1、MXC6202xGHMN 是低成本、双轴加速度计,芯片具有混合信号处理功能和集成式IIC总线,允许该设备直接连接到微处理器。可以同时测量动态加速度(如振动)和静态加速度(如重力)。分辨率优于1mg(g为重力加速度),量程2g。它输出即为数字量,所以省去了模数转换所需的硬件和时间,数字量输出方式为IIC总线。总的来说使用该传感器可以电路硬件简化。MXC6202各引脚定义如图:从美新提供的说明书来看芯片外围电路也很简单,主要包括2.7-3.6V的供电部分,IIC总线的上拉电阻和电源去噪部分。电源去噪可使用0.1uF的电容,IIC上拉电阻10k即可。供电部分可使用1N4728a稳压管,测量显示串联电
5、保持高电平,其实就是发送信号0010xxx1)。从机应答(从机在第9时钟脉冲时保持SDA为低电平)。第七周期:主机控制时钟脉冲,内部寄存器第一个地址上的数据出现在SDA线上,如果在第五周期(原文中为step 7,怀疑是打错了)写入的代码是00000000,出现的应该是内部控制寄存器数据,从机应答。第八周期:主机继续控制时钟脉冲,内部寄存器的下一字节数据出现在SDA线上(X方向数据的高8位),内部寄存器指针会自动移向下一字节。主机应答。第九周期:X方向的低8位。主机应答。如果内部控制寄存器的TEON位已被设为1,则上面两个周期出现的应当是TOUT(温度)的高8位和低8位。第十周期:Y方向数据的高
6、8位。主机应答。第十一周期:Y方向数据的低8位。主机发送非应答信号(主机在一个时钟脉冲期间保持SDA为高电平)后发出STOP指令以结束通信。注意:如果主机继续控制时钟脉冲,内部寄存器指针将到达第6和第7的位置,which always have 00000000(这个看不懂)。第7个位置之后,指针将回到0位置注意:主机通过写入内部控制寄存器数据使从机进入低能耗模式。原文:EXAMPLE OF DATA COMMUNICATION First cycle: START followed by a calling to slave address 0010xxx to WRITE (8th SCL
7、, SDA keep low). xxx Is determined by factory programming, a total of 8 different addresses are available. Second cycle: After an acknowledge signal is received by the master device (Memsic device pulls SDA line low during 9th SCL pulse), master device sends “00000000” as the target address to be wr
8、itten into. Memsic device should acknowledge at the end (9th SCL pulse). Note: since Memsic device has only one internal register that can be written into, user should always indicate “00000000” as the write address. Third cycle: Master device writes to internal Memsic device memory code “xxxxxxx0”
9、as a wake-up call. The Memsic device should send acknowledge signal. A STOP command indicates the end of write operation. A 75msS (typical) wait period should be given to Memsic device to return from a power-down mode. The delay value depends on the type of Memsic device. Generally speaking, low pow
10、er products tend to have longer startup time. Fourth cycle: Master device sends a START command followed by calling Memsic device address with a WRITE (8th SCL, SDA keep low). An “acknowledge” should be sent by Memsic device at the end. Fifth cycle: Master device writes to Memsic device a “00000000”
11、 as the starting address for which internal memory is to be read. Since “00000000” is the address of internal control register, reading from this address can serve as a verification of operation and to confirm the write command has been successful. Note: the starting address in principle can be any
12、of the 5 addresses. For example, user can start read from address 0000001, which is X channel MSB. Sixth cycle: Master device calls Memsic device address with a READ (8th SCL cycle SDA line high). Memsic device should acknowledge at the end. Seventh cycle: Master device cycles SCL line, first addres
13、sed memory data appears on SDA line. If in step 7, “00000000” was sent, internal control register datashould appear (in the following steps, this case is assumed). Master device should send acknowledge at the end. Eighth cycle: Master device continues cycle SCL line, next byte of internal memory sho
14、uld appear on SDA line (MSB of X channel). The internal memory address pointer automatically moves to the next byte. Master acknowledges. Ninth cycle: LSB of X channel. In the case that TOEN bit of internal register was set to “1”, the MSB and LSB of TOUT (temperature) should appear in last two step
