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1、精选资料武汉市12万m3/d污水处理厂工艺设计(AB法)目 录设计总说明IGeneral Design IntroductionVI1前言11.1设计背景21.1.1污水国内外排放、处理现状21.1.2 武汉市背景资料31.1.3 设计资料31.2 污水厂的设计原则51.3 设计方案论证61.3.1 污水特征61.3.2 处理工艺的比较61.3.3 处理工艺的确定81.3.4 工艺流程92污水处理系统设计计算102.1格栅102.1.1一般说明102.1.2主要设计参数102.1.3工艺尺寸112.1.4水头损失132.1.5渣量计算132.2污水提升泵房设计132.2.1提升泵站的设计说明及

2、原则132.2.2泵房型式及工艺布置142.2.3泵房设计计算142.2.4泵位及安装162.3曝气沉砂池162.3.1一般说明162.3.2设计参数172.3.3沉砂池尺寸172.3.4沉砂量及排砂设备182.3.5曝气系统192.4 A段曝气池和B段曝气池工艺设计202.4.1一般说明202.4.2已知条件212.4.3设计计算212.5 A段中沉池312.5.1设计说明312.5.2设计参数312.5.3设计计算322.5.4 中沉池设计草图352.6 B段终沉池 (二沉池)352.6.1设计说明352.6.2设计参数352.6.3设计计算362.6.4二沉池设计草图392.7接触消毒池


4、4.1设计说明523.4.2设计计算523.5脱水机房533.5.1设计说明533.5.2设计计算544污水处理厂总体布置554.1平面布置554.1.1平面布置概述554.1.2工艺流程布置574.1.3建筑物平面布置574.1.4污水处理厂管线布置574.1.5厂区绿化及预留空地584.2高程布置584.2.1高程布置概述584.2.2污水高程布置计算594.2.3污泥管道高程布置计算665经济技术可行性分析716环境影响评价726.1施工过程中对环境的影响及对策726.1.1 生态影响分析726.1.2 施工扬尘的环境影响分析726.1.3 施工噪声的环境影响分析746.1.4 施工排水


6、后,绝大部分变成废水。生产废水携带着大量污染物质,这些物质多数是有害和有毒的,但也是有用的。必须妥善处理或加以回收利用。I 设计题目武汉市12万m3/d污水处理厂工艺设计(AB法)II 设计内容及原则II.I 设计内容污水处理厂工艺设计流程设计说明一般包括以下内容: (1)据城市或企业的总体规划或现状与设计方案选择处理厂厂址; (2)处理厂工艺流程设计说明; (3)处理构筑物型式选型说明; (4)处理构筑物或设施的设计计算; (5)主要辅助构筑物设计计算; (6)主要设备设计计算选择; (7)污水厂总体布置(平面或竖向)及厂区道路、绿化和管线综合布置; (8)处理构筑物、主要辅助构筑物、非标设

7、备设计图绘制; (9)编制主要设备材料表。II.II 设计原则考虑城市经济发展及当地现有条件,确定方案时考虑以下原则: (1)要符合适用的要求。首先确保污水厂处理后达到排放标准。考虑现实的技术和经济条件,以及当地的具体情况(如施工条件),在可能的基础上,选择的处理工艺流程、构(建)筑物型式、主要设备、设计标准和数据等,应最大限度地满足污水厂功能的实现,使处理后污水符合水质要求。 (2)污水厂设计采用的各项设计参数必须可靠。 (3)污水处理厂设计必须符合经济的要求。设计完成后,总体布置、单体设计及药剂选用等要尽可能采取合理措施降低工程造价和运行管理费用。 (4)污水处理厂设计应当力求技术合理。在

8、经济合理的原则下,必须根据需要,尽可能采用先进的工艺、机械和自控技术,但要确保安全可靠。 (5)污水厂设计必须注意近远期的结合,不宜分期建设的部分,如配水井、泵房及加药间等,其土建部分应一次建成;在无远期规划的情况下,设计时应为以后的发展留有挖潜和扩建的条件。 (6)污水厂设计必须考虑安全运行的条件,如适当设置分流设施、超越管线等。III 设计背景资料III.I 武汉市污水处理厂基本资料 武汉市基本概况:本设计是武汉市排水工程设计。武汉位于中国腹地中心、长江与汉江交汇处、江汉平原东部,因武昌、汉口、汉阳三地合称而得名,地理位置介于东经1134111505,北纬29583122,是中部六省唯一的

