1、Get ready for the coming tour to the UKClass Name l Correct the errors in the papers. Get ready for tomorrows lesson.参考答案:Section 11. What made me puzzled was that/why Mrs. Robinson called me “love”.Mrs. Robinson explained that “love” means “my dear”.2. The bus conductor left me confused when he loo
2、ked at me and told me to “Stand back”.Mrs. Robinson told me that the bus conductor wanted the passengers on the bus to get off first and thats why he asked those waiting in the queue to stand back.3. I found it interesting that what I learned at school wasnt consistent with the real English by nativ
3、e speakers.Mrs. Robinson said thats why one comes to visit the country.I found it interesting that a voice said “Mind the gap” but I couldnt see a gap anywhere.Mrs. Robinson said it is a warning to remind the passengers of the gap between the train door and the platform.Section 2Similarities1. Both
4、of the curriculums are set by the government.2. Students of the two schools have to wear school uniforms.3. The class begins with the sound of a bell.Differences1. Chinese schools set a subject-centered curriculum while English schools set cross curricula topics.2. Chinese students go to a middle sc
5、hool at 12 and English students at 11.3. The textbooks are in general use in Chinese schools while those are used as background source of information in English schools.4. Chinese students stand to attention when class begins while English students remain seated.5. In a teacher-dominated class, Chin
6、ese students work as individuals, doing exercises. They put up hands and stand to answer a question. On the contrary, English students often work in groups in a student class, doing research for projects. They put up hands and stay seated when answering a question.6. Chinese students have English le
7、ssons every day while English students have French, German, Spanish lessons four times a week.Section 31. B 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. D 6. A 7. D 8. D Section 4A. 1. convenience 2. delight 3. construct/complete 4. available 5. arranged 6. attract 7. splendid B. 15. broke down 16. took the place of 17. consi
8、sts of 18. divided into 19. broke away from 20. left outSection 5No.1 - A. 1. David thinks soccer will probably always play a small role in American sport.2. American men are interested in basketball, baseball and American football.3. This is because the skill and control needed for soccer may not a
9、ppear so interesting.4. He is very surprised that the most famous soccer teams are all womens teams.5. He says that Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods are the greatest living American sporting heroes.Make a list of the reasons of your errors.l Do you still remember them below?Wordspuzzle, relation, lega
10、l, attraction, collection, influence, construct, project, arrange, wedding, fold, available, delight, tower, royal, uniform, splendid, statue, communism, thrilled, pot, unfair, smart, errorPhrasesconsist of, divide into , clarify sth for sb, break away (from ), for convenience, leave out, take the p
11、lace of, break down, be consistent withGood SentencesThere is no need to debate why different words are used to describe the four countries: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.To their surprise, the three countries found themselves united peacefully instead of by war.For convenience it is
12、 divided into 3 zones.You must keep your eyes open if you are going to make your trip to the UK worthwhile!Worried about the time available, Zhang pingyu and I had made a list of the sites.l Read the information about Londons 8-minute Olympic handover performanceBEIJING, Aug. 24 (Xinhua) - An eight-
13、minute performance prepared by London, host city of the next summer Olympic Games in 2012, was staged in the National Stadium, or the Birds Nest, in north Beijing on Sunday night at the closing ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games.A big red double-decker bus, marking London-Beijing-London, ran into
14、 the Birds Nest and moved around the Stadium at 9:10 p.m. (Beijing Time) to start the eight-minute London performance.The bus was accompanied by cyclists Chris Hoy, Victoria Pendleton and Shanaze Reade, dressed not as Olympians but as ordinary riders down the ground, symbolizing Oxford Street of Par
15、k Lane.The performers were starting to see a well-trodden image of ordinary London life, with the National Stadium turned into a London street.The bus was driven to a bus stop. A queue of London characters were waiting at the bus stop next to a pedestrian zebra crossing. The queue was played by thre
