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1、时文阅读时文阅读一、学生是否需要家庭作业一、学生是否需要家庭作业(时文阅读时文阅读)题型题型体裁体裁词数词数难度难度建议建议完成完成时间时间正确正确率率短文填空议论文206 words 9 min _/10 In a school neighborhood in Florida,the United States,primary school students have no homework now.The only thing they have to do is to read for 20 minutes 1._ night.This is called a“no homework”2

2、._,USA Today reported.Around the US,(时文阅读时文阅读)many primary schools are 3._out this policy.But there has also been some debate(争议)about it.Some think this policy is 4._.Without homework,kids can 5._ more time to play sports and be with their families.(时文阅读时文阅读)But 6._ believe homework helps students

3、remember what they learned in class.It can also help kids build good daily routines(作息规律).In fact,the US has had this kind of debate 7._ more than 100 years.In the 1900s,many school districts banned(禁止)homework.(时文阅读时文阅读)A century 8._,parents asked for more homework,because competition from kids aro

4、und the world became 9._ and greater.And now,people still question 10._ homework should be part of kids lives or not.(时文阅读时文阅读)This is part of a long history of debate over homework and it may continue for years,Time for Kids said.Whether it is good or bad depends on your thinking.(时文阅读时文阅读)1._ 2._3

5、._ 4._5._ 6._7._ 8._9._ 10._each/pereach/perpolicypolicytryingtryinggood/greatgood/greathave have othersothersfor for later later greater greater whether whether (时文阅读时文阅读)二、运动与环保二、运动与环保(时文阅读时文阅读)题型题型体裁体裁词数词数难度难度 建议完建议完成时间成时间正确率正确率完形填空记叙文221words 9 min _/10THANK YOUSUCCESS2024/3/6 周三9可编辑 Doing sport

6、s is good for our health.Many people like running very much because it is very convenient.You can run at anytime and anywhere.You can also run to work or run home after work.Do you like to go running?Some people think running is boring.But there are ways to make it 1 for example,“plogging”(慢跑捡垃圾).Pl

7、ogging is a new exercise trend from Sweden.(时文阅读时文阅读)The name 2 the words“pick up”and“jogging”.It 3 picking up trash(垃圾)while running.Ploggers go outside with 4 gloves and a trash bag.They stop to 5 trash as they run.6 likes to see trash while theyre doing exercise.People prefer a clean and relaxing

8、 place to do exercise.This new trend brings environmental 7 and healthy living together.Plogging may even be better for you 8 just running,(时文阅读时文阅读)since bending down(弯腰)to pick up trash is 9 kind of exercise itself.So try plogging with your friends on your way to school.You can stay healthy and ke

9、ep the environment clean 10 .Come and join the new way of protecting our world.If more and more people take actions in doing sports and protecting the environment,our world will become more and more beautiful.(时文阅读时文阅读)()1.A.boring B.exciting C.relaxing D.surprising()2.A.comes out B.comes up C.comes

10、 after D.comes from()3.A.means B.tells C.speaks D.says()4.A.a brunch of B.a pair of C.a bag of D.a piece ofB BD DA AB B(时文阅读时文阅读)()5.A.lift up B.put up C.set up D.pick up()6.A.Somebody B.Anybody C.Nobody D.Everybody()7.A.promotion B.permission C.protection D.preparationD DC CC C(时文阅读时文阅读)()8.A.than B.rather C.but D.instead()9.A.other B.another C.others D.the other()10.A.at times B.at once C.at the same time D.at lastA AB BC C(时文阅读时文阅读)谢谢观看!THANK YOUSUCCESS2024/3/6 周三17可编辑

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