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1、2015年青海省中考英语试卷一、单项选择(每小题1分,共20分)从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳答案1(1分)My little brother Bob hopes to travel to _ space in the future()AaB/Cthe2(1分)Must we stay here waiting for you?No,you _()AneedntBcantCshouldnt3(1分)Judy and I will go to the beach tomorrowIts so niceEnjoy _()AyourselvesByourselfCherself4

2、(1分)What is _ brother?He is a policeman()AJims and PaulsBJim and PaulCJim and pauls5(1分)I usually go hiking with my friends_ do I()AnorBSoCNeither6(1分)I dont like TV series _ its boring()AbutBandCbecause7(1分)Look!_ sweet smile the little girl has!()AHowB.What aC.whatD、8(1分)Do more exercise,_ youll h

3、ave a strong body()A/BorCand9(1分)Its wellknow that learning English well _ time and efforts()ArequiresBwastesCtakes10(1分)What do you think of the talk show last night?I didnt watch itI _ mum with some chores()AhelpedBwas helpingChave helped11(1分)The stone bridge _ was built in Song Dynasty was repai

4、red last month()AthatBwhenCwhere12(1分)There _ many trees at the foot of the mountainBut now they are slowly disappearing because of human activities()Ais used toBused toCused to be13(1分)Have you heard the news of the traffic accident?Yes,many people have lost their lives and the situation is becomin

5、g _()Aworse and worseBbetter and betterCmore and more14(1分)Jane,is this your bike?No,you can ask AliceIt may be _()AsheBherChers15(1分)Playing computer games too often _ our eyes()Ais helpful toBis harmful toCis good for16(1分)I had some _,vegetables and two eggs for dinner()AriceBnoodleCbanana17(1分)Y

6、our school is so beautifulThanks!A modern stadium and a big garden _ to make it nicer this year()Awill be builtBhas been builtCis built18(1分)Its so hot todayYesWhy dont you_ your sweater?()Aclean offBtake offCshut offDcut off19(1分)Dont you tell me that they have gone to Australia?SureBut I dont know

7、 _()Awhen they have come backBwhen have they come backCwhen did they come back20(1分)Guess what?I won the dancing competition last weekWow,_!()ANever mindBNo problemCcongratulations二、完型填空(共两节,15小题,计15分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项21(10分)Chriss parents were proud of him when he graduate

8、d from collegeBut after six months,he still didnt find a jobIn fact,he had no idea(41) he wanted to doHe was living at home with his parents and things were becoming not goodHis father thought of(42) as a lazy man who was afraid(43) the real worldChris thought his dad was unreasonable(不讲道理的)After al

9、l,he was young and he needed some spaceDuring a recent argument,Chris said,Im not you,DadI have my own way(44) doing thingsI want a job I enjoyHis dada said,Thats a nice idea,(45) anyway we call itjobbecause its about making a living,not(46) funThere are many young people like ChrisThey are having t

10、rouble getting started with a serious job and becoming(47) They just dont want to grow upThey think when the time is right,everything will be all right(48) ,it doesnt work that wayThings happen and opportunities appear most often when we are moving,not standing still(静止)The(49) step is the hardest,b

11、ut the key to(50) in anything is getting started41AhowBwhatCwhereDwhey42AheBhisCitDhim43Ato enterBenteringCenteredDenter44AtoBwithCatDof45AhoweverBandCbutDso46AhaveBto haveChavingDhad47AfunnyBindependentCstrangeDfamous48AUnluckilyBLuckCLuckyDLuckily49AlastBfirstConeDonly50AsuccessBsuccessfulCsucceed

12、Dsuccessfully四、用方框中所给词的适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺(每空1分,共5分)22(5分)Find turn down care phone safeDo you often listen to music through earphones?Then you should be(51) More than 1,000,000,000young people are at risk of losing their hearing from loud music,a new World Health Organization(WHO) report saysThe study

13、(52) that among people aged 12to 35,nearly half were at risk because of(53) levels of sound on MP3players and smart(54) Volumes(音量) over 85decibels(分贝) for eight hours or 100decibels for 15minutes can damage your earsTraffic noise at rush hour can reach 85decibelsPerhaps its time(55) the volume三、阅读理

14、解(共四节,20小题,计40分)仔细阅读图片内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项23(10分)56If you have a headache,take tablets of AspirinA.2 B.4 C.8 D.2457If you are burned,you can use ABAYOR ASPIRIN BFIRST AID CREAM CANTIHISTAMINE CREAM DSOME TABLETS58You can apply first aid cream every hoursA.3 B.4 C.3to 4 D.2459Antihistamine Cream is

15、 used for Ainsect bites Bfast pain relief Cburns Dcuts60Dont apply Antihistamine Cream Ain a 24hours period Bin the eyes Cnear the eyes Don broken skin24(10分)A recent survey showed that only 9percent of teens in the United States smoke cigarettesThats down from 23percent in 2000While this is good ne

