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1、2022-2023学年九上英语期末模拟试卷注意事项:1答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。3考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。. 单项选择1、The meat on the plate _ so delicious. Lets try it together.AsmellsBsoundsCfeels2、How could you keep me waiting here for half an hou

2、r?Sorry. I with a friend and I completely forgot about the time.Awill talkBam talkingCwas talkingDhas talked3、If a thing is important enough, its worth _ well. So go out of your way to study for the coming challenge.Abeing doneBdoingCto do4、1The water dark and dirty. Its no longer safe to drink.Abec

3、ame Bwill become Chas become Dwas becoming5、Have you ever been to Disneyland?Yes. I _ there last summer.Awill goBwentChave goneDwas going6、It s reported that the sand storm s moving _ the southern part of China.Abeside Bwith Cbelow Dtowards7、When it began to snow, the boys _ soccer on the playground

4、.AplayBplayedCare playingDwere playing8、 What do you think of the film Titanic 2? , but someone thinks its .AGood enough; bored BEnough good; boringCGood enough; boring DEnough good; bored9、 Can we play soccer here? No, you _ play it near the road. Thats too dangerous!AcanBmayCwontDmustnt10、Nowadays

5、, more and more people have taken an interest _ watching The Voice of China _ Friday evening.Ain; inBat; onCin; on. 完形填空11、Many people think that if more time is spent, more work will be done. So students have to 1 the whole day doing homework except during the three meals. It is not 2 to see studen

6、ts lost in a sea of homework both at school and at home.Modern students usually have many 3 They love music, sports, reading and watching TV. A two-day weekend gives them time to do what they 4 However, theres much homework to do, so they usually dont want to do it 5 Sunday night. In such a short ti

7、me, students may finish it carelessly. The badly-done weekend homework makes teachers 6 Things always get 7 without the right ideas. Too much homework makes students 8 interests in learning. A horse runs faster after a 9 , but for students only rest is not enough. We should 10 this situation and try

8、 to give students more time to relax.1(小题1)Abuy Bget Cspend Dtake2(小题2)Amodern Bmad Csad Dstrange3(小题3)Asports Bhobbies Cbooks Dfriends4(小题4)Alike Bhave Ctell Dhate5(小题5)Ain Bas Cuntil Don6(小题6)Acomfortable Bhappy Cangry Drelaxed7(小题7)Aworse Beasy Cbetter Dwonderful8(小题8)Ahave Bget Cforget Dlose9(小题

9、9)Ameal Bmoment Cminute Drest10(小题10)Atell Bchange Ckeep Dhear. 语法填空12、阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的单词,或括号内单词的正确形式。Money can make you happy only if you spend it in a clever way .To start with ,1(buy) a new car makes you happy.However,youll “lose”this happy feeling when the car2(get)old.But if you are made to spe

10、nd a week traveling,its more possible that youll have the great experiences and the good feeling for a long time .A new study has3(find)that spending money on experiences rather than material things makes people happier. For material things ,its possible that you dont leave 4any little thing .If you

11、 buy a nice pen ,and someone else buys one with less money ,its possible that you may be unhappy that you spend so much money .It lets you down a lot.Oppositely, when it comes to experiences like5(go)on a trip ,you wont think like that .If the trip can be nice ,youll happily pay for it even though 6

12、(it) price may be very high. And the more ofen you go on trips,the7(happy)youll be.Material things can be compared more easily.If you buy an Ipad and then see a more suitable one. you may regret buying the first one.And 8 will drive you mad as well ,9,if you just have a dinner at a good restaurant a

13、nd then learn about a better one ,youll not regret the first meal.Its normal that material things can cause jealousy(嫉妒).For example ,you buy a new toy and find that your friend has a better one ,it may make you feel 10(comfortable).Instead, if you just travel to a beautiful place ,no matter where y

14、our friends have gone,it wont make the memory of your trip less pleasant. 阅读理解A13、Q is the worlds most popular Chinese travel search site which aims at helping travelers to find travel products and information. When you find a ticket you want, Q will connect you to book on the airline or travel agen

15、t (代理商) directly or through the website indirectly. Q promises you the fastest service, no added fees and 100% ticket issuance (发行) after your payment.JDcom is an online shopping mall for books, household electrical appliance (家电), clothes, computers and so on. Its said that it provides only qualify

