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T∕IAC 28-2019 核保险风险评估工作指引 中英文版.pdf

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1、 核保险风险评估工作指引 Risk assessment guideline for nuclear insurance ICS 03.060 A 11 IAC 中 国 保 险 行 业 协 会 标 准 T/IAC 282019 2019- 08- 26 实施 中 国 保 险 行 业 协 会 发 布 2019- 06-26 发布 T/IAC 282019 I 目 次 前言 . II 1 范围 . 1 2 术语和定义 . 1 3 评估总体框架 . 2 4 评估操作 . 3 5 评估报告 . 4 参考文献 . 5 T/IAC 282019 II 前 言 本标准按照GB/T 1.12009给出的规则起

2、草。 本标准由中国保险行业协会提出并归口。 本标准起草单位:中国财产再保险有限责任公司、中国人民财产保险股份有限公司、中国太平洋财产保险股份有限公司、中国平安财产保险股份有限公司。 本标准主要起草人:刘玉波、姜萍、安江涛、梁松博、王欣、李胜蓝、王洪海、冯佳、刘晟阳、李强。T/IAC 282019 1 核保险风险评估工作指引 1 范围 本标准规定了已营运和即将投入营运的核设施核保险风险评估的总体框架、 评估模块、 评估流程等。 本标准适用于保险行业对核设施所进行的核保险风险评估。 放射源及射线装置的核保险风险评估可参考使用。 2 术语和定义 下列术语和定义适用于本文件。 2.1 核设施 nucl

3、ear facility 用于军事目的以外的,一切核动力厂及装置(核电厂、核热电厂、核供汽供热厂等),核动力厂以外的其他反应堆(研究堆、实验堆、临界装置等),核燃料循环设施(核燃料生产、加工、贮存和后处理等),放射性废物的处理、贮存、处置设施。 2.2 核保险 nuclear insurance 核设施或与之相关的放射性物品运输过程中发生事故, 造成被保险人的财产损失或人身伤亡, 保险人依照保险合同承担赔偿责任的保险。包括核物质损失及营业中断险、核第三者责任险、放射性雇主责任险、核物质运输险,以及中国银保监会认定的其他为核设施投保的保险业务,但不包括核设施在首次装(投)料前所投保的不涉及核风险

4、的保险。 2.3 核风险 nuclear risk 由于或起因于核装置内任何辐射源发射的电离辐射, 或核装置中的核燃料或放射性产物或废物发射的电离辐射, 或来自或源于或送往核装置的核材料所造成的, 不论其是由此类物质的放射性质还是由此类物质的放射性质同毒性、爆炸性或其他危险性质的结合所造成的损失或损害。 2.4 风险评估 risk assessment 在风险识别和风险估测的基础上,参考行业的良好实践和通用指标,综合考虑其他因素,评估风险发生的可能性及其危害程度,并决定是否需要采取相应措施的过程。 T/IAC 282019 2 3 评估总体框架 核保险风险评估是参照国际最高行业标准、通用性能指

5、标、良好的实践做法,基于保险人历史赔付事件的经验反馈,从保险防灾减损的角度,分领域对核设施的厂址条件、组织管理、安全文化、运行、运行经验、培训、辐射防护、工业安全、设备性能状态及配置管理、维修、技术支持、化学、消防、应急准备等方面进行的风险查勘和技术评估。 3.1 评估目的 a) 为承保工作提供专业的技术支持及承保建议,帮助承保人识别风险和控制风险; b) 向被保险人或潜在被保险人提供风险管理改进建议、 介绍各领域国际良好实践及经验反馈, 协助被保险人或潜在被保险人从防灾减损的角度进行风险改进和完善、提升安全运行管理水平。 3.2 评估对象 3.2.1 核动力厂 原则上,同一厂址内同批建设或同

6、一类型的机组为同一评估单元。对于分批次建设,或拥有不同类型核装置的核动力厂,评估范围可根据监管部门下发的财产保险危险单位划分方法指引第12号:核电站运营期与被保险人或潜在被保险人协商决定。 3.2.2 核动力厂以外的其他核设施 原则上, 同一厂址内同一目的或同一功能的核设施为同一评估单元。 对于拥有多种类型和多种功能核装置的核设施,评估范围可与被保险人或潜在被保险人协商决定。 3.3 评估周期 3.3.1 核动力厂 a) 即将投入营运的核动力厂,应在首次装投料前进行装料前核保险风险评估; b) 已营运的核动力厂,应定期进行核保险风险评估。原则上,评估周期为: 国际核保险风险评估周期:每 4 或

