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1、2011年湖南省郴州市中考英语试卷一、听力1(1分)2(1分)3(1分)4(2分)听下面对话,回答45小题4How does Julie get to school?ABy trainBBy busCBy bike5How long does it take?A.20 minutesB.25 minutesC.30 minutes5(2分)听下面对话,回答67小题6How was Kates trip?ABadBTerribleCGreat7Where did she go?ASuxian MountainBBeihu ParkCDongjiang Lake6(3分)听下面对话,回答810小题

2、8What does Bob collect?AKitesBShellsCStamps9Why does he like collecting them?ABecause they are beautifulBBecause they are interestingCBecause they are expensive10How long has he been collecting them?AFor about 2 yearsBFor about 3 yearsCFor about 6 years7(5分)对话(共5小题,计5分)QUESTIONNAIRESchool Life11 12

3、13 14 15 8(5分)NameJackAge(16) years oldCharacters (性格)Funny and(17) Favorite SportPlaying (18) Favorite FoodVegetables,fruit and (19) Favorite Movies(20) movies二、知识运用(两部分,共15小题,计25分)A)单项填空(共15小题,计15分)9(3分)What _exciting sports show!Yeah,I love this game()AaBtheCan10(3分)There isnt any _in the fridgeW

4、e need to go shopping()AorangesBmilkCeggs11(3分)Linda has two Chinese friendsoften talk in Chinese()ATheirBThemCThey12(3分)The highspeed trains are much than the common ones()AfastBfasterCfastest13(3分)Can you come to my party on Wednesday?Sorry,I cantIfinish my homework()AmayBwouldChave to14(3分)Excuse

5、 me,how can I get to the museum?SorryIts my_ time to be here()AoneBfirstConce15(3分)The song Baby Sister _by Zeng Yike()Ais writtenBwritesCwrote16(3分)The old men are playing chessWould you mind _()Aturning downBturn downCturns down17(3分)What could I get my father for Fathers Day?_getting him a tie?()

6、AWhy notBHow aboutCWhy dont you18(3分)I_ my homework at nine oclock last Sunday morning()Aam doingBwas doingCdo19(3分)The drink is_ delicious_ everyone in the room enjoys it()AsuchthatBtootoCsothat20(3分)There _a big earthquake in Japan this MarchYeahMany Chinese volunteers went there to help the peopl

7、e in trouble()AwasBisCwere21(3分)What do you think of the talk shows hosted by Zhou Libo?_I watch them every week()AI love themBI cant stand themCI dont like them22(3分)She likes readingShe usually_ some books from the library()AbuysBlendsCborrows23(3分)_is dangerous for us to swim in the river alone()

8、AItBThatCThis三、完形填空(10小题,共10分)24(10分)Eyes are windows of the soulEveryone knows the(36) of the eyes(37) more and more students are becoming nearsighted(近视)So how to protect the eyes is still a serious problemHere is some advice on (38) protect your eyesight(视力)You should not keep your eyes(39) for a

9、 long timeWhen reading,you should keep the books about a foot away from youAfter reading for an hour(40) two,youd better have a (41) by looking into the distance(远处)You must remember not to read in dark light or in (42) ,not to read on a moving bus or in bedDoing eye exercises will help(43) to prote

10、ct your eyesightIn a (44) ,to keep (45) eyesight,we must have good studying habits36AimportanceBexperienceCdifference37ASoBBecauseCBut38Awhat toBhow toCwhen to39AworkingBwalkingCwaking40AandBorCas41AtalkBrestCby42Athe earthBthe starCthe sun43AhimBusCyou44AwordBsentenceCletter45AbadBgoodCweak四.阅读技能(共

11、5小题,计50分)A)阅读短文,判断正误(5小题,计10分)(判断型)25(10分)I started this QQ group named CZ (Chenzhou) English club two months agoIt has twentyeight members nowIt is an English chatting placeNow we need some more friends who are interested in chatting in EnglishPlease remember the rules for our group membersEveryone

12、 in our group must speak in English with each otherDont keep silent for ten daysThe main aim of this group is to improve our EnglishChatting in English doesnt mean we pay more attention to EnglishI think Chinese is my first language and its the most importantDont send advertisements or any pictures

13、hereIf you dont follow the rules above,we will ask you to leave(1)This QQ group is an English chatting place (2)Everyone in this group must speak in Chinese with each other (3)The main aim of this QQ group is to make friends (4)The writer thinks English is more important than Chinese (5)If you send

14、advertisements or any pictures here,you will have to leave 26(5分)Now lots of teenagers like smokingIts a big problemSome of them smoke,just for fun and some think smoking looks coolOthers smoke because there are many people around them that smokeAs we all know,smoking is harmful,especially to studen

