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1、2023 年第 39 卷第 2 期石油化工安全环保技术PETROCHEMICAL SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION TECHNOLOGY22受到燃烧特性和反应特性的限制,有些可燃气体不能排入火炬处理,而是通过排气筒、放空管直接向大气排放,所以石油化工企业设计防火标准(GB 501602008(2018 年版)1 5.5.11 条对这种情况下可燃气体的排放高度等方面做出了规定。根据Pressure-relieving and Depressuring Systems(API Std 5212020)2,当排放速度较大时,排放口处射流的动量较大,湍流混合导致的

2、空气夹带效果明显,排放的可燃气体很快被稀释,可燃气体的爆炸极限范围很难低于排放口的高度。当排放速度较低时,排放口处射流的动量明显降低,湍流混合导致的空气夹带效果明显减弱,可燃气体的爆炸极限范围可能会低于排放口,甚至落到平台或者地面上。另外,GB 50160 5.5.11 条考虑了排放气体的可燃性,如果紧急工况下排放气体的毒性也是需要考虑的问题,在确定排放高度时还需要考虑毒性的影响。鉴于以上情况,结合具体案例,介绍如何根据气体扩散计算结果确定安全的排放高度。扩散计算分别采用后果计算软件 PHAST 和计算流体力学计算软件 FLACS,并对两个软件的计算结果进行分析。1 扩散计算方法本文的扩散计算

3、分别采用 DNV 的后果计算收稿日期:2022-10-09作者简介:唐平,男,2012 年毕业于南京工业大学安全技术及工程专业,博士,主要从事研发工作,高级工程师。电话:010-84878408,E-mail:紧急工况直接向大气排放时排放高度的探讨唐平(中国石化工程建设有限公司,北京 100101)摘要:紧急工况直接向大气排放时排放高度应避免排出的气体导致次生危险。通过后果计算软件 PHAST 和计算流体力学计算软件 FLACS 的气体扩散计算结果,结合案例,探讨排放高度的确定方法。结果表明:PHAST 和 FLACS 的计算结果接近,但是由于计算方法不同,FLACS 的求解计算时间比 PHA

4、ST 长,而 PHAST 不能考虑逆风的影响;应根据气体扩散计算的结果,分析排放高度的安全性,如果排放高度会导致次生危险,可通过取消排放等本质安全措施、稀释排放浓度、或者提高排放高度等措施避免次生危险。关键词:紧急工况直接向大气排放排放高度低排放速度气体扩散计算软件 PHAST 和 GEXCON 的计算流体力学计算软件 FLACS。PHAST 采 用 DNV 开 发 的 统 一 扩 散 模 型(Unified Dispersion Model,UDM)计算气体的扩散3。FLACS 通过计算流体力学技术对质量守恒方程、动量守恒方程和能量守恒方程进行求解来模拟气体的扩散。扩散计算需要考虑的影响因素

5、包括:1)排放气体的速度和温度;2)气象条件,包括风速、大气稳定度、环境温度、环境相对湿度等;3)排放口附近的环境,比如地形、高处平台、明火等点火源、进风口的分布等;4)排放高度。2 计算案例和结果2.1 计算案例由于受气体 A 燃烧性质和现场情况等因素的影响,1 个微正压容器考虑直接排向大气的方 唐平.紧急工况直接向大气排放时排放高度的探讨 232023 年第 39 卷第 2 期式。容器设置有氮封,经排放口排放的气体组成是 5.5mole%的气体 A 和 94.5mole%氮气,排放方向是竖直向上(也就是冲向天空排放),排放口直径 50 mm,排放速度是 3 m/s,排放温度25,风速 2.

6、8 m/s,大气稳定度是 D。排放口周围比较空旷,没有平台、点火源、进风口。初步制定的排放高度是 10 m,因此需要确定 10 m的排放高度是否安全。由于气体 A 具有可燃性,也具有毒性,所以分别通过 PHAST 和 FLACS 计算 10 m 排放高度是否是安全的。具体分析时,作为判断是否安全的依据是反映 A 的燃烧性质和毒性的浓度指标,如下:1)气体 A 的爆炸下限。通过计算爆炸下限的影响范围,估计可燃气体的影响范围,根据影响范围确认气体 A 是否会覆盖到点火源、地面或平台、进风口等,如果不会,可以认为是安全的,如果会,则认为是不安全的,那就需要调整排放高度或采取其它安全措施。2)气体 A

