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1、工作表现评估报告72020年5月29日文档仅供参考PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL REPORT工作表现评估报告(I)PERSONAL DETAILS / 个人简历Name / 姓名_Date Joined Company / 加入公司日期Company / 公司名称_Year/Month in Current Position /现职时间(年度/月份)Job Title / 职位_Period Under Review / 评估时限Department / 部门_Date Of Review / 审核日期(II) OBJECTIVES / 目的The prime purpose o

2、f the performance appraisal is to :此评估的主要目的:1Improve and strengthen the relationship between appraiser and appraise.1改进及增强评分人及受评人的上下级关系。2Determine the strengths and weaknesses of the appraisee by highlighting the successes and identifying areas for potential improvement.2分析、确认、显示受评人的强项及弱点。帮助受评人善用强项与

3、改进弱点。3Identify training and development needs of appraisee for future higher responsibilities.3标识受评人发展及训练的需要,以便日后承担公司重任。4Feedback to appraisee on current performance standards.4反映受评人现阶段的工作表现。5Set goals and objectives for appraisee for next period.5为受评人订下下年度的目标及前瞻,作为日后工作表现的标准。(III)REVIEW OF PERFORMAN

4、CE / 工作表现评估 State the objectives set in the previous appraisal period and describe the level of performance attained.根据上年度所订下的工作目标,评估所达到预期目标的程度。Description of objectives set in the previous period.上年度所提出的目标Performance Attained过去一年目标能否达到及表现如何?1.2.3.( IV ) EVALUATION OF PERFORMANCE ATTRIBUTES 工作表现类别评分

5、To indicate your evaluation of the appraisees performance, please mark an ( X ) in the appropriate column where 请于下列类别划上 X 以显示你的评分4= Outstanding3= Good4= 出众3= 良好2= Satisfactory1= Poor2= 满意1= 差意0= UnacceptableNA= Not Applicable0= 不能接受NA= 不合用Please refer to the attachment for explanations of different

6、 performance levels.根据以下的评估表格加以不同等级的评分。Performance Attributes工作表现性质Performance Levels 表现的等级Cite examples where appropriate试以实例述明43210NA1. TECHNICAL COMPETENCE / 技术性方面 1.1 Job-product Knowledge 工作知识1.2 Planning/Organising Skill 策划及组织能力1.3 Productivity 生产效益1.4 Quality Of Work 工作素质1.5 Customer Satisfac

7、tion 满足客户需求Sub-Total / 小计: 2. ATTITUDE TOWARDS WORK/ORGANISATION / 对公司及工作态度方面2.1 Willingness to Learn/Improve 自发性的学习 / 改进2.2 Positive Attitude 正面态度2.3 Acceptance Of Instructions 接受任务2.4 Dedication 工作投入2.5 Reliability 可靠责任Sub-Total / 小计:3. PERSONAL QUALITIES / 个人品质方面 3.1 Punctuality 准时出席3.2 Responsib

8、ility 有责任感3.3 Attention to Details / Thoroughness 处世小心谨慎3.4 Honesty/Integrity 诚实正直3.5 Initiative 有自发性3.6 Adaptability 适应能力3.7 Resourcefulness 创意性3.8 Personal Grooming 个人仪表整洁3.9 Judgment & Decision Marking 判断与决策能力3.10 Continuous Improvement 虚心上进 Sub-Total / 小计:4. INTERPERSONAL SKILLS / 人与人相处技巧 4.1 Wi

9、llingness to Share 乐意与别人分享4.2 Co-operation 合作性4.3 Relationship with Others 人际关系4.4 Communication 沟通方式*4.5 Leadership / Management 领导能力Sub-Total / 小计:Grand Total / 总计:Percentage / 百分比:* Applicable only to supervisory staff / 只适用于管理层人员OVERALL EVALUATION OF THE INDIVIDUAL / 整体评分Please use the space bel

10、ow to give your overall assessment of the appraisee.请于下列空格填写有关人员的整体评估( V ) STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES / 强项与弱点 1. List in the order of importance, 3 of the appraisees strengths. 列出受评人的三大主要强项,并以其程度顺序陈述如下a.b.c.2. List the areas where the appraisee would need to improve in 列出受评人的缺点与需要改进的领域a.b.c.( VI ) DEV

11、ELOPMENT AND TRAINING NEEDS / 发展及训练需要Based on the evaluation, list any development/training needs of the appraisee and suggest how these needs can be met.鉴于上述评分,列出发展及训练需要及达到目标的建议DEVELOPMENT NEEDS发展需要SUGGESTIONS建议1.2.3.4.TRAINING NEEDS训练需要SUGGESTIONS建议1.2.3.4.( VII ) OBJECTIVE SETTING / 订下明年目标Identif

12、y and agree with the appraisee, up to 4 key objectives for the next period and state the level of performance expected.标识与征求受评人的共识,列出下年度四项目标及预期表现DESCRIPTION OF OBJECTIVES SET FOR THE NEXT PERIOD下年度的目标EXPECTED PERFORMANCE预期表现1.2.3.4.( VII ) COMMENTS AND SIGNATURE / 评价与确认签名 Please comment on any other areas which may not have been covered.进一步评价上述未提及的范围Appraisees Name&SignatureAppraisers Name&SignatureReviewers Name&Signature 受评人姓名及签署评分人姓名及签署复核人姓名及签署Date / 日期Date /日期Date /日期COMMENTS BY REVIEWER / 复核人意见

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