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1、2016年丹东市初中毕业生毕业升学考试英语试卷考试时间:120分钟 试卷满分:150分.单项选择 (从各题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将符合题意的选项用2B铅笔涂在答题卡的相应位置上。每小题1分,共20分)21. I like fast food for _ breakfast.Me, too. I always have it with _ cup of coffee.A. a, a B. the, a C. /, the D. /, a 22. Please be quiet. Our teacher is coming.It _ be our teacher . She has go

2、ne to Beijing.A. must B. may C. cant D. mustnt23. Why do you _ so upset? Because I didnt get the first place in the English competition. A. look B. sound C. smell D. feel24. I want to call my mother. But I cant find my mobile phone. Dont worry. My sisters phone is here. You can use _.A. my B. mine C

3、. hers D. her25. I have ever seen Alice in Wonderland (爱丽丝梦游仙境).When _ ?Two weeks ago.A. did you see it B. have you seen it C. do you see it D. will you see it26. The math problem isnt difficult, and most of the students can work it out _. A. hardly B. easily C. simply D. impossibly27. We must get u

4、p early _ we can catch the first bus to school.A. so that B. such that C. in order to D. in order28. We should go to school by bus instead of by car. Yeah, _ cars we use, _ pollution there will be.A. fewer, less B. less, fewer C. the less, the fewer D. the fewer, the less 29. What do you think of yo

5、ur English teacher? I like him very much. He is _ kind _ hard-working. A. either, or B. neither, nor C. not, or D. not only, but also30. What kind of noodles would you like? Id like some _ noodles. A. carrots B. beef C. potatoes D. vegetables31. Our mothers birthday is coming. Do you want to buy a w

6、allet or a scarf for her? _. She just got a beautiful scarf last week.A. Yes, I do B. No, I dont C. A scarf D. A wallet32. With the development of China, Chinese _ by a large number of people in the world.A. speaks B. is spoken C. speak D. is speaking33. Have you heard of TFBoys? Certainly. About _

7、teenagers love them very much in our school.A. hundreds B. two hundreds of C. two hundreds D. two hundred34. You never miss one minute in class. You know, we must listen to the teacher carefully _ .A. take notes B. taking notes C. to take notes D. takes notes35. Some people are used to getting up la

8、te _ a cold morning.A. on B. in C. at D. of36. Lets go out for dinner. Great! But Clean-Up Day is two weeks from now. We cant _ making a plan.A. take off B. see off C. put off D. cut off37. How was your last weekend? _. It rained all the weekend. I had to stay at home.A. Pretty good B. Terrible C. N

9、ot bad D. Great38. Our geography teacher told us that the earth _ the sun.A. went around B. goes around C. is going around D. was going around39. Would you like to go for a walk with me?_. But I have to clean the living room first.A. Yes, I would B. No, I wouldnt C. Sorry D. Yes, Id love to40. We ar

10、e going to take part in Running Man. _ exciting news!A. What B. What an C. How D. How an .完型填空(根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个最佳答案,使短文完整、正确,并将符合题意的选项用2B铅笔涂在答题卡的相应位置上。每小题1分,共10分) It was a cold day in December in New York City. A little boy about 10 years old was standing in front of a shoe store on Green St

11、reet. He was 41 the windows, barefoot (赤脚的) and shivering (颤抖的) with cold. A lady walked to the boy and said, “My little boy, 42 are you doing?” “I am asking God to give me a pair of 43 .” the boy said.The lady took 44 by the hand and went into the store. She asked the clerk to get a pair of socks f

12、or the boy. She then asked 45 the clerk could give her a basin (盆) of hot water and a towel (毛巾). The clerk quickly brought the things to her. She washed the boys little feet and dried them with the towel. After that, the lady 46 the socks for the boy, and then bought him a pair of shoes. She patted

13、 (轻拍) him on the head and said, “My little boy, are you feeling more 47 now?”As she turned to go, the boy 48 her by the hand suddenly. With tears in his eyes, he answered the question 49 these words, “Are you Gods wife?” “No, Im a mother.” said the woman.The boy was moved deeply by the 50 words.41.

