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homer设计软件的使用说明HOMER Guiding英文版.pdf

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1、 A national laboratory of the U.S.Department of Energy5?。Office of Energy Efficiency&Renewable Energyq.*NW=L National Renewable Energy LaboratoryInnovation for Our Energy FutureHOMERThe Micropower Optimization ModelGetting Started Guide forHOMER Version 2.1April 2005National Renewable Energy Laborat

2、ory1617 Cole Boulevard,Golden,Colorado 80401-3393 303-275-3000,www.nrel.govOperated for the U.S.Department of Energy Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy by Midwest Research Institute BattelleHOMERTheMkmpowrrOptimi/othn ModdHOMER Getting Started Guide 2/30About this Getting Started Guide

3、This Getting Started guide introduces you to HOMER by walking you through eleven steps.You will start by providing HOMER with information,or inputs,about power system designs that you want to consider.HOMER will simulate system configurations,create a list of feasible system designs,and sort the lis

4、t by cost-effectiveness.In the final step,you will use HOMER to perform a sensitivity analysis.By going through each step in the guide,you should become familiar with the software,and develop enough experience to start using the model on your own.It should take about an hour to complete this exercis

5、e.The online version of this guideYou can open an online version of this guide by choosing Getting Started on HOMERs Help menu.Checking your work as you goThroughout the guide are illustrations that show how HOMER should look as you use the software.Be sure to compare what appears on your computer s

6、creen to the illustrations to make sure that you have correctly completed each step.About Tips and Notes:Throughout this guide,tips and notes provide additional information to help you better understand how HOMER works.A note is important information that you should read to better understand the ste

7、p of the exercise that you are completing.A tip is supplementary information that you may find useful for your future work with HOMER,but is not essential to understand to complete the exercise.Table of ContentsWelcome to HOMER.3Step one:Formulate a question that HOMER can help answer.5Step two:Crea

8、te a new HOMER file.6Step three:Build the schematic.7Step four:Enter load details.9Step five:Enter component details.11Step six:Enter resource details.15Step seven:Check inputs and correct errors.17Step eight:Examine optimization results.20Step nine:Refine the system design.22Step ten:Add sensitivit

9、y variables.25Step eleven:Examine sensitivity analysis results.27Getting Started Guide summary.29Contacts.30HOMER v2.1(April 2005)HOMERTheMkmpowrrOptimi/othn ModdHOMER Getting Started Guide 3/30Welcome to HOMERWhat is HOMER?HOMER,the micropower optimization model,simplifies the task of evaluating de

10、signs of both off-grid and grid-connected power systems for a variety of applications.When you design a power system,you must make many decisions about the configuration of the system:What components does it make sense to include in the system design?How many and what size of each component should y

11、ou use?The large number of technology options and the variation in technology costs and availability of energy resources make these decisions difficult.HOMERs optimization and sensitivity analysis algorithms make it easier to evaluate the many possible system configurations.How do I use HOMER?To use

12、 HOMER,you provide the model with inputs,which describe technology options,component costs,and resource availability.HOMER uses these inputs to simulate different system configurations,or combinations of components,and generates results that you can view as a list of feasible configurations sorted b

13、y net present cost.HOMER also displays simulation results in a wide variety of tables and graphs that help you compare configurations and evaluate them on their economic and technical merits.You can export the tables and graphs for use in reports and presentations.When you want to explore the effect

14、 that changes in factors such as resource availability and economic conditions might have on the cost-effectiveness of different system configurations,you can use the model to perform sensitivity analyses.To perform a sensitivity analysis,you provide HOMER with sensitivity values that describe a ran

15、ge of resource availability and component costs.HOMER simulates each system configuration over the range of values.You can use the results of a sensitivity analysis to identify the factors that have the greatest impact on the design and operation of a power system.You can also use HOMER sensitivity

16、analysis results to answer general questions about technology options to inform planning and policy decisions.How does HOMER work?SimulationHOMER simulates the operation of a system by making energy balance calculations for each of the 8,760 hours in a year.For each hour,HOMER compares the electric

17、and thermal demand in the hour to the energy that the system can supply in that hour,and calculates the flows of energy to and from each component of the system.For systems that include batteries or fuel-powered generators,HOMER also decides for each hour how to operate the generators and whether to

18、 charge or discharge the batteries.HOMER performs these energy balance calculations for each system configuration that you want to consider.It then determines whether a configuration is feasible,i.e.,whether it can meet the electric demand under the conditions that you specify,and estimates the cost

19、 of installing and operating the system over the lifetime of the proj ect.The system cost calculations account for costs such as capital,replacement,operation and maintenance,fuel,and interest.HOMER v2.1(April 2005)HOMERHOMER Getting Started Guide 4/30OptimizationAfter simulating all of the possible