16、e dance groups.The bus came to a halt at the bus stop and a child, Tayyiba Dudhwala, got off the bus from east London.The nine-year-old girl was chosen in a competition of the viewers of Britains most famous childrens TV programme, BBCs Blue Peter, to represent the children of Britain.Tayyiba was me
17、t by Erika Tham with Chinese, Canadian, Malaysian and Ukraine heritage, who represented the rest of the world.Erika made a presentation to Tayyiba of a soccer. This represented a childs more simple approach to the formal handover of Olympic flag - a treasured gift was handed over.Then the London bus
18、 took a dramatic transformation. The hedge was cut into the shape of iconic London buildings including the Tower of London, Battersea Power Station, the Gherkin and St Pauls Cathedral.This symbolized historic and modern London, and London 2012 Games plans to use London landmarks such as Horse Guards
19、 Parade, the new Wembley Stadium, Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, the new Olympic Park, Hyde Park, Wimbledon and Lords Cricket Ground as venues and backdrops for the Games, showcasing sports and athletes in stunning settings that will inspire audiences around the world.Leona Lewis, a singer born in Lond
20、on, emerged on a rising lift from within the bus in a spectacular dress designed with students at the London College of Fashion.The music reached a crescendo. A long guitarist rose through the stage and there was a pause. One of the worlds most famous guitar riffs was played by Jimmy Page, a world-r
21、enowned guitarist and composer. The song that followed up was Whole Lotta Love.As the song reached its climax, a third and final lift emerged carrying a violinist and cellist (representing the London Symphony Orchestra who play on the track), dressed in British team sports kit, and the London child,
22、 Tayyiba, accompanied by soccer icon David Beckham.David was handed the soccer by Tayyiba and kicked the ball into the crowd of athletes representing more than 200 nations and regions gathered in the Stadium for the closing ceremony.This symbolized the power of sport to unite the world and the impor
23、tance of sport for young people, a central theme of the London 2012 Games.A group of people carried umbrellas gathered around the bus and covered up the sides of London bus. The umbrellas lighted up in colors.The red London double-decker bus was heading out of the Stadium as a magical contemporary c
24、arnival float. The dancers got on the bus to create a dazzling screen of images and vibrant colors together with umbrellas.This represented London was leaving a bold calling card for the youth of the world to reunite in the city for the 2012 Games. A Games that promises inspirational sport, diverse
25、culture, a focus on young people and humanity.The bus progressed to leave the Stadium at 9:18 p.m. to wrap up Londons performance. You can take down some good words and sentences.l Background informationLast Night of the Proms:无论“逍遥音乐节”是否如英国人自己所言是“世界上最伟大的古典音乐节”,它的音乐会的数量和质量是举世无双的,艺术的组织和策划也是世界一流的。音乐家以
26、参与这个音乐节的演出为荣,观众也可以从为数众多的音乐会当中找到适合自己的演出欣赏。公园露天音乐会或者草地音乐会也是这个音乐节的特色节目之一。每年的闭幕演出,是最受瞩目的、嘉年华式的庆典。每年的演出都是由BBC乐团和乐团的音乐总监演出,当红的男中音托马斯阿伦圆号家David Pyatt,管风琴家西蒙普列斯顿在当中演出,曲目安排是轻松小品为主。Beatrix Potter: 1866年7月28日出生于英国伦敦一个中产阶级的家庭。一家丰厚的收入主要来自于兰克夏的棉花工场。父亲是一个几乎没有上过法庭的律师,一天的大部分时间都消耗在俱乐部里了。波特是长女,弟弟比她小六岁,少女时代基本上是一个人孤独而又寂
27、寞地度过的。她在伦敦No 2, Bolton Gardens, Kensington的这幢大房子里一住就是四十七年,四楼那间窗户用栏杆封住的儿童室,既是她儿时的游戏室、教室,又是后来的画室。晚年回忆起这幢房子,她把它称之为“我从未感受过爱的娘家”。波特主要的教育来自于家庭女教师。她没有上过学,从小到大跟随多位家庭女教师学习阅读、音乐以及美术。许是继承了父亲的遗传,她自幼就喜欢画画,当然画得最多的是她养的那些小动物们。因为父母的过度保护,姐弟俩没有任何朋友,他们一起养了一只绿色的青蛙,两条蜥蜴,数只水蝾螈,一条环蛇,一头龟和一只兔子。她热心地观察它们,画素描,她八、九岁时画得那些动物们穿着衣服的
28、拟人画,已经相当栩栩如生了。1882年,波特16岁那一年的夏天,一家人头一次来到了英国北部的湖区避暑,在温得米尔湖西岸住了三个多月。她一眼就爱上了这个地方石屋、农场、野兔出没的丘陵这些后来都孕育了她无数的灵感。不过,当时更让她醉心的是苔藓与菌类的研究,她用显微镜观察孢子,写论文,还画下了几百幅让后人啧啧称奇的菌类的水彩画。如果当年不是因为她是一个女性而遭到学会拒绝的话,这个世界上很可能多了一名植物学家,而少了伟大的比得兔!Beatrix Potter受到被誉为英国自然保护团体“The National Trust”之父的HD伦恩司利牧师的启发,积极投身到了自然保护运动之中。为了遏止铁路、造林和
29、都市发展入侵乡间,她又买下了大片的土地。1913年,波特不顾父母的反对,与协助她买下湖区农场的律师威廉希里斯结婚,彻底搬出了生活了四十七年的伦敦的家,住到了梭利村。自那以后,波特虽然没有停止创作,但更多的精力似乎都转移到了农场的经营及良种羊的培育上,还曾当选过全英Herdwick种牧羊协会的女性会长。不过,在1930年出版了最后一本书小猪鲁滨逊的故事(The Tale of Little Pig Robinson,1930)之后,她完全停止了作家的活动。波特一生一共创作了二十三本比得兔系列图画书。1943年12月22日,77岁的波特在梭利村长眠不醒。她留下遗言,把四千英亩土地、十五座农场以及若
30、干小湖都留给了“The National Trust”。直到现在,那里还完美地保持着她创作图画书时的原貌,还看得见汤姆小猫、杰米玛帕德尔鸭、小猪布兰德生活的场景。除了比得兔系列,这恐怕是她留给我们的最大一笔遗产了。她还委托一个她生前信赖的牧羊人把她的骨灰撒到了梭利村的丘陵之上,并命令他严守秘密。如今,那个牧羊人也已经不在人世了,没有人知道波特的骨灰撒到了什么地方。See you! JGo on a sightseeing tour to the UKClass Name l Section 2 English schoolsB. DifferencesDifferencesin compari