9、副省级城市,也是国务院批准的中部地区中心城市。以城市常住人口、GDP总量、建成区面积等指标来说,武汉均为中部第一、全国前十的特大城市。世界第三大河长江及其最大支流汉江横贯市区,将武汉一分为三,形成武昌、汉口、汉阳跨江鼎立的格局。武汉也是世界各大城市中人均拥有水量最多的城市。虽然武汉水量充足,但随着城市的发展,用水量与日俱增,污染日益严重,为了保护祖国主要水系长江水系的水质状况,有必要在武汉建设污水处理厂处理生活污水和工业废水,处理达标后再排放到受纳水体,避免水质恶化。III.II 武汉市气候环境概况 (1)风向主导风向:东北风。 (2)气温属亚热带湿润性东南季风气候区。具有冬寒夏暖、春湿秋旱、

10、夏季多雨、冬季少雪、四季分明的特征。年平均气温为16.7,7月平均气温高达28.9,1月仅3.5。夏季气温高,35以上气温天数为40天左右,极端最高气温41.3,极端最低气温-18.1,武汉日均温10持续期达235天,年平均无霜期240天。年平均降水量1284.0mm,降雨集中在49月,年平均蒸发量为1391.7mm,绝对湿度年平均16.4毫巴,年平均相对湿度75.7。 (3)地质条件 地势为东高西低,南高北低,中间被长江、汉江呈Y字型切割成三块,谓之武汉三镇。武汉市平均海拔为23.3米,最高海拔为873米,最低海拔为11.3米。最大冻土层为0米。厂区占地约56万平方米,临近汉江,地势较平坦,

11、高差可忽略,整体上为长方形,长约800米,宽约700米。III.III 处理规模本设计污水处理厂设计总规模为120000m3/d,变化系数取为1.3。污水厂的处理水量按最高日最高时流量设计,一次设计,分两期实施。III.IV 进、出水水质武汉市污水处理厂污水进水水质及污水处理后的出水水质如下表: 表1 武汉污水处理厂水质情况项目COD(mg/L)BOD5(mg/L)NH4-N(mg/L)SS(mg/L)TP(mg/L)PH进水水质3003002022027.4出水水质60208(15)20169IV 污水处理工艺根据国内外已运行的中、小型污水处理厂的调查,要达到确定的治理目标并经济合理,本设计

12、可采用“AB工艺”设计工艺流程图如下图1: 鼓风机房出水 消毒池生活 格 提升 曝 气 A 段 中 B 段 终 污水 栅 泵房 沉砂池 曝气池 沉池 曝气池 沉池 A 段 B 段污泥泵房 污泥泵房 沼气利用污泥 污泥 贮 污泥 污泥外运 脱水机 泥池 消化池 浓缩池 图1 工艺流程图V 设计结果本工程处理构筑物包括格栅间及提升泵房、曝气沉砂池、A段曝气池、中沉池、B段曝气池、二沉池、接触消毒池、污泥浓缩池等;附属构筑物包括鼓风机房、加氯间、污泥脱水机房以及综合办公楼、机修间、仓库等。主要构筑物设计结果见下表2: 表2 主要处理构筑物一览表序号构筑物名称数量(/座、格)尺寸(m)1提升泵房112

13、.06.02曝气沉砂池218.03.03A段曝气池442.07.744中沉池2D=45.55B段曝气池848.58.06二沉池4D=417接触池13527.58污泥泵房212.06.09浓缩池1D=3410消化池2D=3511贮泥池1D=13.312鼓风机房120.010.0General Design IntroductionChina has a vast territory,different climate,and the level of economic development is also a great difference.Currently,cities are face

14、d with different water pollution.Thus,according to the size of the cities to establish a set of economic development and their adaptation to control water pollution,protection of water environment policy, standards and regulations,at the same time,building and the level of economic development of th

15、e sewage treatment plant,has become to prevent shortage of water resources and constraints of urban socioeconomic development of he necessary means.So people have to use the part of the limited resources.In peoples daily life,toilet,shower and washing all of life can not be separated from water,with