14、A. looking through B. looking up C. looking for D. looking after 42. A. how B. when C. what D. where43. A. shorts B. shoes C. glasses D. trousers44. A. her B. she C. he D. him45. A. unless B. but C. if D. though46. A. put on B. took off C. wore D. dressed47. A. better B. worse C. surprised D. comfor

15、table48. A. gave B. caught C. told D. helped49. A. with B. to C. at D. by50. A. Gods B. clerks C. woman s D. Gods wifes.阅读理解(根据短文内容,从每个题的四个选项中选择一个最佳答案,并将符合题意的选项用2B铅笔涂在答题卡的相应位置上。每小题1分,共20分)Passage 1Pack up and Fly awayHainan Island Hainan Island is a wonderful place of sun, sand and sea. It is in the

16、 south of China. Its famous for its underwater beauty. Tianyahaijiao is also very famous. It attracts lots of tourists around the world every year.Thailand Thailand is in the heart of Southeast Asia. Its capital Bangkok has some of Thailands greatest buildings, like the Grand Palace (大皇宫). Chiang Ma

17、i (清迈) is a big city in Thailand. There are many historic temples (庙) there, such as the Wat Phra Singh temple. The temple has a history of over 500 years.Australia This country is a land of beauty and diversity (多样性). It is famous for Sydney Opera and Ayers Rock (艾尔斯岩). Ayers Rock is 3,600 meters l

18、ong and 348 meters high. Whats more, children can also see many animals here like koalas, kangaroos and sheep.South Koreas Jeju Island (韩国济州岛)As a volcanic (火山) island, Jeju once was chosen as one of the New Seven Wonders (奇迹) of Nature. Not only that, Jeju attracts children with its Teddy Bear Muse

19、um. There, people show historical events with teddy bears. 51. The information above cant be from _.A. a magazine B. a story book C. a newspaper D. a tour guidebook52. Hainan Island is _.A. in the Indian Ocean B. in Europe C. in the south of China D. in Africa53. If you like historic temples, you ca

20、n go to _ .A. Hainan Island B. Thailand C. Australia D. South Koreas Jeju Island54. People in South Koreas Jeju Island show historical events with _.A. teddy bears B. toy cars C. heroes D. pictures55. Australia is known for _. A. the Grand Palace and the Wat Phra Singh temple. B. Sydney Opera and Ay

21、ers Rock. C. Tianyahaijiao and the underwater beauty. D. Teddy Bear Museum and a volcanic island.Passage 2Mrs. Brown lives in a small town in Australia. There is a big farm near the town.On Saturday morning, she goes to her small shop. She opens the window of the shop and looks at the farm. Its very

22、 beautiful. There are many cows, horses and small animals on the farm. Suddenly she sees a kangaroo with her baby. Its interesting to see them! The mother kangaroo is wearing an old jacket. They stand there and look hungry. Mrs. Brown gives some bread to them. The kangaroos get it. Then they become

23、happy and jump away. Suddenly a wallet drops on the floor from the jacket pocket. She picks it up, and finds 300 and a photo in it. That is a mans photo with his name “John” on it. “John? I have a brother. His name is also John,” Mrs. Brown says. “Is this man my lost brother?” she thinks.She takes t

24、he wallet with her and begins to look for the man. She asks many people in the town, and then she comes to the farm and asks the farmer. Hey! It is John, her lost brother. They are very happy to see each other.56. What animals can Mrs. Brown see on the farm that morning?A. Cows, horses and small ani

25、mals. B. Cows, horses, small animals and a kangaroo with a baby. C. Cows, horses and a kangaroo with her baby. D. Cows, horses, small animals and a kangaroo.57. Why does Mrs. Brown give some bread to kangaroos? A. Because she likes kangaroos very much. B. Because the mother kangaroo is wearing an old jacket. C. Because the mother kangaroo with her baby looks hungry. D. Because she wants to find John. 58. What does Mrs. Brown find after the kangaroos jump away?A. A wallet. B. A photo. C.300. D. A jacket.59. How does Mrs. Brown find her lost brother, John? A. By the wallet.

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