1、单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,Types of Chinese tea,1,Types of Chinese tea,The origin of Chinese tea:,Tea is the national drink of the Chinese nation.It made the Shennong smell in Luzhou Gong,Xing in the Tang Dynasty,Sheng in the Song Dynasty,and now has
2、become popular all over the world three big no alcoholic beverages(tea,coffee and cocoa),and will become the king of beverage in the 21st century,tea drinking habits throughout the world,the world has more than 50 countries tea,trace the root,the first countries in the world and drink tea,tea introd
3、uced species,and tea,cultivation techniques,processing,tea customs in are directly or indirectly spread from China to go.China is the birthplace of tea,known as the motherland of tea.(,茶,是中华民族的举国之饮。它发乎神农,闻于鲁周公,兴于唐朝,盛在宋代,如今已成了风靡世界的三大无酒精饮料(茶叶、咖啡和可可)之一,并将成为,21,世纪的饮料大王,饮茶嗜好遍及全球,全世界已有,50,余个国家种茶,寻根溯源,世界各国
4、最初所饮的茶叶,引种的茶种,以及饮茶方法、栽培技术、加工工艺、茶事礼俗等,都是直接或间接地由中国传播去的。中国是茶的发祥地,被誉为“茶的祖国”。,),2,Types of Chinese tea,Chinas tea is divided into six major categories:,Green Tea,(绿茶),Black Tea,(红茶,),Dark green tea(,黑茶),Oolong tea,(乌龙茶),Yellow tea,(黄茶),White tea,(白茶),3,Types of Chinese tea,Green Tea,Green tea is not afte
5、r fermentation of the tea is fresh leaves after airing directly(,直接,next to the 100-200 degrees hot pot frying,to maintain its green features,(特征),.,Xihu Longing Tea,Biluochun Tea,4,Types of Chinese tea,Green Tea,Rare breed has:Longjing tea,Biluochun tea,Huangshan Maofe-ng Tea,Lushan Yunwu,Luan Guap
6、ian,Mengding tea,Taiping monkey Kui tea,Junshan Yinzhen tea,Gu Zhuzi bamboo,tea,(顾渚紫笋茶),Xinyang Maojian tea,flat bead(,信阳毛尖),tea,Xishan tea,Yandang Maofeng Tea,China top Yunwu Cha,Yong Xi Huoqing tea,Jingting snow green tea,Emei e pistil tea,Duyun Maojian tea,Enshi Gyokuro,Wuyuan tea eyebrow tea,Yuh
7、ua tea,Mogan yellow sprout tea,tea Wushan Gemu,Putuo Buddha tea,.,Longjing tea,Biluochun tea,Lushan yunwu tea,5,Types of Chinese tea,Taiping monkey kui tea,Junshan yinzhen tea,Gu zhuzi bamboo tea,Flat bead tea,Xishan tea,Putuo Buddha tea,6,Types of Chinese tea,Black Tea,Black tea and green teaon the
8、 contrary,is a kind offermented tea(fermentation,(发酵),degree,(度),greater than 80%).The name derives fromthetealiquor color.,Precious(,珍贵的),varieties(,品种,)are:Keemun,、,Yunnan black tea.,Yunnan black tea,(,滇红,),Keemun(,祁红,),7,Types of Chinese tea,Dark green tea,Black teaisfermented tea,a special teais
9、Chinese.Produced in Yunnan,Hunan,Hubei,Sichuan,Guangxi and other places.The main varieties ofYunnantea,Puer Tea,Sichuan,Guangxi Liupu tea,Hunan black tea,Hubeiold green tea.,There aremore characteristicof JingyangFu tea,this teacontains abeneficial,(有益的)“,eurotiumcristatum,(冠突散囊菌),commonly known asj
10、inhua.,8,Types of Chinese tea,Puer Tea,Sichuan tea,Hubeiold green tea,Hunan black tea,Guangxi Liupu tea,9,Types of Chinese tea,Longjing green tea,Oolong Teaisoolong teais semi fermented(,半发酵),tea,between theredGreen Tea.Oolong tea in six major categories,(类别),of tea process is the most complex and t
11、ime-consuming,(耗时),the bubble,(泡沫),of the most stress,so drink oolong tea was also known as the drink congou.,Preciousvarieties:Wuyi tea,Tieguanyin,Fenghuang Dancong,TaiwanOolong Tea.,10,Types of Chinese tea,:Wuyi tea,Tieguanyin,11,Types of Chinese tea,Fenghuang Dancong,TaiwanOolong Tea,12,Types of
12、Chinese tea,Yellow tea,Yellow tea is a lightly fermented tea,the basic,(基本),process,of approximate,(近似),green tea,but in the manufacturing,(制造),process to be braised,(焖),.Therefore the characteristics,(特点),of refined tea soup yellow leaves.,By theleaf,(叶片),material,(材料),tenderness,(嫩度),andsize intot