31、son, compared with/to.,in contrast, on the contrary, on the other hand, instead,however, whereas, while, unlike 5. When answering questions, Chinese students need to stand up, while English students neednt.In comparison with the fact that Chinese students need to stand up when answering questions, E
32、nglish students stay seated.Have a try! l Section 3 ReadingRefer to the dictionary sheet and choose an appropriate meaning for each.Dictionary entry:A1: Stop because of a faultA2: FailA3: Become very badA4: Lose control of feelings and start cryingB1: Make sth fall downB2: Make sth disappearB3: Divi
33、de sth into partsB4: Make sth separate into parts or change into a different form in a chemical process( ) 1. Her health broke down under the pressure of work.( ) 2. He broke down and wept when he heard the bad news. ( ) 3. Firemen had to break the door down to reach the people trapped inside. ( ) 4
34、. Please break down todays passage into parts. Notesl Section 4: Lets have a quiz!Fill in the blanks with a word in an appropriate form. 1. Ive never seen a person as s as him he can work out any difficult math problem.2. A sentence can be d into meaningful parts.3. London staged/gave 8-minute hando
35、ver performance in the s stadium, called the Birds Nest.4. Every a ambulance was sent to the disaster area immediately.5. Most of the supermarkets still provide some recyclable bags for the c of the customers.6. The apartment has all the modern c , such as central heating, hot water, ect.7. - Could
36、I talk to your manager, please?-Sorry, but he is not a till afternoon.Have all the puzzles been clarified for you? If any, write it down.The road to a top writerClass Name l Strategy1: Make full use of what youve learnt in a creative way.I. Check your vocabulary.一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。第一组:consis
37、tent, communism, clarify, fold, influence, collection, delight, unite, smart, unfair, puzzle, available, construct1 It was Karl Marx who developed _.2 Please _ down the blanket and put it into the closet. 3 I have a larger _ of coins than he has.4 Two parties _ to oppose the governments plans.5 It w
38、as _ for the mother to treat her five kids unequally.6 The newly-developed software is _ to all PC users. It is cheap and easy to install.7 The old bridge _ in the 1950s was washed away during the floods last week.8 The math problem _ both the teacher and his students.9 Mr. & Mrs. Jones were wearing
39、 their _ clothes for the grand party.10 He won the game easily, to the _ of all his fans.11 Proper ways of education have positive _ on childrens growth and development.12 I have _ my intention of leaving the company. 13 The results are entirely _ with earlier research.第二组:debate, loyal, attraction,
40、 project, statue, legal, wedding, error, splendid, uniform, thrill, arrange, convenience14 That plane belongs to British _ Forces.15 I am occupied in writing a new research _.16 According to Chinese _ systems, the suspect must be sentenced to death.17 I think you have made an _ in calculating the to
41、tal.18 Students are asked to wear school _ at school.19 Our _ marriage came to an end in the year of 2006.20 This flat is equipped with modern _.21 It gave me a big _ to meet my favorite author in person.22 They bought a _ apartment by the sea, which cost them lots of money.23 The old couple got mar
42、ried thirty years ago. Yesterday was their 30th _ anniversary.24 The _ of Liberty was presented to the United States of America by France.25 The Window to the World is a famous _ to visitors from both home and abroad.26 The question of the origin of the universe is still hotly _by scientists. 二、把下列短
43、语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化):consist of divide . into break away (from) leave out take the place of break down 1 China _ 23 provinces, 4 municipalities, 5 autonomous regions and 2 special administrative regions. 2 Miss Wang _ Mrs. Liu to give us a lesson.3 _ sentences which are unnecessary in the essay.
44、4 Mum _ the apple _ four parts, so everyone got his share.5 Negotiations between these countries finally _.6 I persuaded him to _ the gang and be a good man.II. My valediction/farewell speechDid you have a nice trip today, love? Anyway, it is a great delight to meet you all here. Tell me Im smart enough to make your trip here worthwhile, 1. 否则我会崩溃的。Hehe! Well, lets have a quick review of our sightseeing tour today. First, 2. 为你们澄清了一些由文化知识缺乏引起的困惑。 Then, you got to know that the situation of English schools was 3. 与中国学校的情况并不一致。 L