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2017年湖南省株洲市中考英语试卷(教师版) .doc

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1、2017年湖南省株洲市中考英语试卷(教师版)一、知识运用(共2节,计25分).1(1分)We_ build our country into a country of peace,a country of wealth,a country of opening up()AmightBshouldCcould【考点】DB:情态动词菁优网版权所有【分析】我们应当把我们的国家建成一个和平的国家、富有的国家、开放的国家【解答】答案:B根据题意把我们的国家建成一个和平的国家、富有的国家、开放的国家,可知这是应当做的,结合选项,A可能 B应当 C可以,故选B【点评】熟悉情态动词的用法,结合题意,给出答案2

2、(1分)You can keep one of the old photos_ of them()ANeitherBBothCEither【考点】65:不定代词菁优网版权所有【分析】你可以拥有这些老照片中的一张,它们当中的任何一张【解答】答案:Cneither意思是两者都不;both意思是两者都;either意思是两者中的任何一个根据你可以拥有这些老照片中的一张,结合给出的三个选项的意思,综上所述,故选C【点评】首先要掌握句子的意思,然后结合具体的题目,就可以确定正确答案3(1分)He knew his subject_ A to Z()AfromBatCon【考点】7B:常用介词的辨析菁优网

3、版权所有【分析】他通晓自己的学科【解答】答案:A根据题干,可知考查介词短语fromto从到,from A to Z此处是指了如指掌,知道的很清楚,故选A【点评】熟悉介词的基本用法,结合题意,给出答案4(1分)Xiao Fang introduced herself to the new students in English in_ lesson()Athe firstBatCone【考点】A2:序数词菁优网版权所有【分析】小芳在第一节课用英语把自己介绍给新同学【解答】答案:A根据题干,可知考查序数词,根据题意在第一堂课,可知用first,序数词钱要加the,故选A【点评】熟悉序数词的基本用法

4、,结合题意,给出答案5(1分)Be quiet!A bird _ something on the window()AAreBeatsCis eating【考点】DI:动词时态菁优网版权所有【分析】安静!一只鸟正在窗户上吃东西【解答】答案:C根据题干Be quiet!安静,可知小鸟正在吃东西,不能打扰它,要用现在进行时,故选C【点评】正确理解题意,判断出时态,然后给出正确选项6(1分)I ordered a hamburger and salad_ hamburger was nice but the salad was not delicious()AAnBTheCA【考点】51:定冠词(t

5、he)菁优网版权所有【分析】我点了一个汉堡和沙拉这个汉堡很漂亮,但是沙拉不好吃【解答】答案:B根据题干,可知考查冠词,第二次再出现前文提到的人或物时,要用定冠词the表特指,特指前文提到的人或物,根据题意这个汉堡很漂亮,应该用the,故选B【点评】熟悉冠词的基本用法,结合题意,给出答案7(1分)The man_ called yesterday wants to buy the house()AwhoBwhatCwhich【考点】67:关系代词菁优网版权所有【分析】昨天打电话的那个人想买这个房子【解答】答案:Awho意思是谁;在定语从句中作主语;what意思是什么不能引导定语从句;which意

6、思是哪一个可以作主语或宾语根据_ called yesterday空格处需要一个可以作主语的词语,先行词是the man,综上所述,故选A【点评】首先要掌握句子的意思,然后结合具体的题目,就可以确定正确答案8(1分)Thomas is the_ player in the basketball team but he is the best()AshorterBshortCshortest【考点】81:形容词的比较级和最高级菁优网版权所有【分析】托马斯是篮球队里最矮的选手,但他是最好的【解答】答案:C 根据player in the basketball team but he is the

7、best篮球队里的选手,但他是最好的,由于空前有定冠词,but但是,表示语义的转折,结合选项,推测意思是托马斯是篮球队里最矮的选手,但他是最好的,用最高级,故选C最矮的A更矮的,B矮的【点评】解答此类试题时,务必充分理解上下文的语境和逻辑关系,找到解题的依据,准确作答9(1分)The singer_ while still at school()Ahas discoveredBwas discoveredCdiscovered【考点】F6:时态辨析菁优网版权所有【分析】那个歌手在上学时就已经被发掘出来了【解答】答案:Bdiscover为及物动词,singer与discover之间是被动关系,结

8、合while still at school时态应用一般过去时故用一般过去时被动语态was/were+过去分词,故选B【点评】一般过去时表示过去某个时间里发生的动作或状态;过去习惯性、经常性的动作、行为;过去主语所具备的能力和性格10(1分)_ the light,pleaseThis is a room with enough natural light()ATurn offBTurn onCTurn down【考点】E1:动词短语菁优网版权所有【分析】请把灯关上,这个房间有足够的自然光【解答】答案:A根据题干This is a room with enough natural light这

