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南洛杉矶高中 美国洛杉矶.pdf

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1、南洛杉矶高中美国洛杉矶South Los Angeles High School Los Angeles,United States建设单位:绿点公立学校项目负责人:劳伦斯斯卡帕项目团队:Diane Thepkhounphithack,Eleftheria Stavridi,Micaela Danko,Arty Vartanyan,Chinh Nguyen,Jeff Huber,Angela Brooks,Fui Srivikorn合伙建筑师:Franco+Associates主要负责人/合伙建筑师:Arthur Fernandez项目经理/合伙建筑师:Michele Stanghetti景观

2、设计:Wynne 景观设计公司环境工程:Environmental Audit Inc./Placeworks项目施工:Blackwell 建筑施工有限公司电气/土木工程:Kipust机械/管道工程:Hyle 工程公司面积:1 700 平方米项目年份:2015 年该项目位于洛杉矶中南部最困难的地区之一,这所新建的公立高中可容纳630名学生,整个校园视野开放,同时也非常安全。该地区是1964年的瓦茨暴乱和1992年罗德尼金暴乱的主要动乱地区。自上世纪60年代初以来,“公平住房”和“学校班车”在该地区一直受到困扰。当时该地区中等家庭收入低于3.5万美元/年,25%的人口生活在贫困线以下。2014年


4、社区里的困难区域创造出一片光明。南洛杉矶高中并没有像大多数学校那样在边界上建造安全围墙,这所学校是被一个20英尺高的防弹金属墙所包围,而这些金属墙与建筑设计融为一体。这样就能为进行户外课堂活动的庭院带来充足的光线。这种庭院设计能使建筑呼吸到新鲜的空气并带来充足的日光,同时还能够提供一个安全的学习生活环境,让学生能够放心地Client/Owner:Green Dot Public SchoolsPrincipal In Charge:Lawrence ScarpaProject Team:Diane Thepkhounphithack,Eleftheria Stavridi,Micaela Da

5、nko,Arty Vartanyan,Chinh Nguyen,Jeff Huber,Angela Brooks,Fui SrivikornAssociate Architect:Franco+AssociatesPrincipal In Charge/Associate Architect:Arthur FernandezProject Manager/Associate Architect:Michele StanghettiLandscape Architect:Wynne Landscape DesignEnvironmental Engineering:Environmental A

6、udit Inc./PlaceworksConstruction:Blackwell ConstructionElectrical/Civil Engineering:KipustMechanical/Plumbing Engineer:Hyle EngineeringArea:18 000 ftYear:2015Cost:$3,300,000.00Located in one of the toughest areas in South Central Los Angeles this new public charter high school for 630 students is vi

7、sually open but entirely secured.The area was a central trouble spot during the 1964 Watts and the 1992 Rodney King Riots.Fair Housing and school busing has plagued the area since the early 60s where median family income is less than$35,000/year and 25%of the population lives below the poverty level

8、.On July 22,2014 a massive file broke out and destroyed half of the campus.This new replacement building contains eleven classrooms,two science labs,faculty lounge,new administrative and counseling offices and public courtyard space for student gatherings and activities.South Los Angeles High is a p

9、rogressive,public charter high school known for its collaborative,curriculum and strong community connection.This building and addition to the 1950s campus creates a flexible teaching environment that supports significant parental involvement and puts student life at the center of the school and uni

10、tes the campus community.Designed on an extremely limited budget and aggressive schedule,simple cost effective gestures were deployed in the use of cladding,fenestration,color and transparency to create a memorable sense of richness,providing a bright moment in an extremely tough inner city communit

11、y.Unlike most school that are enclosed by a property line security fence,the South Los Angeles High School building is surrounded by a 20 foot high perforated bullet resistant metal walls that are integrated into the building design.This creates light filled courtyards for outside activity that is c

12、onnected directly to classroom activities.This arrangement of courtyard design allows the building to breathe fresh air and daylight while providing a safe and secure environment for leaning and social engagement.Open-air light-filled halls and classrooms,as well as the building transparency,express

13、 the schools values and provide a healthy,sustainable learning environment.The building form and primary courtyard are formed by a series of required clearances around an oil well abandoned in the late 1970s,a series of power line and utility easements,height restrictions and zone changes running 进行


15、壁过滤阳光的直射,给人们带来意想不到的视觉深度,同时也营造出了一种安全感。through the site that constrain the form and size to its maximum possible building area envelope.The perforated anodized aluminum faade panels of the building creates an ever-changing screen that sparkles in the sun and glows at night,while simultaneously providi

16、ng shade to cool the building,reducing noise,enhancing privacy,and still allowing for views,great natural light and ventilation which pass through its millions of perforations.The material reappears as a strategic arrangement of screens around the building,lending a subtle rhythm to the exterior cir

17、culation.The walls filter direct sunlight that lends unexpected visual depth while creating a sense of security for the occupants.Enhancing the structures geometric texture,the irregular array of openings variably extrudes from the buildings surface.Its unique architectural form and integrated funct

18、ion creates a high-performing building that is an expression of the people who live there and the environmental and cultural context in which it is built.78 WORLD ARCHITECTURE REVIEW 设计事务所 THE DESIGN FIRM NO.212 世界建筑导报 79剖面图 section剖面细部 section details轴侧环境 axon context南洛杉矶高中美国洛杉矶South Los Angeles Hi