13、ea,Huang XiaochaandHuang YaHuang teathree,Rare breed has:Junshan silver needles,Mengding Huangya,Mo Huangya,Huoshan Huangya,Pingyang decoction,Weishan Maojian,Peikang Maojian,13,Types of Chinese tea,Junshan silver needles,Mengding Huangya,Mo Huangya,Huoshan Huangya,14,Types of Chinese tea,Pingyang d
14、ecoction,Weishan Maojian,Peikang Maojian,15,Types of Chinese tea,White tea,White teais a kind ofbodycovered withwhite hairslightly fermentedtea.Processing method ofwhite teaspecial,(特殊),and simple,neitherfixingnorrollingand fermentation,onlytwowithering and dryingprocess.This processdoes notdestroy,
15、(破坏),enzyme,(酶),activity,(活性),andpromoteoxidation,the shape of the bud is complete,clear,yellow green,(黄绿色),soup.,White tea isthe oldest,the mostChinahealthtea,known asthe six kinds of teatreasures“aristocracy(,贵族),.,White tea,this teais named for itsname,soup(,汤色),arelike silversnow.ChinaFujianFudi
16、ng isthe main origin ofwhite tea,in addition,JianyangZhenghe,Songxi is also theorigin ofwhite tea.It is understood thatmore than 60%of the nationalproduction ofwhite teafrom FujianFuding,theFuding white teasaid.,Precious varieties are:White peony(,牡丹),Baihaoyinzhen.,16,Types of Chinese tea,White peo
17、ny,Baihaoyinzhen,17,Types of Chinese tea,Tea need to pay attention:,18,Types of Chinese tea,Tea should drink less,kept less than half a month of the new tea should avoid drinking,because tea on the gastrointestinal mucosa have a strong stimulating effect,easy to induce stomach.(,新茶宜少喝,存放不足半个月的新茶更应忌喝
18、,因为新茶对人的胃肠黏膜有较强的刺激作用,易诱发胃病。,),As the tea in the cultivation and processing by pesticides and other harmful substances pollution,the surface of tea total some residue,so head over tea have not drink washing role should be discarded.(,由于茶叶在栽培与加工过程中受到农药等有害物的污染,茶叶表面总有一定的残留,所以,头遍茶有洗涤作用应弃之不喝。,),Dont drink
19、 tea.Because fasting drinking tea can dilute gastric juice,reduce digestive function,high rate of water absorption,resulting in tea bad component lot into the blood,cause dizziness,palpitation,weakness in limbs and other symptoms.(,不要空腹喝茶。因为空腹喝茶可稀释胃液,降低消化功能,加水吸收率高,致使茶叶中不良成分大量入血,引发头晕、心慌、手脚无力等症状。,),Fe
20、ver dont drink tea.Because tea contains theophylline,have increased the role of body temperature,have a fever with tea tantamount to add fuel to the flames(,发烧不要喝茶。因为茶叶中含有茶碱,有升高体温的作用,发烧病人喝茶无异于“火上浇油”,),19,Types of Chinese tea,Drink tea after lunch hour.Because tea contains a large number of tannic ac
21、id,tannic acid can react with the iron in food,new substances to generate difficult to dissolve,for a long time caused by iron deficiency in human body,and even induced.(,餐后一小时再喝茶。因为茶叶中含有大量鞣酸,鞣酸可以与食物中的铁元素发生反应,生成难以溶解的新物质,时间一长引起人体缺铁,甚至诱发贫血症。,),The ulcer patient drinks tea carefully.Because caffeine in
22、 tea can promote gastric acid secretion,increase stomach acid concentration,induced ulcers and even perforation.(,溃疡病人谨慎喝茶。因为茶叶中的咖啡因因可促进胃酸分泌,升高胃酸浓度,诱发溃疡甚至穿孔。,),Dont drink tea during the tea period.Tea during menstruation,especially to drink tea,can induce or aggravate premenstrual syndrome.(,不要在经期间喝
23、茶。在月经期间喝茶,特别喝浓茶,可诱发或加重经期综合征。,),Tea to adapt to the season.Summer should drink green tea,spring to drink tea,autumn drink green tea,the winter to drink black tea,year round seasonal climate different,kinds of tea should make corresponding adjustments,so that is more conducive to the human body health.(,喝茶要适应季节。夏季宜喝绿茶,春季喝花茶,秋季喝青茶,冬季喝红茶,一年四季节令气候不同,喝茶种类宜做相应调整,这样才更有利于人体的健康。,),20,Thank,you,21,