9、个房间有足够的自然光,可知需要把等关上,结合选项,A关上 B打开 C把声音调小,故选A【点评】熟悉动词短语的基本意思,结合题意,给出答案二、完型填空(10小题,15分)11(15分)I have to get the cows baby to the house or it will freeze to death,Li Ming said to himselfHe tried to lift it,but it was too (31)ALi Ming looked around the little barn(牲口棚)He saw nothing he could use to (32)B

10、 the babyThen he made a decisionHe quickly took off his coat,placed it on the ground beside the baby,and gently slid(滑动)the baby on itAs (33)Cas he could,Li Ming pulled the baby out of the barn and made his way back to the (34)CLi Ming took the quilt(被子)off his bed and rubbed the baby dryIt lay on h

11、is (35)B,unable to lift his headHe pull his wet,snowy coat under the baby and covered the little animal with his quiltAfter putting one more pieces of wood on the fire,Li Ming pulled on his coatIt was still wet from the ground,(36)A it was better than nothingHe took a big bottle and made his way bac

12、k to the barnHe wanted to get some milkAt first his fingers were too cold,but finally the warmth of the cows body warmed (37)Benough,so he could milkHe started back to the houseLi Ming was just beginning to spoon milk into the babys mouth when Father and Mother came into the houseHow did you get the

13、 baby in here?Father asked(38)A the little animalLi Ming explained how he had (39)B the baby on his coat,Do you think hell make it?Hell (40)C Father told Li Ming,thanks to you31AheavyBlightCweak32AserveBliftCfeed33AquietlyBslowlyCcarefully34AschoolBhospitalChouse35AquiltBcoatCjacket36AbutBsoCand37Ai

14、tBthemCher38AexaminingBhittingCpulling39AdriedBpulledCchecked40AdieBseeClive【考点】N1:记叙文菁优网版权所有【分析】文章讲述了在寒冷的天气里,李明通过各种努力和尝试,独自把很重的小牛犊移到房子里的故事爸爸回来给小牛犊做了检查,小牛犊仍然活着,这都是幸亏李明的努力【解答】31A 考查形容词,Aheavy重的 Blight轻的 Cweak虚弱的,根据He tried to lift it,but 他试图抬起它,但是可知but转折后说明它很重,很难移动,故选A32B 考查动词,Aserve提供 Blift 抬起Cfeed喂

15、养,根据前文He tried to lift it他试图抬起它,可知此处指的是他想抬起这个小牛犊,故选B33C 考查副词,Aquietly安静的 Bslowly慢的 Ccarefully仔细的,根据 gently slid(滑动)the baby on it轻轻的把它拉到外套上,可知在拉动小牛犊的时候是小心翼翼的,故选C 34C 考查名词,Aschool学校 Bhospital医院 Chouse 房子,根据I have to get the cows baby to the house or it will freeze to death我必须把这个小牛犊移到房子里,否则它将会冻死,可知我想把

16、它移到房子里,故选C35B 考查名词,Aquilt 被子Bcoat外套 Cjacket夹克,根据前文He quickly took off his coat,placed it on the ground beside the baby,and gently slid(滑动)the baby on it她迅速脱下外套,放在小牛犊旁边,然后轻轻的把它拉到外套上,可知是在外套上面,故选B36A 考查连词,Abut但是 B,so因此 Cand 和,根据it was better than nothing总比没有好,可知跟前面的It was still wet仍然是湿的是转折关系,故选A37B 考查代

17、词,Ait它 Bthem他们 Cher她的,根据前文his fingers were too cold他的手指很冷,可知此处的代词是指他的手指,手指用复数形式,故选B38A 考查动词,Aexamining检查 Bhitting击中 Cpulling拉,根据后文Hell (40)C 他仍然活着,可知爸爸检查了小牛犊的状况,故选A39B 考查动词,Adried使干 Bpulled拉 Cchecked检查,根据语境,李明把小牛犊放在他的外套上,拉到房间里,可知此处是指他给爸爸解释如何拉到房子里的,故选B40C 考查动词,Adie死 Bsee看到 Clive居住,根据thanks to you多亏了你

18、,可知小牛犊仍然活着,没被冻死,故选C【点评】完形填空题,考生注意名词,动词,介词,连词辨析,根据语境和上下文的主旨大意,选择恰当的单词三、阅读理解(共三节,计40分)12(4分)41Talk helps students toBAmake a speechBfeel betterClearn English42Which of the following is NOT true?CAThe telephone service is freeBThey can keep the secretCYou can telephone except on Sunday【考点】O7:广告布告类阅读菁优网

19、版权所有【分析】短文讲了一个为了学生感到更好的电话服务,介绍了服务的内容及其电话和时间等【解答】答案:41B 细节理解题根据图片句子Talk is telephone service for students with problems为有问题的学生提供电话服务和offer practical advice on how to overcome them就如何克服这些问题提供实用的建议可知帮助学生感觉更好故选B42C 细节判断题根据图片句子we are for you 24 hours a day7 days a week我们一天24小时,一周7天可知除了星期天你可以打电话是错误的故选C【点评

