1、Unit1 Seventeen,eighteen,nineteen,twenty 一 教学目标:1、能听说读写英文数字1320,复习颜色单词2、掌握并理解颜色单词:purple, pink, white, orange,3、能运用句型Heres_. This is a_.二、教学重.难点1.能听懂、会说英文数字number thirteen to number twenty2.注意单词one的用法.三、教具准备:录音机、磁带、挂图、单词卡片四、教学过程:1:导入新课:老师向学生们问好,并请学生们相互问好。可以请几位同学起立,引导他们用简单的语言讲一讲自己在假期中做的事。如果有困难,允许他们使用
2、中文,或是由老师提供语言上的帮助。2:新授:Step1热身活动后,老师根据歌曲的内容把话题引入数字,根据已经学习过的数字1-12引导大家回忆数字的用法。例如:表述年龄:I m ten .Im eleven.表述时间:I get up at seven oclock . I go to bed at ten oclock.表述物品的个数:Nine boys. Twelve pupils.Step2设计How old are they?的游戏。老师对学生说:Now, lets have a competition. Please say the ages as fast as you can. Y
3、ou can win a star for your group if you say it correctly. Now, lets begin.老师向学生出示标注有年龄的卡通人物卡片, 请学生用英语快速地说出他们的年龄。老师总线各组的得分,然后再出示一些卡片(例如:Li Dahua:15;Wang Ping:13;),询问学生:How old is Li Dahua ?How old is Wang Ping?如果学生不会回答,老师可以说:You dont know how to say it .Now, lets learn the text first. And then we can
4、 go on to play this game. We can find out which group is the winner!Step3向学生讲述:很多时候,我们还需要使用12以上的数字。这些数字式并不难,下面我们就来学习一下13-16的表达方法。 给学生们讲熊猫盼盼和巍巍的故事,引导学生们看课文,呈现课文故事之前,给学生放录音,提醒学生仔细听录音,同时观察并思考:熊猫Panpan在做什么?他是怎样做的?最后他成功了吗? 放录音呈现课文内容,再次放录音,请学生边听边看书,让学生根据老师的问题用笔在书上勾出重点单词,以便弄明白问题。从Panpan 数积木ten eleven, twel
5、ve的情节开始,逐个向学生教授12以上的数字,例如:Twelve and one is thirteen. Thirteen and one is fourteen老师也可以使用积木为教具,带领大家数数。老师可能有必要向学生简单地解释一下:课文中的one代表的就是一块积木。学习数字的同时,也可以复习一下颜色词。老师向学生播放录音,单词表,引导学生根据录音正确读出单词。听完之后,让学生尝试读数字13-16,读的好的给予表扬,不会读的帮助他们纠正。 反复练习,帮助每一个孩子正确发音。再次呈放录音,让学生根据录音,模仿单词的音调。让每一个学生都能流利的说出数字13-20。Step4 设计小游戏,活跃
7、于我的设计非常关注启发性,不足的是忽略了活动的趣味性。最好就是在确保趣味性的基础上,尽可能关注启发性和创造性,促进学生的“主动学习”,注重学生智力的开发和能力创新的培养。这将会使学生更好地培养能力,发展素质。Module 1 Unit2 Ive got twenty-six points.姓名:孙娟一、教学目标 :1.听懂,会读,会说20-30的单词以及表达方法。2.听懂,说出并读出“ Number +and +number +is+ number.”这一数字相加的英语表达法;3.听懂、会说句子: Have you got?及答语Yes , I have.或No , I havent. 二、教
8、学重难点:重点:20-30内的数字表达难点:能听,说,读“ Number +and +number +is+ number.”这一数字相加的英语表达法; 三、教具准备:CD-ROM、单词卡片、数字卡片四、教学过程 Step 1.Warm up1. Game to motivate (复习二十以内单词的读说。) 全班开火车数数字,每到三的倍数,变成”twenty”轮流两次,最后的胜利者都可以得到个贴画。出示口号”winner”,全班齐读。2. Chanllenge yourself (通过智力闯关复习二十以内单词的认读。课件出示,最后的winner可以获得贴画作为奖励).Step 2.Prese
9、nt new knowledge1.发放纸牌,“Ive got some cards with animals and numbers on them, now I will give you, then I will ask you what have you got.”2.呈现句型“Have you got ?”“T: Oh, I forget that I should put thirteen on the blackboard , I want to find thirteen. T: Have you got thirteen? (问一个手里没有十三的同学,引导学生说出“No, I
10、 havent.”)(问一个手里有十三的同学,引导学生说出“Yes, I have.)板书句型,齐读,两人一组,用其他的数字练习这个句型。检查联系结果,展示。3.呈现“Twenty and one is twenty one.” T: Now I want twenty-one .Have you got twenty-one?(问几个同学)( 将one 的单词卡片贴到twenty的后面,引导学生自己说出twenty and one is twenty-on导学生依次类推,得出Twenty and two is twenty-two)板书句型,小组练习,通过“看谁感应快”检查练习。Step3.
