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1、Marketing Topics营销话题Marketing Surveys 市场调查&Target Audience目标消费者1wordssurvey n.调查conclusionn.结论loyal adj.忠诚的competitive adj.有竞争力的domestic adj.国内的boom n.&v.迅速发展potential adj.有潜力的market research report 市场调查报告introductory price 初步价格customer base 顾客基数2wordscampaign n.活动venue n.地点target n.目标average adj.&n

2、.平均(的)(place name)crowd (某地方的)群体mid-level income 中等收入upper-class 上层阶级white collar 白领make sense 有道理household income 家庭收入3survey n.&vt.调查A recent survey showed that most people were worried about the increasing crimes.一份最近的调查表明,大多数人对不断增长的犯罪率表示忧虑。The people surveyed are mostly from low income families.

3、被调查的人大多数来自于低收入家庭。loyal adj.忠诚的loyalty n.忠诚customer loyalty 顾客忠诚度4competitive adj.有竞争力的;好竞争的A competitive person loves to win and hates to lose.竞争心强的人喜欢赢讨厌输。boom n.&v.迅速发展 Business boomed after the depression.萧条之后生意兴隆起来。5campaign n.活动The city hall is planning to start a campaign against smoking.市政府计划

4、发起禁烟运动。venue n.地点the venue of the meeting 开会的地点the venue of the accident 意外发生地点62024/2/27 周二7average adj.&n.平均(的)An average of two students are absent each day.每天平均有两个学生缺席。The average age of these children is 10.household income 家庭收入They have an annual household income of 4 million yuan.他们家庭年收入四百万。8

5、Marketing survey for LA MIU nu-braMarketing survey for LA MIU nu-bra1.Do you think our price is too high?YES NO 2.Are you under 30 years old?YES NO 3.Do you prefer skin-color?YES NO 4.Do you buy it for the sticker price?YES NO 5.If there is a discount,would you buy?YES NO 9对话练习1-Marketing SurveyA:Iv

6、e just read the sales figure in the market research report.It was not satisfying.我刚刚看过市场调查报告中的销售数字,不是很让人满意。B:If you compare it with our survey of consumer buying habits.You can find one conclusion.如果你拿这个跟我们的消费者购买习惯调查相对比,你能找到一个结论。A:Let me see It seems that the market is sensitive to price.让我看看似乎市场对价格

7、很敏感啊。10B:The consumers think that our introductory price is too high.Thats why our sales after product launch is low.顾客们认为顾客们认为我们的初始定价太高了,那是为何我们产品投放我们的初始定价太高了,那是为何我们产品投放市场后销售如此低。市场后销售如此低。A:So we should start to lower the price?因因此我们开始要降价了?此我们开始要降价了?B:I think this is a good idea to build our customer

8、 base.我觉得这是个建立我们顾客基数我觉得这是个建立我们顾客基数的好主意。的好主意。A:Thats right.If our customers get hooked on the low price,they will buy and become loyal to our brand.那也是。如果顾客被我们的那也是。如果顾客被我们的低价所吸引,他们就会购买我们产品并成为我们低价所吸引,他们就会购买我们产品并成为我们品牌的忠实粉丝。品牌的忠实粉丝。11对话练习2-Target AudienceA:Whats our target customer for this campaign pr

9、omoting milk powder?这次推销奶粉活动的目标顾客是谁?B:We are facing the Shilong crowd and were focusing on new moms with only one kid.我们这次面对石龙顾客群,我们打算重点集中在只有一个小孩的新妈妈上。A:They are mostly from mid-level to upper-class income levels,white collar,right?他们大多数来自中上等收入家庭,白领族,对吗?12B:Yes.Its very different from the target group we had for the last campaign.Those were from low income families,blue collar.是的,这跟上次我们活动的目标群体很不一样。那些都是低收入家庭的蓝领。A:Well,there is one thing similar because they are made up of moms!啊,有一个相同之处就是两个群体都是妈妈啊!B:So as before,we can play up on(强调)safety 那像以前那样,我们可以强调产品的安全132024/2/27 周二14

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