16、ws for the USs overall health,tobacco(烟草) use is still a problemCigarettes can cause many diseases,such as cancer(癌症),lung diseases and heart problemsAlthough they know about the health problems,teenagers still smokeSo the campaign of the US Antismoking Organization is working to end teenage smoking

17、Their latest activity uses social media(社交媒体) to remind teenagers of the dangers of smokingAnd the activity also encourages teens to learn the facts and become the generation that ends smokingHowever,antismoking campaigns may have a new problem to worry aboutAccording to a 2013report,the use of elec

18、tronic cigarettes is on the riseAmerican high school students who reported having used an electronic cigarette rose from 4.7percent in 2011to 10percent in 2012The increased use of ecigarettes by teens is deeply troublingIt may become lifelong addicted(上瘾)Besides,we still dont yet understand the long

19、term effects(作用) of ecigarettes根据材料内容,选择最佳答案61According to the survey,how many American teenagers smoked in 2000? A.9percentB.23percentC.4.7percentD.10percent62Which of the following disease may not be caused by cigarettes? Askin disease Bcancer Clung disease Dheart disease63What is the aim of the c

20、ampaign of the US Antismoking Organization? ATo end the production of cigarettesBTo criticize those children who smokeCTo protect the rights of nonsmokersDTo make an effort to end teenage smoking64The underlined wordcampaignmeans Aactivity Bnewspaper Cmovie Dofficer65What do we know about ecigarette

21、s? AEcigarettes are becoming popular among teenagersBSchool students like ecigarettes more than adults doCPeople wont get addicted to ecigarettesDEcigarettes have bad effects on peoples health25(10分)If you are not happy with Chinas high Internet fees and slow speed,you are not aloneSo is Premier Li

22、KeqiangOn April 14,he said in a meeting that the government should speed up the Internet and lower the feesThe first question people ask at a new place isIs there WIFI?because Internet service fees are too high,said Premier LiAccording to recent survey by CCTV,the average cost of 1GB mobile Internet

23、 data per month in China is 100Yuan,while it is only 60Yuan in the US and 40in JapanHowever,high prices dont necessarily mean good serviceThe average Internet speed in China was 4.25Mbps(兆比特每秒) in late 2014South Korea had the fastest average Internet speed25.3MbpsPeople can download a 1GB movie with

24、in 6minutes in South Korea,but in China it would take half an hourTo improve Internet services,the key is to build more fiber(光纤) networksThrough them we can send text,pictures and videos globally in less than a second,which offer high speed InternetBesides,the lack of market competition is another

25、problemHaving more operators(运营商) besides China Unicom and China Telecom may lower the prices根据材料内容,选择最佳答案66Why do people always ask for WIFI at a new place in China? ABecause they cant use internet without WIFIBBecause they can communicate with their familiesCBecause they want to download moviesDBe

26、cause Internet service fees are too high67In late 2014, had the fastest average Internet speedAChina BUSA CJapan DSouth Korea68What is the key to improve Internet services? ATo increase internet service feesBTo build more fiber networksCTo learn from South KoreaDTo make the government know the situa

27、tion69The underlined sentence in the passage infers that AChinas high Internet fees are probably because there is no more market competitionBChina has too many telecommunication companiesCChina Unicom should lower the priceDChina Telecom should lower the price70What is the best title for the passage

28、? AChinas Internet EconomyBShopping OnlineCChina Wants Cheaper,Quicker InternetDChina Unicom and China Telecom26(10分)Its important to teach children to create strong passwords(密码),and to remind them that passwords mustnt be shared with anyone,not even best friendsA strong password is a word that is

29、as difficult as possible to guess because it looks a set of random characters(随机的字符)Its wise to use the whole keyboard to mix a password with letters,numbers and symbolsA password of 14characters or more may be much saferThe following tips will tell you how to create a strong and safe password:Tip 1

30、:Think of a sentence that is easy to remember,but difficult to guessFor example:My son Peter is five years old and my daughter Tina is one year oldThe whole sentence is so long that it cant be a password,so what you can do is to use the first letter of each word to make a new password that seems to

31、be meaninglessThat ismspifyoamditioyoTip 2:Make the password more difficult to guess by missing big and small lettersOne way to do this is to use big and small letters one after anotherIn this way this new password will beMsPiFyOaMdTiOyOTip 3:Still using the sentence above,you can also add numbers t

32、hat are meaningful to youAs a result,the new password will beMsPi5yOaMdTilyOTip 4:Add punctuation(标点符号) and symbols to make the password much strongerYou may use symbols,numbers and punctuation to replace some letter which look similarFor example:MsPi3y0MdTi!y0(o0,a,1!)任务型阅读根据材料内容,按要求完成下列各题71A stron

33、g password is difficult guess because all the characters are at random(改写短文划线句子) 72Your sentence:(写出一句你比较好记的句子,至少有14词,不得抄写短文中原句) 73Your password:(按照Tip1的说明,用你上面所写的句子创建一个密码) 74Your new password:(按照Tip 2的说明,改编上面你已创建的密码) 75mysjwboafi1990(根据短文中所给的四个建议,将题中所给密码改写成更安全的密码) 四、补全对话(共两节,10小题,计10分)根据对话内容,从方框中选出

