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1、2019年辽宁省大连市中考英语试卷第I卷 选择题(共68分)I.单项填空(本题共12小题,每小题1分,共12分)从各题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项1(1分)The Silk Road has been a bridge between the East and the West over 2,000 years()AatBforCinDfrom2(1分)Theres no empty tableWould you please share with me?()AyouByourCyoursDyourself3(1分)Mum,may I wear this new to the

2、 party tonight?()AskirtBballoonCfanDflag4(1分)My father is very busyHe has spare time()AalwaysBusuallyCseldomDsometimes5(1分)Must we take the underground to the airport?Yes,we The traffic is very heavy now()AmustBcanCmayDwould6(1分)Jim to hospital at once after he got hurt()AsentBis sentCwill be sentDw

3、as sent7(1分)The presenter an interview with our monitor at this time yesterday()AdidBwas doingCdoesDhas done8(1分) is your family going to BeijingExpo(北京世园会),Lucy?In August()AHowBWhenCWhereDWhy9(1分)Its better to your rubbish into plastic,glass,paper and rubber before throwing it away()AmoveBputCchang

4、eDdivide10(1分)Peter wont be surprised because I him the news already()AtoldBwill tellChave toldDam teling11(1分)It is getting darkWhy not the lights?()Aturn onBtake awayCpick upDput away12(1分) I missed the beginning of the movie,David _ It was so exciting!()ANever mindBHurry up!CWhat a pity!DYoure we

5、lcome.完形填空(本题共1小题,每小题12分,共12分)阅读下面短文,理解其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中,选出可填入空白处的最佳选项13(12分)Dear Laura, Thanks for your messageYes,Im having a great time on my student exchange(交流)programme in FranceI was a bit (13) before I arrived here,but there was no need to beMy host family is really niceThey try to make me (

6、14) at homeThe grandmother knows that I miss Chinese food a lotSo she actually learned how to (15) Chinese food!She also has a teenage granddaughter about my age who is really(16) She always talks to me in French to help me practiseYou wouldnt (17) how quickly my French has improved(18) I still make

7、 lots of mistakes,it doesnt worry me as it used toMy biggest (19) is learning how to act at the dinner tableAs you can imagine,things are very different from the way they are at homeFor example,you shouldnt put your elbows(胳膊肘)on the table(20) ,I thought that was pretty strange,but now Im used to(习惯

8、于)itAnother example is that you shouldnt eat anything with your (21) except bread,not even fruitYou have to cut it up and eat it with a forkAnother thing is that its impolite to say youre fullIf you dont want any more (22) ,you should just say,That was deliciousI have to say that I find it difficult

9、 to(23) everything,but Im gradually(逐渐地)getting used to itI dont find French customs so(24) any more Ill write again soon and tell you more about my life in France |Hope youre having a good school yearYours,Lin Yue(13)AproudBexcitedCnervousDdisappointed(14)AstayBfeelCrestDstudy(15)AcookBserveCfetchD

10、taste(16)AcleverBshyCkindDhonest(17)AdiscoverBhearCagreeDbelieve(18)AIfBAlthoughCBecauseDSince(19)AproblemBhobbyCdreamDsuggestion(20)AIn factBBy the wayCSo farDAt first(21)AforkBfingersCknifeDchopsticks(22)AfoodBtimeCmoneyDhelp(23)AcreateBanswerCrememberDrepeat(24)AsimpleBstrictCdifferentDstrange.阅读

11、理解(一)(本题共3小题,共34分)A.阅读下列短文,从各题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项14(8分) ASIGHTSEEING Discover the sights of Salt Lake City on one of our openair buses!You can get on and off our buses at any stop,giving you the chance to see the sights at your own pace(节奏)TicketsAdult:33 Student:29 Child(612):17 *Children under 6 are f

12、reeDont Forget! Dont burden(使负担)yourself with too much to carryHowever,a few things will make your tour more comfortableWe suggest: Sunglasses Hat Camera Bottled Water SnacksDONT FORGET TO HUG YOUR DRIVER! Check us out at facebookcom/USBusUtah(25)If you get off at Stop 5,you can visit ALion House BR

13、iceEccles StadiumCLiberty Park DNatural History Museum(26)How much are the tickets for MrSmith and his 5yearold son? A$17 B$33 C$50 D$62(27)Which of the following is NOT advised to take? AMap BSunglasses CSnacks DBottled water(28)The passage is a leaflet of Aa field trip Ba city bus system Ca bus to

