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6、料仅供参考,不能作为科学依据。谢谢。本资料仅供参考,不能作为科学依据。本资料仅供参考,不能作为科学依据。谢谢。本资料仅供参考,不能作为科学依据。,Language Points,1.stop at,v prep,(,line,1,para.1,),to be a guest at a,hotel or a home,你要,住在,哪家旅馆?,Which hotel are you,stopping at,?,长途飞机必须在伦敦机场,停留,加油。,The long-distance plane has to,stop at,London Airport,to fuel up.,1/80,1,Lan

7、guage Points,2),stop at nothing(to do sth),:,to,be,ready,to,do,anything to achieve sth that you want to achieve,他们将,不择伎俩,地来到达他们目标。,They will,stop at nothing to,achieve their aims.,2/80,2,Language Points,3),stop short of(doing)sth,:,to decide that you are,not willing to do sth wrong or dangerous,thou

8、gh,you will do s,t,h similar that is less dangerous,我有时候可能不说真话,但实际上我,不至于到,说谎地步。,I may withhold the truth at times,but I,stop short,of,actually telling lies.,3/80,3,Language Points,2.face,vt,&,vi,(,line,3,para.1,),to be opposite,someone,or,sth,or,to,be looking,or pointing in a,particular directio,n,他

9、们房子隔街,相对,。,Their houses,face each other,across the street.,这家餐厅,朝,东。,The dining room,faces,east.,4/80,4,Language Points,2),face up to sth,:,to accept that a difficult situation,or,problem,exists,even,though,you,would prefer to,ignore it,3),to,sbs,face,:to,say it openly in their presence,她对手,当着她面,说她是

10、撒谎精。,Her opponent called her a liar,to her face,.,5/80,5,Language Points,4),blow up in,ones,face,:,it goes wrong unexpectedly,with the result that you suffer,你莫非看不出这事会,砸锅,?,Cant you see this could,blow up in your face,?,6/80,6,Language Points,3.,monument,n,(,line,3,para.1,),1)a building,statue,or ot

11、her large structure that is built to remind people,of an important event or famous person;memorial,树立了,一块纪念碑,纪念那位伟大科学家.,A monument,was erected to the memory of that great,scientist.,2)be a monument to somebody/sth:to show clearly,the result of someones qualities,beliefs,or actions,7/80,7,Language Po

12、ints,他在国际上成就为其信念,作出,了最好,注解,。,By his international achievements he leaves,a,fitting,monument to his beliefs.,Monument to the Peoples Heroes,8/80,8,Language Points,4.,palm,n,(line,3,para.1),a tropical tree which,grows near beaches or in deserts,with a long straight,trunk and large pointed leaves at th

13、e top,9/80,9,Language Points,5.,easel,n,(,line,5,para.1,),a wooden frame that,you put a painting on while you paint it,10/80,10,Language Points,6.,a long way off,/,away/ahead,etc,(,line,6,para.1,),far away in distance or in time,在远景里这些财富是,可望而不可及,。,These fortunes in perspective look such,a long way,o

14、ff.,11/80,11,7,.glisten,v,i,(,line 7,para.1),(of sth wet),to shine,她眼里,闪着晶莹泪光,。,Her eyes were,glistening with,tears.,雨后道路在昏暗灯光下,闪着亮光,。,The road,glistened,after the rain in the dim light.,Language Points,12/80,12,Language Points,Synonyms:,gleam,glint,glisten,glitter,glow,They,all,mean to shine,but ar

15、e used in slightly,different ways.,gleam,vi,used especially of smooth clean surfaces that shine,;a particular feeling,她把车擦得,铮亮,。,She polished the car until it,gleamed,.,她朝我看时眼中流露出某种,神情,。,There was,a gleam,in her eye when she looked at me.,White gleam,13/80,13,Language Points,glint,vi,to shine bright

16、ly with a small flash of light.,It is,used,especially of shiny metals,;to express a,particular emotion,她首饰在阳光下,闪闪发亮,。,Her jewellery,glinted,in the sun.,她眼里,流露出,激动,神情,。,Her eyes,glinted,wildly,.,14/80,14,Language Points,glitter,vi,to shine brightly with many small,flashes,of light,;,to,express a part

