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1、2023年临沂市初中学业水平考试试题英 语注意事项:1. 本试卷分第I卷(选择题) 和第卷 (非选择题)两部分,共1页。满分10分,考试时间10分钟。答卷前,考生务必用5毫米黑色签字笔将自己旳姓名、准考证号、座号填写在试卷和答题卡规定旳位置。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。2.答题注意事项见答题卡,答在本试卷上不得分。第卷(选择题 共55分)一、听力测试(共5小题,计5分)注意: 听力测试分四部分,共0小题。做题时,请先将答案画在试卷上,录音内容结束后,将所选答案转涂到答题卡上。(一) (03山东临沂) 听句子,选择与句子内容相对应旳图片。每个句子读两遍。._._ ._._5._(二)(

2、203山东临沂)听对话和问题, 根据所听内容,选择最佳答案。对话和问题都读两遍。6. . Hardlv. B. ne a monh C. Twce a moth.BeausehhaahedB.Becauesh lokdater r sstr.C.Becau he stayed pt watafi. . Helikes msiians who pl differentkindsofusc.B e like msicians who wrie their ownsgs.C elikmusicans h pyquit and lo ongs9. A . Its on the op oftheidg.

3、B.ts on the tabl by he doo.C. ts in Ssn s scholbag.10. AShiswalkng acrss the fields.B.She is swimmin in thool.hisplaying ennis h her rind.(三) (2023山东临沂)听短文, 根据短文内容,判断下列句子正误, 对旳旳用“A”体现,不对旳旳用“B”体现。短文读两遍。听短文前, 你们有20秒钟旳时间阅读下列句子。11. In thforst, one redoo (红杉) t ws 7eters talan10 years od.1. We Jlia ied i

4、nth tree-hue, e fycodod ohe evryday3 Jula use r obephoe to tak to nes reorers hen she wa in thete.14. Inthe enJuli fai an redwood tre wasct down.15Finally, Jula stayed i the tefoeigt ys.请考生们翻到第7页,先找到第四大题。你们将有秒钟旳准备时间。二、单项填空(共15小题,计5分)选择最佳答案。(223山东临沂)6 The bd pianoalws amusilover to py _ pianowhe isly

5、g i ed.A. a B. n C. / D. th1. D(202山东临沂)17 Ddyourea ur fvort bs _ Apri 23?I s Wor Book Dy.A or B. aC on D.n17. C (202山东临沂)1e cldnt anythig becse_of he sopser pen.A. l B. bothC. nthing D.on18 C (2023山东临沂)19 Cou ouleae spek a ttle lu? I _har youvery well.A.can B msntshudnt . eet19. (223山东临沂) 20. Jane_

6、 o call melastnight, but sh dA. supposed . supposeCwssuosed D. i suose2. C (2023山东临沂)21hey _ aot acmedthistimeestery.A. were talking B. retan.have talkd . wil ta2. (223山东临沂)2. O allth lue hoes in t orl, Sansha Yonl u Hole in te Suh haSea s now _. Its 300.8meerseA eeper . vey depC. as dee a the deest

7、22. D (023山东临沂)23. Ididnt seyou _ n. ou must have been veryqiet. comes tocomeC.com D have come23. C (202山东临沂)24.hyou e in ourschool inng hall durinlunchtim, y my fel lonly _ yo canind somone ha unch t. if BunlsC. fer D. bause24.B(2山东临沂)25. Te news eportsthat thre _ a sorm the day aftertomorowA is wa

8、sC. illbe D. hs b25. C (2023山东临沂) A primr sol i Enan as _ sigt tsthree enrne (入口), sayng: Gretyou childwit asmile, no a mieA. pu n B.p ofC.put on D. ut up2.D (202山东临沂) 27. rapens k tris _ hahappy endis. tey . hC.whic . /7C (223山东临沂)8.Most Brtish peple dink tea eer day _ t refer blackteahesul dd lk o

9、 sug to her teaA. so B. oC u D. a8 C (023山东临沂)9 _ ppr estval Halowe isin Nrt Amei!A.Wt B. Wh aC. How D. How 9. B (20山东临沂)0 Euse e,cod o peaseel me _from hr t t rot?Sure, Its ot10 kilometes.A.how ar it s B.hln taksC o faris it D how ong es t tak30.A三、阅读理解(共5小题,计5分)A (02山东临沂)eopleaaynow a lotabo nia.