7、 的 IDLH 和 ERPG-3。由于排放属于短时排放,所以考虑气体 A 的急性毒性影 响2。IDLH 用于分析气体 A 对企业内部的毒性影响,ERPG-3 用于分析气体 A 对企业外部的毒性影响。IDLH 是指在工作地点,环境中空气污染物浓度达到某种危险水平,如可致命或永久损害健康,或使人立即丧失逃生能力。ERPG-3 是指人员暴露于有毒气体环境中约 1 h,不会对生命造成威胁的最大容许浓度。根据扩散计算得到IDLH 和 ERPG-3 的影响范围,并确定影响范围是否会影响到地面、高处平台、进风口等,如果不会,则认为是安全的。如果会,则认为地面、高处平台、室内作业人员有可能会接触到排放的气体,

8、并导致中毒,那么需要调整排放高度或采取其它安全措施。2.2 计算结果2.2.1 计算案例的结果分析1)爆炸下限的影响范围经过计算,浓度超过爆炸下限的气云范围很小,仅出现在排放口附近很有限的范围内,所以气体可燃性的影响小于其毒性的影响。2)IDLH 和 ERPG-3 的影响范围图 1 PHAST 和 FLACS 计算的 IDLH 的影响范围图 2 PHAST 和 FLACS 计算的 ERPG-3 的影响范围从图 1 和图 2 的计算结果可以看出:PHAST和FLACS计算出的IDLH和ERPG-3都不会落地,水平方向的影响范围内没有平台、进风口,影响范围在企业内部,所以 10 m 的排放高度是安

9、 全的。从案例分析的结果看,PHAST 和 FLACS 的计算结果是接近的,没有出现很大的偏差。从图中可以看出,气体从排放口竖直向上排出后,在风的作用下发生了弯曲,但是由于采用的计算方法的不同,两个软件计算出的 IDLH 和 ERPG-3的气云形状会不同。另外,同样是由于计算方法的不同,FLACS 的计算时间会明显长于 PHAST。石油化工安全环保技术242023 年第 39 卷第 2 期2.2.2 水平排放计算案例考虑的排放方向是竖直向上,本文也研究了水平方向排放的情况,计算结果见图 3。图 3 是排放方向和风向相同的情况,也就是顺风扩散。可以看出 PHAST 和 FLACS 的计算结果接近

10、,此时,由于排放方向和风向相同,气云没有像竖直向上排放时那样发生弯曲。图 3 PHAST 和 FLACS 计算的 IDLH 的影响范围,排放方向和风向相同但是,实际的排放方向不一定总是和风向相同,存在排放方向和风向相反,也就是逆风排放的情况。此时,由于计算方法的限制,PHAST 不能计算这种情况,但是可以采用 FLACS 计算(计算结果见图 4)。图 4 FLACS 计算的 IDLH 的影响范围,逆风排放和扩散2.3 计算结果分析2.2 的分析结果认为,竖直向上排放时,10 m排放高度是安全的,不会引起次生危险。但是,如果排放气体会导致次生危险,需要采取措施,可以采取的措施包括:1)是否可以采

11、取调整工艺流程、提高设备承受能力等措施取消排放;确实无法取消时,可以采取以下两种措施,并更新扩散计算,获得安全的排放高度:2)降低排放气体的浓度;3)提高排放高度。3 结 语对于紧急工况下排放的气体,如果采用直接向大气排放的方式,应确保排放高度是安全的,避免因为排放的气体引发次生危险。介绍了如何根据计算软件的气体扩散计算结果确定排放高度,得到以下结论:1)后果计算软件 PHAST 和计算流体力学计算软件 FLACS 的计算结果接近,由于计算方法的不同,FLACS 的求解计算时间比 PHSAT 长。2)对于水平方向的排放,由于计算方法的限制,PHAST 不能考虑逆风排放,此时可以采用 FLACS

12、。3)如果需要考虑紧急工况下排放物质的毒性影响,要根据 IDLH 和 ERPG-3 的影响范围确定排放高度。4)当排放的气体会导致次生危险时,可以通过调整工艺流程、提高设备承受能力等措施取消排放,当确实无法取消时,可以通过降低排放气体 的浓度或者提高排放高度来获得安全的排放高度。参考文献:1 中国石油化工集团有限公司.石油化工企业设计防火标准:GB 501602008(2018 年版)S.北京:中国计划出版社:2018.2 American Petroleum Institute.Pressure-re-lieving and Depressuring Systems:API 5212020S

13、.2020.3 H.W.M.Witlox and A.Holt.A unified model for jet,heavy and passive dispersion including droplet rainout and re-evaporation:Internation-al conference and workshop on modeling the consequences of accidental releases of hazard-ous materialsC.1999:315-344.production risk and accident characterist

14、ics of petro-chemical enterprises.It put forward risk-based process safety management measures with a focus on hazard identification and risk assessment,license management,contractor access,construction personnel qualification,education and training,machine tool inspection and confirmation,construct

15、ion process supervision and in-spection,and other management measures before con-struction operations during production and construction.Such management measures are taken to ensure that the risks of direct operations are under control.Key words:process safety management/PSM;direct operation link;ha