20、 system configurations,HOMER displays a list of configurations,sorted by net present cost(sometimes called lifecycle cost),that you can use to compare system design options.Sensitivity AnalysisWhen you define sensitivity variables as inputs,HOMER repeats the optimization process for each sensitivity

21、 variable that you specify.For example,if you define wind speed as a sensitivity variable,HOMER will simulate system configurations for the range of wind speeds that you specify.HOMER on the InternetThe HOMER Web site,www.nrel.gov/homer,contains the latest information on the model,as well as sample

22、files,resource data,and contact information.HOMER v2.1(April 2005)HOMERHOMER Getting Started Guide 5/30Step one:Formulate a question that HOMER can help answerHOMER can answer a wide range of questions about the design of small power systems.It is useful to have a clear idea of a question that you w

23、ant HOMER to help answer before you begin working with HOMER.Examples of the kinds of questions that HOMER can answer are:Is it cost-effective to add a wind turbine to the diesel generator in my system?How much will the cost of diesel fuel need to increase to make photovoltaics cost effective?Will m

24、y design meet a growing electric demand?Is it cost-effective to install a microturbine to produce electricity and heat for my grid-connected facility?For this exercise,let us assume that diesel generators typically serve small loads in a remote area,and that we want to use HOMER to find out whether

25、it makes sense to add wind turbines to such systems.The question we will use HOMER to help answer is:How do changes in average wind speed and fuel price affect the feasibility of adding wind turbines to a diesel-only system design?HOMER v2.1(April 2005)HOMERTheMkmpowrrOptimi/othn ModdHOMER Getting S

26、tarted Guide 6/30Step two:Create a new HOMER fileA HOMER file contains all of the information about the technology options,component costs and resource availability required to analyze power system designs.The HOMER file also contains the results of any calculations HOMER makes as part of the optimi

27、zation and sensitivity analysis processes.HOMER file nam es end in.hmr,for exam pie:WindVsDiesel.hmr.When you start HOMER,it looks for the most recently saved file and opens it.If HOMER can not find the file,it displays a blank window.For this exercise,create a new HOMER file:Click New File D,or cho

28、ose File,New from the menu to create a new HOMER file.HOMER displays a blank schematic on the Main Window.E quipment to consider Add/Remove.71Click the Add/R emove button to add loads and components.Resourcesther品-r卸EconomicsEmissionsConstraintsTip:You can also open an existing HOMER file by clickin

29、g Open File 意.HOMER v2.1(April 2005)HOMERTheMkmpowrrOptimi/othn ModdHOMER Getting Started Guide 7/30Step three:Build the schematicHOMER compares multiple technology options for a power system design.The schematic represents all of the technology options that you want HOMER to consider:it is not a sc

30、hematic of a particular systems configuration.You build the schematic to give HOMER information about the components to consider to answer your question.The schematic may include components that are not in the optimal design.In this exercise,HOMER will simulate systems that include wind turbine and

31、diesel com binations to answer the question How do changes in average wind speed and fuel price affect the feasibility of adding wind turbines to a diesel-only system design?1.Click Add/Remove Add/Remove|to choose the components that you want HOMER to consider.HOMER displays all of the possible comp

32、onents in the Add/Remove window.2.Select the Prim ary Load 1 check box.Tip:Every system design must include either a primary load(a description of the electric demand),deferrable load,or be connected to a grid.3.Select the Wind Turbine 1,Generator 1,and Battery check boxes.Do not model gridSystem is

33、 connecled to gridPrimary Load 1Primary Load 2Deferrable LoadThermal LoadHydrogen loadR厂厂厂I-Fv$entL.|T人人符匕匕匕回囚面G窗M Wind T urbine 1I-Wind T urbine 2 Hydro厂 Generator 1Generator 2I Generator 3B BatteryConverter ElectrolyzerHydrogen T ankReformerHOMER v2.1(April 2005)HOMERTheMkmpowrrOptimi/othn ModdHOM

34、ER Getting Started Guide 8/304.Click OK to return to the Main window.Equipment to considerGenerator 1ResourcesPrimary Load 1 0 kWh/d 0 kW peakACOtherAdd/Rembve由Wind T urbine 1SI Battery DC:Wind resource&DieselEconomicsGenerator controlEmissionsConstraintsHOMER displays buttons on the schematic that

35、represent the load and components(wind turbine,diesel generator,and battery).In the Resources section(directly below the schematic)HOMER displays buttons for the resources that each component will use.In this case,buttons for the wind and diesel resources appear in the resources section of the schem

36、atic.HOMER v2.1(April 2005)HOMERTheMkmpowrrOptimi/othn ModdHOMER Getting Started Guide 9/30Step four:Enter load detailsThe load details are inputs to the HOMER simulations.The load inputs describe the electric demand that the system must serve.This section describes how to import a sample load file.

