1、单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,练习:,While we may be able to sustain the illusion of control through the conscious mind alone,in reality we are continually faced with a question:“Why cannot I make myself do this or achieve that?”,然而我们也许会持有这样错误观念:行动只受意识思维控制,可事实上我们不断地面临这样质疑:为何我们不能让自己做这件事情或者
2、完毕那件事情呢?,第1页,第1页,Circumstances seem to be designed to bring out the best in us and if we feel that we have been“wronged”then we are unlikely to begin a conscious effort to escape from our situation.,环境之因此存在,似乎旨在激发我们优秀品质。但是,假如我们觉得自己始终以来都很委屈,就不也许故意识地努力挣脱当初困境。,第2页,第2页,Qingming,Du Mu,A drizzling rain fa
3、lls like tears on the Mourning Day;,The mourners heart is breaking on his way.,Where can a winehouse be found to drown his sadness?,A cowherd points to Almond Flower(Xing Hua)Village in the distance.,-许渊冲英译(韵式aabb),It drizzles endless during the rainy season in spring,Travelers along the road look g
4、loomy and miserable.,When I ask a shepherd boy where I can find a tavern,He points at a distant hamlet nestling amidst apricot blossoms.,-杨宪益、戴乃迭英译(无韵译法),第3页,第3页,Adjectives,Adverbs&Prepositions,Shift of Perspective,第4页,第4页,Adj.,动词,名词,副词,并列形容词,文学中形容词,第5页,第5页,Adj.-动词,英语中一些表示知觉、情感、欲望等心理状态形容词,同连系动词构成复合谓
5、语时,翻译时可将形容词译成动词。,如:afraid,angry,anxious,aware,ashamed,able,cautious,careful,certain,concerned,doubtful,delighted,glad,grateful,shamed,thankful 等等。,第6页,第6页,I am perfectly,certain,that he appreciated every item of this performance.,Is the president,available,for the graduation ceremony tomorrow?,The f
6、act that she was able to send a message to me was a hint.But I had to be,cautious,.,You are,ignorant,of the duties you undertake in marrying.,Such criticisms have become,familiar,in his later commentaries on America.,Adj.-动词,第7页,第7页,They are quite,content,with the data obtained from the experiment.,
7、Scientists are,confident,that all matter is indestructible.,Adj.-动词,第8页,第8页,IPC is more,reliable,than common computer,Experiment indicates that the new chip is about 1.5 times as,integrative,as that of the old ones.,Adj.-名词“度、性”,第9页,第9页,Adj.-副词,The modern world is experiencing,rapid,development of i
8、nformation technique.,I am going to be,good and sweet and kind,to every body.,He asked me for a,full,account of myself and family.,Another war will be the,absolute,end of our country.,She spoke in a,high,voice.,This engine develops a,high,torque.,第10页,第10页,Adj.-副词,We must make,full,use of existing t
9、echnical equipment.,With,slight,repairs the old type of engine can be used.,We have made a,careful,study of the properties of these circuit.,Unfortunately,the indirect acquisition of knowledge often gives the individual the illusion that he possesses much liberal knowledge when,in fact,he does not.,
10、第11页,第11页,Mr.Darcy spoke with,affectionate,praise of his sisters proficiency.,These offenses might have been overlooked,had not your pride been hurt by my,honest,confession of the scruples that had long prevented my forming any serious design.,只怪我诚实坦白了以前迟疑不决原因,结果伤害了你自尊心,不然你就不会计较这些过失了。,Adj.-副词,第12页,第
11、12页,Adj.-并列形容词,a,large brick conference,hall,a,plastic garden,chair,Shes,tall and blond,not,short and dark,like me.,a,little,yellow,ragged,lame,unshaven,beggar,她个子高,金发碧眼,不像我又矮又黑。,一个要饭,身材矮小,面黄肌瘦,衣裳褴褛,瘸腿,满脸胡子,第13页,第13页,a nice big garden,a rectangular plastic box,the small yellow wooden table,long narr
12、ow jeans,a short thin stick,He has long curled red hair.,She put on that dirty old fur coat,Adj.-并列形容词,第14页,第14页,形容词四字结构,质地优良to be excellent in quality(或with superior quality),品种齐全in complete range of articles,款式繁多with various patterns,选料讲究choice material,做工精细fine workmanship,色泽鲜明 bright-coloured,出类
13、拔萃above average,outstanding,驰名中外to be popular both at home and abroad,久负盛名with a long standing reputation,万古流芳will be remembered throughout the age,名垂青史to go down in history,家喻户晓to be widely known,be a household name,思想深沉to be deep in thought(或with deep thoughts),性格坚强to be strong in character(或with
14、strong characters),开拓进取to work hard with a pioneering spirit,德才兼备with both professional ability and political integrity,第15页,第15页,文学中形容词,Too proud to ever again wear an insulting label like“poor”,Mark had asked the florist for all the“tired”flowers in the shop.,It was a dry,cold hand,and the grip wa