16、zard identification;risk managementON EMISSION HEIGHT OF DIRECT EMIS-SION TO THE ATMOSPHERE UNDER EMERGENCY CONDITIONS22Tang Ping.(SINOPEC Engineering Incorporation,Bei-jing,100101)Abstract:When emitting directly to the atmosphere under emergency conditions,the emission height needs to be set to avo

17、id secondary hazards caused by the exhausted gases.Gas dispersion calculation re-sults produced by consequence calculation software PHAST and Computational Fluid Dynamics soft-ware FLACS were used in this paper to determine the emission height based on engineering cases.The results show that the cal

18、culation results from PHAST and FLACS are close to each other,but due to the different calculation methods,the calculation time of FLACS is longer than that of PHAST and the influ-ence of headwind cannot be taken into account when calculating with PHAST;the safety of emission height should be analyz

19、ed according to the results of gas dispersion calculation;and if the emission height will lead to secondary hazards,the hazards can be avoided by taking intrinsic safety measures such as eliminating the emission,or other measures includ-ing diluting the emission concentration or increasing the emiss

20、ion height and so forth.Key words:emergency conditions;direct emission to the atmosphere;emission height;low discharge rate;gas dispersion calculationON PROCESS DESIGN OF ZERO-DIS-CHARGE SALT SEPARATION FOR WASTE-WATER TREATMENT PLANT IN COAL CHEMICAL INDUSTRY25Li Yang.(SINOPEC Engineering Incorpora

21、tion,Beijing,100101)Abstract:In recent years,the EIA(Environment Im-pact Assessment)of coal chemical projects has shown the trend of zero-discharge wastewater salt separation,but the corresponding wastewater treatment design standards have not yet covered the zero-discharge wastewater salt separatio

22、n process.Based on the design experience of the zero-discharge salt separation project of Zhongan coal chemical for nearly three years,this paper analyzed and discussed the overall process de-sign of wastewater plant,salt separation process route,process design selection of core process section and

23、equipment selection starting from the source of coal gasification plant according to the composition and characteristics of gasification wastewater.This provides reference for the design of similar projects and the for-mulation of relevant standards and specifications.Key words:zero-discharge salt s

24、eparation;gasification wastewater;wastewater temporary storage;Nano mem-brane;evaporating crystallizerON SAFETY DESIGN AND STANDARDS OF OIL-HYDROGEN REFUELING STATION BASED ON CHAIN-CUTTING THEORY29Li Shaopeng.(SINOPEC Engineering Incorporation,Beijing,100101)Abstract:The oil-hydrogen refueling stat

25、ion is an ideal transition plan for the development of hydrogen refueling infrastructure,but the design and construction standards for it are still very scarce.To promote the construction of oil-hydrogen refueling stations,SINO-PEC has released enterprise standard Safety Technical Specifications for

26、 Hydrogen and Oil-Hydrogen Refuel-ing Stations(Q/SH 0829-2021).Based on the prepara-tion process of this standard,an accident chain model for oil-hydrogen refueling stations was constructed.Combining with the chain-cutting theory and numerical simulation,this paper analyzed and illustrated the back-

27、ground and reasons for several provisions in the above standard.This standard serves as the important basis for SINOPEC to develop oil-hydrogen refueling stations,and it provides guidance for engineering design and production operation of oil-hydrogen refueling stations.The publication and implement

28、ation of this standard is of great value in promotion and demonstration.Key words:oil-hydrogen refueling station;enterprise stan-dard;chain-cutting theory;numerical simulation;safety designINVESTIGATION AND REVELATION OF A DROPPED OBJECT INCIDENT34Gan Shunan,E Zhenqian,Sun Zengsheng.(CNPC Greatwall

29、Drilling Company,Beijing,100101)Abstract:The dropped object incident mostly happens on the drilling floor,which often leads to the casual-ties of drilling floor operators.Therefore,the risk of dropped objects needs to be considered in the design,manufacture and use of the equipment on the drilling f

30、loor.In this paper,an investigation was conducted on a dropped object incident on the drilling floor,and the defects in the design,manufacture and use of the equip-ment were found.It is pointed out that improving risk awareness and accurate risk identification are two im-portant bases for reducing a

31、ccidents.A well-developed dropped object management system should cover the whole life cycle of equipment design,manufacture and use so as to avoid dropped object accidents.Key words:dropped objects;DROPS(Dropped Ob-jects Prevention Scheme);risk identificationON CONTROL AND PREVENTIVE MEA-SURES OF SCAFFOLDING ACCIDENTS IN PETROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY37Li Yazhou.(SINOPEC Luoyang Company,Luoyang,Henan,471000)Abstract:In recent years,accidents have occurred fre-ABSTRACTSPETROCHEMICAL SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION TECHNOLOGYBimonthly.20 Apr.2023 Vol.39 No.2

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