16、 goods, if you dont want to buy something fake, you are sure to buy goods here. Although it might be a little expensive, good things are always expensive.G is a crawler-based (基于爬虫的) engine, meaning that it has software programs designed to “crawl” the information on the net and add it to its sizeab

17、le (相当大的) database (数据库). Google has a great reputation (名声) for relevant (相关的) and thorough search results, and is a good first place to start when searching.M is a group buying website. It offers products and services at reduced prices on the condition that a small number of buyers would make the

18、purchase. You can buy very expensive products and get friendliest service cheaper from here. But it has a time limit. If you want to buy something cheap or get service well, visit , and you can receive what you want.1Jack wants to buy a flight ticket, he should search _.AQBJDcomCGDM2Coco wants to bu

19、y a computer, but she doesnt want to buy something fake. She should search _.AQBJDcomCGDM3Which of the following is TRUE?AWhen you buy tickets from Q, you have to pay added fees.BThe things on JDcom are cheaper than other websites.CYou can buy anything you want on G.DM offers products and services a

20、t reduced prices.B14、 There are many different kinds of music in the world. Now lets study some of them.Classical musicClassical music needs high musical skills. If you want to learn this kind of music, you have to go through lots of training. Heavy metal musicHeavy metal music(重金属音乐)came out after

21、World War . It has got another name “information music”. It is usually loud and noisy. Hip- hop musicThis kind of music always includes the use of instruments such as the guitar, violin, piano, bass(低音吉他), drums and so on. In this kind of music, the bass is the main instrument. A group of traveling

22、singers and poets of West Africa first played it. Opera musicIt first appeared in Italy in the 1600s. It has a great mixture of theatrical(剧场的)art and musical invention. Jazz musicThis kind of music has strong and complex melodies(复杂的旋律). The main musical instruments are the cornet, trumpet and viol

23、in.1 music needs high musical skills.AClassicalBHeavy metalCHip-hopDOpera2The main instrument in hip-hop music is the .AguitarBviolinCpianoDbass3The is used in both hip-hop music and jazz music.ApianoBviolinCtrumpetDcornet4Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?AHeavy metal musi

24、c appeared after World War .BOnly after proper training you can learn classical music.CPeople call jazz music “information music”.DOpera music first appeared in Italy.5Whats the best title for the passage?ADifferent Kinds of MusicBOur Favorite MusiciansCWe Love Music BestDWelcome to the Music ClubC1

25、5、JOINING A CHOIRIve always loved singing, but singing hasnt always loved me. Iwould open my mouth with a beautiful song in my head, fully expectingmy voice to follow suit only to get an awful tone (音调)in return.Still, without a second thought, I continued to try to sing wheneverpossible. On car jou

26、rneys, when my now twenty something sons weresmall, they would make a great play ( hands over their ears, shouting No,Mum,stop!) of going through punishment as I sang along to the radio.Never in a hundred years would I have thought about joining a choir. And when I did finally become a member of my

27、first choir 15 years ago, something fantastic happened to my life. From the first time I experienced my voice as something special but also comfortable, in harmony (和谐)with the other singers, I lost my heart to singing. It was like falling in love. And everyone in the choir had the same shining smil

28、es and bright eyes singing made them feel happy, too.Although it is singing itself that makes me happy,it is also how a choir works together. There is something magical about breathing together. The voice of everyone singing quietly together is powerful and excitingly mysterious (神秘的),almost spiritu

29、al.And theres the unexpected friendship from the activities we do as a choir: raising money for good causes and taking our singing sometimes to places where people are forgotten and sad.I am now a member of six choirs and,if I can,sing every day of the week. I stand in front of several hundred peopl

30、e,and know that some,if not all,of each song will sound not bad at all.1What did the writers sons think of her singing when they were small?ATerrible. BComfortable. CFantastic. DBoring.2When did the writer join her first choir?AA week ago. BSix years ago. CFifteen years ago. DTwenty years ago.3What

31、brings the writer the unexpected friendship?AHaving car journeys with her sons.BHelping others by singing in choirs.CHaving shining smiles and bright eyes.DSinging in front of hundreds of people.D16、1Jack is going to visit Old Glasgow on August 7th. Where will he start from?AHistoric Glasgow.BGeorge