7、 5 年一次; 国内核保险风险评估周期:每年一次。如当年遇国际核保险风险评估,则合并进行。 3.3.2 核动力厂以外的其他核设施 由于此类核设施类型复杂,原则上每2年进行一次评估。具体评估周期可与被保险人协商决定。 3.4 评估领域 核保险风险评估一般分为三个评估领域:核安全、运行及第三者责任,机器损坏,消防。 3.4.1 评估领域的内容: a) 核安全、运行及第三者责任:主要包括核设施的厂址条件(包括自然风险及人为风险)、管理与运行、核安全管理、核安全文化及场外核第三者责任风险。 b) 机器损坏: 主要包括核设施中重要机械、 电气和仪控设备的组织与管理, 以及设备的基本信息、故障信息、维修记

8、录、维修过程中发现的重要问题、改造信息等。 T/IAC 282019 3 c) 消防:主要包括核设施的消防组织与管理、可燃物控制、防火区域划分与建筑防火、消防系统设计及维护、消防队建设、特殊风险区域的消防保护、涉核风险的消防考虑等。 3.4.2 评估领域的使用 每次评估可选择一个或者几个评估领域,具体评估内容应与保单的保障范围相适应。 3.5 评估人员 鉴于核设施管理的特殊性, 参与核保险风险评估的评估人员应具有相应的资质或专业能力, 并严格遵守核设施营运单位的各项规章制度。 评估人员应遵守保密制度, 保证所有由核设施营运单位提供的文件、 资料等信息仅用于该核设施的核保险风险评估, 保证所有信

9、息及核保险风险评估报告在使用和传输过程中的保密性。 4 评估操作 核保险风险评估可通过问卷调查、文件查看、技术访谈和现场风险查勘等方法进行。 4.1 评估流程 核保险风险评估流程主要包括: a) 评估前的准备; b) 现场风险评估; c) 核保险风险评估报告。 4.2 评估操作要求 4.2.1 风险评估前的准备 与被保险人或潜在被保险人协商确定风险评估时间、范围、内容,确定风险评估人员及评估日程等。 资料收集 向核设施营运单位发放问卷, 并收集风险评估需要的相关材料。 资料收集主要包括但不限于以下内容: a) 核设施营运单位的基本情况; b) 核设施基本情况;

10、c) 核设施重要设备的基本信息; d) 核设施消防基本情况。 4.2.2 现场风险评估 核保险风险评估人员可分为核安全、运行及第三者责任组,机器损坏组和消防组。如有需要,核安全文化可单独分组。各组分别依据相关风险评估标准及导则,通过文件查看、技术访谈和现场风险查勘等形式进行风险评估。 4.2.3 对过往风险改进建议的讨论 T/IAC 282019 4 风险评估小组应与核设施营运单位对过往评估中未关闭的风险改进建议进行讨论。 若风险状况已改善且满足保险人的要求,则可关闭该建议。 5 评估报告 5.1 评估报告的内容 评估报告主要包括标的基本信息、标的风险分析、风险评估结果和风险改进建议等。 5.

11、1.1 标的基本信息 应包含但不限于该核设施的地点、设施类型、设计规模、建设及运行时间、厂址条件、周边人口及经济水平等;营运单位的股权结构、组织架构、人力资源等。 5.1.2 标的风险分析 该核设施的主要风险源、风险类型和风险变化。 5.1.3 风险评估结果 报告中应对该核设施的核保险风险状况给出定性或定量化的评估结果。 5.1.4 风险改进建议 a) 报告中对识别出的导致核设施整体抗风险能力弱化的关注点提出风险改进建议。 风险改进建议从防灾减损的角度, 参考各领域经验反馈及国际良好实践, 协助被保险人或潜在被保险人改善风险、提升安全管理水平; b) 风险改进建议依据关注点潜在后果的严重程度以

12、及为改进所需付出的成本进行分级。 5.2 评估报告的提交 现场评估结束后, 风险评估小组应在一定期限内向被保险人或潜在被保险人提供评估报告。 被保险人或潜在被保险人在收到评估报告后, 可根据改进建议对风险状况进行内部评估, 并在一定期限内以书面形式向核保险风险评估小组反馈意见。 T/IAC 282019 5 参 考 文 献 1 国务院关于核事故损害赔偿责任问题的批复. 国函200764号; 2 中华人民共和国核安全法. 2018年1月1日; 3 财产保险危险单位划分方法指引第12号:核电站运营期. 保监发200736号; 4 核损害补充赔偿公约. 国际原子能机构. INFCIRC/567。 _

13、 ICS 03.060 A 11 IAC The Standards of the Insurance Association of China T/IAC 282019 Risk Assessment Guideline for Nuclear Insurance 核保险风险评估工作指引 (English Translation) Issue date: 26-06-2019 Implemented date: 26-08-2019 Issued by Insurance Association of China T/IAC 282019 I Table of Contents Forewo

