1、Welcome!1/33Questions 1.How many parts can be divided according to this essay?And what are they?2.Is there any thesis statement in the essay.If there is,where can u find it?2/33III.FunTimeFun Time3/333.In the part of introduction(P1-P2),how does the author naturally introduce the thesis statement?Is
2、 there any transitional sentence?4/33Methods Employed in Introduction1.scenario 2.conversation3.-5/33 Sitting in school,Jane sits anxiously watching the clock.When the bell finally rings,she runs out of the classroom,all the way home.After blasting in the house,she runs to turn on the TV.This is an
3、all too familiar scenario in many American homes today.Many emerging dilemmas are resulting from this concern that young children are watching too many TV.When a young child with a maturing brain sits in front of the TV for hours,it can instigate loss of creativity,impatience,and violence further al
4、ong down the road.-from“Effects of TV on Children”6/33How Parents Can Lessen the Effects of Television Violence “Mommy,Im bored.”“Dont bother me now,Junior:I have a headache.Why dont you go watch TV?”Conversations like this often take place between parent and child because no parent can spend every
5、minute with his or her child.Now lets face it,television is a way to keep a bored child quiet and occupied.7/33Pre-grad Travel Boosts Confidence The thesis is complete,and the job offer is in hand.However,while her peers are undertaking internships in order o learn new job skills,Liu Sixia traveled
6、to India for a 20-day trip before entering the workplace.“I want to do things Im passionate about before I start work.”she said.8/33 Like Liu,many college graduates-to-be are worried about becoming restricted by work,so they choose to relax and do what they love to do while they still have time.Many
7、 such students have been surprised to find that their time spent“fooling around”has taught them many valuable work skills.-21Century May 11,9/331.My Perfect Husband/Wife2.Cyber Romance3.Should Young People Purchase an Apartment or Rent One?4.My Dreamed Career10/33Focus on P3 4.What is the topic sent
8、ence in P3?5.How does the author introduce the proverb“Laughter is the best medicine”.11/33Sb once saidSb once remarked“”,such is the remark of sbThat is how sb comment/criticizeJust as the proverb goesJust as sb puts it 12/336.How does the author introduce specific examples?7.Please find all the co
9、nnectives in P3.13/33Coherence&Cohesion连贯和衔接连贯和衔接分为意连和形连两方面。在语义上是连贯(coherence),形式上是衔接(cohesion)14/33所谓意连(coherence),指主题句围绕中心思想句展开,一个段落必须围绕一个主题句展开,前后在语意上到达统一和完整。我们要学会判断哪些观点和例证相符合。15/33对于形连(Cohesion),它主要表现形式是段落之间和段落内部连接词。在写作过程中,我们要恰当使用表示承接和转折连接词(如To Begin With,In Addition,However等)以及句子之间指示词(This,It等)。
10、16/33Now Focus on P51.What is the function of P5?a natural transitionServing as a bridge linking the former part and the following paragraphs.17/33Now focus on P61.Please find out the one of rhetorical devices:Parallelism 18/33P7 So-What 19/33Term :Watermelon Class:a kind of fruit Features Green ski
11、n,juicy red flesh and black seeds20/331.Dictionary-based definition:1)usually adopt a matter-of-fact tone(实事求是)without personal comments.2)the information supplied is sheer facts.2.Stipulated definition:(有个人要求)1)based on an individual understanding of the term.2)a word mean completely different thin
12、gs to people of different personalities.21/33Topic sentence:(stipulated definition)Not strictly follow the way of composition.True love is giving,not taking.Friendship is a plant that must be often watered.22/3323/33谭恩美(Amy Tan)24/33著名美籍华裔女作家,1952年出生于美国加州奥克兰,曾就读医学院,后取得语言学硕士学位。她因处女作喜福会而一举成名 潭恩美擅长描写母女
13、之间感情纠葛 25/33 母亲们来自战乱频繁中国,通常有段不堪回首过去,来到新大陆之后,她们把全部希望寄托在女儿身上,“望女不成凤”心情却带给女儿极大压力;母亲们更用传统方式管教女儿,传统中国父母不习惯赞美小孩,而且要求儿女绝对服从,女儿们眼见美国父母“民主式”教育方式,再看到自己连英文都说不好母亲,心里更是愤愤不平。母女并非不爱彼此,但碍于文文化与年纪隔膜,不是不知怎样表示关爱,就是表错了意 结果往往两个最亲密人,却往往对彼此造成最严重伤害。26/33 The daughters,all born in America,entirely adapt to the customs and la
14、nguage of the new land,the immigrant mothers still hold onto those of China.27/33 喜福会首先是因为小说描写了四位母亲在旧中国苦难经历,充满了东方色彩,迎合了美国广大读者渴望了解神秘古老中国心理。另首先是因为小说含有跨文化主题。经过描写四对母女间代沟和隔膜冲突反应了母体文化与异质文化相遇而生文化情结28/33What are the characteristics of mothers portrayed in the movie?the Chinese mothers are all strong-willed,
15、persistent,hard to please,and overly critical.29/33母女冲突中西文化碰撞语言碰撞 母女两代人之间冲突和交流障碍,首先来自于语言。在家庭活动中,全部组员之间对话都是使用英文,但母亲们英文中总会夹杂些许汉语词汇,尤其是在她们急于表示某种意义时候。对于母亲而言,汉字永远都是她们母语,中国永远都是她们心灵深处家30/33(2)家庭观念碰撞 在美国土地上,四位中国母亲用各自“心灵沧桑”努力想把自己“美国女儿”塑造成她们心中“中国风景”。然而,中美两种文化环境不一样,使“家庭”这一词语被赋予了不一样所指意义。在中国传统观念中,“家庭”既代表家长对儿女绝对权
16、力,又意味着二者之间相互依赖。但美国个人主义价值观则强调自我实现和个人奋斗。31/333 母女融合中西文化交汇 出生在美国女儿们想尽方法去适应和同化于周围主流社会文化环境,努力使自己成为一个真正“美国人”。对于女儿们而言都显得遥远、隔膜。“中国”只是母亲们絮絮叨叨,是她们不能完全了解汉语。然而,她们与生俱来脸庞和母亲们言传身教、耳濡目染使她们不得不认可中国“传统文化”依然存留在她们血脉中32/33 When the struggles and battlesare over,when the daughter is mature enough to be able to accept the mother and identify with what she stood for,what was formerly considered a hateful bondage is revealed to be a cherished bond.33/33