17、icular emotion,such as,excitement or interest,海湾在阳光下,闪闪发光,。,The bay,glittered,in the sunshine.,他眼里,流露出,一丝担心和愉悦。,His eyes,glittered with,a tense amusement.,15/80,15,Language Points,gl,ow,vi,&,n,to shine with a warm soft steady ligh,;,often used of things,that,give off,heat,;a strong,feeling of pleasu

18、re because of sth that you have done,or that has happened.,煤还在壁炉里,泛着光,。,The coal in the fireplace was still,glowing,.,他为玛丽取得成绩,深感自豪,。,He felt,a glow of pride,in what Mary had accompli-,shed.,16/80,16,Language Points,glisten,vi,(,of wet or oily surfaces,)to,shine,达西脸色苍白,汗珠,晶莹,。,Darcys face was white

19、and,glistening,with sweat.,他凹陷眼睛,闪现出,喜悦光芒。,His sunken eyes,glistened,with delight.,17/80,17,8,.drip,v,i&vt,(,line,7&last line of,para.1,),1)(of liquid)to fall in small drops,e.g.,她太热了,汗水,滴入,她双眼。,She was so hot that sweat,dripped into,her eyes.,2)to produce drops of liquid,e.g.,水龙头在,滴水,。,The tap was,

20、dripping,.,Language Points,18/80,18,Language Points,to d,rip blood/water/sweat etc,约翰进来了胳膊上,滴着血,。,John came in,his arm,dripping blood,.,拿枪那只手,在冒汗,。,The hand that held the gun,was dripping sweat.,19/80,19,Language Points,to,drip down/from etc,雨水从他颈部往下流。,The,rain,dripped,down,his neck.,水从屋顶滴下来,。,Water

21、,w,as,dripping,through,the ceiling.,20/80,20,Language Points,9.,gravel,n,u,(,line,8,para.1),small stones,used to,make a surface for paths,roads,A,gravel path,21/80,21,Language Points,10.,The sea broke,(,line,8,para.1),W,hen,larger,ocean waves come,near,the shore they,increase in,height and the top o

22、f the wave progresses faster than,the lower portion;the wave looses its smooth,appea-,rance and white foam forms as,the wave,continues,on toward the beach.In,English we say,“the waves,are breaking”.,Here the author is describing,a similar,22/80,22,Language Points,situation that is continuous and ong

23、oing.,“The sea is,breaking”along,the,shore.”,Wave,after wave is coming into the beach.,This happens more in windy,stormy weather.,We,might also say that“surf”is forming;,i,n,other words,waves,are,breaking and forming foam as they rush to the beach.,23/80,23,11,.slip,v,i,(,line 8,para.1,),1),t,o slid

24、e a short distance by accident so that you,fall,or,nearly fall,e.g.,她在冰上,滑倒,,把腿摔断了,。,She,slipped over,on the ice and broke her leg.,2),t,o slide out of position or out of your hand,e.g.,他帽子,滑下来,遮住了一只眼睛。,His hat had,slipped ove,r,one eye.,Language Points,24/80,24,Other,expressions:,不小心写错,笔误,a slip of

25、 the pen,说走了嘴,a slip of the tongue,瘦小姑娘,a slip of a girl,没有注意到,slip ones attention,不慎忘记,记不得了,slip ones memory/mind,逃脱,滑掉,slip through ones fingers,Language Points,25/80,25,Language Points,11.,stand,v,i,(,line,10,para.1),1)t,o support yourself,on your feet or be in an upright position,站着别动,,听我说。,Stan

26、d still,(do not move),and listen to me.,假如他,垫着脚尖,就能够着屋顶。,If he,stood on tiptoe,he could reach the,ceiling,.,26/80,26,Language Points,2),(,line,7,para.1),to be or stay in a particular state,or condition,雨水,积成,了一潭死水。,Rain water,stood,in the stagnant pool.,她眼里,含着,泪。,Tears,were standing,in her eyes.,27/

27、80,27,Language Points,3,)to step a short distance,他,往后退了一步,让我进去了。,H,e,stood back,to let,me,in.,4),stand clear of sth,B,r,E,:to,step away from sth in,order to be safe,不要紧近,车门。,Stand clear of,the door,please.,28/80,28,Language Points,5),stand united/divided,他敦促全体小区居民,团结一心,摈弃恐怖主义。,He urged the whole co

