1、撰写英文医学科研论文的格式和要求 一:格式 二:要求 三、标题与标题页1格式 根据医学杂志编辑国际委员会 (The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, ICMJE)制定的生物医学杂志投稿统一要求(The Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals, 5th Ed., 1997)*, 一篇生物医学科研论文(以下简称“论文”)应包括以下12个部分: 1标题(Title) 2摘要(Abstract) 3引言(Introduction)4材
2、料与方法(Materials and Methods ) 5结果(Results) 6讨论(Discussion) 7致谢(Acknowledgements)8参考文献(References)9插图说明(Legends)10插图(Figures)11表格(Tables) 12照片和说明(Plates and Explanations) 以上除7、9、10、11、12部分因实际情况不需要外,其他各部分是一篇论文必不可少的内容。下面分别介绍对各部分的基本要求,其中“标题”和“摘要”两部分将在以后单元另行讨论。二要求 1) 引言部分 总的要求是:说明研究的总体范围和目的。 具体内容包括: A 背景
3、说明所研究问题的目前总体情况或历史B 意义 说明研究的意义或必要性C 进展 说明有关该问题的先有发现、报告或研究。陈述这部分内容时一般要有引文 D 目的 说明本研究的目的 E 范围 说明要研究问题的具体范围 2) 材料与方法部分 总的要求是:结果的可重演性、方法的可靠性以及前后的逻辑性。 具体内容包括:A 简要说明研究设计,如:回顾(retrospective / review),前瞻(prospective),临床(clinical),动物(animal),实验(experimental)等研究性质; B. 详细说明研究对象情况,包括研究人员(student),被研究的人(client)和动
4、物(animal)的性别(sex)、年龄(age),物种(species),品种(breed)生理状态(physiological state); 微生物则要说明其菌株(strain),血清型(serotype)及其他区别特性(identity characteristics); C. 随机分组分组方法(methods of any random assignment of subjects to groups)和选择标准(criteria for admission to study groups); D. 详细说明所用的药物(drug),激素(hormone),试剂(reagent)和其他
5、化学品(chemical)的名称、商标(trademark)、生产厂家(manufacturer)及所在地(location); E. 简要说明测定方法(method of measurement),包括名称,引文和偏差(variations); F. 简要说明统计学分析方法(method of statistic analysis)这部分的陈述程序一般为:研究设计 研究对象性质 处理 / 干预方法 测定 / 观察手段 统计分析 除指示性说明外,如:“病人资料见表1”(Data of the patients are shown in Table 1)“材料与方法”和“结果”两部分一律用过去时
6、表达。 3) 结果部分 总的要求:让研究的客观结果说话,不要添枝加叶。 具体要求: 1) 对所获结果进行概述(overview of the results); 2) 说明所获资料或数据的统计意义(statistical significance); 3) 统计支持(statistical support),包括图,表,照片等 (凡用图表表示的内容不再用文字详述)。注意:不要用模棱两可的词或短语表述结果,如: “ The results tended to be greater than”, “ showed no promising trends”, “It could / might be
7、 inhibited by ”。 4) 讨论部分 总的要求:即:与先有研究相比,本研究有何意义。 具体要求: A 简要说明研究背景(background) B 简要介绍总的发现(general findings); C 介绍具体要点(introduction of points) D 与现有发现(若有)进行比较(comparison in the context of other studies) E 意义(suggested meaning) F 结论(conclusion) G 前瞻研究(future studies)结论往往是论文中最长也是最难写的部分,主要原因是作者要对研究结果和发现进
8、行分析、推断、演绎和推理,要求作者具有很强逻辑思维能力和英语文字组织能力。此外,这部分时态比较复杂,要分清实验过程和结果(过去时)与分析意见(确定:现在时;不确定或假设:过去时)的区别;他人研究结果(过去时或现在完成时)与本研究结果(过去时)的区别;普遍适用的结论(现在时)与只适用本研究的结论(过去时)的其别等。因此,对于however, may, might, could, would, possibly, probably, be likely to 等词(组)的使用以及we believe (think / consider) that, to our knowledge, in our
9、 experience (practice) 等插入语的使用就显得格外重要。 5) 致谢部分 总的要求:Always get approval of your intention to mention someone in the acknowledgement and approval of the form in which you will present the acknowledgement, 即:致谢词和致谢方式必须征得受谢人或单位的同意。 6) 参考文献 总的要求:根据各杂志的具体要求,因为各杂志对参考文献部分的编排顺序和格式不尽统一。 7) 插图说明 总的要求:插图说明要另页双
10、行打印。当插图中有箭头(arrow)、符号(symbol)、数字(number)或字母(letter)时,要在这部分(不是在插图页上)对其方向、位置等作出非常明确的说明。 8)插图 总的要求:插图要按杂志的版面大小比例进行压缩;不要把插图拍成照片。 9)表格 总的要求:表格要作为一个独立的信息单位另页打印。表格要简明清楚,完整(标题、内容和脚注),即使只有一张表格也要标Table 1。 10)照片和说明 总的要求:与7)、8)部分相同。 三、标题与标题页 1标题 :Titles are to be written to be understood by those in your field,
11、 telling them exactly what you have done in your work.要求: 1) Short and concise:Write in one line (not a sentence); not containing an active verb; not exceeding 25 words or 120-140 letters and spaces; no abbreviations or chemical symbols except those that are generally accepted, e.g. DNA, RNA, AIDS,
12、CT, etc.; 2) Informative(信息丰富):State exactly what you want the reader to know about your paper and your work; 3) Indexing(便于索引):Pack as many key words or indexing terms as possible into the title without overloading it; key words not in the title will be in the abstract or can go in the “Key Words”
13、section of the paper; key words are usually in the beginning or ending place of the title.示例:(请根据上述原则说明以下标题的修改的理由) 1) 视网膜小血管变化是冠状动脉疾病的一个指标 Original: Retinal arteriolar changes are an indicator of coronary artery disease Revised: Retinal arteriolar changes as an indicator of coronary artery disease 2
14、) 用大剂量氨甲喋呤治疗急性淋巴细胞白血病的初步体会 Original: Preliminary experience in using high dose of methotrexate to treat ALL Revised: High dose methotrexate therapy in acute lymphocytic leukemia 3) 关于饮食中钾含量与血压关系的研究 Original: A study of the relationship between the content of potassium in diet and blood pressure Revi