15、s. Tenth cycle: MSB of Y channel. Eleventh cycle: LSB of Y channel. Master ends communications by sending NO acknowledge and followed by a STOP command. Note: if mater device continues to cycle SCL line, the memory pointer will go to sixth and seventh positions, which always have “00000000”. After s
16、eventh position, pointer will go to zero again. Optional: Master powers down Memsic device by writing into internalcontrol register. (See step 1 through 4 for WRITE operation) 美新MXC6202加速度计数据的读取和显示 C程序2010-06-16 20:45#include#include /需要用到求绝对值函数#define uchar unsigned char#define uint unsigned intflo
17、at xg,yg;uchar str0=X-X:;uchar str1=Y-Y:;uchar s=0123;sbitsda=P21;sbitscl=P20;sbitlcdrs=P24;sbitlcden=P26;sbitlcdrw=P25;sbitleden=P37;/*/*定义两个延时函数,一个微妙级,一个毫秒级*/void delay() ; ; void delayms(uint z) uinti,j; for(i=z;i0;i-) for(j=115;j0;j-);/*/*LCD的写指令,写数据,定点插入及初始化*/void lcd_write_com(uchar com) delay
18、ms(5); lcdrs=0; P0=com; lcden=1; delay(); lcden=0; void lcd_write_data(uchar date) delayms(5); lcdrs=1; P0=date; lcden=1; delay(); lcden=0; void lcd_row_column_vector_len(ucharrow,ucharcolumn,uchar *vector,ucharlen) ucharposition,cnt; position=128+row*64+column; lcd_write_com(position); for(cnt=0;cn
19、tlen;cnt+) lcd_write_data(*vector); vector+; void LCD_init()leden=1;P0=0x00;delay();leden=0; /*我使用的是DY_mini80型学习板,这四步程序是为了关闭数码管的显示功能*/ lcden=0; lcdrw=0; lcd_write_com(0x38); lcd_write_com(0x0c); lcd_write_com(0x06); lcd_write_com(0x01); lcd_row_column_vector_len(0,0,str0,4); lcd_row_column_vector_le
20、n(1,0,str1,4);void start() sda=1; delay(); scl=1; delay(); sda=0; delay(); scl=0; delay();void stop() sda=0; delay(); scl=1; delay(); sda=1; delay();void ack() uchar i; scl=1; delay(); while(sda=1)&(i25)i+; scl=0; delay();void write_byte(uchar date) uchari,temp; temp=date; for(i=0;i8;i+) temp=temp1;
21、 scl=0; delay(); sda=CY; delay(); scl=1; delay(); scl=0; scl=0; delay(); sda=1; delay();ucharread_byte() uchari,k; scl=0; delay(); sda=1; delay(); for(i=0;i8;i+) scl=1; delay(); k=(k1)|sda; scl=0; delay(); return k;void acknowledge(uchar a) /*主机应答程序 acknowledge(0)为应答,acknowledge(1)为非应答*/ if(a=0)sda=
22、0;elsesda=1;delay(); scl=1; delay();scl=0;delay();void MXC_init() start(); /*对应数据通信示例的第一至第三周期*/ write_byte(0x20); ack(); write_byte(0x00); ack(); write_byte(0xf0); ack(); stop(); delayms(75);/*/*获取4个字节的数据*/void receive5bytes() uchar i; start(); write_byte(0x20); /对应数据通信示例的第四周期 ack(); write_byte(0x01
23、); /第五周期 ack();start(); write_byte(0x21); /第六周期 ack();for(i=0;i3;i+) /第八至十周期(第七周期省略) si=read_byte(); acknowledge(0); s3=read_byte(); /第十一周期acknowledge(1); stop();void II2() uint x=0,y=0;ucharsx6,sy6,abs_xg,abs_yg; receive5bytes();x=s0*256+s1; / xg=x/512.0-4; /*数据的处理,C6202量程为-2g至+2g,G型号分辨率512counts/g
24、,0g对应x值是2048,有点矛盾*/abs_xg=(unsigned char)abs(xg*100);if(x2048) sx0=-;elsesx0=+;sx1=(unsigned char)abs(xg)+0;sx2=.;sx3=(unsigned char)abs(xg*10)%10+0; sx4=(unsigned char)abs(xg*100)%10+0;sx5=g;y=s2*256+s3; yg=y/512.0-4;abs_yg=(unsigned char)abs(yg*100); if(y2048) sy0=-;else sy0=+;sy1=(unsigned char)abs(yg)+0;sy2=.; sy3=(unsigned char)abs(yg*10)%10+0; sy4=(unsigned char)abs(yg*100)%10+0;sy5=g;lcd_row_column_vector_len(0,4,sx,6);lcd_row_column_vector_len(1,4,sy,6);void main() LCD_init(); /初始化LCD MXC_init(); /*加速度计的唤醒(在此程序中因为传感器一直处于正常模式,所以没有这一步也可以)*/ while(1) II2();