1、Features and advantagesFeaturesAdvantagesWide application range, good effectHighly repellent efficient against mites in effectResistant to washing Forms medical membrane on the surface of the fabric After washing many times, the effect is still excellentSafe to bodyNon-toxic and non-stimulationNo in
2、fluence on the quality of fabricNo influence on whiteness, handling, shade , touch, and has no strength reduction特征 优点1适用范围广,效果显著 处理后的织物具有高效的防螨虫作用,清新持久2耐洗性能好 在织物表面形成牢固的防螨药膜,反复洗涤后对螨虫仍有良好的驱避效果3安全性能好 对皮肤无刺激、无毒,无需使用含有甲醛的架桥剂,符合生态纺织品的要求4不影响织物各项指标 对织物的白度、色光、强力、手感和透气性无不良影响UseThe Anti-mite finishing agent MI
3、TE is a new functional finishing agent for textile fabric. It can not only combine with cotton, wool, viscose and others to form crosslink, but also it forms medical membrane on the surface of the fabric, so that has highly and fast effects on repellent actions against mites. Under the room temperat
4、ure and wet condition, the textile fabric is suitable for growing of bacteria, mold and mites. And the excretion of the mites is pathogenic to asthma. Under this circumstance, it is not only unhealthy, but also can make bad smell. The fabric treated has highly repellent efficient against dust mites,
5、 leather mites etc. The fabric treated features non-stimulations to the skin, non-allergic reactions and non-toxic to the human body. It has a efficient prevention from diseases such as allergic bronchia- asthma , allergic coryza, scabies eczema, agria, ermatitis, tsutsugamushi, scabies etc.产品用途防螨虫整
7、增殖、织物的霉变、产生异味都成为不可能。使用方法 防螨虫整理剂MITE处理织物时可采用浸轧、浸渍、涂层和喷洒工艺。MITE的一般用量为24%(o.w.f),防螨虫整理剂MITE不适宜采用170以上的高温工艺。 一、 浸轧法:1 工艺配方: 防螨虫整理剂MITE-1 1040g/L防螨虫整理剂MITE-2 1040g/L 非离子或阴离子柔软剂 适量 2 溶解、稀释:先加大部分的水,快速搅拌下加入防螨虫整理剂MITE-1,再加入MITE-2,然后加入非离子或阴离子有机硅柔软剂等,继续搅拌。制备配好的浴液应尽快使用。3 工艺流程:漂染印花织物 浸轧整理液(轧液率为60100%) 烘干(80100) 拉幅(13014030s,或1202min)二、浸渍法: 1 工艺配方 、溶解、稀释同一 2 工艺流程:漂染印花织物 浸渍整理液 脱水(甩出溶液重复使用) 烘干(70100) 拉幅(14030s,或1202min)