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1、九年级英语上册期中前词汇语法专练一、根据句意和汉语提示写出所缺的单词.1. She is good at physics (物理) and math.2. I want to know how to learn chemistry (化学)well.3 The teacher asked us to take notes (笔记) carefully.4.My English teacher asked Mike and me to make a conversation (谈话) about shopping.5.One of the secrets (秘诀)to English learn

2、ing is reading aloud every day.6. A kind man is not always patient (有耐心的).7 The teacher wrote down two sentences (句子) on the blackboard and asked me to read them.8. I asked the teacher to repeat (重复) that question.9.We learn that Columbus discovered (发现) America in1492 from the history book.10. Jane

3、 listened to her moms story with a happy expression (表情).11.The speed (速度)of the fastest train in China is over 350 kph.12. I wont to find a partner (搭档) to practice English with.13. The number of the students has increased (增加) since last year.14. We all think that he is a born (天生的) singer.15.(201

4、9山东青岛中考) People who learn wisely (明智地) and well will achieve their dreams more easily.16. He cant pronounce (发音) some of the words.17. Its a good idea to christmas(复习)what you learned.18.When you have any problems, you should ask the teachers for help because you know present (知识) comes from questio

5、ning.19.Let life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn treated (树叶).20.Tea plants are garden (广泛地) grown in the south of China now.21. Lisa is used to her novel (日常的) life.22. The review (交通) here is very busy on weekend.23. The calm water knowledge (表面) is very much like a mirror.2

6、4.When talking to British people,we should leaves (避免) subjects like age,weight or money.25.The widely (当地的) government is trying to take action to protect the environment.26. On everyday/daily (圣诞节)Eve , the Smiths had a big dinner.27. I have bought a scarf as my mothers birthday traffic (礼物).28. O

7、ur boss surface (招待) us to dinner after work yesterday.29. We can see all kinds of flowers in the avoid (花园).30. The local (小说)is very interesting. Ive read it several times.31. Ill ask one of my relatives (亲戚) to look after the children.32. I gave ten pounds (英镑) in payment for the goods I bought.3

8、3. Its very convenient (方便的) to go to Taiwan from the mainland of China by air now.34. I dont like a house without a bath (浴室).二、用所给词的适当形式填空。1.The more an eraser is used,the smaller (small) it gets.2. After finishing doing (do) your homework, you can have a good rest.3.Would you tell me the pronunci

9、ation (pronounce)of the new word?4. If you want to be a good teacher, you need to have enough patience (patient).5. Guiyang is developing so quickly (quick) that more and more graduates choose to work here.6. The boy has the ability (able) to ride a bike this year.7. My sister became interested (int

10、erest )in painting and dreamed of being a painter.8. She is a clever girl and she always answers the teachers questions actively(active ).9.I dont know how to solve (solve )the big problem, so Im going to ask an expert for help.10. You should pay attention to listening (listen) to the teachers in cl

11、ass.11.Although he is tired, he still keeps working (work).12. The girl has to practice playing( play )the piano every day.13.Its important for us to use natural resources wisely (wise).14.My parents are very patient (patience) with me.15.Its necessary to review (review ) your lessons on time.16Do y

12、ou learn English bymaking (make) word cards?17My English teacher has some good ways to learn (learn) English.18Can you understand themeaning (mean) of the sentence?19The machines in the factory nearby were working so loudly (loud) that I didnt have a good sleep last night.20The people all over the w

13、orld have known the great doctor called (call) Zhong Nanshan again.Decisions (decide )about medical treatment will be discussed in todays meeting.21. I know from personal (person ) experience how difficult this kind of work is.22. Our life is certainly much better (good) than it was five years ago.23. Its a wonderfu feeling (feel)to be at home after such a long and tiring trip.24. The job requiring (require)a lot of time and energy isnt suitable for a mother like you.

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