14、rd . II1 Scope . . 1 2 Terminologies and Definitions . . 1 3 General Framework of Nuclear Insurance Risk Assessment . 24 Nuclear Insurance Risk Assessment Method . . 4 5 Nuclear Insurance Risk Assessment Report . . 5 Bibliography . . 7 T/IAC 282019 II Foreword The standards are drafted according to

15、the rules of GB/T 1.1-2009. The standards are formulated and administered by IAC. Drafted by: China Property & Casualty Reinsurance Company Ltd., PICC Property & Casualty Company LTD., China Pacific Property Insurance Co., Ltd., Ping An Property & Casualty Insurance Company of China, Ltd. Principal

16、drafter(s): Liu Yubo, Jiang Ping, An Jiangtao, Liang Songbo, Wang Xin, Li Shenglan, Wang Honghai, Feng Jia, Liu Shengyang, Li Qiang.T/IAC 282019 1 Risk Assessment Guideline for Nuclear Insurance 1 Scope The standards herein contain provisions with regard to the general framework, modules and procedu

17、res for the risk assessment of nuclear facilities that are currently in operation or are about to be put into operation. The standards are applicable to nuclear insurance risk assessment that is conducted by insurance industry on nuclear facilities. The standards can be used as reference to the nucl

18、ear insurance risk assessment of radioactive sources and radiation-emitting devices. 2 Terminologies and Definitions The following terminologies and definitions are applicable to the standards herein. 2.1 Nuclear Facility Nuclear facilities refer to all nuclear reactors and assemblies including nucl

19、ear power plants, nuclear thermal power plants, nuclear steam and heating supply plants, reactors other than nuclear power plants such as research reactors, experimental reactors and critical assemblies, nuclear fuel cycle facilities including the production, processing, storage and reprocessing of

20、nuclear fuel, and facilities that are used for the treatment, storage and disposal of radioactive wastes, all of which are used for non-military purpose. 2.2 Nuclear Insurance Nuclear insurance refers to insurance where the insurer has to assume the liability for compensation as stated in insurance

21、contract in the event of any property damage or personal injury/death as a result of accidents which have occurred in nuclear facilities or during transportation of radioactive materials related thereto, covering nuclear material damage and business interruption insurance, nuclear third party liabil

22、ity insurance, radiation employer liability insurance, and nuclear material transportation insurance, as well as other insurance businesses deemed necessary for nuclear facilities by China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, with exception to insurance unrelated to nuclear risk of the nucle

23、ar facility covered before first fuel loading or first feed. 2.3 Nuclear Risk Nuclear risk refers to the loss and damage arises out of or results from ionizing radiation emitted by any source of radiation inside a nuclear installation, or emitted from nuclear fuel or radioactive products or waste in

24、, or of nuclear material coming from, originating in, or sent to, a nuclear installation, whether so arising from the radioactive properties of such T/IAC 282019 2 matter, or from a combination of radioactive properties with toxic, explosive or other hazardous properties of such matter. 2.4 Risk Ass

25、essment Risk assessment refers to the process to measure the probability of risks and the extent of losses so as to decide on relevant steps to be taken on the basis of risk identification and risk estimation and with reference to good practices and general indexes of the industry and other factors.

26、 3 General Framework of Nuclear Insurance Risk Assessment Nuclear insurance risk assessment refers to the risk appraisal and technical evaluation that are conducted in different areas such as plant conditions, organizational management, safety culture, operation and operating experience, training, r

27、adiation protection, industrial safety, equipment performance, configuration management, maintainence, technical support, chemistry, fire protection, and emergency preparedness, with reference to the highest international standards of the industry, the general performance indexes, and the good pract

28、ices, and on the basis of feedbacksderived from historical insurance loss, and from the perspectives of loss prevention. 3.1 Nuclear Insurance Risk Assessment Purpose a) To provide technical support and underwriting advice, and to help underwriter identify and control risks. b) To offer risk managem

29、ent advices and introduce international good practices and operating experiences in various areas to the insured or the potential insured, and to assist the insured or the potential insured to improve risk management and enhance safe operation standard from the perspective of loss prevention. 3.2 Nu

30、clear Insurance Risk Assessment Subject 3.2.1 Nuclear Power Plant On principle, reactors that are on the same site and are built in the same period or of the same type shall be categorized into one nuclear insurance risk assessment unit. For reactors that are built in different periods or have diffe

31、rent types of nuclear assemblies, the scope of nuclear insurance risk assessment may be decided upon with the insured or the potential insured according to No.12 Instruction on the Methods to Categorize Risk Units for Property Insurance: The Operating Period of Nuclear Power Plant as issued by the r

32、egulating authorities. 3.2.2 Nuclear Facilities other than the Nuclear Power Plant On principle, the nuclear facilites that are on the same site and are built for the same purpose or for the same function shall be categorized into one nuclear insurance risk assessment unit. For nuclear facilities th