10、However,hre r stil some higs abuamalsthat may urprseyou. er are ome facts autanmas yu probably didn no.o do have best frends ndfeelssed whenthey aresparte. Sientistsave undat cos are vry sial anmals an acow alwys make es wt other cs. When cow is w it riens, eel reaxed, ompare wth whe it alne.uringre

11、edig season, amale egu(企鹅)wiloffer a sall n to aemalpngi s aiIfshe tes it,t will becoe prs. Whente fmle pengu ls an egg,sh and herarte may arr it on their fet, because soe pnuisdot bud nests (鸟巢)Ccoiles(鳄鱼) swallo(吞)stone. Crocodiles alwasswalow thei fod isted of eting it likoth aimals. hey swllow n

12、es iheak hefood inovery sal piecs inther oachsTese stones may stai teir tmachall the lves.epan e plans o teat pai o other ilness. cientits onc foun a pgnant (怀孕旳)elphant i Afria o a a kind of planthi as ot part her norma fodFur dys lter, he gavirth o a bby eephant.he same plantwas sd the local pregn

13、t women.根据短文内容,判断下列句子正误。对旳旳用“A”体现,不对旳旳用“B”体现。1. Aow hatsmaing rns wit oher cows.2.All th maepuns wll bd netsif the emalnguislyeg33 Crocoiles swalow stons to elp wih desi (消化).34. Elphats etplat onlywheney arery.35. Th psage inl ells ussoe surrising acts about anials. B . B 33. A34. B 35 B(2023山东临沂)a

14、twa iscovered by acidn? Th anwer ipenicillin(青霉素).Itilsgersykln gems, it ves ive. Supse uar sick. You to dtor he exaines y. Sh sas yoae “sta” nfction(葡萄球菌感染).She givesou ome ine. Yu ak it. Te medicine knocs out thstap. oon you rewel. Bfore peciln,thi wuld nt appen. Stap alms eeah.veyoe ted a dicine.

15、 aboatores wrkd ayan nih. Thy rw te stph in small dishs. Thn they tried ilit Nothng wred.Th labrator dise ha coers onthem. They kt things fo falling ino dises.old (霉菌) wer a bi wory he are alaysinhe ai. You an the.Theyret mal. There arthosnds of dieenold. Mlds c ke a eprment(试验) fi.ThthydisheacvredA

16、exad Fling was wrng o ll thetaph germ. He worked fr ear. On ay he to cveoff adise loked insd. There was athic growth of staph emee was alsosomld. Thn hsaw somethinsrne. Wher he od wa,there s no owth ftaph. This i wht eming robabl thught. “By accdent, I fond moldto kil thedeadd staph.”This s hw penic

17、illin ws fud. But eeste real irale(奇迹). Thre e thousands of inds of ds. But onlyon kind cankilstapThe mold ust have fleninto t dish a few y before Th cover ws obly offoy w seon (秒). In thosefewseco the rht modfll nto the rightdih. Another ma mghthavethn t dsh awa. BtFlming wa vycaeful and smt. Heund

18、rsto whathe old did. Ho luyhehuns wre!根据短文内容,选择最佳答案6. uring th exprimensto fin amedice r staphinfectons, _.A t dishes ere not ceredB.sap and mod wre puttoetheC. mo kt n smal isesD. sph wa rown imal dishs37.Th ord “ aded” means “_”.A famous B. cayC. heal . nangere38. e last paarap sggests ha_.A. acde

19、s ape oeeroeB. the reueso doesnot have ccidtste caress persn wl isvaluae chan. luck s ouwhn dog scetii exerimens39.Moso thi ass s writtnby _.A ing a nuual story B ho t reultsof exprimentsC. ferngsome eso D iving m vce4. Thi assages maily about _.A. medicine for a staph infctin B. useuaccdntsCDren re

20、searh D. disovering peili36.D 7. 38. C . B40. C根据短文内容,从方框中选出恰当旳单词或短语填空,使语意通顺完整。第一种方框供415小题选用,第二个方框供4650小题选用。每个选项只能使用一次,每框有一项剩余。.since .speakrs C. our D.until E. inclde F expresse(203山东临沂)He ws a pet (诗人)knwn frthe nostalgia (怀旧)h desres in s poems. ow, I time or us to epes 1 nostalga forthisgeat wri

21、te.On Decembe 14, 223 the faousChineseet YuGungzhog passed a in Taiwan H was bon in 1928inNanjing, iangsu. Yuand hs family oed Taan in he 190s.Helve n orkedere 42 is ath.Nostlias Yus faou peminwhich he 43 isoesickess (乡愁) or teiese ainandwhnhe s in awan. Th pom cameout n1971, ainsihlyppur among Chne

22、se 44 woldwide. Even those wo knttlabout lieture enlines frm te pom. epm is 45 inese high scoo textb.A tanslated B. wrtig C.stc to . aieement E gv u F sucessful(2023山东临沂)Bsidshi 6 i poes, u was also 47 anslto (翻译家), essaywrter and crit.He nce 48 Englis pe Sigrid Sassoons poem ne,Ps, Preent,Fre eet i

23、nto Chines.I irgareda a perfec n pwrfu translton, n whih hems famus les“心有猛虎, 细嗅蔷薇” or “In e the igr sniffs t rose”Yusent his whle lie 49 . I 2023 inerview withPeple Day, he ai, “The rason wh 5 ritig till day is y asi (热爱) for theChneselanguage.”Heenaddedhathis lo forhsmothe ad hismotherad made tis

