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新目标八年级英语(上册) Unit 8 词汇专练.docx

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1、据首字母及汉语意思补全单词,并将单词的正确形式完整地填写在横线上。1How does this m_ work? Can you introduce it to us?T2There will be less p_ if everyone plays a role in protecting our environment.3They d_ deeper and deeper but still found nothing.4he street is very c_ on weekends, many people are there.5Its too d_ for you to swim i

2、n the river.6Put a spoon of b_on the bread.7My mother doesnt like eating _(生菜) at all.8I usually have s_ and milk for breakfast.9First,cut the potatoes into small p_ 10They usually eat t_ on Thanksgiving Day.11There are quite a few _ (机器) in the factory.12Mom,two s_of salt are enough for the soup.13

3、After dinner,we have to wash these bowls and p_ 14S_the apple juice first,and then drink it.15The T_ of the water is just right for swimming.16I heard that these _ (travel) came from England.17Look!Students are _ (dig) holes for the trees.18After half an hour walk,Mike and his parents _ (final) got

4、to the train station.19The Spring Festival is one of the _ (tradition) festivals in China.20Mr. Green put some _ (pepper) in his bowl.21How much is the _(食盐)?22Would you like to buy some _(蜂蜜)?23People like eating w_ in summer.24I a_ some beef to the soup just now.25Does your brother like y_very muc

5、h?26Jane s_ the bottle before she drink the orange juice.27F_, we arrived at the train station at 4:30 p.m.28Go to the store and get two s_ this afternoon.29Look!Bill is p_ water into the pot.30Can you help me to p_ two potatoes,Jim?31We all know a_ comes after summer.32The highest t_ is 30 today.33

6、Its difficult for us to decide how to c_ her birthday.34Please give me two large p_ of dumplings.35Next,m_ together all the vegetables.36Be careful when you take the cake out of the o_.37The small restaurant s_ delicious rice noodles.38Mike is very interested in t_ Chinese food.39The t_ is so tired

7、that he doesnt want to walk.40Mr.Wang hopes to visit E_ with his family one day.41Eating too much s_ is bad for your teeth.42What t_ food do you have on MidAutumn Day?43There is a h_ in the door.44Dont p_ waste water into the river.It will pollute it.45Please put the bread on the p_,not in the bowl.

8、46. _ (final) we got to the top of the mountain.47Pass me three _ (piece) of bread.48How much _ (butter) is there on the bread?49Make sure all the _ (travel) know the instructions.50I like _ (sandwich)They are very delicious.51There are two small h_ on the sweater.52Some farmers are growing c_ on th

9、e farm.53Lisa was hungry and had some bread and c_.54They want to buy some new m_ next year.55How about d_ in front of the hill?参考答案1.machine2.pollution 3.dug4.crowded 5.dangerous6.butter7.lettuce8.sandwiches9.pieces 10.turkey11.machines12.spoons13.plates14.Shake15.temperature16.travelers17.digging1

10、8.finally19.traditional20.pepper21.salt22.honey23.watermelons24.added25.yogurt26.shook27.Finally28.spoons29.pouring30.peel31.autumn32.temperature33.celebrate34.plates35.mix36.oven37.serves38.traditional39.traveler/traveller40.England41.sugar42.traditional43.hole44.pour45.plate46.Finally47.pieces48.butter49.travelers50.sandwiches 51.holes52.corn53.cheese54.machines55.digging

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