1、英语学科知识与教学能力(初级中学)一、 考试目标1. 英语学科知识与能力具有扎实的英语语言基础知识和语言能力;具备从事初中英语教学所需要的英语语言能力;能理解有关英语国家的语言、历史和文化等相关知识。 2英语学科教学知识与能力掌握基本的、适合初中英语教学的学科教学知识和英语课程标准知识,并能用以指导初中英语教学。3英语学科教学设计能力能够根据英语学科特点,针对初中学生的认知特点、语言水平和学习需要选择并设计合理的教学内容,形成完整合理的教学方案。 4. 英语学科教学实施能力理解初中英语课堂教学实施的基本原则和方法,具备实施语言课堂教学的基本能力;能够依据教学设计,根据教学实际情况,采用恰当的教
2、学手段,引导学生进行有效学习。5. 英语学科教学评价知识与能力了解初中英语课堂教学评价的基本知识和方法,能够对学生的语言学习进行恰当的评价;了解教学反思的基本方法和策略,能够对自己的课堂教学实践进行反思,提出改进的思路。二、考试模块内容与要求(一) 语言知识与能力1掌握英语语言的基础知识,了解语言研究中与英语教学相关的基本概念和内容,并能在课堂教学中加以运用。2具有良好的英语语言运用能力,包括用英语进行书面表达、获取教学资源和信息、表达思想情感和与学生良好沟通的能力;能够筛选并改编适合初中学生英语水平的教学材料。3. 能在语篇中理解英语国家的语言、历史和文学等相关的社会文化知识。(二)语言教学
3、知识与能力1了解英语教学基本理论,包括语言观、语言学习观、语言教学观等对初中英语教学的指导作用。2理解全日制义务教育 普通初级中学 英语课程标准(实验)的目标内容(语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识),以及课程标准的其他相关知识,并能在教学设计与实施中运用。3掌握英语语言知识(语音、词汇、语法等)的教学基本原则、讲解和练习方法。4掌握英语语言技能(听、说、读、写)的教学原则和训练方法。5能结合英语社会文化语境,设计并实施英语知识和技能的教学与训练。(三)教学设计1了解初中学生的认知特征、已有的英语知识、语言能力和学习需求,能够说明教学内容与学生已学知识之间的联系。 2理解课程标准
4、的目标要求,能够根据学生的特点选择恰当的教学内容。 3掌握根据恰当的教学内容,设定合理、明确与具体的教学目标。4能根据教学目标,创设教学情景、设计有效的教学活动、安排合理的教学过程、编制辅助教学材料。5能够根据教学内容和教学过程,设计有效的学习评估活动。(四)教学实施与评价1掌握英语课堂教学的基本步骤与方法,能够创设教学情景,激发学习动机,引导学生参与语言学习活动。2掌握指导学生学习的方法和策略,能依据英语学科特点和学生的认知特征,根据教学实际情况,恰当地运用语言讲解、互动练习、提问、反馈等方法,帮助学生有效学习。3掌握课堂管理基本方法,熟悉课堂活动常用组织形式,能在教学活动中以学生为中心组织
5、教学,能在课堂教学的不同阶段中发挥教师的作用。 4掌握课堂总结的方法,能适时地对教学内容进行归纳、总结与评价,科学合理地布置作业。5了解现代教育技术,能够针对不同英语课型,整合多种资源和辅助教学手段进行有效教学。6了解初中英语教学形成性评价和终结性评价的知识与方法,并在教学中合理运用。7掌握教学案例评析的基本方法,能够对所给的教学案例进行评价。8了解教学反思的基本方法,能够对自己的教学过程进行反思并提出改进思路。三、试卷结构 模 块比 例题 型语言知识与能力27%单项选择题语言教学知识与能力27%单项选择题简 答 题教学设计27%教学设计题教学实施与评价19%教学情境分析题合 计100%单 项
6、 选 择 题 : 约40%非 选 择 题 : 约60%四、 题型示例I. 语言知识与能力1. 单项选择题(语言知识)(1) It was very _ of him to wait for us.Aconsiderable Bconsidering Cconsiderate Dconsidered(2)_ from the top of the hill, the town looks beautiful.ASeeingBHaving seenCSeenDTo see2. 单项选择题(阅读理解)READINGCOMPREHENSIONRead the following passage and
7、 answer the questions below. If you like the idea of staying with a family, living in house might be the answer. Goodlandladies-those who are superb cooks and launderers, are figures as popular in fiction as the bad ones who terrorize their guest and overcharge them at the slightest opportunity. The
8、 truth is probably somewhere between the two extremes. If you are lucky, the food will be adequate, some of your laundry may be done for you and you will have a reasonable amount of comfort and companionship. For the less fortune, house rules may restrict the freedom to invite friends to visit, and
9、shared cooking and bathroom facilities can be frustrating and row-provoking if tidy and untidy guest are living under the same roof. The same disadvantages can apply to flat sharing, with the added difficulties that arise from deciding who pays for what, and in what proportion. One person may spend
10、hours on the phone, while another rarely makes calls. If you want privacy with guest, how do you persuade the others to go out; how do you persuade them to leave you in peace, especially if you are student and want to study? Conversely, flat sharing can be very cheap, there will always be someone to
11、 talk to and go out with, and the chores, in theory, can be shared.(1) According to the passage, landladies are _ A. usually strict. B. always mean. C. adequately competent. D. very popular with their guest. (2) What is the additional disadvantage of flat sharing ? A. Problems of sharing and paying.
12、 B. Differences in living habits. C. Shared cooking and bathroom facilities. D. Restriction to invite friends to visit.(3) What is NOT mentioned as a benefit of flat sharing? A. Rent is affordable B. There is companionship. C. Housework. D. There is peace and quiet.II. 语言教学知识与能力1. 单项选择题Which of the
13、following activity does not belong to mechanical practice?A. Transformation. B. Sentence making. C. Substitution. D. Making up a story 2. 简答题(中文作答)(1)blackboard这个词是由哪两个部分组成?该词的重音位置在哪里?请解释形成这种重音特征的原因。(2)阅读教学通常可以分为哪几个阶段?举例说明每个阶段的主要作用。 III. 教学设计题 请根据以下提供的信息和语言素材进行教学设计。本题用英文作答。具体要求是:根据所提供的语言素材设计教学活动,要求教
14、学设计目标具体、教学内容分析恰当、教学重点和难点突出、教学过程完整、师生任务明确。学生概况:本班为中等城市普通学校初中二年级的学生,班级人数为40人。多数学生已具备初步的英语语言能力。学生能够积极参与课堂活动,合作意识较强。教学时间:45分钟语言素材: (Tapescript) Mary: Can you come to my party, Ed?Ed: Yes, I can. Thanks! How can I get to your house?Mary: Thats easy. First you take the No. 52 Bus to Green Park. Thats abou
15、t half an hour. Ed: Okay. And when I get to Green Park ?Mary: Then you take the subway to Tangs Mall. That takes about ten minutes.Ed: Okay. First the bus and then the subway to Tangs Mall.Mary: Yeah, then you walk up North Street to No. 15. Its about five minutes walk.Ed: Okay, thanks. That sounds easy. IV. 教学情景分析题(中文作答)分析以下教学片段:T: What did your mummy do yesterday, Wang Lin?S: My mummy buyed the dress for me. T: Oh, that is nice, your Mummy bought it for you, did she?S: Yes. T: Where did she buy it?S: She buyed it in town. T: Oh, she bought it in town for you. Well, it is very nice.