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1、八年级英语上册【核心词句】月考专练Unit 1核心词句专练【词汇运用】1. Can you tell me your reason for_ (leave) home in a hurry?2. Phelps won eight _ (golden) medals in swimming in the Beijing Olympics.3. Who _ (invent) basketball in 1891?4. He is going away for at _ (little) a week.5. Doing morning exercises is a good way to keep

2、_ (health).6. Liu Xiang broke the Olympic r_ and won a gold medal in the 2004 Athens Olympics.7. They are l_ for Beijing the day after tomorrow.8.Cui Hua, shall we s_ the sour cabbage (酸菜)?9. When you get home from school, you should r_ yourself with music.10. Jane is always careful, but her brother

3、 is always c_.11. The old man was born in the 19th c_.12. You cant_ the basketball from any part of the court.13. Ill go s_ else.14. Could you please give me a f_?15. Are you r_? Lets begin.16.The computer will cost at _(至少)10,000 yuan. Its too expensive.17.Maria passes the _ (木棒) to Jane.18.Here ar

4、e three pages from Kangkangs _ (日记).19.Zhang Yining is the _(获胜者) in the table tennis game.20.Er Yuehe is one of the _(当代的) writers.21.If I have a _(机会), I believe I will do better next time.22.All the football players must _(遵守)the football rules.23.Its very nice of you, but I can_(对付) the box myse

5、lf.24. Dr. White _(发明)a kind of new medicine last year.25.One of my teammates fell ill, so he cant _(训练)with us now.【句式运用】(A)选用合适短语并用其恰当形势填空(两项多余)instead of, build up, have fun, follow the rulesright away, more and more, take part in1._ young people like playing computer games.2. As a student, you m

6、ust _ of your school.3. Walking helps to _ our leg muscles.4. Will you _ our English corner?5.Lucy, dont listen to the music. Do your homework first.OK. Ill do it _.(B)根据汉语提示完成句子1.老师认为和学生在一起将获得极大的乐趣。Teachers think they will_much_with the students.2. 他们没有机会打败湖人队。They have _ _ to beat Lakers.3. 我以前经常梦

7、见坐火车,梦见去首都。I often _ _ the train, about going to the capital.4. 我宁愿自己做饭也不愿出去吃。I prefer_ _ for myself _ _ out. 5.CBA代表什么?What does CBA _ _?6. 我相信他会按时到这的。I _ _ he will be here on time.7.越来越多的外国人将在中国生活。_ and _ foreigners will live in China.8.有多少国家参加了2008年北京奥运会?How many countries _ _ _ the 2008 Beijing

8、Olympics?9.我们的城市将有更多更宽阔的道路。There _ _ more and more wide roads in our city.10. 他是班上最高的男生之一。He is _ _ _ _ boys in the class.(C)按要求转换句型1. Could you please follow me?(改为否定句)Could you please _ _ me?2. The Yellow river is 5.464 kilometers long. (对划线部分提问)_ _is the Yellow River?3. It took me fifteen minutes

9、 to finish the e-mail. (改为同义句)_ spent _ quarter in _ the e-mail.4. I dont like Coke. My sister doesnt like Coke, either.(合并为一句)_ I _ my sister likes Coke.5. Im sorry for being late for school.(就划线部分提问)_are you sorry_?6. Li Ping doesnt run as far as Wang Lin. (改为同义句)Li Ping _ _ _ Wang Lin.7.Would you

10、 mind waiting for a little while?(作出回答)_ _ not.8. This term he is not going to learn French. Hell learn Japanese instead.(同义句转换)He is going to learn Japanese _ _ French this term.9. They are doing some shopping.(改为一般将来时)They _ _ some shopping next weekend.10. Betty likes taking a bus to work. She li

11、kes taking an underground to work better. (合并为一句)Betty _ taking an underground _ taking a bus to work.(D)情景交际(两项多余)A:Hey,Tom! Dont you remember me?B:Oh,wow! _1_A:Thats rightB:_2_A:Yes,but now Im outgoingB:Wait a minute! _3_A:Yes,I didNow I still like playing pingpongB:_4_A:YesI have a pair of new ba

12、tsLets play pingpong togetherB:_5_图片参考答案1. leaving 2. gold 3. invented 4. least 5. healthy 6. record 7. leaving 8. serve 9. relax 10. careless 11. century 12. throw 3. somewhere 14. favor 15. ready 16. least 17. stick 18. diary 19. winner 20. modern 21. chance 22. follow 23. manage 24. invented 25.