11、Consolidation今天WeiWei 和他的朋友也在玩纸牌游戏。1. Listen and repeat.(用单词卡片呈现单词point,并复习单词winner)2. Listen and answer questions.(有目的性的听,增强对课文的理解)Who is the winner?How many points has he got?3. Listen again then practice the dialogue by yourself, underline the importantsentences.(明确重难点)Step4.Imitation:Make dialog
12、ue with your partner using your cards.(拓展练习句型)Step5:Development(课件出示练习,检查学习情况)Step6: Relax:Listen to the chant “Zoo”Step7.Conclude: What have you learnt?Step8.Homework:Make a set of animal cards. Show it to your partner. Writing: Ive got twenty-six points winner Have you got twenty-one? point Yes, I
13、 have. No, I havent. Twenty and one is twenty one.Module 2 DirectionsUnit 1Go straight on.一、准备阶段: 教学目标:情感目标:培养学生乐于助人的品质。知识目标:学习句型Wheres West Lake Road, please? Go straight on. Turn left. Turn right. Where are you going? 教学重点; 1.能力目标:培养学生问路、指路的能力。学习句型:Wheres ,please? Go straight on. Turn left. Turn r
14、ight. Where are you going?2.掌握单词及词组:house/ go straight on/ turn left/ turn right/excuse me/ next to/ supermarket 教学难点: 掌握表示地点和方位的词 辅助资源:挂图、录音机、磁带、图片、课文VCD二、教学过程:I. Warming upTPR活动。教师边说边做:”Right hand up. Right hand down.”学生跟着教师边做边说。II. Revision:教师出示一些表示地点的图片如park/zoo/shop/school等,请学生抢答出单词。(通过复习地点单词为练
15、习本课的句型Wheres ,please?做好铺垫。)III. Presentation:1. 教师拿出公园的图片对学生说:”Im going to the park this weekend. Where are you going this weekend?”学生说出自己的出行计划”Im going to.” (为课文教学创设情景)2. 教师说:”Sam is going to Damings house. Where is Damings house? Is it in West Lake Road or East Lake Road? Lets wactch the VCD.” 3.
16、学生观看课文VCD,找出答案并回答。 4. 教师提问:”Sam asks the way to the policeman. How does he ask?”学生听课文录音,大屏幕上出示Sam的问话。教师指导学生读句子。 5. 所有学生来扮演Sam,教师来扮演policeman,同时在大屏幕上演示出课文中的路线图,教师边指图边讲解。教授词组go straight on/turn left/ turn right。 6. 教师在大屏幕上出示几种路线图如: 让学生说出路线。 (通过练习及时操练重点词组。)7. 学生打开书,跟录音朗读课文。 8. 分角色朗读课文。 IV. Practice:1.