19、gh School Los Angeles,United States建设单位:绿点公立学校项目负责人:劳伦斯斯卡帕项目团队:Diane Thepkhounphithack,Eleftheria Stavridi,Micaela Danko,Arty Vartanyan,Chinh Nguyen,Jeff Huber,Angela Brooks,Fui Srivikorn合伙建筑师:Franco+Associates主要负责人/合伙建筑师:Arthur Fernandez项目经理/合伙建筑师:Michele Stanghetti景观设计:Wynne 景观设计公司环境工程:Environment

20、al Audit Inc./Placeworks项目施工:Blackwell 建筑施工有限公司电气/土木工程:Kipust机械/管道工程:Hyle 工程公司面积:1 700 平方米项目年份:2015 年该项目位于洛杉矶中南部最困难的地区之一,这所新建的公立高中可容纳630名学生,整个校园视野开放,同时也非常安全。该地区是1964年的瓦茨暴乱和1992年罗德尼金暴乱的主要动乱地区。自上世纪60年代初以来,“公平住房”和“学校班车”在该地区一直受到困扰。当时该地区中等家庭收入低于3.5万美元/年,25%的人口生活在贫困线以下。2014年7月22日,该校发生了翻天覆地的变化。一座新的教学大楼建成了,


22、那样在边界上建造安全围墙,这所学校是被一个20英尺高的防弹金属墙所包围,而这些金属墙与建筑设计融为一体。这样就能为进行户外课堂活动的庭院带来充足的光线。这种庭院设计能使建筑呼吸到新鲜的空气并带来充足的日光,同时还能够提供一个安全的学习生活环境,让学生能够放心地Client/Owner:Green Dot Public SchoolsPrincipal In Charge:Lawrence ScarpaProject Team:Diane Thepkhounphithack,Eleftheria Stavridi,Micaela Danko,Arty Vartanyan,Chinh Nguyen

23、,Jeff Huber,Angela Brooks,Fui SrivikornAssociate Architect:Franco+AssociatesPrincipal In Charge/Associate Architect:Arthur FernandezProject Manager/Associate Architect:Michele StanghettiLandscape Architect:Wynne Landscape DesignEnvironmental Engineering:Environmental Audit Inc./PlaceworksConstructio

24、n:Blackwell ConstructionElectrical/Civil Engineering:KipustMechanical/Plumbing Engineer:Hyle EngineeringArea:18 000 ftYear:2015Cost:$3,300,000.00Located in one of the toughest areas in South Central Los Angeles this new public charter high school for 630 students is visually open but entirely secure

25、d.The area was a central trouble spot during the 1964 Watts and the 1992 Rodney King Riots.Fair Housing and school busing has plagued the area since the early 60s where median family income is less than$35,000/year and 25%of the population lives below the poverty level.On July 22,2014 a massive file

26、 broke out and destroyed half of the campus.This new replacement building contains eleven classrooms,two science labs,faculty lounge,new administrative and counseling offices and public courtyard space for student gatherings and activities.South Los Angeles High is a progressive,public charter high

27、school known for its collaborative,curriculum and strong community connection.This building and addition to the 1950s campus creates a flexible teaching environment that supports significant parental involvement and puts student life at the center of the school and unites the campus community.Design

28、ed on an extremely limited budget and aggressive schedule,simple cost effective gestures were deployed in the use of cladding,fenestration,color and transparency to create a memorable sense of richness,providing a bright moment in an extremely tough inner city community.Unlike most school that are e

29、nclosed by a property line security fence,the South Los Angeles High School building is surrounded by a 20 foot high perforated bullet resistant metal walls that are integrated into the building design.This creates light filled courtyards for outside activity that is connected directly to classroom

30、activities.This arrangement of courtyard design allows the building to breathe fresh air and daylight while providing a safe and secure environment for leaning and social engagement.Open-air light-filled halls and classrooms,as well as the building transparency,express the schools values and provide

31、 a healthy,sustainable learning environment.The building form and primary courtyard are formed by a series of required clearances around an oil well abandoned in the late 1970s,a series of power line and utility easements,height restrictions and zone changes running 进行学习和社交活动。露天光线充足的大厅和教室,以及建筑的透明度,都


33、一种安全感。through the site that constrain the form and size to its maximum possible building area envelope.The perforated anodized aluminum faade panels of the building creates an ever-changing screen that sparkles in the sun and glows at night,while simultaneously providing shade to cool the building,r

34、educing noise,enhancing privacy,and still allowing for views,great natural light and ventilation which pass through its millions of perforations.The material reappears as a strategic arrangement of screens around the building,lending a subtle rhythm to the exterior circulation.The walls filter direc

35、t sunlight that lends unexpected visual depth while creating a sense of security for the occupants.Enhancing the structures geometric texture,the irregular array of openings variably extrudes from the buildings surface.Its unique architectural form and integrated function creates a high-performing b

36、uilding that is an expression of the people who live there and the environmental and cultural context in which it is built.78 WORLD ARCHITECTURE REVIEW 设计事务所 THE DESIGN FIRM NO.212 世界建筑导报 79剖面图 section剖面细部 section details轴侧环境 axon context80 WORLD ARCHITECTURE REVIEW 设计事务所 THE DESIGN FIRM NO.212 世界建筑

37、导报 81总平面 site plan一层平面 first floor plan西立面 west elevation东立面 east elevation北立面 north elevation南立面 south elevation轴侧图 axonometric drawing80 WORLD ARCHITECTURE REVIEW 设计事务所 THE DESIGN FIRM NO.212 世界建筑导报 81总平面 site plan一层平面 first floor plan西立面 west elevation东立面 east elevation北立面 north elevation南立面 south elevation轴侧图 axonometric drawing

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