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1、-1-Bridge to Terabithia 仙境仙境之桥之桥-2-Genre:fantasy(奇幻奇幻)Produced Date:February 16th,2007Director:Gabor Csupo-3-Childhood Childhood Friendship Friendship Dream Dream -4-CHARACTERJesse Oliver Aarons,Jr Main CharacterLeslie Burke-Main Character May Belle Aarons-Jesses sister Miss Edmunds-Music TeacherJan

2、ice Avery-school bullyMr.Burke-Leslies FatherMrs.Burke-Leslies MotherMr.Aarons-Jesses FatherMrs.Aarons-Jesses Mother-5-lFifth gradelRun fastlLike drawing lIntelligent and caringlLonely and never feel happyJesse Oliver Aarons,Jr-6-Leslie BurkeJesss best friend affluent well educatedHighly intelligent

3、 Imaginativebrave-7-Miss Edmundsbeautiful be kind of all the studentscare about jess-8-May Belle Aarons6 years old Lonely want play with jess and Leslie-9-Janice AverySchool bullyHer father abuses her,and when her friends blab her secrets to the entire school,her tough-girl persona snaps.-10-This st

4、ory is about the two friends,with a fiction in the woods,happy together,until a tragedy.-11-Plot one:Plot one:Jesse always dreamed of becoming the fastest in the school,one named Lesley suddenly appeared,he became a rival of track and field.Seems to run faster than anyone.But then warm Jesse and gen

5、erous Lesley quickly became good friends.-12-Plot two:Plot two:Leslie and jess are in a deep forest play,they fantasy a place called Terabithia Kingdom,there are no bad guys,no one let you learn more,there is no hate.Everything is very beautiful.Even they can do everything what they want.-13-Plot th

6、ree:Plot three:When Jesse returned home,a sad news came:Leslie fell into the water and drowned.Jesse was immersed in extreme sorrow.Finally,through teacher and father s careful comfort,out of grief,Jess built a bridge to Terabithia,with his little sister Mabel to embark on a Terabithia wonderland.-1

7、4-Some pictures:-15-Im moving gently forward,over the wild and beautiful,unexplored world below me.Im floating in silence,and breaking it upwith the sound of my breath.Above me,theres nothingbut shimmery light,the place where Ive come from,and will go back towhen I am done here.-16-妙语佳句 1.Watch it:当

8、心!。2.mess up:把弄糟3.flunk:(考试、测验等)失败,不及格。4.stink:发恶臭,发出难闻气味。5.sneaker:帆布胶底运动鞋,旅游鞋。6.hobo:流浪汉,游民7.ground rule:基本原则。8.forewarn:预先警告;事先告诫。9.detention:(处罚学生的)课后留校。10.start off on the right foot:有一个顺利的开始。更常见的表达方式是:get off on the right foot(一开头就顺利),反之就是get off on the wrong foot(一开头就不顺利)。11.detector:探测器。12.Y

9、oure dead meat:你死定了。dead meat有“处境艰难,倒大霉”的意思。13.hand-me-down:传下来的,别人用过的14.You got that backwards:你把话说反了15.troll:(北欧民间传说中居于地下、洞中、山间的)巨人,巨怪-17-妙语佳句 16.toll:通行费。17.beanpole:瘦长之人18.On your mark:(径赛口令)各就各位.19.Get set:(径赛口令)预备。20.wind up:(常用被动语态)使紧张,使激动,使愤怒21.hit the road:上路,走吧22.sneaky:鬼鬼祟祟的23.tiptoe:踮起脚走

10、;蹑手蹑脚地走24.truce:休战;25.made sb.s day:使某人的一天生色;使某人非常高兴,例如:You have quite made my day by coming to see me.(承蒙你来看望我,使我一天的生活生色不少)26.sneak up on sb.:偷偷跟着某人27.get going:开展,开始行动30.cry ones eyes out:痛哭流涕,哭得很伤心-18-我的感想我的感想1.What will matter is not how people you knew,but how many will feel a lasting loss when

11、 you are gone.2.What will matter is not your memories,but memories of those who loved you.choose to live a life that matters.3.Evreyone has their own shortcomings,but you are unique.4.Never give up your dream,keep moving.5.Every cloud has a silver lining.6.Different attitude,different reality.7.To make each day count.8.Bridge.-19-

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