17、活动:问路。让学生自己画一幅地图,上面有三条路,分别标有school/ zoo/ supermarket/ my house. 在地图的某处标有Youre here. 教师请学生用自己的地图进行两人小组练习,一人问路:”Wheres the zoo, please?”,另一人指路:”Go straight on and then turn left”。(此活动目的在于巩固练习问路及指路的语句,培养学生观察和动手能力。)2. 活动:我迷路了。教师准备一些路线图和要找的目的地单词卡。教师将单词卡片发给一些学生,再将路线图发给另一部分学生,那单词卡片的学生作为迷路者来问路,如:”Im lost. W
18、heres the park?”拿着路线图的学生帮助他们来指路。(学生在活动中操练了问路和指路。)V. Summary: 教师说:”Today we have learned how to ask and show the way with Wheres , please? Go straight on. Turn left. Turn right. ” We use them in the daily life.VI Homework 请学生画出从家到学校的路线图并英语标注。Module2unit2Itsatthestation作者:李子 文章来源:其它 点击数: 422 更新时间:2008
19、-9-4 20:37:56 一 教学目标:1复习问路,指路的说法。2能够使用介词描述简单的位置关系。3能够理解课文的内容。二 教学难点和重点:能够使用介词描述简单的位置关系三 教学用具:录音机 磁带 几张地方的图片(贴在教师周围)四 教学过程:(一)warm-up1. game“找礼物”教师在教室的某个地方放一个东西,让一个学生蒙上眼睛,全班学生一起发出指令告诉方向。2. 学生表演问路3. 询问学生上学的路上会经过哪些地方(复习地点单词)(二)New concepts1. 教师画简笔画,引出单词train , hillT: What is it?2.用简笔画教授up, down T:Where
20、 is train? Its up the train.3.praticeGame“Simon says”教师发指令,学生做动作指令:up , down, right ,left,go straight on, turn right , turn left4. 教师画简笔画,引出单词houses, station.T: What is it?5. 用简笔画教授near,at6. 播放录音,学生跟读7. 同桌互相看图问答8. 做课堂活动手册(三)Pratice-事先贴好几个地方的图片在教室的周围,四人小组选择一个想去的地方,表演对话(四)Homework课堂活动手册Unit 1 Shes wri
21、ting a letter.教学计划崖城镇中心学校 郑辉纯 教学目标:1、 学习目标语句: This is my friend, Lingling. Shes writing a letter.单词: writing, letter, picture, friend, litter. 短语: take pictures, talk to, play with. 2、 能听懂This is my friend, Lingling. Shes writing a letter. 这类介绍图片内容的语句;同时能口头运用This is my friend,Lingling. Shes writing
22、a letter. 这类语句介绍图片内容。 3、 能识别单词shes, hes. 教学准备: 教学图片,C-D ROM, 课程资源内容, 课件,stickers. 教学流程: 一、Warm up 1、 Greetings. 2、Songs. Revision: What do you do at the weekend ? I play football./watch TV. 二、Presentation. Now look at these pictures. Whos this ? This is Amy ,Lingling, Daming and Sam.(出示头饰)Sam今天也给我们带
23、来一些图画,让我们一起来分享。Please turn to page 10. 三、 While-task Lets learn the new words first .(看教学图片) (1) Listen to the CD-ROM. Who are Sams friends? (2 ) Listen again and answer four questions. a . Is Lingling taking pictures ? b. Is Daming taking pictures ? c. Is Amy taking pictures ? d. Is Tom taking pict
24、ures ? (3) Read after the CD-ROM.把带有ing的动词画下来。 出示课件,展示这些单词,带读这些词。 writewriting taketaking talktalking playplaying (4)Read after the teacher. 图片或实物给某个学生,引导全班用This is . Hes/Shes doing. 任务延伸:分发图片或食物给个别学生或叫个别学生表演,全班一起描述他/她正在做的事情.出示课件,全班一起描述图片. 四、 Consolidation. 做课程资源的练习1,2,3或学生练习册。 五、 布置作业 回去后用今天所学的英语知识
25、描述你的同学正在做的事情。教学反思 今天我教授的是小学新标准英语第一学期Module 3 Activities Unit 1 Shes writing a letter.的教学内容。语言功能是通过谈论图片学习询问正在发生的事情。语用目标是This is Shes/Hes doing本课的教学内容是学生学习英语的一个转折点,要求学生能够会用现在进行时描述某人正在做的事情,大多数学生对这个时态掌握的不够好,当他们用现在进行时描述图片时,都不能很好的发带有ing的这个单词的音。我主要通过用头饰向学生介绍Amy,Lingling, Daming and Sam,并告诉学生Sam 也给我们带来一些图画,
26、让我们一起来分享等引入新课。对于本课内容的教学,我主要采用以下几点:一、 创设情景,呈现任务。二、 情景引入,理解课文。三、 运用情景,操练课文。 整节课安排得很紧凑,学生能够在老师的调动下学会本课教学内容。特别是单词的学习,学生能够很好的认读单词;但是对于本课的现在进行时的句型,学生可以集体的用该句子对图片进行描述,并能很好的完成课堂练习,不过学生不能单独用该句子进行操练。对此,教师决定在下节课的学习中继续巩固该课的教学内容。Unit 2 What are you doing?1 Warmupa.Greetingb.Ask and Answer复习上节课学过的内容,出示挂图根据挂图的内容说出