28、mmunity to,stand united,and to reject terrorism.,29/80,29,Language Points,12.,crouch,vi,(,last but 2nd,line,of,para.1,)to lie,close to the ground with the legs bent,那只猫,蹲伏,在角落里等着老鼠出洞。,The cat,crouched,in the corner waiting for the mouse,to come out of its hole.,那个受惊女孩,蹲伏,在灌木丛中防止躲开那条狗。,The frightened

29、 girl,crouched,in the bushes to hide,from the dog.,30/80,30,Language Points,蹲伏,在某人脚下,to crouch,at sbs feet,蹲着,烤火,to crouch,over the fire,31/80,31,Language Points,13,.compact,adj,(,last,line,of,para.1,),1)small,but arranged so that everything fits neatly into the,space available,学生房间布置得很,紧,凑,一张书桌,一张,

30、床,还有一个嵌进去衣柜。,The students rooms were,compact,with a desk,bed,and,a built-in closet.,32/80,32,Language Points,卷心菜叶,紧紧地包卷,成一个头。,The leaves of a cabbage are folded into,a,compact,head.,2)packed or put together firmly and closely,那只猫拼命地,卷缩着,身子,省得被淋着。,The cat was trying to make herself so,compact,that sh

31、e wont be dripped on.,33/80,33,Language Points,3),small,but solid and strong,他个子矮小,但身体健壮。,He is,a short,compact,man,.,34/80,34,Language Points,Synonyms:,close-packed,compressed,dense,firm,heavy,solid,tight-packed,35/80,35,14,.prop up,v prep,&,v adv,(,line 1,para.5,),园艺工用块坚固木板,支撑起,这棵苹果树。,The gardener

32、,propped up,the apple tree with a,stout plank.,1),to support an object by leaning it against sth,e.g.,这所房子靠木板,支撑,着。,The house was,propped up,with planks of wood.,Language Points,36/80,36,他用枕头,支撑,自己靠在床上。,He,propped,himself,up,in bed with pillows.,Language Points,2),to hold your body up by leaning aga

33、inst sth,37/80,37,Language Points,15.the,foot,of sth,(,line 1,para.5),1)the lowest or,bottom part of sth,朋友们站,在床脚处,,神情严厉地看着她。,Friends stood,at the foot of the bed,looking at her with,serious faces.,2)the part that is farthest from its top,戴维,从楼梯下面,喊孩子们。,David called to the children,from,the foot of,

34、the stairs.,38/80,38,Language Points,这,页,底部,一个字吸引了她注意。,A single word,at the foot of,the,page,caught her eye.,39/80,39,Language Points,16.,“ll piove,”,(,line 1,para.,8,),It rains.Italian to,English,40/80,40,Language Points,17.,“Si,si,Signora.Brutto tempo.,.,.”,(,line 1,para.,8,),Yes,yes,Madam.Bad wea

35、ther,(Italian to,English).,He then continues to repeat himself in,English.“Its very bad weather.”,41/80,41,18,.dim,adj,(,line 1,para.10,),(,of light,place,shape)not bright,e.,g.,我们还能看到,微弱,火光,。,We still can see t,he,dim,glow of the fire,.,这里光线太,暗,,看不了书。,The light here is too,dim,to read by.,to,take a

36、 dim view of sth,:,to disapprove of sth,Language Points,42/80,42,Language Points,19,.dignity,n,(,line,2,para.10,),the sense of value and,importance,假如你错了,那就认可。你不会所以而失去,尊,严,,反而会赢得尊重。,If you were wrong,admit it.You wont lose,dignity,but will gain respect.,唯有真正自由人才有,尊严,。,Only a truly free person has hu

37、man,dignity,.,43/80,43,Language Points,伤害人,尊严,harm wound ones,diginity,赌咒立誓有,失我身份,。,It is,beneath my diginity,to swear.,44/80,44,Language Points,Synonyms:,glory,grandeur,gravity,greatness,honor,importance,majesty,nobility,pride,calmness,eminence,formality,solemnity,stateliness,45/80,45,Language Poin

38、ts,20.,deadly serious,(,line,2,para.,10,),Very formal,very serious.,Here“deadly”,does,not suggest harmful,or dangerous;,it suggests a,serious,official,stern feeling that someone might,have in circumstances associated with death.,46/80,46,Language Points,21.heavy,adj,(,line,3,para.10,),1)unhappy,今天老板