14、ur Da summer English course29(8分) BI loved everything about school except for one person:Mildred Every day,as we walked home after school,she would step on the backs of my shoesThen,when I stopped to put my shoes on,Mildred would hit 6me on the back quickly and run awayShe scared(惊吓)me Soon,my mothe

15、r found something was wrongI told her the whole storyMy mum told me not to worry and said she had a plan The next morning,my mum walked up the hill with meJust as we got to the top of the hill,we saw Mildred Hello,Mildred,my mum said quietlyMildred stopped,standing still Her hands and face were brig

16、ht redHer oversized coat hung openThere were only two buttons(纽扣)on it My mother didnt say anything at firstInstead,she buttoned up Mildreds coat and turned the collar(衣领)up around her neck Im Amys motherI need your help,MildredMy mothers hands held Mildreds as she spokeAmy doesnt have any brothers

17、or sistersShe needs a good friend at school,someone to walk up the hill with her after classes are overWould you be Amys friend,Mildred? Mildred chewed(咬住)on her bottom lip(嘴唇)and noddedOh,thank you!my mother saidI just know you are someone I can depend onThen she hugged us and left as though nothin

18、g unusual had happened Mildred and I walked on to schoolAs I looked over at her,I saw that Mildred was smiling!Id never seen her smile before We walked up the hill each day after school together and pretty soon we became good friends I didnt understand my mums plan at that timeBut finally,I came to

19、understand her message:Love never fails(29)What made Amy worried about school? APoor grades BNo clean shoes CNo good friends DSomeone unfriendly(30)After greeting Mildred,Amys mum Agave her a loving hug Basked her for help directlyCheld her hands warmly Dhelped her to dress properly(31)Mildred smile

20、d probably because AAmy and her mum apologised to herBshe felt the touch of love and trustCAmy agreed to make friends with herDshe wasnt punished so badly as she imagined(32)What does the story mainly tell us? ALove is always full of magic BTrue love never disappearsCA mothers love is always there D

21、Its never late to share your love33(10分) C If you look at the top of your phone,youll usually see a little symbol that says 3G or 4G TheGstands for thegenerationof your mobile networkBut these symbols will become things of the past after 5G fully arrives On March 30th,2019,Shanghai vicemayor Wu Qing

22、 made the first 5G video call on a Huawei Mate X smartphone,CGTN reportedShanghai has also become the first city in China to start testing 5G networks Now,4G takes about 100 to 200 milliseconds(毫秒)to send and receive data(数据)But 5G will get it down to 1 millisecond or lessThis big change will not on

23、ly make our mobile Internet fasterIt can be used in many other ways as well For example,5G will help to make selfdriving cars saferTodays selfdriving test cars have one problemlagWhen the carseesan obstacle(障碍物),it sends this information to a data center and receives instructionsHowever,it takes tim

24、e to send and receive this informationWith this kind of lag,the cars might crash(撞击)because they dont receive instructions in timeWith 5G,this lag will be greatly lowered,making the cars safer,according to CNN 5G could also be used to power the Internet of Things(IOT)This refers to a large online ne

25、twork that connects all things and peopleFast Internet speeds will be the key to developing this technologyFor example,with IOT under 5G,your refrigerator could automatically(自动地)place an order online for eggs when it finds that there are no eggs left inside All in all,5G will shape every type of te

26、chnology that it touchesAnd you wont have to wait too long for that to happen(33)From Paragraph ,we can know that A5G is widely used in Shanghai Bit took lots of efforts to test 5GCChina is working on its 5G networks D5G would make it possible to take videos(34)Compared with 4G,5G could be Acheaper

27、Bfaster Csafer Dbusier(35)The underlined wordlagprobably means in ChineseA延迟 B迷路 C暂停 D耗电(36)The refrigerator is mentioned to Adescribe the importance of IOT Bencourage people to try the new productCintroduce how to use the Internet of Things Dshow 5G would make IOT more powerful(37)Which of the foll

28、owing would be the best title of the passage? ACan 5G Go Far? BHow is 5G Changing Our Life?C5G is on the Way DChina is Leading the World in 5GB.阅读短文,根据短文内容,从所给的六个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,使短文意思完整、连贯有两项为多余选项38(8分) DPrepare for Water Day Zero Last year,Cape Town said it was facing Water Day ZeroThat was the d

29、ate when the citys taps would go dryIt was first expected to arrive in April,2018 Thanks to hard efforts and a rainy season,it has been put off(推迟)(38) And it may hit cities all over the world How did Cape Town get into a Water Day Zero situation?The city gets its water from six reservoirs(水库)They u