15、s severe,with more a feeling of bones in it than friendliness.,迈克太自尊了,无法容忍再被贴上“穷”这个屈辱标签,他就向花店要了所有已经盛开但快要凋落鲜花。,那是一只干瘦、冰凉手,那紧紧一握使我感到不是友好情意,只是让我摸到了一把骨头。,第16页,第16页,比较结构翻译,as.as.,not so much as,not so much as,比较级+than to do,morethan,more than,no more than,第17页,第17页,My parcel is,as,heavy,as,yours.,She is,
16、as,much interested in music,as,ever.,The economic development in our country is,as,stable recently,as,formerly.,My uncle is,not as(or so),tall,as,your father.,People are,not so,honest,as,they once were.,asas句型,第18页,第18页,He was,not so much,angry,as,disappointed.,The oceans do,not so much,divide the w
17、orld,as,unite it.,Bad writing is caused,not so much,by mistakes in grammar,as,by weakness in style.,他,与其说,是气愤,,还不如说,是失望了。,海洋,与其说,是把世界分割开来,,还不如说,是把世界连接在一起。,拙劣写作,,与其说,是语法上错误,,还不如说,是由于文体上弱点。,not so much as(同主语性质比较)“与其说.不如说”,第19页,第19页,not so much as“甚至没有.”,He,didnt so much as,ask me to set down.,He,cann
18、ot so much as,spell a word.,He,hadnt so much as,his fare home.,他,甚至没有,请我坐下。,他,甚至,连一个词也,不,会写。,他,甚至,连回家路费都,没有,了。,第20页,第20页,You ought to know,better than to,go swimming on such a cold day.,I have,more,sense,than to,tell him about our plan.,I had a,better,command of English,than to,make such foolish mis
19、takes.,你,不至于,这样冷天气去游泳吧。,我,不至于,傻到会把我们计划告诉他。,我英语学得较好,,不至于,犯这样愚蠢错误。,比较级+than to do“不至于做某事”,第21页,第21页,morethan,more A than B通惯用于同一个人或者事物在两个不同性质或者特性上面比较。翻译为“与其说B,不如说A”。类似结构还有less A than B,翻译为“与其说A,不如说B”,请注意这两个结构中“与其实说”与“不如说”对象,即A与B二者在翻译中位置。,He is more good than bad.,He is less good than bad.,He is more a
20、 writer than a teacher.,He is less clever than diligent.,与其说他很坏,不如说他很好。,与其说他很好,不如说他很坏。,与其说他是老师,不如说他是作家。,与其说他聪明,不如说他勤奋。,第22页,第22页,后面接数词,I have known him for,more than twenty years,.,I have,more than ten dollars,in my pocket.,后面接名词或者动词,He is,more than a father,to her.,He,more than smiled,but laughed.,
21、后面接形容词、副词或者分词,She was,more than kind,to us.,He was,more than upset,by the accident.,more than,第23页,第23页,no more than,no more than句型在意义上与not any more than.同样,表示对两者都否认,因此能够翻译为“和.同样不,不正如,既不也不,和两者都不”。跟no more than句型相近,但是意义相反句型是no lessthan,能够翻译为“既是,也是,两者都是”。,His grammar is,no,better,than,mine.,He is,no m
22、ore,a writer,than,a painter.,He is,no less,a writer,than,a painter.,I am,no more,a poet,than,he is a scholar.,第24页,第24页,Adv.,动词,形容词,名词,第25页,第25页,含有动作含义副词作表语或补语时可转译成汉语动词。,He is,up,in mathematics.,He is to be,off,by the train.,The wheat crop is safely,in,.,In this case the temperature in the furnace i
23、s,up,.,After careful investigation they found the design,behind,.,I love having Friday,off,.,Adv.-动词,第26页,第26页,This film impressed him,deeply,.,The children,here,are all clever.,Since 1978,everything in China has,greatly,changed.,I suppose boys think,differently,from girls.,KFCs claims,somewhat,impr
24、obably,that the recent fears over carcinogenic Sudan dyes have not affected sales in China at all.,Adv.-形容词,第27页,第27页,It is,officially,announced that China has successfully launched her first manned spaceship.,He is,physically,weak but,mentally,sound.,They have not done so well,ideologically,however
25、,as,oranganizationally,.,Adv.-名词,第28页,第28页,Prep.,动词,第29页,第29页,Prep.-动词,含有动作意义介词,作状语介词词组,作宾补介词词组,第30页,第30页,含有动作意义介词,The temperature is,up,10 degrees today.,When I arrived my friends were already,at,table.,There are some arguments,against,the possibility of life on this planet.,It is,post,repair,第31页,
26、第31页,作状语介词词组,Now that he has graduated from college,he wants to go,after,a masters degree.,The boat sank,off,the coast.,The plane crushed,out of,control,The letter E is commonly used,for,electromotive force,Heat sets these particles,in,random motion,Copper is the best conductor,but,silver.,第32页,第32页
27、,We should advise you to get in touch with them,for,your requirements.,But small-company stocks,in,a slump for most of this year have suddenly come back to life.,Bill Clintons first 100 days will be filled with momental battles,over,the budget deficit and health care reform.,提议你方与他们取得联系,洽购所需商品。,而今年大部分时间里都处于低谷一些小公司股票却骤然恢复了生机。,比尔克林顿上任后头100 天里将充斥削减预算赤字和履行医疗费用改革激烈战斗。,作状语介词词组,第33页,第33页,作补语介词词组,The president showed the foreign guests,round,the campus.,The next morning I found him,at,his machine again.,第34页,第34页,