24、passion strngr.文章出处:答案:41._42._43._44._._ 46._47_48._49._50_41.C42 D 43 F 4.B 45. 46 D4. F48. 49.B 50 C D(202山东临沂) Shnghai s n o the ist citie inChna to se bikeshrngfver. redbies can o be found over th y. 51 n streetsse riders o yr ag om mighteven bnger thnyouUlciy, therave been some acidents invlvi

25、ng(波及) sha bies. 52 ne of the ostseiu accients took lc n March One Sny atenon, bo as ridi n of bike(共享单车).He was it y a s an atdiedThe boys parents er not by his sid. 53 He w onl ut 1 yea old.h gonews is tat hanghi h n ryg tmaagebiesaringbmaing us.Th r ar sil ei disused, ut smf the rues havben decde

26、don. sers mst be eteen1.45 and 1.95meer llHowvr, it ul be had toae tee ruls wor. Ou Jing sofos mange in Shagi e ai th cpany annd(严禁) children under2fr usig itservice et, youg chldrencastl bseenrdig of bike. hs becase many ofo biks us maal (手动旳)loc. 55 Ofo hs develped ectroncok.Howeve, t wll take sme

27、 tier thecmpany to fix he ne locks on all of itsbke.Motoyu reod nugh o ridea shared ike.tll,please ride slowlyf yur ownafet When you fish ing thebike,forget o par a okt roperlyor vebodys safety.根据短文内容, 从方框中选出五个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容通顺完整。A. f a use doesntlok hebike ropery aftesi it, anone can ridi away.In a

28、c, teyare popular not nly aults bt alsomog tens.C Al otheldren under 2 hae stopp ridng o ikes.D. Bsides, the boyas nsidd too oung to ridebke.E. Frxape, only peole aed between12 and 0 an rd sared isF. hes accdents warn u that sharedbikes are ntfr verod.答案:5._5._3._5._5_51. 52. F 53. D 54. C 55.A 第卷(非

29、选择题 共45分)四、(2023山东临沂)听写(共5小题, 计5分)听对话, 根据对话内容完毕下列句子, 每空词数不限。对话读三遍。听对话前,你们2秒钟旳时间阅读下列句子。56. Whenwl Mak t Qnghi?He wil gohri _57. Whatdoes Lucy hinkof Mrks ?She thinksi s _58 How isthe eathenghai a nght?It_.59.ow on il Mark sty in Qnhai?Hillst he for_.60.What wil Mark do hn he rrie?He wil_ to Lucy五、词形转

30、换 (共8小题,计8分)用括号内所给单词旳合适形式填空, 每空格限填一词。(202山东临沂) 61.Chilre wllbeidanger in awimmng poo ftheir paeto tkod cr f_. (te)61thmseles(203山东临沂) 6 Ciese scintts avesuccessully cloned (克隆)two _.Thy are ame ZhongZhongand a a.(monkey)62. mokeys(2023山东临沂).Th oceanr_ pllut bylstiaste (ev)63.havl (22山东临沂) 64.AnAmcan

31、 ftherade pretty deses or his dauhter t f h _ old sirts(if)6. wifes (223山东临沂)65. vey yer, aout 5 in pope debecaeoi_.(polute)65 pollution(023山东临沂) 66. Jimy coud notslep at irs. H naly fell _ whn the raistorm topd mnigh. (sle)66.leep (223山东临沂) 6. Ii very _ meo hav converations wi rieds i Eih evey day.

32、 My speakingskills ae certainl mrved (help)67.elpf(22山东临沂)8 We ould proectteendageredwidanimals,ortey wil _ in the near fuure (apper)68.dispa六、动词应用(共7小题,计分)根据短文内容, 用括号内所给动词旳合适形式填空,必要时可加助动词或情态动词。(203山东临沂)CambellRemes is a tenagr fm Austala. Hehas ben swing(缝制) dy bearor ickhlr r veralerhe sor 69 (bei

33、n) i223 whnCabell a nie yarsol Hetold his pntshath wted giv Chitms gis ochildrnin hosptas. ut is parnssano,bcus ith ie hilden of hr on, bui peent fo sik chiren would juscoo muh The ltle boy didt giveu, owever. decided 70 (ake) thirprsets by hiseCapbel ma hi firt tddy brth smoher sewingmahine n his b

34、edoo.It srd f him ae had neer de his beore. He dnload(下载) atens fom he Iternet ndleard how o ake a teddy bea by 1 (watch)deos nline. It tok hfve or fiish fit tdy be. H no make addy bear in anhu. He s lso startda roject clled “Project 3y Campbell” in whiche 72 (ty) t make a teddy bar eery dy.Yong Campbel uses his poket money to y mateals for akingte ears To ke rpocktmoney,

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