32、 Square.CGhosts and Ghouls.DGruesome Glasgow.2How long will the tour of Gruesome Glasgow be?AHalf an hour. BTwo hours.COnly one hour. DOne hour and a half.3Mr and Mrs King with their 13-year-old son Jim and 9-year-old daughter Jane, will go on a tour of Historic Glasgow. How much do they need to pay

33、?A12. B13. C16. D17.4You can get more information about the tours of Old Glasgow except _.Agoing to the mercat-tours companyBvisiting the websiteCsending e-mailsDcalling at (0141) 772 0022E17、 Many Chinese girls love small, fresh meat, which refers to young, effeminate(女人气的) male stars. However, not

34、 everyone is a fan of them. On Sept. 6, an article described some male stars as too effeminate.This came after CCTV was criticized for inviting several young male stars to perform on First Class for the New Semester,an educational TV show for primary and secondary school students, which aired 5days

35、earlier. After that, many parents left comments online, saying the stars in the show had a bad influence on their children.The popularity of effeminate male stars is partly down to the influence of Japanese and South Korean pop culture, an expert told China Daily. However, the “femininity” of males

36、isnt a recent social phenomenon. In fact, being effeminate was popular among Chinese men centuries ago.Indeed, the debate about effeminate male stars has been going on for a while. In July, a Hong Kong singer said during the singing reality show Sing! China that he feels tired of seeing effeminate m

37、ale stars. “It isnt that theyre not good, but we should discover ourselves.”He said during the show.His opinion was shared by a Chinese director. “Some young actors are feminine and they should be more manly,” he said.Deng Xiquan, head of the Youth Research Institute at the China Youth and Children

38、Research Center, believes such a phenomenon is completely natural.“It will be replaced by a new youth culture at some stage. If a man has feminine beauty, this doesnt mean that he lacks responsibility,” Deng told China Daily. Dengs opinion was echoed by the Peoples Daily.“A mans strength should be j

39、udged on the basis of their inner qualities - not their phyical apperance,” it wrote.1First Class for the New Semester aired on_ASept.6BSept.3CSept.2DSept.12From the third paragraph we can know that_Athe popularity of effeminacy appeared in Japan firstByoung, effeminate male stars are popular in Sou

40、th KoreaCin China, being effeminate was popular hundreds of years agoDChinese experts dont think effeminate male stars are popular3Which of the following is RIGHT about the Hong Kong singer?AHe doesnt like effeminate male stars.BHe thinks some young actors are more manly.CHe doesnt know anything abo

41、ut Sing! China.DHe asks women to discover themselves.4The underlined word“echoed here means“_”in Chinese.A利用B附和C质疑D声明5Whats the passage mainly about?A“Feminine” men cause hot debates.BThe time being effeminate appeared.CThe way to become effeminate men.DPeople criticize effeminate men.F18、The number

42、 of rural(乡村的) left-behind children under 17 years old has increased to 61.02 million, according to a report. These childrens parents leave them with their grandparents or other family members in order to make money in cities.Sichuan Province and Henan Province have the highest percentage of rural l

43、eft-behind children. Together with Anhui Province, Guangdong Province and Hunan Province, these five provinces have 43.64% of the countrys rural left-behind children, the report says. The report finds that left-behind children are mainly in the central and western provinces. But the developed easter

44、n areas also face similar problems, the report says. Guangdong Province has the most left-behind children, with 4.34 million, followed by Zhejiang Province, Jiangsu Province, Shanghai and Beijing. “What Im worried about most is the schooling of my child, as I have no time to help her with her homewo

45、rk.” Said An Baiyou, a truck driver from Shangdong Province, who has been leaving his 10-year-old daughter with his parents while driving trucks in other provinces. “However, to make money or to take care of the child, you can only choose one side.”Wang Zhenyao, the president of Beijing Normal Unive

46、rsity Institue of Public Welfare, says that if the left-behind children problem cant be solved, it will affect the nations future. Compared with those who live with their parents, left-behind children need more care and protection. The country should think about ways to attract the rural workers in cities to return and work in their hometown to improv

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