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1、第1页一、形容词与副词区分一、形容词与副词区分第2页happy-happihappy-happily ly real-real real-really ly true-tru true-truly lyusual-usualusual-usually ly bad-bad bad-badly ly loud-loud loud-loudly lylucky-luckilucky-luckily ly kind-kindkind-kindly ly quick-quick quick-quickly lypolite-politepolite-politely ly slow-slow slow

2、-slowly ly easy-easi easy-easily lystrong-strongstrong-strongly ly careful-careful careful-carefully lyheavy-heaviheavy-heavily ly successful-successful successful-successfully lyterrible-terrible-terriblyterribly true-true-trulytruly第3页特殊有5个:1、friendly(朋友+ly)=友好(形容词形容词)2、hard困难(形容词);努力地,风猛烈地(副词副词)h

3、ardly几乎不3、good好(形容词);well好地(副词副词)4、early早,早地(形容词和副词和副词)5、fast快快,快地快地(形容词和副词形容词和副词);没有没有fastly第4页happy,friendly,careful,happily,true,real,hard,early,carefully,truly,really,hardly,fast,quick,quickly,good,well,bad,badly,strong,Strongly,heavy,heavily,特殊特殊:1,友好友好,是形容词是形容词_ 2,好好,是形容词是形容词_好地好地,是副词是副词_ 3,困难

4、困难,是形容词是形容词;_ 努力地努力地,风猛烈地风猛烈地,是副词是副词_ 几乎不几乎不_ 4,早早,早地早地,既是形容词又是副词既是形容词又是副词_ 5,快快,快地快地,既是形容词又是副词既是形容词又是副词_ friendlygoodwellhardfasthardlyhardearlyearly第5页形容词形容词:副词副词:happy,friendly,careful,true,real,hard,happy,friendly,careful,true,real,hard,e earlyarly,quick,bad,strong,heavy,quick,bad,strong,heavy h

5、appi happily ly,hard,earlyhard,early,careful,carefully,ly,trutruly ly,realreally ly,hardlyhardly,quick,quickly ly,bad,badly ly,strong,strongly,ly,heaheavily,Wellly,Well特殊特殊:well:well 表示身体健康时是形容词表示身体健康时是形容词.He is feeling well now.He is feeling well now.happy,happy,friendlyfriendly,careful,happily,tru

6、e,careful,happily,true,real,real,hard,earlyhard,early,carefully,truly,really,carefully,truly,really,hardly,fhardly,fastast,quick,quickly,quick,quickly,good,wellgood,well,bad,badly,strong,bad,badly,strong,strongly,heavy,heavily第6页二、形容词与副词在句中位置二、形容词与副词在句中位置第7页1、be+形容词形容词I am_ (happy,happily).He is _ (

7、successful,successfully).Lucy is _ (kind,kindly).2、形容词、形容词+名词名词I am a _ student.(happy,happily)He is a _ man.(successful,successfully)Lucy is a _ doctor.(kind,kindly)3、动词、动词+副词副词He runs _ (quick,quickly).He studied _.(good,well)He will listen to Tom_.(careful,carefully)happysuccessful kindhappysucce

8、ssful kindquickly well carefully第8页4、特殊特殊有有3种情况种情况:(1)feel,look,sound,smell,taste,感觉感觉,看起来看起来,听起来听起来,闻起来闻起来,尝起来尝起来 get,become,turn(变得变得)+形容词形容词1.I feel _.A.terrible B.terribly C.terriblely2.He looks_.A.happy B.happily C.sadly3.It tastes _.A.badly B.well C.bad4.Do you feel _ now?Thanks,Im Ok.A.good B

9、.well C.badly 5.The boy is getting _ A.strong B.strongly C.heavily A A C B A第9页(2)something(必定句必定句),anything(否定否定,疑问句疑问句),everything,nothing +形容词形容词/修饰词修饰词 eg:something important/anything to eat 一些主要事情一些主要事情 /一些吃东西一些吃东西 nothing difficult /something to do 没有什么困难没有什么困难 /一些事情做一些事情做(3)enough(足够足够)放在名词前放