13、practiceA:1. More and more 2. follow the rules 3. build up 4. take part in 5. right awayB:1. get; fun 2no chance 3. dreamed about/of4. prefer cooking, to eating 5. stand for6am sure 7. More; more 8. took part in 9. will be 10one of the tallestC:1. not follow 2. How long3. I, a, finishing 4. Neither,

14、 nor5. What, for6. runs nearer than 7. Of course 8. instead of 9. will do10. prefers, toD:CAFGDUnit 2核心词句专练【词汇运用】1. Smoking is bad for our lungs. It may cause _ (癌症).2.I want to _ (选择) a nice gift for her as a birthday present.3.The burglar (盗贼) got in_ (从,通过) the window.4. Driving carelessly _(引起)

15、accidents.5. Look! She is _ (扫) the room now.6. Chocolate gives you e_. But eating too much is bad for your teeth.7. He wrote an a_ about Wang Xiaoya.8. Something was wrong with his s_. He felt sick after meals.9. Fruit is good for our health. We like to eat w_ in summer.10. Many d_ are caused by sm

16、oking.11. You looks p_ today. Are you sick?12. I caught a f_ and had to lie in bed.13. We can learn a lot on the I_.14. The box is too heavy. Can you help me l_ it?15. His illness was more s_ than the doctor first thought.16. Were doctors, so its our _ (duty) to save patients.17. The road is _ (crow

17、d). Mr. Wang drives his car slowly.18. What causes the _ (ill)?19. Did they enjoy _ (they) in the party yesterday?20.Where is your mother, Beibei?She is busy _ (answer) the telephone.21.What do the two people in white clothes do?Oh, they are _ (dentist).22. Do you want a _ (boil) egg for breakfast?2

18、3. Follow the dentists _ (advise), and youll get well soon.24. Take care of your_(tooth) or youll have a toothache.25. You have a fever, youd better _ (lie) down and have a rest.26. H_ up, or well be late.27. Your father is examining a patient. Ill give him the m_ later.【句式运用】(A)情景交际(两项多余)A:Whats wr

19、ong with you,young man?B: 1 A:Do you have a headache?B:NoBut Im coughing badly and 2 A:How long have you been like this?B: 3 A:Open your mouth and say “Ah.” Hmm,nothing seriousYouve just got a coldB:What should I do,doctor?A:Dont worry 4 Drink more water and have a good restB:Oh,doctor,I cant take a

20、 rest at homeI must go to schoolI have a very important exam tomorrowA:You can go to school 5 Then youll be all right very soonB:Thank you图片(B)根据汉语提示完成句子1.这个小女孩日夜思念着妈妈。The girl misses her mother _ and _.2.布莱克先生总是担心他的小儿子,因为他太小了不能照顾自己。Mr. Black is always about his little son because he is too young to

21、 .3.他有大量的工作要做,因此他经常熬夜,感觉很累。He has lots of work to do, so he often late and feels .4.我们应该经常运动,这能帮助我们增强体质。We should do sports often, it can us our bodies5.不要看电视看得时间太长了。Dont watch TV _ _.6.哈利吃了太多的糖果,很快他就牙疼了。Harry ate candy, so he soon.7. 你今天感觉怎么样?不是很糟。How are you feeling today?_ _.8.露西和莉莉都是我的好朋友。_ Lucy

22、 _ Lily are my good friends.9.你的左脚怎么了?让我给你检查一下吧!Whats wrong with your left foot? Let me _ it _.10. 另一方面,我们需要吃健康食品而不是快餐。 ,we need to eat healthy food fast food.(C)按要求转换句型1.We must clean the classroom every day.(同义句转换)We must _ the classroom _ every day.2.Youd better ask our computer teacher for help.

23、(改为否定句)Youd better _ _ our computer teacher for help.3.He talked with his father on the phone.(对画线部分提问)_ did he _ with his father?4.His father coughs badly, so he must stop smoking. (同义句转换)His father has a bad cough, so he must_ _smoking.5.They have to get up early every day.(改为一般疑问句)_they _ _ get u

24、p early every day?6.Must we drink eight cups of water every day?(作否定回答)No,_ _ _ _.7.It took me two days to finish the book.(同义句转换)I _ two days _ the book.8.You should eat an apple every day.(对划线部分提问)_ _ you do every day?9.May I ask you some questions, Miss Wang?(对问句做出回答)Sure, go_.10.Whats wrong?(同义句

25、转换)Whats _ _?(D)选词填空cause, health, clean, reason, make, easy, beFrequent (频繁的) hand cleaning is the most important thing you can do because germs are one of the 1 for being ill. Its especially (尤其) important 2 your hands often during this time of year when germs 3 flu, colds and diarrhea (腹泻) to spr

26、ead (传播) 4 by touching other people, furniture and equipment. Remember, clean hands can keep you 5 , so clean them often!1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._参考答案1. cancer 2. choose 3. through 4. causes 5. sweeping/cleaning6. energy 7.article 8. stomach 9. watermelon 10.diseases11. pale 12.fever/flu 13. Internet 14.

27、lift 15. serious 16. duty 17. crowded 18. illness 19. themselves 20. answering21. dentists 22.boiled 23. advice 24.teeth 25. lie 26. Hurry 27. messageA:BGADFB:1. day; night 2.worried; look after himself 3.stays up; tired4. help; build up5.for long 6. too much; had a toothache 7.Not bad 8.Both; and 9.check; over 10.On the other hand; instead ofC:1. make; clean 2. not ask 3. How; talk 4. give up5. Do; have to6. we/you dont have to 7. spent; reading 8. What should

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