16、 sewage.In industrial enterprises,almost no industrial water is essential to daily life precious resources.Water supply and discharge treaded water is not reasonable to the water.Water used by the production process,and the vast majority of wastewater is produced.Carrying a large quantity of wastewa

17、ter pollutants,most of these substances are harmful and toxic,but it is also useful.So they have to be properly handled or recycled.I Design TitleWuhan District,Hubei,sewage treatment plant process design(AB process)II Design content and principlesII.I Design contentSewage treatment plant process de

18、sign that generally includes the following:(1) According to the city or business or the status of the overall planning and design of programs to choose treatment plant site;(2) The process design explanation of treatment plants;(3) The explanation of treatment structure type and selection;(4) The de

19、sign calculation of the treatment structures or facilities;(5) Design calculation and selection of the main equipment;(6) The overall layout of wastewater treatment plant (flat or vertical) and plant roads,afforestation and integrated arrangement of pipelines;(7) The design drawing of the treatment

20、structures,the main supporting structures and the Non-standard equipment;(8) The preparation of major equipment and materials table;II.II Design principles Consider the citys economic development and local existing conditions,determinethe program to take into account the following principles:(1)to c

21、omply with applicable requirements.First of all,to ensure that the sewage treatment plant to meet emission standards.Consider the realities of the technical and economic conditions,as well as the specific local situation(such as the construction of the conditions),where possible,based on the treatme

22、nt of choice of process,structure(building)the building type,major equipment,design standards and data should be the largest Wastewater Treatment Plant to meet the limits of realization of functions,so that the water quality of treated effluent in line with the requirements.(2)wastewater treatment p

23、lant design uses the design parameters must be reliable.(3)the design of sewage treatment plants must meet the requirements of the economy.Design is completed,the overall layout,design and pharmaceutical monomer to the use of as much as possible to take reasonable measures to reduce project cost and

24、 operational management costs.(4)sewage treatment plant design should be sought technical reasonable.In the principle of economic rationality,must be based on need,as far as possible the use of advanced technology,machinery and automatic control technology,but to ensure that safe and reliable.(5)was

25、tewater treatment plant design should be noted that the combination of near term should not be part of a phased construction,such as the allocation of wells,pumping stations and processing drugs,etc.,and its construction should be completed first;in the absence of long-term planning,the design shoul

26、d be left for future development and expansion of potential conditions.(6)wastewater treatment plant design must take into account the conditions of safe operation,such as setting appropriate triage facilities,pipelines,etc.beyond.III The design of background dataIII.I Sewage treatment plant in Wuha

27、n city basic informationThe basic situation in Wuhan:This design is Wuhan drainage engineering design.Located in the hinterland of Wuhan Chinese center, Yangtze River and Hanjiang River East, at the intersection of Jianghan Plain, so named because of Wuchang, Hankou, Hanyang three collectively, the

28、geographical position is longitude 113 41 - 115 05, north latitude 29 58 - 31 22, is a sub-provincial city only six provinces in central, is the approval of the State Council of the central area of the city.The city resident population, the total GDP, built-up area and other indicators,Wuhan is midd

29、le first, the top ten big city. The third longest river in the world and its largest tributary of the Yangtze River running through the urban area,the Wuhan one divides into three, the formation of Wuchang, Hankou,Hanyang cross river tripartite confrontation pattern. The city is also the world per c

30、apita in Wuhan city water up.Although the Wuhan adequate water, but with the development of the city,water pollution is serious day by day, grow with each passing day, in order to protect the water quality situation of the main river of the Yangtze River in the country, it is necessary to build plan

31、t of Wuhan treatment of domestic sewage and industrial wastewater treatment, treatment compliance after discharge to the receiving water, avoid the water quality deterioration.III.II The climate environment survey of Wuhan city (1)the direction of the windThe dominant wind direction: Northeast wind.