10、在名词前,形容词形容词,副词后面副词后面 eg:enough time/enough money old enough to /fast enough to My sister is old enough to look afer herself.The teenagers arent serious enough to drive.第10页1.He is ill today.So he looks _ A.tired B.happily C.sadly2.My brother doesnt feel _ today.A.good B.well C.happily3.The food smel

11、ls _.I dont like it A.good B.badly C.bad4.He writes very _.A.careful B.carefully C.bad5.I study very_.A.hard B.hardly C.careful6.The weather gets _ A.warm B.warmly C.coldly7.Our country is becoming _.A.strong B.strongly C.richly A B C B A A A 第11页8.Is there _ in the newspaper?A.something new B.new a

12、nything C.anything new 9.There is _ with my bike.It works well.A.nothing wrong B.wrong something C.something wrong10.He speaks _ for me to understand.A.too slowly B.slowly enough C.enough slowly11.He runs _ to catch up with me.A.too fast B.quick enough C.quickly enough12.Im _ I cant say a word A.too

13、 happy to B.happy enough that C.so happy that C A B C C第12页1.你能给我一些吃吗你能给我一些吃吗?Can you _?2.老师告诉我们一些有趣事情老师告诉我们一些有趣事情 The teacher _.3.他够高能够摘到那个苹果他够高能够摘到那个苹果 He is _ the apple.4.他工作够仔细他工作够仔细 He works_.5.他上课不够认真他上课不够认真 He _.6.这音乐听起来很美妙这音乐听起来很美妙 _.7.Tom 看起来不开心看起来不开心 _.8.这石头太重这石头太重 我帮不动我帮不动 The stone _ car

14、ry.give me anything to eat told us something interesting tall enough to pick carefully enough isnt careful enough in classThe music sounds wonderful Tom looks sad/unhappy.is too heavy for me to 第13页三、形容词与副词比较等级三、形容词与副词比较等级第14页 大多数形容词和副词有三个等级:原级、大多数形容词和副词有三个等级:原级、比较级、最高级。比较级、最高级。掌握形容词和副词词形改变规律。掌握形容词和

15、副词词形改变规律。形容词和副词原级就是原形,比较级和最高形容词和副词原级就是原形,比较级和最高级是在原形基础分为规则和不规则改变。级是在原形基础分为规则和不规则改变。第15页1、组成不规则改变单词有、组成不规则改变单词有10个个:eg.good/well better best ill/bad/badly worse worst many/much more most little less least far farther(指旅程更远)(指旅程更远)/further(指意义深远或深(指意义深远或深入)入)farthest/furthest oldolder(指年纪大小)(指年纪大小)/el

16、der(指家庭组员长幼)(指家庭组员长幼)-oldest/eldesteg.1.Im too tired.I cant walk farther than you.2.He went to America to do further study and get further information.3.My elder brother is two years older than I.(一)形容词与副词比较级与最高级组成(一)形容词与副词比较级与最高级组成第16页特殊比较级和最高级1,good/well -2,bad/badly/ill-3,many/much-4,little -5,fa

17、r旅程远-意义深远或深入-6,old年纪大小-家庭组员长幼-better-the bestworse-the worstmore-the mostless-the leastfarther-the farthestfurther-the furthestolder-the oldestelder-the eldest第17页 2、组成规则改变有、组成规则改变有5个:个:(1)普通在单音节词尾加)普通在单音节词尾加 er 或或 est 原级原级 比较级比较级 最高级最高级 cold colder coldest high higher highest tall taller tallest qu

18、iet quieter quietest(2)以)以e结尾单词只在词尾加结尾单词只在词尾加-r或或-st 原级原级 比较级比较级 最高级最高级 fine finer finest late later latest nice nicer nicest large larger largest 第18页(3)只有一个辅音字母结尾重读闭音节单词只有一个辅音字母结尾重读闭音节单词,先双写这个辅先双写这个辅音字母音字母,再加再加-er或或-est。big bigger biggest sad-sadder-saddest thin thinner thinnest redredder-reddest

19、fat-fatter-fattest gladgladder-gladdest(4)以)以“辅音字母辅音字母+y”结尾单词,先改结尾单词,先改y为为i,再加再加-er或或-est。除除early 外,以外,以ly结尾单词,普通在词前加结尾单词,普通在词前加more/most.easy easier easiest happy happier happiest busy busier busiest early earlier earliest carefully more carefully most carefully第19页变比较级和最高级smallnicebigearlyheavywet