39、脸色,阴沉,。,The boss had a,heavy,face today.,2),great in amount,degree,or severity,heavy traffic,heavy rain/snow,heavy drinking/drinker/smoking/smoker,heavy burden/demands/pressure/losses,/,defeat,heavy cold,47/80,47,Language Points,22.,a rubber cape,(,line,5,para.,10,),another,name for a raincoat,48/80

40、,48,Language Points,23.,eaves,n,plural,(,last but 2nd,line,of,para.,10,),the edges of a roof that stick out beyond the walls,49/80,49,Language Points,24.,“Ha perduto qualque cosa,Signora?”,(,line,1,para.,13,),Have you lost something,Madam?,(Italian to English),50/80,50,Language Points,25.,Si,il gatt

41、o,(,para.,16,),Yes,a cat,(Italian to,English),51/80,51,Language Points,26.tighten,vi,(line 1,para.19)to become stiff or,make a part of your body become stiff;relax,索菲娅喉咙,哽住,了,说不出话来。,Sofias throat,had tightened,and she couldnt speak.,我,看见他下巴,绷紧,,脸色煞白。,I saw his jaw,tighten,and his face lose its colou

42、r.,52/80,52,Language Points,to,tighten,ones,grip/hold on sth,a)to control a place or situation more strictly,叛军,控制,了首都。,Rebel forces,have tightened their hold on,the capital.,b)to hold someone or sth more firmly,萨拉,紧紧抓住,我胳膊。,Sarah,tightened her grip on,my arm.,53/80,53,Language Points,27.,Signora,(,

43、para.,20,),In Italian,a respectful,reference to a lady,Madam.,54/80,54,Language Points,28.padrone,n,(,line,2,para.,22,),master,the,owner of the inn.,55/80,55,Language Points,29.,Something felt very small and tight inside the girl,.,(,line,3,para.,22,),She had an unusual feeling.,It is not exactly de

44、scribed,here,but the following text suggests that it was,a,good,feeling.,As used here there is no special,or alternative,meaning to the word“small.”As used,this phrase is,implying,suggesting,that the feeling was not great,not,overpowering,but it was there.,她,稍微,感觉有些担心。,She sensed a,small,amount of n

45、ervousness.,56/80,56,Language Points,30.,the dressing table,n,(,line,1,para.,28,),a piece,of furniture like a table with a mirror on top,sometimes with drawers,that you use when you,are doing your hair,putting on make-upetc,A dressing table,A dressing table,57/80,57,Language Points,A hand glass,31.h

46、and glass,n,(,line,1,para.,28,),58/80,58,32,.profile,n,(,line 2,para.28,),1)side view of a persons face,e.g,.,他画了我,侧面像,。,He drew,my,profile,.,政府试图在这个话题上,保持低调,。,The government is trying to,keep/adopt/maintain,a low profile,on this issue.,2)a high/low profile,:,degree or level of public exposure,Langu

47、age Points,59/80,59,33,.clip,v,t,(,line 2,para.29,),1),to,cut sth with scissors or shears,in order to make it,shorter or neater,e.g,Language Points,我看见一位老人在外面,修剪,树篱,。,I saw an old man out,clipping,his hedge.,他已经把,头发剪得,贴头皮了。,He had already,clipped his hair,close to the skull.,60/80,60,Language Points

48、,2),to cut an article or picture from a newspaper,magazine etc,clip sh out of/from sth,这就是从报纸上,剪下来,那篇文章。,This is the article,clipped from,a newspaper,.,3)a short part of a film or television programme,that is shown by itself,especially as an adver-,tisement,61/80,61,Language Points,昨晚电视上放映了他新拍,电影片段,

49、。,Last night they showed,a clip,from his new film,on TV.,62/80,62,Language Points,34.,darned nice,(,line 1,para.33,),very nice,he is,compl,i,menting her.,“,D,arn”,or“darned”is,a,euphemism,a more casual or polite way of saying,“damn”.Used alone,or with a disapproving tone of,voice,“to damn”someone me

50、ans to curse them.,今天晚上,冷得要命,。,Its,darned cold,this evening.,这真是,绝妙好主意,!,Thats a,darned good idea,!,63/80,63,Language Points,35.,“I want to pull my hair back tight and smooth and,make,a big knot at the back that I can,feel,”,(,line 1,para.3,5,),She has changed her view on the length of her hair.,Now

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