33、at have nuclear assemblies of a variety of types and functions, the T/IAC 282019 3 scope of nuclear insurance risk assessment may be decided upon with the insured or the potential insured. 3.3 Nuclear Insurance Risk Assessment Period 3.3.1 Nuclear Power Plant a) For any nuclear power plant that is a

34、bout to be put into operation, nuclear insurance risk assessment shall be conducted before its first fuel loading. b) For any nuclear power plant that is already in operation, nuclear insurance risk assessment shall be conducted on a regular basis. On principle, the period of nuclear insurance risk

35、assessment is as follows: International Nuclear Insurance Risk Assessment period: once every four or five years; Domestic Nuclear Insurance Risk Assessment period: once a year. Combine when the two processes occur simultaneously. 3.3.2 Nuclear Facility other than the Nuclear Power Plant On principle

36、, nuclear insurance risk assessment shall be carried out once every two years owing to the complexity of this type of nuclear facilities. The nuclear insurance risk assessment period shall be agreed upon after discussion with the insured. 3.4 Nuclear Insurance Risk Assessment Area Normally, nuclear

37、insurance risk assessment is conducted in three areas: Nuclear Safety, Operations & Third Party Liability, Machinery Breakdown, and Fire Protection. 3.4.1 Details of Nuclear Insurance Risk Assessment Area a) Nuclear Safety, Operations & Third Party Liability: chiefly includes plant conditions (inclu

38、ding natural risks and artificial risks), management and operation, nuclear safety management, nuclear safety culture, and off site third party liabilities. b) Machinery Breakdown: chiefly includes organization and management about major machinery, electrical and I&C equipment and basic information,

39、 failure logs, modification information, maintenance records, maintaining processes, and major problems discovered from the maintenance of major equipment. c) Fire Protection: chiefly includes the organization and management, combustible material control, fire compartment and building construction,

40、fire protection system design and maintenance, fire brigade, fire protection for special risk areas, and fire protection considerations for nuclear risks. 3.4.2 Choice of Nuclear Insurance Risk Assessment Areas One or more areas may be chosen for each nuclear insurance risk assessment. The exact cov

41、erage of the nuclear insurance risk assessment shall align with that of the insurance policies. 3.5 Nuclear Insurance Risk Assessment Surveyor T/IAC 282019 4 In light of the particularity of nuclear facilities, the surveyors should have qualifications or must be professionally competent, and nuclear

42、 insurance risk assessment should be conducted in strict accordance with the regulations of nuclear facility operater. The surveyors should abide by the rules of confidentiality, and should make sure that the files, documents and other informatioin provided by nuclear facility operater should be use

43、d for the nuclear insurance risk assessment purposes only, and that the confidentiality of all the information including the nuclear insurance risk assessment report itself should not be compromised in the using and transmiting process. 4 Nuclear Insurance Risk Assessment Method The nuclear insuranc

44、e risk assessment can be conducted via questionnaire, document review, technical interviews and plant walkdown. 4.1 Nuclear Insurance Risk Assessment Procedure Nuclear insurance risk assessment procedures chiefly include the following: a) Making pre-survey preparations; b) Conducting plant risk surv

45、eys; c) Drafting nuclear insurance risk assessment report. 4.2 Nuclear Insurance Risk Assessment requirement 4.2.1 Pre-survey preparation Discussing with the insured or the potential insured to agree on the date, scope, contents of the nuclear insurance risk assessment and decide on such iss

46、ues as surveyors and agenda. Collecting data Issuing questionnaires and collecting necessary data. The data to be collected chiefly include but are not limited to the following: a) Profile about the operator; b) Profile about the nuclear facility; c) Profile about the nuclear facilitys major

47、 equipment; d) Profile about the nuclear facilitys fire protection. 4.2.2 Plant Risk Survey Nuclear insurance risk assessment surveyors can be classified into three groups, namely, the group of Nuclear Safety, Operations & Third-Party Liability, the group of Machinery Breakdown and the group of Fire

48、 Protection. If necessary, a separate group of nuclear safety culture can be instituted. Each group shall conduct the risk survey according to the standards and guides via document review, technical interviews, plant walkdown, among others. 4.2.3 Discussions on Risk Improvement Recommendations from

49、previous surveys T/IAC 282019 5 Nuclear insurance risk assessment team shall hold discussions with the nuclear facility operater about risk improvement recommendations from previous surveys. If improvements have been made and are regarded as satisfactory by the insurer, such recommendations should b

50、e closed. 5 Nuclear Insurance Risk Assessment Report 5.1 Contents of the Nuclear Insurance Risk Assessment Report The nuclear insurance risk assessment report should include subject profile, subject risk analysis, results of risk survey, and risk improvement recommendations. 5.1.1 Subject Profile Su

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