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1、2015年湖南省怀化市中考英语试卷一、听力题1(1分)2(1分)3(1分)4(1分)5(1分)6(1分)What is Tinas favorite color?ABlueBBlackCGreen7(1分)Whose ruler is this!APetersBJimsCToms8(1分)Where did Kate go last Sunday?AShe went to the beachB She climbed the mountainsCShe visited her grandparents9(1分)AMonday BTuesday Cwednesday10(1分)Why isnt

2、Tim at school?ABecause he has it feverBShe has a toothacheCShe has a headache11(2分)听下面的对话,回答第1112 小题11What is Tim going to be when he grows up?AAn engineerBA doctor,C A computer programmer12How is he going to do that?AHe is going 10 lake acting lessonsBHe is going 10 lake piano lessonsCHe is going t

3、o study hard12(3分)听下面的对话,问答第1315 小题13What subjec1does Mr Smith teach?AMathBMusicCPE14What does MrSmith l k like?AHe is tallBHe is shortCHe is of medium heigh115What does Sally think of her math teacher?AStrictBPopularCFunny13(5分)NamesActivitiesTimeTony and Maryget upat(16) am(17) at 7:30(18) play so

4、ccerat 5:00 pmTony and Mary(19) at 6:30 pmgo to bedat(20) pm二、单项填空14(1分)This is_ exciting movie I like it very much()AaBanC不填15(1分)Can I help you?I want to buy a pair of_ for son()AshoeBtrouserCshoes16(1分)Whose books are these?They are_()AhimBherChis17(1分)Some students like cars because they are_tha

5、n bikes()AsafeBsaferCsafest18(1分)We often help our parents_ housework()AwithBonCfor19(1分)December is_month of the year()AtwelveBthe twelfthCthe twelveth20(1分)Peter has curly hair_he is of medium build()AandBorCbut21(1分)If it doesnt rain tomorrow,I_fishing with my father()AgoBwentCwill go22(1分)This k

6、ind of plane_in China()AmadeBis madeCmakes23(1分)Do you know_?For six years()Ahow soon MrsChen w ill come backBhow long has MrsChen slayed hereChow long MrsChen has stayed here三、完形填空24(15分)When I was about 12years old,I really wanted a new (31) !I told my parents my birthday wish,but I knew there was

7、 little hope because my family could (32) have that moneyOn my birthday my parents told me they had my gift outside in the back yardAt once I rushed out to the yardThere was my bike,but it wasnt the bike I wantedThis one was (33) and rusty(生锈的),I didnt like it all!I thought I hurt my parentsfeelings

8、 (34) they saw the disappointment on my facesI (35) the old bike and rode it,feeling bad that I had made my parents feel this waySo I put on a smile,rode as (36) as I could and didnt look backAs time went by,I began to (37) my parents gave me something much more than just a rusty(生锈的)old bikeThey ga

9、ve me a life lesson about loveWhen you give (38) out of love,it doesnt matter what it is inWhat matters is the love that is in itI like to remember this story because giving a gift is not about moneyIts about how much (39) you can feel from itRemember this,a gift that cost 2!isnt any (40) valuable(有

10、价值的)than one that costs one hundred dollars31AbikeBcameraCmodel plane32AslowlyBquicklyChardly33AnewBoldClovely34AsoBbutCbecause35Agot offBgot onCput on36A fastBbadlyCloudly37AunderstandBbuyCget38A anythingBnothingC something39AmoneyBloveCbike40A worseBbetterCless四、阅读理解25(10分)It was a hot summers day

11、The sun was shining brightly up in the skyA lion was sitting under a big tree and,after a short while,fell asleepNearby that tree there was a hole,in which there lived a mouseWhen the lion was sleeping,the mouse came out of its hole and saw him asleep Not knowing the lions strength(力量),the mouse got

12、 an ideaIt thought of waking up the lion running over his body just for fun Unfortunately,the lion caught it in his strong paw(爪子)He was going to kill it when it begged( 乞求);Spare(饶恕)me,sirSomeday I may repay your mercy(仁慈) The lion was amused(被逗乐的)hearing its words and let it go with a smile,thinki

13、ng:How can such a small mouse be of any help to me? But a day came when the lion got into troubleHe got caught in a hunters net(网)under that big treeAs a result,he started roaring(咆哮)loudly On hearing his roar,the mouse came out of its holeThis was the time to pay back the lions mercyIt nibbled(啃)aw

14、ay at the net and set the lion free41On a hot summer daya lion was sleeping in a hole 42The mouse ran over the lions body and woke it up for fun 43The mouses words amused the lion,so the lion let it go with a smile 44The lion though the mouse was too small to help him 45At last,the mouse didnt help

15、the lion 26(10分)Every day when I enter the classroom,I will take a look at the wall beside my seatYou will find nothing special about this old wall if you just look at itBut for the students in my class,it is a special wallTake a good look at it,and you will get to know the real feelings and thought

