头藏在爪子中间,它的眼睛是悲伤但又充满警惕的,就算死亡都忠诚真实。Passage 7. Knowledge and Progress(知识和进步)Why does the idea of progress loom(织布机) so large in the modern world?为什么进步这个概念在现代社会显得如此突出呢?Surely because progress of a particular(特定的) kind is actually taking place around us and is becoming more and more manifest(明显的).无疑是因为有一种特殊的进步实际上正在我们周围发生,而且变得越来越明显。Although mankind has undergone(经历了) no general improvement in intelligence or morality,it h

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