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1、2014年湖南省郴州市中考英语试卷一、听力技能(每小题1分,共20分)1(1分)2(1分)3(1分)4(1分)A All rightB The same to youC Fine, thank you5(1分)A Thank youB All rightC Yes, very well6(1分)A Next yearB For two yearsC In 20087(1分)A Dont worryB What a pity!C No, not at all8(1分)A By riding a bikeB By talking in EnglishC By sleeping9(2分)听下面的对话

2、,回答910小题9Where are the speakers?AIn a hospitalB In a schoolC In a restaurant10What kind of noodles would the man like?A Beef and tomatoB Cabbage and chickenC Mutton and tomato10(2分)听下面的对话,回答1112小题11Whats the weather like in Beijing?A CloudyB WindyC Rainy12When will Nancy come back from Beijing?A In

3、two daysB In two weeksC In two months11(3分)听下面的对话,回答1315小题13Where is Jenny going?ATo the parkB To the zooC To the museum14Why does Jenny like monkeys?A Because theyre very cuteB Because theyre uglyC Because theyre scary15How will Jenny get there?A By bikeB By carC By bus12(5分)NameFavorite SubjectRea

4、sonTimeMike(16) interesting(17) SallyMath(18) Every dayBillPEexciting(19) GinaMusic(20) Thursday二、单项填空(每小题1分,共10分)13(1分) What do you think of the program Dad Where Are We Going?一 I think its interesting program()AaBanCthe14(1分)Last night,Tom and Cindy enjoyed at the dancing party()AMyselfBhimselfCth

5、emselves15(1分)一 Would you like some No, thank you I dont like drinks at all()ACoffeeBBreadCmeat16(1分)About of the students in our class like English best()Atwo thirdBtwo thirdsCsecond three17(1分)一 The article is kind of difficult for me Take it easy The more you read, the youll understand()AWellBbes

6、tCbetter18(1分)一 Whose dictionary is this?一 not be Alices Her dictionary is here()ACanBmayCmust19(1分)Look! Wang Ping the floor with her sister()ASweepsBis sweepingCswept20(1分)It is said that an airport in Chenzhou in a few years()Awill buildBwill be builtCis built21(1分)一 What kind of music do you lik

7、e?一 I like music I can dance to()AThatBwhoCwhat22(1分)Do you know ?()Awhy the earth goes around the sunBwhy the earth go around the sunCwhy does the earth go around the sun三、完形填空(每小题10分,共10分)23(10分)One afternoon, the twin brothers, Martin and Larry didnt go home after school They went to Mollys (31)

8、to help her do the homework When it was time for supper, Mollys parents invited(32) to have dinner, but they(33) and went homeWhen they got to the front of their house, they saw a(34) man who was looking forsomething in their living room +He must be a thief,said Larry,Ill call the(35) and youtry to

9、talk to him, Then Martin went inside while Larry (36) to call the policeWhen the man saw Martin, he said, Maybe you dont know me,(37) I m your fathes best friend He had a serious accident and hes in hospital I come to get money for himIm so sorry to hear that Wait a minute I know where the (38) is T

10、hen Martin led the man to a bedroom and said, There is a yellow box under the bed Bo and get it The man was so glad that he climbed in without thinkingJust at this time, Martin rushed out and locked the door(39) A few minutes later, two policemen arrived They asked the man many questions but hecould

11、nt give any(40) answers The man was taken to the police station at last31 A officeB homeC factory32 A themB himC her33 A answeredB acceptedC refused34 A strangeB friendlyC important35 A doctorB policeC waiter36 A stoppedB hopedC hurried37 A andB butC or38 A moneyB bedC door39 A slowlyB quicklyC kind

12、ly40 A rightB wrongC strong四、阅读技能(每小题10分,共50分)24(10分)Now more and more people come to China on vacation or on business Some of them follow their own cultural traditions It% s important for us to know about themIn many countries, such as India, people believe that the left hand is unclean So its not

13、proper (合适的)to use the left hand to hold food, touch others or pass something Doing so may make some guests unhappySome Westerners may not be happy if you try to help them without their agreementPeople think numbers can be lucky or unlucky Some Westerners avoid the number 13because they think it is

14、unluckyPeople from Brazil do not give handkerchiefs (手帕)as gifts They believe a handkerchief is closely connected with unhappy feelingsWine is not sent as a gift in many parts of western countries41Indians believe that the left hand is not clean 42You can help westerners without their agreement 43Th

15、e number 13is considered to be unlucky in China 44In Brazil, a handkerchief is closely connected with unhappy feelings 45Wine is not sent as a gift in many parts of western countries 25(10分)Max and Victor are two friends They liked jumping very much and dreamed of jumping high to the skyOne day, a f

16、airy (小仙人)saw them jumping again and again She thought they were funny and decided to give each of them a wishWhat do you like most in life? Only one wish I cant give you more said the fairyMax was so excited that he answered at once, To jump very high! I want to jump over the mountains, and jump in

17、to the clouds, to the sun and the stars! Max got his wish and jumped into the clouds and then towards the sun Soon Victor couldnt see himAnd you? What do you want most? Victor looked up at the sky, thought carefully and said, I hope I can catch anything I want My friend jumped so high Im worried tha

18、t he would fall and hurt badlyAt that moment, they heard Max crying in the sky, and the sound was coming closer and closer Luckily, with the help of the wish, Victor caught Max Max thanked her a lot He asked the fairy if he could share the jumping wish with Victor The fairy agreedMax and Victor took

19、 turns to enjoy jumping When one was jumping, the other would be ready to catch him They played happily together46The dream of Max and Victor is A jumpinghigh to the skyBgivingwishes to othersCplaying happily together47Who got the wish first and jumped into the sky? A MaxBVictorCThe fairy48Victor ho