16、s of us,the 9th gradersIn the middle of the wall,there is a bigVICTORYIt was written in pencilI guess it must have been written by someone who got a good mark in an examA little higher above the formulas,there is a poemIt only has two sentencesIt reads:All those sweet memories have disappearedLike t

17、ears dropping in the heavy rainOh!It must have been written at the end of the last semester in middle schoolClassmates had to leave school and good friends had to partWhat a sad poem!If you explore the wall more carefully,you will find many other interesting things,like a crying face,or a happy face

18、,and other patterns(图案)There are still some patterns and letters that I cant understand,but they all show the feeling of the students who drew themFor years,the wall has witnessed(目睹) all the things that have happened in the classroomI dont know how it will be next year,two years from now,or even te

19、n years from nowBut I hope more smiling faces will be drawn on it46It is for the students in my class AseatBwallCclassroom47What was theVICTORYwritten in? AChalkBBrushCPencil48Which of the following is True according to the story? AThe poem must have been written at the end of the last semesterBThe

20、poem must ha e beenwritten at the beginning of the last semesterC The poem must have been written at the end of the year49The underlined wordexplore in this passage means in ChineseA仔细查看B试试C理解50Whats the title of the passage? AThe Feelings of the StudentsBThe Patterns of the ClassroomCThe Pictures o

21、f the Wall27(6分)A ship turned over and sank off an island in South Korea on April 16,2014It was carrying 476passengers,including 325high school studentsBy April 24,at least 171people have dided and about 150people were still missing51The accident happened in ASouth KoreaBKoreaCJapan52There were high

22、 school students on the shipA.476B.325C.17153The sign on the right tells us that A we can drink water hereBwe cant eat hereC we cant drink water here28(4分)Come and buy your clothes at Mikes Clothes Store!We have hats,Tshirts,and more at very good prices!Come and have a look!54Which is the cheapest o

23、f all? ASocksBHallCTshirt55You like red and you only have $6You can buy Aa sweaterBa TshirtCa hat29(10分)When a new headmaster came to work at SchoolWhen he passed Class 5A,he heard some terrible noiseHe looked inside through the window and was surprised by what he sawSome boys were fightingOthers we

24、re throwing things at one anotherNo one was doing any workThe headmaster opened the door and went in,but the students paid no attention to himBe quiet!he shouted at the top of his voiceThis time the students stopped what they were doing and looked at himQuickly he walked up to the oldestlooking boy

25、in the roomHe was also the noisiest and had been shouting at others at the top of his voiceHe took his ear and pulled him to the front of the classIm going to punish you as an example to others,he saidNow go to my office and wait for meThen he turned to the class and lectured them about how they sho

26、uld behave (行为举止) in schoolWhen he had finished,he said,Does anyone have any questions?One of the students put up his handYes,sirI have oneWhen can we have our teacher back?56What did the headmaster hear when he walked past Class5A? 57Did the headmaster pull a girl lo the front of the class? 58Why d

27、id the headmaster punish the oldestlooking bay? 59,What was the girls question? 60Who was the oldestlooking boy? 四、写作技能30(5分)Linda loves her dog DavyThey went to New York City last SaturdayWhile Linda was buying a newspaper at the train station,the dog got out of his box and (61) (跑)The station was

28、crowded and Linda couldnt see Davy (62)a When Linda shouted his name,some people looked (63)a her but Davy didnt comeThen she called the (64) (警察)While she was talking on the telephone,Davy (65) 遇见another dog outside the station31(5分)完成对话Tony喜欢旅行,这是他首次来我们怀化他在找电话亭打电话时候遇到了麻烦,请你给他提供帮助请你根据实际完成下面这段对话YYou

29、TTonyT:Excuse meY:Yes!(66) T:WellIm new hereIs there a pay phone around here?Y:(67) Its across from the post officeT:How far is it from here?Y:(68) T:How can I get there?Y:(69) T:Thank you very muchY (70) 32(10分)英汉互译(71)Hows it going?I hope that grandpa is well now,I was sorry to hear that he had a

30、cold last week(72)我希望你们的身体健康Things are fine here,I finished my endofyear exams last week and got my report card todayI always get nervous when I see me envelope from school in the mail(73)luckily I did OK this timeI had a hard time with science this semester and (74)I wasnt surprised to find that my

31、 worst report was from my science teacher She said I was lazywhich isnt true its just that I find science really difficultanother disappointing result was in history(75)我的历史老师说我可以学的更好The good news is that my math teacher said I was hardworkingAnd my Spanish teacher said my listening was good71 72 73

32、 74 75 情景作文33(15分)假如你的名字王红,是美国中学生迈克的笔友他想了解一下中国学生的假期生活下图是你对你班同学假期活动的调查报告请你根据这个图表给你笔友写封回信简述调查结果并谈谈你的暑假活动安排及理由注意:1、信中请勿使用真实的校名和姓名:2、内容应包含表格中的要点并可适当发挥:3、词数:80左右;4、文章的开头已给出,但不计入总词数Dear Mike,Im glad to hear from youHere are how my classmates spend their vacation.5students If you have any questions,please write to me Yours,Wang Hong

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