20、】在通读全文的基础上,根据全文大意,展开逻辑思维,瞻前顾后,认真观察选项,仔细推敲,确定最佳答案13(6分)Culture Visiting Plan(Dana)DatDayPlaceEvent11thTuesdayLondonwalk along the Thames12thWednesdayLondon High Schooltalk with the studentswatch a soccer match13thThursdayCambridgevisit the university14thFridayThe University of Bathenjoy a concert15th

21、SundayLondonvisit Buckingham Palace43When will they watch a soccer match?AAOn WednesdayBOn ThursdayCOn Friday44Where will they enjoy a concert?BAIn Cambridge UniversityBIn the University of BathCIn London High School45How long is the culture visiting?AAFor five daysBFor a weekCFor a month【考点】O9:日常生活

22、类阅读菁优网版权所有【分析】文章大意:主要是一个文化访问时间表介绍了时间及访问流程【解答】4345:ABA43题答案:A 考查细节理解题,根据文中的第三行:12th Wednesday London High School talk with the students watch a soccer match 可知星期三观看足球比赛,故答案A44题答案:B 考查细节理解题,根据文中的第五行14th Friday The University of Bath enjoy a concert 可知 在巴斯大学欣赏音乐会,故答案B45题答案:A 考查细节理解题,根据文中的第一列从11th15th可知

23、一共是5天,故答案A【点评】本文是一篇日常生活类阅读,题目涉及多道细节理解题,做题时结合原文和题目有针对 性找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案推理判断也是要在抓住关键句子的基础上合理的分析才能得出正确的答案14(10分)Want to sayhellofrom Disneyland?Send a postcard!Want to sayhellofrom abroad?Send a postcard!Beautiful scenes,wild animals,excellent buildings,silty pictures,wonderful handwriting 一 you

24、 can find them all in one placeWhere?On a postcard!Have people always sent postcards?NoBefore postcards,people like to send letters in envelopesThe idea for the first decorated postcard was first patented (取得专利) in 1861Sending a simple postcard with decorations would be a great way to send a noteThe

25、n in the early days,postcards with pictures appearedBy law,people had to write their note on the fronton the picture!The back was only for the addressSeveral years later,England allowed a dividedback postcardThen people could write their note on the back left side and put the address on the rightDur

26、ing the early 1900s,the golden age of postcards,picture postcards became a craze a craze of the worldIn 1908Americans alone mailed over 677million postcardsToday,postcards are the third most popular collection in the world after stamps and coins46What do people like to send before postcards?BApictur

27、esBlettersCnotes47When was the idea for the first decorated postcard first patented?AAIn 1861BIn 1908CDuring the early 1900s48Where did people have to write their note by law tn the early days?CAunder the pictureBbeside the pictureCon the picture49What arc the first two most popular collections in t

28、he world?AAStamps and coinsBPostcards and coinsCStamps and postcards50The passage mainly talks aboutBAlettersBpostcardsCcollections【考点】O9:日常生活类阅读菁优网版权所有【分析】文章大意:本文是一篇说明文介绍的是明信片的发展历程及在社会上的地位【解答】4650:BACAB46题答案:B 考查细节理解题,根据文中的第三段Before postcards,people like to send letters in envelopes可知这明信片之前,人们喜欢写信,

29、故答案B47题答案:A 考查细节理解题,根据文中的第四段The idea for the first decorated postcard was first patented (取得专利) in 1861可知第一张明信片于1861年出现,故答案A48题答案:C 考查细节理解题,根据文中的第四段Then in the early days,postcards with pictures appearedBy law,people had to write their note on the fronton the picture!可知在早些年,人们必须在印图片的那一面写上他们的便笺,故答案C4

30、9题答案:A 考查细节理解题,根据文中的最后一段Today,postcards are the third most popular collection in the world after stamps and coins可知邮政卡是世界上除收集邮票和硬币后第三个最爱欢迎的收藏,故答案A50B题答案:B 考查主旨题,根据文中的第一段Want to sayhellofrom Disneyland?Send a postcard!Want to sayhellofrom abroad?Send a postcard!可知本文主要描述的是明信片,故答案B【点评】本文是一篇日常生活类阅读,题目涉及

31、多道细节理解题,做题时结合原文和题目有针对 性找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案推理判断也是要在抓住关键句子的基础上合理的分析才能得出正确的答案15(10分)Trump smoked heavilyHe got lung cancer when he was sixty years oldHe only bad six months to liveHis chance for recovery was 1in 500He lived in Baldwin Street in New Zealand,a very special street in the worldWhat he