20、latecoldfineredhappyearlysmallerthe smallestnicerthe nicestbiggerthe biggestearlierthe earliestheavierthe heaviestwetterthe wettestlaterthe latestcolderthe coldestfinerthe finestredderthe reddesthappierthe happiestearlierthe earliest第20页(5)多音节词和部分双音节词在词前加多音节词和部分双音节词在词前加 more或或 most。eg.delicious more

21、/most delicious beautiful more/most beautiful interesting more/most interesting important more/most important friendly -more/most friendly quickly-more/most quickly happily-more/most happily 第21页练习:变比较级和最高级happily-easily-friendly-quickly-carefully-easily-luckily-特殊:early-interesting-important-popula

22、r-beautiful-delicious-more happily-the most happilymore easily-the most easilymore friendly-the most friendlymore quickly-the most quicklymore carefully-the most carefullymore heavily-the most heavilymore luckily-the most luckilyearlier-the earliestmore interesting-the most interestingmore important

23、-the most importantmore popular-the most popularmore beautiful-the most beautifulmore delicious-the most delicious第22页 原级句型:表示二者一样或不一样原级句型:表示二者一样或不一样1、A与与B在某首先程度相同在某首先程度相同:as+原级原级+as eg.1)My friend Kay is as tall as I/me.我朋友我朋友Kay与我一样高。与我一样高。2)My friend Kay runs as quickly as I/me.Kay与我跑得一样快。与我跑得一样快

24、。我和她一样外向。我和她一样外向。我学习和他一样认真。我学习和他一样认真。2、A在某首先不及在某首先不及B:Anot as/so+原级原级+as B.eg.1)My friend Kay isnt as/so tall as I/me.2)My friend Kay doesnt run as/so fast as I/me.3)Im not _ she/her.A.as hard as B.as harder as C.as hard so 4)I dont study _ he/him.A.so careful as B.so carefully as C.more carefully a

25、s I am as outgoing as herI study as carefully as him A B(二)形容词、副词比较等级使用方法与句型:形容词、副词比较等级使用方法与句型:第23页形容词、副词同级比较练习形容词、副词同级比较练习(1)Joan与与ate一样小心。一样小心。Joan is _ Kate.ascarefulas(2)我与你学习一样努力。)我与你学习一样努力。I study _ you.ashardas(3)那条绿色裙子不如那条红色漂亮。)那条绿色裙子不如那条红色漂亮。The green skirt _ the red one.isnotso/as niceas(4

26、)那些学生跳高不如我。)那些学生跳高不如我。The students didnt jump _ I.as(so)highas(5)他没吉姆那么早来到学校。他没吉姆那么早来到学校。He _ come to school _ Jim.doesntas/soearlyas(6)汤姆与她一样认真听老师讲课)汤姆与她一样认真听老师讲课。Tom listens to the teacher _ she.ascarefullyas第24页比较级句型比较级句型:表示二者表示二者(人或事物人或事物)比较比较1、A 比较级比较级+than B.形容词比较级形容词比较级:(1)I am taller than To

27、m.(2)My dress is more beautiful than hers.副词比较级副词比较级:(1)She studies harder than I/me.(2)John runs faster than his brother.2、比较级前可加比较级前可加a little/a bit 一点儿一点儿,a lot/much得多得多 /even/still甚至甚至/愈加等来修饰。愈加等来修饰。Im a little/a bit taller than Tom.My dress is even more beautiful than hers.He works a lot/much h

28、arder than I(do).第25页3、比较级比较级+and+比较级,表示比较级,表示“越来越越来越.”如如:faster and faster,more and more beautiful,warmer and warmer,more and more important(1)The days are getting longer and longer.(2)The World Cup is getting more and more popular.巩固练习:巩固练习:(1)他跑得越来越快。他跑得越来越快。He ran _ _ _.(2)我们生活变得越来越好。我们生活变得越来越好。

