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1、1-2-3-What do you usually do at weekends?Do you watch TV?What type of TV programmes do you usually watch?Why?4-If you want to find out when a TV programme will be shown and what its about,what can you do?TV guide.5-A TV guide gives you information about different TV programmes.Millie is reading a TV

2、 guide online.6-Listen to the Sports World and answer the question.Is the weekly round-up in sport all about basketball?No.It covers different sports.n.(尤指新闻尤指新闻)概要,摘要概要,摘要vt.报道,电报道,电视报道视报道7-Do you like music?Have you ever seen any music programmes?Do you like watching music awards?What other awards

3、 do you know?8-Listen to the Beijing Music Awards and answer the question.How many fans have voted online for their favourite songs,singers and music videos?About 300,000.MV 音乐视频音乐视频 n.迷,狂迷,狂热爱好者热爱好者vi.投票,投票,选举选举9-Do you like horror films?n.恐怖恐怖10-Listen to the Murder in a Country House and answer t

4、he question.Can you find out who the murderer is at the end of the film?Yes,we can.n.谋杀谋杀n.杀人犯,杀人犯,凶手凶手11-Have you ever watched documentaries about tigers?12-Listen to the Tiger Watch Golden TV and answer the question.What can you see in the documentary?We can see the life of tigers and scenes from

5、India,one of the few places where tigers still live in the wild.13-Millie has read the TV guide,but she does not understand some of the words on the web pages.Help her work out their meanings.14-1.A round-up is _.a.a short report of the most important information b.the act of bringing people togethe

6、r c.a TV guide 2.An up-to-date report _.a.is made today b.talks about future success c.includes the latest information15-3.If you are a fan of a singer,you _.a.dislike him or her b.enjoy listening to his or her songs very much c.work for him or her4.An event will be covered means it will be _.a.held

7、 soon b.shown on TV,in newspapers,etc.c.hidden16-5.If a TV programme is covered live,it is _.a.sent out while the event is happening b.recorded first and sent out later c.about life6.Announce means _.a.to tell the public about a decisions,plans,etc.b.to appear on TV c.to say something in a low voice

8、17-7.Wealthy means_.a.poor b.having a lot of money c.healthy8.If you get scared,you _.a.cry for help b.feel happy and interested c.feel afraid or nervous18-Millie made some notes of Saturdays TV programmes.Help her check them.Write a T if a sentence is true or an F if it is false.19-1.There is a rep

9、ort on the coming Olympics in Sports World._2.About 30,000 fans have voted for the Beijing Music Awards._ 3.People can send text messages to 1396 to win a prize while watching the awards show._TFF20-4.Murder in a Country House was directed by a new director._5.Tiger Watch lasts for two hours._6.Tige

10、r Watch reminds people how much danger tigers face._FTT21-Millie is thinking about the information in the TV guide.Help her find the words on pages 80 and 81.22-Sports World has a(1)_ round-up of what is happening in sport.There are also a number of(2)_ with famous football players.This years Beijin

11、g Music Awards will be covered(3)_ on Saturday.Many(4)_ pop stars will attend.People could win free(5)_ tickets if they send a text message to the show.weeklyinterviewsliveAsianconcert23-Murder in a Country House is a(6)_ film about a(7)_ doctor.I want to watch it because I love solving(8)_.Tiger Wa

12、tch is about the life of tigers in(9)_.In the programme,I can see(10)_ from the country as well.mysteriesIndiasceneshorrorwealthy24-Recommend the most suitable Saturdays TV programmes to Millie and her friends.Choose from the four programmes listed on pages 80 and 81 and write the names in the blank

13、s.25-The best TV programme for Millie is _.I love programmes about animals.I also like films with good stories.I dont mind feeling scared,but I have to go to bed at 10.30 p.m.Murder in a Country House126-The best TV programme for Simon is _.I love watching music videos.I also like sports,especially

14、football.Ill be at home all morning.I have to play football tonight.Ill be home after 10 p.m.Sports World227-The best TV programme for Amy is _.I love sports.I enjoy playing tennis and swimming.I also love music.Ill go swimming in the morning,but Ill be home after 2 p.m.Beijing Music Awards328-The b

15、est TV programme for Andy is _.I like good films,especially horror films!I also like programmes about animals.Im going to watch a basketball game in the evening,and Ill be home at 10 p.m.Tiger Watch429-1.I booked a w_ magazine.2.The programme c_ that great event.3.As we know,China is an _(亚(亚洲的)洲的)country.Asianeeklyovered30-4.The game will _(hold)in Nanjing this _(come)Saturday.5.In this film a doctor was found _(die)in his ingbe helddead31-Recite the new words and expressions in the article.32-33-

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