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1、江西省223年中等学校招生考试英 语 试 题 卷阐明:1.全卷满分2分,考试时间2分钟。 2请将答案写在答题卡上,否则不给分。一、听力测试(7分)目前是试听时间。请听一段对话,然后回答问题。Wht is byoingto by?.Som juice. . Som ornges. Som ape.答案是。)请听下面8段对话。每段对话后有一小题,从题中所给旳、B、三个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。听完每段对话后,你都将有10秒钟旳时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。(每题分)1 Wheres he omanliv?A. In he tow. . n tcity C. In

2、 te mounn. What tmeillally and v meet i uday?A. At si. B tsven. C At eght3. h has ever?. Ji B Michael. C. ichaels moher.4. at wil Liy do?AGo fishng. B. ora snack C o hiing.5 How ish eatherorow?A. Wnd. B. Ri. C.Sunn. Why i Tom eeling sad? ecu h fled the English examB.ecuse he has no rinds totalk wihC

3、eaushe doent know hom t alkwih. uch wll the ma ay?. 25. B. $2.50. C$5.00. What doe he wa men?. Itsime t o to bed.B. I too early tog to bed.C. Se haso mh wokto.B)请听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几种小题,从题中所给旳A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每题五秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟旳作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。(每题1分)请听第段材料,回答第9、10小

4、题。9 Howddhe m NewYrk?.Byplane. B. By trai. C. B cr.10.What doe he tik o s trip?A. Bring . Dangerous. C.Interstng.请听第2段材料,回答第11、2小题。11. Wat oesthe girl want to?AA guide. B A teacher. C. ounter. How long havthe be inhe sool?Aor one er. .Fortwo yar C.r tre eas.请听第3段材料,回答第13至第15小题。13 What does ill wt to

5、 nvie May o d?A. Wah anoera. Watch amovie CWatc gae.14. re id Bil get he tiets?A Fo the anaer. B. Frm hs friend C. romissie.1.ich of thefollowini true?A. Bllr at ove eater.B.Mry isntsure she c go. The manageill g wththem.请听第4段材料,回答第至第8小题。16. hat does aes kelowachon T?A. Stoms. .Coeies. CTalk shows17

6、.WendosJam usuaywatch te?A. On Fida . On Sauday. C. O Sday18Wh d we knowabout Lucyand r famly?A. Se like watingtoons est.er arnts ofen go on bsnes. er ar ovr to TV sets her fmly请听第5段材料,回答第19至第22小题。19.When do mysfar gup?.At 5:3. B. At 6:30 . A7:30.20.What does e fd oheeats? Carot an tato . Baaasand c

7、aros. C.oae ad abbags.1. What doe he do n th ftnoon?A. Hclens the elepat hous.B He givesthe elehans bath.C. Hehels heeehas exercise22. ha can w leanm themonologu?. Amysfathes tie hs job no.B.As fath ha been zkeepefor yer.Amys father loosaftr two elephants inthezoo.C)请听下面一段独白,根据独白内容完毕下列句子,每个空格不超过3个单词

8、。将答案填写到答题卡旳对应位置。听独白前你将有50秒钟旳时间阅读句子内容。独白读两遍。(每题1分)23. The ant t pate cools agan.4ome udents e thebrgtclor ad .25 Man others sa tey ne .26 in the competiti will design e lre si wall7 The monitors tehonember i 二、单项填空(8分)请阅读下面各小题从题中所给旳A、C、D四个选项中选出可以填人空白处旳最佳选项.并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(每题1分). W mst get bck t work, we

9、 ont fih erythig.A. An B. but C. s D. or9.Slepis od thing, bu sme op leep .A easily bady C.quicly . wll3. -Dyou hany fo tit yt?-Nt ye. What bout hvn pcnic on te beach?A roblems B news Cas D. rues 3Ive jut retunedfom y trip to Lodon may ineresi plaes thre. isit . will visit C am visitg visite2-Iwant

10、t buy a shirt.Bu Ihave a lttle money.The shirs here aeall echeaA thyelow o i . Do ou ike i?A.cheap B. chepr C. thcheapest . expesie33.Wuld yulike o se amoie wit me Srda niht?Soy, I idnt i Co youpe say itgain?A.receive B. catc C. fn D. fnish34.Since w began ue the Ieet, ur ie a lot.A. cang B. hadchan

11、ed C.ill cange . avechanged35 A babys first monthbitdayis a pecievntin hia and wit a specalpry. is ceebratd is ceebrting C. wascerated . cebrae 三、完形填空(25分))请先阅读下面短文,掌拥其大意,然后从各小题所给旳A、B、D四个选项中选出可以填人对应空白处旳最佳选項,并在答題卡上将该项涂黑。(每题分)Ech o us shae this planet with sn blionothes And we allneed 36 . People a po