29、Our life is getting _ _ _.fasterfasterandbetterandbetter第26页(3)那个公园变得越来越漂亮。那个公园变得越来越漂亮。The park is getting _ _ _ _.moreandmorebeautiful(4)她越来越聪明了。她越来越聪明了。She becomes_ _ _.clevererandcleverer(5)雨正越下越大。雨正越下越大。Its raining _ _ _ _.moreandmoreheavily第27页4、The+比较级比较级,the+比较级比较级,表示表示“越越越越.”e.g.(1)The more,

30、the better.越多越好。越多越好。(2)The more(you read),the better(you speak).(3)The more you exercise,the healthier you keep.第28页(1)你吃越多就越胖。你吃越多就越胖。_ _ you eat,_ _you will be.Themorethe heavier(2)越洁净越好。)越洁净越好。_ _,_ _.The cleanerthebetter(3)书读越多,懂就越多。)书读越多,懂就越多。_ _ you read,_ _ you know.Themorethemore巩固练习巩固练习第29

31、页5、Who/Which+比较级比较级,A or B?e.g.(1)Which is better,drawing or singing?(2)John is the better of the two.(3)Who runs faster,Tom or Kay?(4)Which T-shirt is nicer,this one or that one?(5)Who is more active,Mary or Kate?第30页 Which one is _ _ among students,going to concerts _ going to movies?(1)去音乐会和看电影之间

32、,哪一样在去音乐会和看电影之间,哪一样在学生中更受欢迎?学生中更受欢迎?more popularor(2)李明和汤姆谁更聪明?李明和汤姆谁更聪明?Who is _,Li Ming _ Tom?clevereror巩固练习巩固练习第31页形容词、副词比较等级练习:形容词、副词比较等级练习:(1)I am _ than him (tall)(2)It is much _(cold)today.(3)The coat is even _ _(beautiful)than that one.(4)He writes a little _(slowly)than you.(5)Our classroom

33、 is _(bright)than yours(6)He is even _(ill)today(7)I can walk _ than he.(far)(8)English is much _(important)(9)The meat smells still_(delicious)than that one(10)The rain is as _ as it was yesterday(hard)(11)We cant read so _ as they(loud)taller colder more beautiful more slowly brighter worse farthe

34、r more important more delicious hard loudly 第32页(12)这本书比那本书难这本书比那本书难 The book _ that one(13)这个故事和那个一样有趣这个故事和那个一样有趣 The story is _ that one(14)李雷跑得比你快多了李雷跑得比你快多了Lilei runs _(15)这个盒子比那个重一点这个盒子比那个重一点 The box is _that one(16)我们国家越来越强大我们国家越来越强大 Our country is getting _.(17)中山越来越漂亮中山越来越漂亮 Zhongshan is _.(

35、18)我们英语比他们好多了我们英语比他们好多了 Our English _(19)他不如我外向他不如我外向 He is _ me.(20)我跳得不如他远我跳得不如他远 I dont jump _ him(21)他英语说得不如我好他英语说得不如我好 He doesnt speak English _me is more difficult than as interesting as much more quickly than you a little heavier than stronger and stronger more and more beautiful is much bett

36、er than theirs not so/as outgoing as as far as so/as well as第33页(三)最高级句型:(三)最高级句型:1、表示三者或三者以上比较时表示三者或三者以上比较时用最高级,最高级用最高级,最高级前面普通要加前面普通要加定冠词定冠词the,后面可带后面可带 of/in 短语来短语来说明说明比较范围比较范围。2、惯用句型有、惯用句型有:(1)the+最高级最高级+of/in 短语短语 (2)one of the+最高级最高级+名词复数名词复数(最最中之一中之一)(3)the+序数词序数词+最高级(第最高级(第)e.g.She is the yo

37、ungest in the class.Jack is the most popular of the three.Its one of the oldest buildings in the world.第34页Changjiang River is _ _ _river _China.(2)Jim,Tim和和Tom三个人当中,谁跑得最快?三个人当中,谁跑得最快?Who runs,Jim,Tim Tom?the fastest or(3)中山是中国最漂亮城市之一。中山是中国最漂亮城市之一。Zhongshan is one of _ _ _ cities in China.themostbeautiful(4)长江是中国第一长河。长江是中国第一长河。thefirstlongestinWhose handwriting is?(1)在全部些人当中,谁书写最好?在全部些人当中,谁书写最好?the best of all第35页

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