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1、学习构词法基础知识是非常有好处的,它可以使我们能够轻松认识更多单词,以一种巧妙的方式扩大词汇量,短期内记住更多的单词。今天,就和小编一起来学习构词法的基础知识吧!英语中的构词法主要有三种,即转化法、合成法和派生法。一. 转化法在英语中,一个单词由一种词性转化为另一种或几种词性而词形不变的方法叫做转化法。1. 动词转化为名词Let me have a try.让我试试。They are only allowed to sell soft drinksat school.在学校里只准许他们出售不含酒精的饮料。2. 名词转化为动词He shoulderedhis way through the cr

2、owd.他用肩膀推开人群前进。The smell from the kitchen made his mouth water.从厨房传来的气味使他流口水。3. 形容词转化为动词We will try our best to betterour living conditions.我们要尽力改善我们的生活状况。They tried to perfectthe working conditions.他们努力改善工作条件。4. 形容词转化为名词He didnt know the difference between rightand wrong.他不辨是非。The oldin our village

3、 are living a happy life.我们村的老年人过着幸福的生活。5. 形容词转化为副词How longhave you lived there?你在那儿住多久了?6. 个别词在一定场合中可转化为名词Warm clothes are a mustin the mountains.穿暖和的衣服到山区去是必须的。Life is full of upsand downs.人生有得意时也有失意时。His argument contains too many ifsand buts.他的辩论中含有太多的“如果”和“但是”。二. 合成法由两个或两个以上的单词连在一起合成一个新词,这种构词法叫

4、做合成法,合成的词叫做合成词。合成词一般看其词,知其意。1. 合成名词名词/代词+名词 newspaper blood-test she-wolf动词+名词 typewriter pickpocket daybreak形容词+名词 greenhouse highway副词+名词 overcoat outside名词+v.-ing/v.-ing +名词 handwriting reading-room freezing-point动词+副词/ 副词+ 动词 breakthrough get-together outbreak outcome名词+介词+名词 sister-in-law edito

5、r-in-chief2. 合成形容词名词+形容词/形容词+名词 world-famous duty-free large-scale long- term副词+形容词 over-anxious evergreen名词+过去分词 man-made sun-burnt名词+现在分词 peace-loving English-speaking形容词+现在分词 good-looking easy-going副词+过去分词 well-informed widespread副词+现在分词 hardworking far-reaching形容词+名词+ed warm-hearted absent-minde

6、d数词+名词+ed three-legged ten-storied数词+名词 one-way fivestar数词+名词+形容词 ten-year-old 800-meter-long名词+to+名词 face to-face door - to -door3. 合成动词名词+动词 baby-sit sleepwalk副词+动词 outnumber underestimate overwork形容词+动词 whitewash4. 合成副词形容词名词 meanwhile anyway形容词副词 everywhere anyhow副词副词 however介词名词 beforehand overh

7、ead介词副词 forever5. 合成代词代词宾格self/selves herself themselves物主代词self/selves myself yourselves形容词名词 anything nothing6. 合成介词副词名词 inside outside介词副词 without within副词介词 into三. 派生法由一个词加上前缀或后缀构成一个与原单词意义相近或截然相反的新词叫做派生法。1. 前缀除少数前缀外,前缀一般改变单词的意义,但不改变单词的词性。(1)表示否定意义的前缀un- unhappy unfinished undressdis- disagree di

8、sbelievein- il-(在字母l前),im- (在字母m,b,p前),ir- (在字母r前) inaccurate illegal impolite imbalance irregularmis- misbehave mislead mistakenon- nonstop nonsmoker(2)表示其他意义的前缀en- “使” enrich enlarge encourageinter- “相互”international intercontinentalre- “再,又,重” rethink retell recycletele- “远程的” telescope telephone

9、 telegraphauto- “自动的” automatic automobileco- “共同” coworker cooperate coexistanti- “反对,抵抗” antiwar antifreeze antinuclearmulti- “多” multistory multicultural multicolorbi- “双,二” bicycle bilingual bilateralmicro- “极小的,微小的” microwave microcomputerover- “太多,过分” overwork overdo overestimateself- “自己,本身”

10、self-centered self-confident self-controlunder- “在下面,下的,不足的” underline, underground, underestimate, underrate2. 后缀(1)形容词后缀-able “可的,具有的” acceptable drinkable knowledgeable reasonable-al “与有关的” physical, magical, political-an “属于某地方的人” American African-ern “方向” southern, northern, eastern-ful/ less “

11、(没)有的” helpful, useful, homeless, hopeless-ish “如的;有特征的” foolish childish selfish-ive “有倾向的” active attractive expensive-en “由制成的” golden wooden woolen-ous “有(性质)的” famous, dangerous, poisonous-ly “有性质的” friendly yearly daily-y “构成形容词” noisy dusty cloudy(2)名词后缀-er / or “表人或用具” farmer, baker, visitor

12、, professor, cooker, container-ese “某国(人)的” Chinese, Japanese-ian “某国、某地人;精通的人” musician, Asian, Russian, technician-ist “某种主义或职业者” physicist, scientist, communist,socialist-ess “表女性,雌性” hostess, actress, princess-ment “行为或其状态” government, movement, achievement-ness “性质,状态” illness, sadness, careles

13、sness-tion “动作,过程,结果” invention, organization, translation-ance/ ence “抽象;行为、性质、状态” importance, appearance, absence, existence-th “性质、情况” depth, warmth, truth-ful “(满的)量” handful, spoonful, mouthful-(a)bility “抽象、性质、状态” possibility, disability, reliability-al “过程、状态” survival, arrival, approval-y “性

14、质、情况” modesty, delivery, honesty-dom “处于状态;性质” freedom, boredom-age “状态,行为,身份及其结果” courage, storage, marriage(3)动词后缀-fy / ify “使得;变得” simplify, beautify, purify-en “使成为;变得” shorten, deepen, sadden-ize “使成为” apologize, realize, specialize(4)副词后缀-ly “方式,程度” freely, truly, angrily-ward(s) “向” towards, forward, upwards(5)数词后缀-teen “十几” fourteen, eighteen, thirteen-ty “整十位数” forty, fifty, sixty-th “序数词” twelfth, twentieth

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