12、cs eed to move rm ity tocity andcounty to coutr Hoeve, e allknow 37 ot cas, motoyles, boa ad plnscauseair pollution. hey areso 38 . Thi is sious prbin mn cites. 39 inenors areg ih reaiveid to y t rece t pollution and nise.I ma ctis arn th ord, motocyclsarvery 40 Vietnam hsaroun 3 mill motorcycls and

13、 ia hs almst 120 mllion.Motoclsara fasteran ceer watgetaona ity tan4 .Yt i lluiois arng poem I argecitie,pol 2 i idifficul to brt.Tsolvese problems, U.opa designe nninmetally friendy motrcycle, It useelericity as fuel(燃料).As aresult, thr is43 pollionts aloqit d fast. This mkes 4 goohoie for geting a

14、ound a city.he Italian city f Vnice is a ity it on afew 45 . Thre ae o as i thciy cenr. 6 cars, watr axisand busscarr people aong the cits canl(运河). However, tey causepollution, 7 to theaerngsh egies Dick an Jem deig solrwrd(太阳能)wter taxi. The ter axi 8 rn foraayaftr bengrechared(充电).Pns o cau ai an

15、oise olutiesignin annironentally fiendlyirplneis a ral Somirlane cmpnsave 0 solve the rolem Swiss nies a e ne step furher. They velped sl airplane Thi pane holds the orldeo for he logstsla-poweed fght1,54 kilomter ro Azn to Tex in mric.36. air B food C.ransoration . comunicain37.A. how B. hy C.when

16、D. that. noi B. dity . fst D. exensi3.A. Since B So . Becaue D.Alhouh40.A pula B. vluble .daos D. saf41 A. bkes . subways C bue .car42.A. eplain B. comlaiC.dobt Dproms3. A. muc .sme C. n D.mor4 .them Byou C.u D.t45.A. ives B. ras . torsts D peol46. Insteof B. Thans o C.euse o D. A for47. . prbabl .

17、oly C. espeialy D. ardl. A. mut B can C. sould D.ned49.A qesion B.job .eciion D callng50. disagred . efuse . sared .reemerB)请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意。然后用方框中所给旳词旳合适形式填空,并将答案填写到答题卡旳对应位置。每个词限用一次。(每题1分)without protect goal harmful make warn quick nervous when dangerVI hn people hea th word sress, theyusull tiko We

18、n poehear th word tre,the ually thnk of metin ba. weve,tres can have several bneft(益处)rth body n ind. T begin wit, peoplemy el stred 5_ there s somethin mportant t do. For exple, sme stdents retrssdbfre big tet. The sress migh mk thm fl52 ,bt als mkthem oused his ype ofstres n hp eoplework eficietly

19、(高效地)to meetthir 53 .notwaystrssbeefits us is byei us ealth.cists ho stuytess leart alttle stesscan 54 theimuesytm(免疫系统)strogr. Whe yo boylearnto respnd(反应)to omesres,iab t 5 u eter fom llsThe finl wa tha tess benefis byhelpnguresond to 56 .Ify see a car cin arnd thcrner to ast, yo mightexpere stess

20、. This tress sendsa sae 57 yourbrain of dang, allowg your bodto respd 58 . You m o bablto jump ou of tecasw soo eough 59 the strf urse, oo mch stresi 6 o urboiand ins. B hrit amoutof stre mesus mre effin, healthe nd safer四、 阅读理解(40分)请阅读下面短文,根据短文内容从每题所给旳A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(每题2分)A61. Whn c

21、an w visit NationaRaiw Musum?A O wekday. . On Snays.C.Oaturda . Evy ay62 Were can w hop d ejoy a cup cofe?A. I Bletchley Park . O Yw reeFarmC. At Natioaailw Museum. D. bi ains i RM63.hich of he fowing is TRE?ABechey ark has th longest dalyopening husB canemail YewTre amo more iration. We an visit Na

22、tioal Railway Museum at nine thirty.D. Anadultcan buy a ticto Bethley rk nine o8“Clo,coor, colo!” ree wors oartist Er Carl. Ercs lke the kin i the wold of hilrens ooks He aswrinvr70chdrensooks.His mst famos bo, The Very Hngry Caepil, is commonn hildes ookhl aover t world. Wat most ople nnow i hat c