30、sually fill up during the rainy season,from May through AugustHowever,since 2015,the city had been suffering from its worst drought(旱灾)in a century(39) Even worse,Cape Towns population grew greatlyAs a result,the need for water rose (40) Because of climate change,serious droughts are becoming more a

31、nd more commonAt the same time,people are moving to citiesThe United Nations says by 2050,two thirds of the worlds population will live in citiesSince 2014,southeastern Brazil has been suffering from its worst water shortage in 80 yearsIn Mexico City,many of the 21 million people only have running w

32、ater for half of the day Luckily,steps can be taken to avoid water crises(危机)To start with,all of us can do something to save water and slow down climate change(41) At the same time,water pollution must be stopped The world now has a chance to stop a series of Water Day Zero crises If we dont act,ma

33、ny cities may soon face a time when there isnt a drop to drinkACape Town is not aloneBThe serious situation seems to be improvedCWater levels in the reservoirs became very lowDCities can build more waterrecycling factoriesEHowever,the problem is very likely to appear againFMore and more countries ar

34、e paying attention to the problemI.情景交际(本题共1小题,每小题10分,共10分)根据对话内容,从所给的七个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,使对话内容完整有两项为多余选项42(10分)(At the train station)A:Thanks for coming with me to the station,LinglingB:No problemWell,Dad,were a bit early(42) A:Good ideaWill you be OK at home with Mum?B:(43) We ll be fine Dont worr

35、yA:(44) B:I wont, DadI can cook some simple dishes When will you be back, Dad?A:(45) If everything goes well,I ll be back next Sunday(Announcement: We advise all passengers for Train T27 to Lhasa to go immediately to Plat form 2 Your train is about to leave)B: Thats your train, Dad! Goodbye!(46) A:

36、Goodbye, Lingling! See you in a couple of days!B: See you!AIm not sureB Yes, of courseC Have a good trip!D Lets have a seat over thereEIm afraid it will rain todayF What time will the train leave?G Dont depend on Mum for everything第卷非选择题(共72分)V.词语运用A.用括号中所给词的适当形式完成下列句子(本题共6小题,每小题1分,共6分)47(1分)Little

37、Tom has just celebrated his birthday(nine)48(1分)I offered my seat to an elderly man,but he refused (polite)49(1分)LEGO is one of the that can develop childrens creativity(toy)50(1分)I dont use my mobile phone a lot at night,as its blue light is to my eyes(harm)51(1分)MrZhang,your is excellent!Have you

38、ever studied abroad?(pronounce)52(1分)Visitors are asked not much noise in the National Gallery(make)B、用方框内所给词的适当形式完成下面短文每词限用一次(本题共1小题,每小题12分,共12分)53(12分)finish people cheer write furniture goodReview of TeahouseBy Li Daming This years school play,Teahouse,was a very good choiceIt was easy for us to

39、learn about (53) lives in China about one hundred years ago and see the changes in Chinese society Teahouse was(54) by Lao She in 1957It tells a story that takes place in a teahouse in BeijingThe story starts at the end of the nineteenth century and (55) over 50 years laterThe play has three acts an

40、d shows the lives of common people in China at that time The actors and actresses clothes and the teahouse (56) were right for the first half of the twentieth centuryThe actors and actresses all did a very good jobLi Nan,the student playing Wang Lifa,was the (57) He brought Wang Lifa to life from a

41、young man to an old man At the end of the play,the actors and actresses all came out for a curtain call(谢幕)and the whole theatre(58) for themSeeing Teahouse on the stage was wonderful!C、阅读下面短文,在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺每空格限填一词(本题共1小题,每小题12分,共12分)59(12分)Photographing a Black HoleThe whole world felt excite

42、d on the night of April 10th,2019For the first time in history,people saw an image(图象)of a black holeThe picture became (59) at onceBut attention soon turned to a computer scientist,Katie BoumanWithout(60) efforts,the historic image wouldnt have been possible Black holes are very far awayIt (61) eas

43、y to photograph oneIts like taking a photo of an orange that is on the moonMany scientists had triedHowever,none of them(62) These failures didnt stop Bouman from tryingThree years ago,the scientist started working on a special computer programmeOver the years,she has improved the(63) many timesFinally,it turned telescope(望远镜)data into the black hole image Bouman has received lots of praise for her workThe young woman,however,is modest(谦虚的)She says the efforts of her colleagues(同事)were important,tooNone of us could do it (64) ,she told

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