27、句子可找个人说或小组代表或集体说.2. Leading-upa.找同学做动作其他同学介绍他在做什么?b.同学做动作.老师问What are you doing?多说几遍找同学回答然后让学生试着说 What are you doing?可以师生问答或生生问答.掌握好之后变换人称What is he /she doing ?三人一小组进行练习.学习新单词 listen to music read 掌握词组listen to music read a book根据卡片练习句子Im listening to music /reading a book ./ watchingTV3.情景操练根据上节课学
28、过及新学的词组句型同桌练习,或者小组练习.根据图片或者动作进行对话练习:如:What are you doing? Im listening to music4课文学习大家看一下Sam的一家在忙什么(1)Listen and point.播放录音,主要培养学生的认读能力,至少听两遍。(2)Listen and repeat.再次拨放录音,学生边指边读。(3)小组对话练习.分角色朗读.练习2point and sa对话练习: What is sam doing? He s listening to music同桌问答.找同学起来说.练习3 .Act it out .What is he /she
29、 doing ?的问答.找同学到讲台上每一个人做一个动作不动.其他同学进行问答.练习5 仍然是对正在进行的动作进行描述.巩固练习.也可以采取you say I do you do I say you say I draw等形式.5小结归纳归纳总结本节课的所学的内容.What are you doing? Im listening to musicWhat is he /she doing ?Module 4 In the Park第一课时Unit 1 What are they doing ?教学内容:Unit 1 What are they doing ?教学目的:1)学习询问他人正在做什么
30、事情。2)描述他人正在做的事情。3)学生能够听、说、认boat chess row soybean milk drink hungry 。4)通过创设和谐的氛围,让孩子们轻松舒畅地学习英语,并形成良好的英语语感。教学重点:1)学说问句What are they doing?2)掌握句型Theyre 动词+ing +宾语教学难点:能清晰正确地发出本课所教的单词的音,并自如地应用。教学准备:卡片、象棋、豆奶教学过程:一、Warming up师生齐唱M2 中的小诗,并配以动作。二、Revision1.教师快速向学生出示几(jiao shi kuai su xiang xue sheng chu sh
31、i ji)组词,每组包含一个动词,请学生说出这个动词。师板书:read write listen ,play talk 2.请学生说这些动词的-ing形式。3 齐读黑板上的动词及其-ing形式。三、Presentation(一)学习新句型1.请一学生挑选黑板上所提供的任一动词,做出相应的动作。2.教师通过提问:What is he/ she doing ?复习Hes/ Shes 动词+ing +宾语。3.请该生所在组的成员模仿该生的动作,并做动作边说:Im动词+ing+宾语。4.教师故作不解状问:What are they doing ? 后又释然说:Oh. Theyre动词+ing +宾语并
32、板书。5.教师指着黑板上的句子,请学生(jiao4 shi1 zhi3 zhe0 hei1 ban3 shang4 de0 ju4 zi3 _qing3 xue2 sheng1)跟说多遍。6.再请一组学生挑选黑板上所提供的任一动词(不能重复),做出相应的动作,教师请其他学生回答问题:What are they doing ? 然后教师把正确答案写在黑板上。7.请学生一起认读黑板上的句子。(二)学习新动词1.告诉学生,教师将要模仿一个动作,他们要猜猜教师正在做什么。2.教师模仿动作后提问:What am I doing? (我正做什么?)引入句子:Im doing taijiquan.。3.请全
33、体学生一起边做动作,边说:Im doing taijiquan.教师通过提问:What are they doing ?引入句子:Theyre doing taijiquan. 并板书。4.用类似方法教Theyre row a dragon boat.并板书。5.教师拿出一副国际象棋问学生Whats this ? Do you want to play ?并告(bing4 gao4)诉他们老师将邀请他们一起玩,但玩之前必须先学会说 play chess 并板书。6.教说chess play chess。7.教师做饥饿状说:Im hungry. Im hungry.板书hungry(饿的)并重复
34、说多遍,再提问学生:Whats the matter with me?由此教单词hungry(饿的)。8.教师从(jiao4 shi1 cong2)包中拿出一瓶豆奶说:I want to drink soybean milk. 边“喝边说:drink drink Im drinking.让学生模仿跟着教师重复句子并模仿动作。9.教师拿着豆奶走到学生中,到边“喝”边说:Soybean milk is verynice. Soybean milk is very nice.提问学生What am I drink? 由此教说soybean milk(豆奶)并板书。10.请一些学生模仿喝豆奶的动作,比
35、比谁表演的最好。其间老师可以适时用What is he/ she doing ? What are they doing ?提问其余学生。四、Consolidation(一)快速反应1.请几位学生到教室前,由教师说动词词组,学生模仿动作,比比谁的反应最敏捷。2.让学生在小组(rang xue sheng zai xiao zu)内进行训练。(二)表演1.请学生打开课本P15,教师指着人们划船的图问学生:What are they doing ? 学生应回答:They are rowing a boat.2.四人小组中,请学生A 和B向学生C和D模仿一个动作,然后由C和D提问:A 和B在做什么?