37、1.Click Prim ary Load 1 g|on the schematic to open Load Inputs.2.Type Remote Load as a label for the load.Label Remote LoadLoad type:,AC C DC3.Choose AC as the load type.4.Choose Import hourly data file and then click the Import File button to open the sample load file Remote Load.dmd.Datasource:Ent

38、er daily load profile(s);x|mport hourly data fileImport File.Note:This sample file is located in the same directory as the HOMER program(homer.exe)in a sub-directory called Sample Files.Baseline dataHour 00:00-01:00 01:00-02:00 02:00-03:00 03:000400 04:00 05:00 05:00 06:0006:0007:0008:0009:0010:0011

39、:0007:0008:0009:0010:0011:0012:00Load(kW)2.056 1.956 1.833 1.823 1.850 2.270 2.843 3.7626 5 4 2 MesPU2OI0Hour4.0584.0413.9844.142 二:Scaled data for simulation _Scaled annual average(kWh/d)|函.IS caled peak:11.49 kWAnnual average:85.0 kWh/dAnnual peak:11.49 kWLoad factor:0,308HOMER displays the daily

40、load profile in the table and graph.Note that the name of the imported file appears in the graph title.Tip:You can also create a load profile by entering 24 values in the Load Profile table.HOMER v2.1(April 2005)HOMERHOMER Getting Started Guide 10/30TheMkmpowrr Optimi/othn Modd5.Click OK to return t

41、o the Main window.Equipment to considerAdd/R emove.Generator 1TI Remote Load I 85 kWh/dI 11.5 kW peak IAC DCbwMi.r0JBatteryOn the schematic,notice the arrow that now connects the load button to the AC bus and shows the direction of energy flow.Also note that the label you typed,Remote Load,appears o

42、n the schematic,along with the values of the average and peak demand.HOMER v2.1(April 2005)HOMERHOMER Getting Started Guide 11/30Step five:Enter component detailsThe component inputs describe technology options,component costs,and the sizes and numbers of each component that HOMER will use for the s

43、imulations.This section describes how to enter cost data for diesel generators,wind turbines,and batteries.The costs in this exercise may not reflect real market conditions.1.Click Generator 1 盘 on the schematic to open Generator Inputs.2.In the Costs table,enter the following values:Size 1,Capital

44、1 500,Replacement 1200,O&M 0.05.Note that O&M stands for operation and maintenance.Generator O&M costs should not include fuel costs,since HOMER calculates fuel costs separately.CostsSize(kW)Capital($)Replacement($)O&M($/hr)1.000 1500 1200 0.050This tells HOMER that installing a diesel generator in

45、the system initially costs$1500 per kilowatt,that replacing the generator would cost$1200 per kilowatt,and that it will cost$0.05 per hour per kilowatt to operate and maintain.Notice that HOMER plots the cost curve based on the values you enter in the Costs table.Tip:For this example,the cost curve

46、is linear:HOMER assumes that the cost and generator size are related linearly,i.e.,that the installation cost of hardware is$1,500 for 1 kilowatt worth of diesel generation,$3,000 for 2 kilowatts,$4,500 for 3 kilowatts,etc.You can define a non-linear cost curve to account for quantity discounts and

47、economies of scale by adding rows to the Costs table with values that do not follow this linear pattern.As you enter values in the table,HOMER automatically creates a blank row at the bottom of the table so that you can add additional values as needed.3.In the Sizes to consider table,remove 0.000 an

48、d 1.000,and add 15.The values in the Sizes to consider table are called optimization variables.The table should look like the one shown below:Sizes to considerSize(kW)15,000Note:HOMER automatically adds zero and any sizes that you entered in the Costs table to the Sizes to consider table.You can lea

49、ve these values in the Sizes to consider table if you want HOMER to simulate systems with these component sizes,or delete and add to them if you want HOMER to simulate different sizes.HOMER v2.1(April 2005)HOMERTheMkmpowrrOptimi/othn ModdHOMER Getting Started Guide 12/30HOMER will simulate systems w

50、ith a 1 5 kilowatt generator.On the Cost curve,notice that HOMER displays the optimization variables as diamonds:5 0 5 0 52 2 11(s o o a1303Cost Curve2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16Size(kW)Capital ReplacementHOMER uses the values in the Costs table for the system costs calculations that are part of the simulati

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