34、能填入空白处的最佳选项(其中两个选项为多余选项)27(5分)ACertainlyBWhats the most important part of speaking English?CI always write down the new words on the notebookDI listen to some English news,songs and other materials while I am on the way homeEWhat else do you think can help improve spoken English?FCrazy Englishmight

35、be helpfulGBut how can I enlarge my vocabulary?A:Could you tell me how you can speak English so well?B:Well,I think listening more is very important(76) A:Some people say watching English movies is good for English learnersB:(77) I have watched about 30English movies since 2012,and that really helps

36、 a lotA:(78) B:Um,I think vocabulary is the most importantYou can express yourself freely when you have a larger vocabularyA:(79) B:ReadingI have read many English booksThat really helps with my English vocabularyA:(80) B:Never be afraid of making mistakesThe more you speak the language,the more fre

37、ely you can express yourselfEnjoy losing face,then you can learn English well五、根据上下文及所给词首字母补全对话(每空一词,每小题5分,共5分)28(5分)A:Hey,Alice!My parents (81)b me a dog in the pet shopB:(82)S great!A:Its so (83)c and clever that I cant help kissing it and allowing it to sleep in my bedB:Oh,youd better not do like

38、 thatA:Why?B:Because pets can carry many viruses(病毒) which lead (84)t dangerous diseasesA:Oh,my God!What should I do then?B:Dont worryIf you always give it a (85)s and keep it clean,itll be OK五、书面表达(共15分)29(15分)假如你是某英杂志社编辑王林,根据下面中学生小明的来信,给他写一封回信,解答他的困惑要求:1观点鲜明,结构合理,内容连贯;2词数80左右,信的开关的落款已给出,不计入总词数Dear

39、 editor,Nowadays,many junior high school students are completely getting relaxed from busy study after graduation,so what they would like to do most is to throw books away,hang out with friends at daytime and stay up late at night playing computer games or watching TVWhats your opinion about this?Im

40、 looking forward to your replyYours sincerely,XiaomingDear Xiaoming, Yours,Wang Lin2015年青海省中考英语试卷参考答案与试题解析一、单项选择(每小题1分,共20分)从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳答案1(1分)My little brother Bob hopes to travel to _ space in the future()AaB/Cthe【考点】51:定冠词(the)菁优网版权所有【分析】我的弟弟Bob希望在未来去太空旅行【解答】答案:B 根据其后的space(太空),Space

41、 作为(天体与天体之间的)空间时,前不用任何冠词故选B【点评】本题考查零冠词的用法2(1分)Must we stay here waiting for you?No,you _()AneedntBcantCshouldnt【考点】DB:情态动词菁优网版权所有【分析】我们必须在这里等你吗?不,你不必【解答】答案:Cneednt不必;cant不可能;shouldnt不应该根据No,you ,这里是作出否定回答由must引导的一般疑问句表示否定回答时需要用neednt或dont have to来回答,表不必故选C【点评】情态动词的考查回答以must引导的一般疑问句,肯定回答用Yes,Sb must是

42、的,必须;否定回答用No,Sb neednt不,不必3(1分)Judy and I will go to the beach tomorrowIts so niceEnjoy _()AyourselvesByourselfCherself【考点】62:物主代词菁优网版权所有【分析】我和朱迪明天要去海滩太好了,玩得开心!【解答】答案:A根据设空处前面的动词enjoy和前面一句的句意我和朱迪明天要去海滩了可知设空处考查短语玩得开心!,再根据要去海滩的是两个人,可知本句应该用反身代词yourselves,故选A【点评】本题考查反身代词的用法,解决此类问题的关键是掌握各种人称的翻身代词,在不同的语言环

43、境中达到熟练掌握的目的4(1分)What is _ brother?He is a policeman()AJims and PaulsBJim and PaulCJim and pauls【考点】46:名词所有格菁优网版权所有【分析】吉姆和保尔的哥哥是干什么的?他是一名警察【解答】答案:CJim and pauls 由答句He可以看出询问的是一个人,说明吉姆和保尔的哥哥是同一个人,名词所有格中,表示共同拥有的在最后一个名词后加s,故答案选Jim and pauls故选:C【点评】学会上下文对应找线索,注意名词所有格(s)的用法:分别拥有,分别加s,共同拥有在最后一个名词后加s5(1分)I usually go hiking with my friends_ do I()AnorBSoCNeither【考点】ID:倒装句菁优网版权所有【分析】我经常和朋友一起去徒步旅行我也是【解答】答案:B本句考查倒装句型,肯定句后跟So+谓语+主语,表示某人某物也;否定句后跟Neither/Nor+谓语+主语,表示某人某物也不;根据I usually go hiking with my friends可知下句是肯定形式,所以用so+助动词+主语的形式,表示

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