20、ped she could catch anything she wanted because Ashe liked catching anything he wantedBshe didnt want to jump to the skyCshe was worried that Max would fall and hurt badly49The underlined phrase took turns means in Chinese A轮流B拿走C变成50What is the best title of the passage? A BeautifulSkyBHappyTimeCTw

21、o Wishes26(10分)This is a dog robot named Shuntaro It is created to test a persons feet smell If your feet smell good, Shuntaro will come closer to you But if your feet smell bad, Shuntaro will suddenly lie on the groundThis is Giant Panda,Bai Yun During her 22nd birthday celebration at the San Diego

22、 Zoo, she received a special birthday cake, made of rice, bambooand fruitThe police in the Netherlands (荷兰)are about to use rats to help them look into crimes (犯罪活动)According to the rat trainer, rats have a stronger sense of smell than dogs, and it s much easier and cheaper to train them It takes th

23、e trainer only ten days to train rats, but it takes months or even years to train dogsAn old saying says that cows lie down when it is about to rain Now a study has showed that the saying is true Scientists find that cows are more likely to lie down when it is cold and so it is often the sign of rai

24、nWe humans always call others by names Do you know dolphins can also do that? A new study shows that each dolphin has its own sign of sound forothers to call It s like human s names51If your feet smell bad, will lie on the groundA ShuntaroB Bai YunC rat police52What is the special birthday cake made

25、 of? A Rice, milk and butterB Bread, yogurt and sugarC Rice, bamboo and fruit53Rats can be used to help the police because they A are cheap to buyB have a strong sense of smellC are easy to find54Cows are more likely to lie down A before it rainsB after it rainsC when it rains55Dolphins for others t

26、o callA have their own nameB have their own signs of soundC have nothing27(10分)Overhead bridges are found in many parts of Chenzhou, especially in places where traffic is very heavyThe overhead bridges are built to help people to cross road safely They are used in much the same way as zebra crossing

27、s When people are using a zebra crossing, traffic is held up This is why the government has built many overhead bridges to keep people and traffic moving at the same time They are more efficient (效率G 的)although there are some disadvantages For example, people have to climb up a lot of steps Its espe

28、cially difficult for old peopleThe government of Chenzhou has spent much money in building these bridges For their own safety, people should be encouraged to use them, instead of risking their lives by running across the road People may find it a little difficult to climb up and down the steps, but

29、it is still much safer than walking across the road with all the danger of moving trafficOverhead bridges serve a very useful purpose People, both old and young, should make it a habit to use them This will prevent unnecessary accidents and the loss of lifeOverhead Bridges in ChenzhouPurposehelp peo

30、ple to(56) Advantagesmore efficient to keep people and(57) at the same timemuch safer than walking across the road with all(58) moving traffic(59) climb up a lot of stepshave difficulty climbing up and down the steps for the oldAdviceform the habit to(60) instead of running across the road28(10分)Do

31、you want to have sweets as many as you could? Come to the world%s first &edible hotel a hotel which can be eaten! The UK Company Tate and Lyle Sugars creates the special hotel The purpose of creating the hotel is to let customers enjoy Taste ExperienceThere are 8rooms with different things for peopl

32、e to enjoy the eating fun in the hotel Everything in the hotel is made from sweets You can eat the door, the table and even the wall Customers can eat in their own way, like eating in bed or on the floorA team of 18people spent 900hours making all the walls colorful, and it takes them about 2000hour

33、s to bake (烘烤)the hotel Customers in the hotel can eat as many of the hotel% s sweets as they could However, the hotel only opens for one night61Who creates the special hotel? 62How many rooms are there in the hotel?63Is everything in the hotel made from sweets? 64What% s the purpose of creating thi

34、s hotel? 65Does the hotel open every night? 五、完成对话通读下面的对话,然后根据上下文补全对话(每小题5分,共5分)29(5分)Clerk: Good morning (66) Mary: Yes, please My mothers birthday is coming I want to buy her a dressClerk: What color does she like?Mary:(67) Clerk: What size does she wear, Size S, M or L?Mary: (68) She is very thin

35、Clerk: What about this brown one?Mary: Pretty good! (69) Clerk: Eighty dollarsMary: OK! Ill take it Thank you very muchClerk: (70) 30(10分)英汉互译阅读下面的短文,将划线部分的句子译成汉语或英语My English has improved a lot this year In the past,(71)我发现英语难学First, it wasnteasy for me to understand what my English teacher said (7

36、2) I felt she spoke too quickly for me to follow Besides, English grammar was really difficult and I couldnt make complete sentences(73)I used to be afraid to speak in class because my classmates might laugh at meLater on, I realized that it doesnt matter if you dont understand every word I started

37、to watch Englishlanguage TV Doing a lot of listening practice is one of the secrets of becoming a good language learner (74)这很有帮助I also started to write my own original sentences using the grammar I was learning Its amazing that it worked a lot (75)Now I am enjoying learning English and I got an A t

38、his term71 72 73 74 75 六、作文(计15分)31(15分)你班上周举行了以What will you do when you grow up? 为主题的班会,大家畅所欲言,谈论自己的梦想,有的想当老师,有的想当记者请用英语写一篇短文,介绍你们讨论的情况参考词汇:1 teacher,reporter actor / actress2interesting, helpful, important, famous,popular, busy, hard要求:1.80词左右(短文开头已给出,不计人总词数)2至少写出梦想, 梦想不少,可适当发挥3文中不出现校名和地名Last week, we had a class meeting We talked about What will you do when you grow up? Now Ill tell you what they expressed at the meeting

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