32、did with cancer was also specialHe could see the worry,depression and anger in his lifeHe wondered,If illness can be caused by negativity (消极性),can wellness be crested by positivity (积极性)He decided to make an experiment to himselfLaughing was one of the most positive activities he knewHe watched all

33、 the funny movies he could findHe read funny storiesHe enjoyed talk shows and cress talksHe asked his friend to call him whenever they said,heard or did something funnyAnd he also told jokes lo bis friends and his familyHe even built a club calledLaugh and lifeAt first,his pain was so great the be c

34、ould not sleepThen,be found laughing for 10minutes could relieve the pain(减轻疼痛) for several hours so he could sleepHe fully recovered from his illness and lived another 20happy and healthy years in the endHe thought his success was because of the love of his family and friends,and laughingSo,if you

35、like laughing,do it as often as you canIf you dont like laughing,then take your medicine 一laugh anyway51Where did Trump live?AAin Baldwin StreetBIn New StreetCIn Wall Street52From the passage we know TrumpCADrunk too muchBwas very handsomeCHas a strong will53Laugh and lifeis aBAschoolBclubCcompany54

36、How old was Trump when he died?CA.61B.70C.8055What does the passage mainly tell us?BAEnjoy sleep is importantBLaughing is the best medicineCActivities arc useful【考点】O1:人物故事类阅读菁优网版权所有【分析】特朗普抽烟很厉害,在他六十岁的时候得了肺癌,他看了所有他能找到的有趣的电影,读有趣的故事他甚至建立了一个俱乐部叫笑和生活他发现笑可以缓解疼痛,他又健康地生活了20年,他认为他的成功是因为他的家人和朋友的爱和笑【解答】51A细节理

37、解题,根据He lived in Baldwin Street in New Zealand可知他住在新西兰的鲍德温街,故答案为:A52C细节理解题,根据He fully recovered from his illness and lived another 20happy and healthy years in the end可知特朗普是个意志坚定的人,战胜了癌症,故答案为:C53B细节理解题,根据He even built a club calledLaugh and life可知Laugh and life是个俱乐部,故答案为:B54C细节理解题,根据He only bad six

38、months to live和He fully recovered from his illness and lived another 20happy and healthy years in the end可知他60岁生病,又健康地生活了20年,故答案为:C55B细节理解题,根据最后一句:If you dont like laughing,then take your medicine 一laugh anyway可知本文讲述的是笑是良药,故答案为:B【点评】做题时要在理解好文意的基础上,与题目有机的结合,从文章中找到相关细节性的句子与选项细细比对,进行选择或推理判断,选出符合文章内容的正确

39、选项做题注意灵活,有时可采用排除法或直选法确定出最终答案16(10分)There are at least two methodsInduction (归纳法) (as described by Darwin ),or deduction (演绎法)( as described by Einstein)Both methods can produce amazing resultBut only when you know whichdirectionto goThe steps are the sameThey include:Theory (理论)Explaining how things

40、 workExperimentA way to test whats happeningObservationSomething you noticeTogether,these are called the scientific methodShould you start from thebottomby collecting information and facts to prove and seeing where chat leads you?Thats inductionCharles Darwin (18091882 ) supported this methodHe spen

41、t years observing the appearance and behavior of animals in different placesFrom this,he created his theory of natural selection:animal and plants can change because of their environmentOr should you start from thetopby creating a theory and then seeing how it stands up to real life?Thats deductionA

42、lbert Einstein(18791955)was king hereHe began with brave ideasThese theories often took years to prove by experimentA few of Einsteins ideas are still being examinedIn history,scientist have been solving problems using different methodsFor example,while studying bacteria(细菌)Fleming found that someth

43、ing on bread could kill bacteria harmful to human healthThis led him to discover a new medicineNewton suggested that all objects attract each otherHis idea was proved laterSo which way better?That dependsSome researchers do experiment,and only later consider where their results may lead themThats in

44、ductionBut deduction needs you to suggest a theory that may or may not be supported by the information and factsThe best scientists are always ready to change methods when necessary56How many steps are there in the scientific methodBA.2B.3C.457Deduction needs you to start from theCAbottomBmiddleCtop

45、58Fleming usedAto discover a new medicineAinductionBdeductionCtheories59The last paragraph(段)tells usCAwhich way is betterBTo get more factsC to use proper methods60What can be the best title of the passage?AADeduction and inductionBDarwin and FlemingCTheory and experiment【考点】OE:其他类阅读菁优网版权所有【分析】短文主要介绍了两种方法归纳法和演绎法,以及它们的步骤,并举了一些例子最后告诉我们也要使用适当的方法【解答】答案:56B 细节理解题根据第三行句子The steps are the sameThey include:这个步骤是相同的它们包括:Theory (理论)Explaining how things work理论解释它们是如何工作的ExperimentA way

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