36、3.让小组内学生调换角色。4.请几位学生到教室前模仿动作,教师提问:What are they doing ?然后让全班或个别学生回答。(三)游戏1.教师在黑板上贴上正面写有数字,反面写有:do taijiquan row a boat play chess等动词词组的卡片。2.请自愿上台的学生背朝大家,选择其中的一个数字,教师翻开此卡片的反面示以台下的同学,台下学生根据卡片上的内容做出相应的动作。3.台上的同学必须用英语Theyre 动词+ing +宾语来预测台下同学所做的动作。如果说对了,台下同学要说“Yes”,若连猜3次不中,可用What are they doing?哀求他的朋友,帮忙
37、回答。五、Homework1. 抄写单词:row play drink boat milk2. 收集有关人物或动U2 What is Amy doing? Good morning, everyone . Today Im going to talk about Part 1 of Unit 2 the NEW Standard English Book 3.This Lesson provides 8new phrases; Playing football ,playing tennis ball ,swimming ,running ,jumping ,listening to musi
38、c and watching TV. During Module 3,the Ss have understood some verbs and they can ask and answer ”What is somebody doing? ”by actions and the pictures .What is Sam doing ?He is reading a book .In this unit ,we use the new verb phrases to ask and answer “What are they doing ?”and communicate with oth
39、ers in English. Teaching aims:1. Knowledge and skill aims Review the former verbs Understand the new verbs act correctly.2. Equip them with the emotion ,attitude and value goals.Cultivate the spirit of co-operations in pairs.Bring up the good habit of sports.Teaching Importance 1. Make sentences usi
40、ng the new verb phrases, e g : They are playing football.2. Distinguish the difference between “he” is , she ”is ,and “they” are .Teaching difficulties:1. Distinguish the difference between “he” is ,”she ” is and “they ”are .2. Train their ability of communicating with others is English.Teaching aid
41、s:Multimedia, cards, a football , a basketball Teaching methods:Task objective teaching method ,performance and games methodsAnalysis of the learners: We are facing the 9 to 10-year-old kids,they learnt English just one year ago . So ,I think the most important thing for me to do is to attract their
42、 interests and make them love English and feel confident in this subject .I will try my best to do is to arouse the kids interests.Analysis of the teaching methods: New English Lesson Standards says that during the Foundation Education Period ,the total goal for English Lesson is to improve the pupi
43、ls ability of comprehensive using language .It promotes task teaching structure. I adopt the “task- research -construct” teaching methods and organize the class to focus on the importance and difficulties. Analysis of the teaching procedures:1. Greetings: The teacher and the Ss greet each other .2.
44、Warm up : All the class sing an English song ,which has been learnt in Module 3.It can arouse their interests and help them to step into English learning happily.3. Review the former phrases and sentences in Module 3.Show cards and answer the questions.4. Guide the pupils to learn the main teaching
45、point (1). After that .all pupils have a rest while listening to music .Ill ask the pupils :”What is Xu Yaoyang doing ? ” Maybe he would say :”He is listening to music .” and the first dialogue is coming. Through actions ,we can learn about the other phrases ,watching TV, he is watching TV. Running ,he is runni