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1、此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。软件工程师英语简历范文模板英语简历对于软件工程师外企求职者来说,是非常关键的一步,下面是小编为大家精心推荐的软件工程师英语简历范文模板,希望能够对您有所帮助。软件工程师英语简历范文模板*software package engineerResponsibilities and Achievements:T-systems*Script CenterPeriod: 9/2020;presentReceiving software packages from T-systems* Script Cen

2、ter.Repackage the applications followed the customers’ requesting.Add Customized settings in repackaged applications.Work environment: Wise Package Studio and VMware ESX.T-systems China Internal ITPeriod: 8/2020;presentLANDesk Management Suit 8.7 senior administrator

3、1599; OS deployment1. Design an image-originated OS deployment process.2. Integrated VNC into Win PE make easier for remote control and troubleshooting.3. Create a hardware independent image to fit all model laptop and desktop.4. This image integrated all standard applications and settings.5. All de

4、ployment process user unattended. Software distribution1. Push applications to clients remotely.2. All applications repackaged into MSI files.Asset inventoryInventory hardware and software asset via LANDesk. Software license monitoring1. Track product license.2. Deny restrict

5、ed software.Remote controlReportingGenerate a wide variety of specialized reports that provide critical information about the devices.T-Mobile Shenzhen Office IT ServiceDeploy clients OS by using T-systems Standard image remotely.Manage Shenzhen clients via LANDesk.Re

6、package Shenzhen software applications (EXE,MSI) to standard MSI and MST file.T-systems TaiCang medium enterprise Project Support Engineer.Deploy Windows OS (Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows Server 2020 and Windows Server 2020) based Microsoft free deployment platform MDT2020.Design im

7、age deploy via MDT2020 Resolve HAL issue while deploy windows imageModify MDT2020 deployment script to fit users’ reqirementInternal IT Encryption ProjectPeriod: 4/2020-11/2020Encrypt users’ data using professional software named Finally Secure Enterprise Edition.

8、Main Role: Project ManagerTechnical knowledge transfer and delivery to all onsite engineers. Training for Service Desk agents who involved in this project.Internal IT daily maintenancePeriod: 9/2020;presentIT room device maintenanceWrite Power Shell script to manage IT related work1.

9、 Transfer user’s account from administrators group to power users group remotely.2. Backup Server’s data periodicity.3. Retrieve users’ domain information.4. Remote add Printer.2020.7-2020.9 *volume supportResponsibilities and Achievements:Hardware technical support for * Proliant

10、Server, Blade Server, Storage Works and Tape Libraries.Implement Remote Deployment Pack for Blade Server OS deployment.Provide on-site troubleshoot service where necessary .Case log system support and maintenance.Temporary field support for other projects .软件工程师中文简历范文模板(一)(男,

11、21岁)求 职 位:软件测试期望薪资:面议目前职位:未填写学 历:大专工作经验:无经验现居住地:武汉洪山区光谷联系电话:电子邮箱:自我评价性格开朗,待人真诚,善于沟通、有很强的团队协作精神,在工作中能更好的适应大家,融入到集体的环境;有较强的学习能力,能不断进步自身的能力与综合素质。专业技能方面精通测试用例的编写,bug追踪,精通bug report的编写。熟悉各种测试软件的使用, 如:QTP(自动化测试工具)LoadRunner(性能测试工具);熟悉软件的测试流程和测试环境的搭建,熟悉软件的生命周期以及黑盒测试技术的基本概念;能熟练使用JAVA,C+等编程软件,熟悉数据库SQL server

12、2020,SQL基本语句的使用(Select,insert,delete,update);郝鹏飞教育经历2020-9 至 2020-6江汉大学计算机软件专业郝鹏飞语言能力英语:一般软件工程师中文简历范文模板(二)(男,22岁)求 职 位:java软件工程师期望薪资:1000-2020元/月目前职位:程序员学 历:大专工作经验:无经验现居住地:长沙雨花区香樟路联系电话:电子邮箱:自我评价本人性格开朗、稳重、有活力,待人热情、真诚、大方对生活充满了热情,积极向上。工作认真负责,积极主动,能吃苦耐劳较强的适应能力和自学能力,较强的管理、组织能力。思维敏捷,较强的动手实践能力和团体协作精神。专业技能:

13、熟练掌握了java软件开发的相关知识,java面向对象编程(封装、继承、多态)及多线程技术,J2EE架构技术,熟悉MVC模式开发,熟悉J2EE规范中的JSP语法,Servlet、Filter、Listener的实现,JDBC编程,数据库的运用,熟练运用javaIDE工具(eclipse,MyEclipse)开发项目,熟练配置Tomcat服务器部署Web项目工作经验长沙上游网络科技有限公司2020-11 至 2020-1任职程序员薪资保密工作职责:在这期间,主要进行后台的开发。此期间,在技术方面熟悉了企业开发应用的基本要求和和流程,所学的知识得到了实践。也懂得了在工作中作为一名员工的职责和在公司中应遵守的规章制度。在这短短的一个月中我的收获很大,我相信:只要肯学,肯努力就没有完成不了的事。教育经历2020-9 至 2020-6长沙民政职业技术学院计算机应用专业JAVA软件开发方向专业戴凤军语言能力英语:熟悉戴凤军专业证书JAVA高级软件工程师 2020年6月由教育部考试中心颁发


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