32、(2) the temperature Wuhan belongs to the subtropical humid monsoon climate zone. There is warm, wet winter and spring drought, summer rainy, winter and less snow, four distinct seasons.The average annual temperature is 16.7 , the average July temperature up to 28.9 , in January only 3.5 .High summer

33、 temperatures, the temperature above 35 for 40 days or so,extreme maximum temperature of 41.3 , the extreme minimum temperature of -18.1 .Continuous Wuhan day temperature 10 period up to 235 days, the annual average frost free period 240 days.The annual average precipitation 1284.0mm, rainfall conce

34、ntrated in the April to September, the average annual evaporation capacity of 1391.7mm, annual average 16.4 millibar absolute humidity, annual average relative humidity of 75.7.(3) Geological conditionsLying to the East West High low, the north south high low middle Yangtze River, Han River, is shap

35、ed like the letter Y is cut into three pieces, called the towns of Wuhan.Wuhan City, with an average altitude of 23.3 meters, the highest elevation of 873 meters, the minimum altitude of 11.3 meters. Frozen soil layer is 0 meters.Factory covers an area of about 560000 square meters, near the Han Riv

36、er,relatively flat terrain, elevation difference can be neglected, the whole is rectangular, about 800 meters long, 700 meters wide.III.III treatment scaleThe design of the sewage treatment plant design for the total size of the 120000m3/d, variation coefficient of 1.3. Wastewater treatment plant wa

37、ter by flow design of the highest daily maximum, a design, implemented in two phases.III.IV The water quality of influent and effluentSewage treatment plant influent water quality and sewage treatment effluent quality as described in the following table: Table 1 Wuhan sewage treatment plant water st

38、atusProjectCOD(mg/L)BOD5(mg/L)NH4-N(mg/L)SS(mg/L)TP(mg/L)PHInfluent water 3003002022027.4Effluent water60208(15)20169IV Sewage treatment processAccording to the domestic and foreign has been in operation for medium and small sewage treatment plant investigation, to set the goal of governance and eco

39、nomic and reasonable, the design can be used AB process.V The design resultsThe engineering structures include grid and pumping station, grit chamber, A segment in the aeration tank, the middle sedimentation tank, B section of aeration tank,two sink the pond, disinfecting tank, sludge thickening poo

40、l; auxiliary structures including the blower room, chlorination room, sludge dewatering room and office building, workshop, warehouse etc.The main structures and design results in table 2: Table 2 the main treatment structures listSerial numberBuilding namequantity(Block/Grid)Size(m)1Pumping station

41、112.06.02Aerated grit chamber218.03.03A section of aeration tank442.07.744Intermediate sedimentation tank2D=45.55B section of aeration tank848.58.06Two stage sedimentation tank4D=417Disinfecting tank13527.58Sludge pump212.06.09concentrated tank1D=3410Sludge digestion tank2D=3511The mud storage tank1

42、D=13.312The air blower room120.010.01前言水是人类及一切生物赖以生存的必不可少的物质基础,是维系地球生态环境可持续发展的首要条件,是工农业生产、经济发展和环境改善不可替代的极为宝贵的自然资源。目前人类面临着水量危机,水质危机也在日趋严重,水资源问题不仅影响、制约现代社会的可持续发展,而且已成为21世纪全球资源环境的首要问题,直接威胁人类的生存和社会发展。因此,采取积极措施保护水资源,防治水污染,才能使人类实现自身的可持续发展。我国是人口大国,城市经济迅猛发展的同时,也带来了新的环境污染问题。废水进入环境后,对人体,水体,土壤,动物等产生巨大的危害,严重影响人



45、景1.1.1污水国内外排放、处理现状 (1)国外现状19世纪以来,经济发达的国家相继出现了环境污染和社会公害问题,许多国家的河湖水域溶解氧降低,水生生物减少,甚至绝迹。由于水环境污染,人类发病率增加,政府开始认识到加强污水处理的必要性,并投以大量资金修建污水处理工程。经过30多年的大力整治,付出巨大代价,才基本控制了形势,使水生生物恢复生长,水环境得到改善。这种污水处理事业与经济发展不相适应的状况所造成的损失是极大的,教训是深刻的。为此,各国政府对于污水处理工作极为重视,从法律和建设资金上给予保证,并不断开拓新技术,使城市污水处理事业得以迅速发展。美国是目前世界上污水处理厂最多的国家,平均5000人就有1座,其中78%为二级生物处理厂;英国共有处理厂约8000座,平均7000人1座,几乎全部是二级生物处理厂;日本城市废水处理

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