23、aso makes at or ault, which is caed “ArtArt”. Peoleddn know abut it, beaus h didntshowit to the pblic uti he as4 yes old!Lik Ercs childresoo, his “ArArt” s full brighan clearlr. e ys hathe love color o muhecausehe mssed i durin thear inGmn. Ercwas born N York in 1929, bu move o Gern wih hisail when

24、has6. When h ws 0, Wrd WarI ben He nticed tat allh houe and buing i stwn re paind gy, rown or drk r. I a a sad time,and it seemdlke thee was o clo anhre.At thend of th war,“wen colo cam bak”, Eri explais, “jutove itsmuc. Ikep saying that wish or eyesouldsee moe col. Coois avryrtnt p of m wokTts tue

25、Eric aints brghtcolor onaper, uts ot hapes,and ten l them onto anotr piof papr This methd cldcolge. nfact, i s what ledEric tohi “ArtArt”.Es “ArtAr” inclueag collagesaswel as aintins, potogaphs nd een cstmes. In llhswrks, he usllkind of colors -eveyti frmurple light geen tooag.Now thats alotof clor!

26、64 en d Ei show “Artrt” to the pblc?I 199. B. In 19. C.In 997 D. In 202.65y di Erifel sad durn Wld WarII?A Bcause he could ardsee bright olor.B. ecasehehad tojon the rmy to fiht.C Bause he culdnt drve goodpaintnD Because hve avery poor life itisparent.66.hich of hefolwingis RUE ccordig t thepasa?A.

27、ollage plays an imortntpar iEris bo “AtAr”B. Chirnow ltleaout TeVryugry Catrillar.C. ric hasreaed reboks for adus than o childrn. Eric mvdto ermany ithis faiwhen he s 10.67.htsthe min idea of this pae?A. Eri cretedclaes f hsooks.B. ics“Artrt” i poar wt peoeC. ri loefor clor d himto uces. Erc s the i

28、g i the word o hildrens boos.I eeslike tehnolog is erywher. Cmpuersnsmarthnes ae a th center oaost verhing we d. hey cosantly(持续地)rquire or tetinWetext ou friends it them dringth da,slepwi h by or be and check ourmesages assoonaswe wakeupIn th fuure, tecnlogy will oloner e interrupting us ll te time

29、. Instad,we wl usecalm tehnology which wa first eelopd by sientt ark Weisr in h 1970.Inhs opnio, clm tchnolo okqitl butcnsat Wenw itis tere, bte don py muh ttentin o Accodino rk,t bat tecnoogy sou b invisible(隐形旳)adlt you ive your i.W aldy usemydiffrent type o clm ecnlour veydalves Do o hav a smokea

30、a inyourhoe? That smoe rmislwysthere, heking the air for smoe andquietl keing yu safe.It only reinds yois tewheyouve burnt yo ra!he mabe lightsno hom orschoo When oebypases front of their (传感器), te ght trnon ou on thik about this type oeholyuntlyou seethe lihtgo o.Inhefur, e caniin ur ouses ius ca t

31、ehnogyto ope th curtaisfou inte mrning, to tur don he heat whe we eave, or eventhoose the est sicfor or oodTh nu welk throgh the or, ou house wl rspon by turnigon thlighs and mic, an erhas ven tarti topreareou diner!68. Whic f the follings an xaple of calmtechnolog?. oputer. B. A smar phneC A sm arm

32、 D.A raio.Wt des the underlined d “interupting man?A. Hring. rocting. C.Heln. roubl.70.Whatsthe min ide te thrd arah?ACalm technlog eep ssafe in a y.B.Calm tchoogy ca el youto do housework. alm tchnlogy hs been ednodailyives.D. Clmechnlog pays n mportan partnschoos.7Wha can weine from the ssge?.Te l

33、ightwnt gon unes we touh the ssor.B.Cl technlo will mke ure moeconvien.C. eole ill dependmoreon smrtphes in hfutu. People ot h to work cause f calm techogy.Bing a teenaercan bhllenging, but calso be xitng ou*r cming moreindeenent and aknesions for orslf. u a alo lernin totke riskand sove rblemsbeter

34、. Ad cnges aehapeninghrouout your ody, eveni you bainThechnges iyou bran are influencing hw you eelop int n adul. magiet structur(构造)of you braiil aig rod map. Lots of od ead to dfrt destinations(目旳地). Whn you ere ci asou lnt ew thins, yor bricreatedmre nd more rods t ifferntdestinains Byte tie oubome a tenaer, my iffent roslea t the most imprtat placesn themap w your brains job is t mk tht ap moreefficiet.s a result, yor expences as tenagec

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