15、sed: Dietary potassium and blood pressure为了满足标题写作的上述,有时对较长标题可采用副标题(subtitle)处理,如出现: 1) 病例数时,如:对急症室连续170例腹痛病例的回顾性研究 Original: A retrospective study on 170 consecutive cases of abdominal pain in the emergency room Revised: Abdominal pain in the emergency room: Retrospective study of 170 consecutive ca
16、ses 2) 研究性质/方法时,如:用磁共振成象术对正常怀孕期间垂体增大进行活体内研究 Original: Use MRI to conduct an in vivo study on the enlargement of the pituitary gland during normal pregnancy Revised: Pituitary gland growth during normal pregnancy: An in vivo study using magnetic resonance imaging 3) 并列结构时,如:军队卫生防疫工作中出现的问题、原因与对策的初探 Or
17、iginal: A preliminary study on the problems, causes and countermeasures in health and epidemic prevention work of CPLA Revised: Military health and epidemic prevention: Problems, causes and countermeasures 4) 解释性用词时,如:一例系统性红斑狼疮出现胰腺炎病例报告及文献综述 Original: A case report of SLE appearing pancreatitis and
18、review of literatures (说明:appear为不及物动词,不能跟宾语;literature一般为不可数名词) Revised: Pancreatitis in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE): A case report and review of the literature 5) 提问或选择时,如:慢性腹痛是一种手术症状还是精神症状? Original: Is chronic abdominal pain a surgical symptom or a psychiatric symptom? Revised: Chronic ab
19、dominal pain: A surgical or psychiatric symptom?无论何种形式的标题,都是为了达到本文开始所说的标题写作的三个基本要求:简明扼要、信息丰富、便于索引。 2标题页 根据URMSBJ要求,论文标题及有关著录内容应单独双行打印,称为“标题页”(Title page),其内容包括: 1) 标题 (the title of the article); 2) 所有作者的姓名及其最高学位、所属单位(the name by which each author is known, with his or her highest academic degree and
20、 institutional affiliation); 3) 研究工作的归属部门或单位名称(the name of the department and institution to which the work should be attributed); 4) 弃权者(若有)(disclaimers, if any); 5) 负责通讯和校稿作者的姓名能够和详细地址(the name and address of the author responsible for correspondence and proof about the manuscript); 6) 申请副本联系人姓名和地
21、址(the name and address of the author to whom requests for reprints should be addressed); 7) 资助、设备、药品来源(sources of support in the form of grants, equipment, drugs, or all of these); 8) 不超过40个字母(包括间隔)的页眉标题(a short running head of no more than 40 letters and spaces at the foot of the title page); 3著录部分
22、写法示例 1) 标题: Use of steroid in the treatment of clinical septic shock Unstable angina pectoris: Clinical, angiographic and myocadial scintigrapgic observations 2) 姓名: 标准式:Yang Jianguo, Guo Xiaoan *, Ouyang Kunpeng, and Lin Li 变式:YANG Jianguo;OUYANG Kunpeng; Yang, Jianguo, Jiangguo Yang 3) 单位:(From)Mi
23、crobiology Department of Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 4) 地址:800 Xiang Yin Road, Shanghai 200433, P. R. China * 5) 副本联系:Address reprint requests to: Cai Guangwen, Microbiology of Second Military Medical University, 800 Xiang Yin Road, Shanghai 200433, P. R. ChinaY 6) 资助:Supported / fu
24、nded / granted / sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation (标书号、合同号等)/ A projected funded by the National “863” Program 7) 页眉标题:angina pectoris 原标题见1)*当相连的两个汉语拼音为元音字母时,中间加“”号,以免混淆,又如:Xian(西安); *省市名按拼音连写,如:Henan(河南),Shanxi(山西),Shaanxi(陕西) 4标题写作中常用词(组)和表达方式 1) 用(方法/手段)对进行研究 / 分析 / 观察 / 评价:
25、study (analysis / observation / evaluation / assessment) of (on) (by) using (by 方法 / with工具) e.g. In vivo study of pituitary enlargement in normal pregnancy using magnetic resonance imaging 2) A对B的作用: effect of A on B e.g. Immunomodulatory effect of alkaloid sinomenine in the mouse acute graft versu
26、s host disease (aGVHD) model 3) A与B的相关性(关系): correlation (relation / relationship) between A and B, there be correlation of A with B and C, there be A (be) correlated with B 常用修饰词: positively (正) / negatively (负) / significantly (明显) / insignificantly (不明显) / strongly (很大) / little (很小) e.g. Positiv
27、e correlation of CD44v6 expression with invasion and metastasis of human gastric cancer 4) 用治疗 use of in the treatment of .(病) in (生物) e.g. Use of sulphamethizole in the treatment of urinary tract infection in the elderly 5) A 是B A as B e.g. Thyroid cancer as a late consequence of head-neck irradiation (回到标题)