15、tsSome teenagers even steal money so that they can buy cigarettesBesides,smoking does harm to brains and it can influence studiesFinally,it is bad for health because it can cause diseasesTherefore(因此),we should protect ourselves from smokingFirst,we should learn more about the danger of smokingSecon

16、d,we should keep away from people who smoke51Now some teenagers like smoking because Asmoking is good for themBtheir parents want them to do soCthey think it is fun52From the passage,we know some teenagers steal money in order to Abuy cigarettesBbuy books Cplay games53Smoking is harmful to Abrains B

17、legs Ceyes54Which of the following sentences is NOT true? ASmoking can cause diseasesBSmoking can influence studiesCWe shouldnt keep away from people who smoke55The writer of the passage wants teenagers Ato smoke Bnot to smoke Cnot to keep away from smoking27(5分)Australia has an unusual kangarooalth

18、ough he is a pet,he lives like a manHe is dressed in clothes,likes watching TV and drinking,also eats bread,plays football and does some exerciseHis name is Bi MuerMonths ago,a 50yearold woman,Julia Bradley adopted (收养) himHe now lives a happy lifeEvery morning,he can enjoy delicious bread and later

19、 watch TV with hismomIn the afternoon,he can go to the garden and play football and in the evening,he can drink while watching TVIn the beginning,Muer was only 20cm tall,but now,he can easily jump over a onemeter fence56The kangaroo likes Awatching TV and drinking Bseeing a movieCplaying basketball5

20、7Who adopted the kangaroo? ABi MuerBJulia BradlyCBill Smith58What can the kangaroo do every morning? ADrinkBGo to the gardenCEnjoy delicious bread and watch TV59How tall was the kangaroo in the beginning? A.10cmB.20cmC.30cm60The passage is mainly about AAn unusual kangarooBAn Australia womanCA kanga

21、roos hobbies28(5分)Sanya is in Hainan Province in southern ChinaIts still warm in winterIts about 15in the afternoonSanya has lovely beachesThe price of a hotel room is about 320yuan a nightHarbin is in northern ChinaIts very cold inwinter,sometimes30Tourists need to wear warm clothesThere is an Ice

22、and Snow Festival in winterA hotel room is about 230yuan a nightBeijing is not very cold in winterIts about10CIt doesnt often rain or snowHotels usually cuttheir prices in winterAbout 200yuan a night isenoughCityWeather(61) of a hotel roomSanyaIts still(62) in winterAbout 320yuan a night(63) Its ver

23、y cold in winterAbout(64) yuan a nightBeijingIts not very cold in winterIt doesnt often (65) About 200yuan a night29(5分)Do you know the pretty girl?Her name is Tian WeiShe was born on April 5,1986She was from BeijingShe had two big eyes and short hairShe was good at ChineseAnd she loved writingShe w

24、as unluckyWhen she was in Grade 8,she was seriously illHer doctor said she would lose her life anytimeBut she wasnt afraid of deathShe kept on studying and writingShe died on August 13,2007She smiled till the end of her lifeTian Wei had a great dreamShe hoped that people could read her book in the b

25、ookshopsIn March,2009,her only book Hua Tian Ban Mu came outit had more than 5 thousand wordsIn her book she said,Im always aching (疼痛)if possible,Ill let my right eye weep (哭泣) but the other one smile66What did Tian Wei do well in? 67Did she love writing? 68What happened to Tian Wei when she was in

26、 Grade 8? 69When did the book Hua Tian Ban Mu come out? 70How many words did the book Hua Tian Ban Mu have? 四、写作技能(两部分,共计25分)A)通读对话,根据上下文补全对话(共1小题,计10分)30(5分)M:Good morning,doctorW:Good morning,JackYou dont look well(71) M:I have a sore throatW:Have you got a fever?M:(72) My temperature is a little

27、highW:When did it start?M:(73) W:Did you have any medicine?M:No,I didnt(74) ?W:You should drink some tea with honey,and take the medicineYou will feel better soonM:(75) W:Youre welcome五、情景作文(计15分)31(10分)假如你是王明,你将代表学校参加郴州市中学生英语演讲比赛演讲的题目是 We should help parents do housework请你用英语写一篇演讲稿要点提示:现 象你常做的家务你的体

28、会和看法许多学生懒惰,不愿做家务修理床铺浇花打扫房间倒垃圾(至少两点)参考词汇:lazy,chores,make the bed,water flowers,clean the room,take out the trash,relaxing,interesting,proud,pleased,duty要求:1短文须包含要点提示中的所有信息,并可适当发挥;2.80词左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;3文中不得出现自己的真实姓名、校名和地名Ladies and gentlemen,Good morning!Im Wang MingIts my honor to give you a speechMy topic is We should help parents do housework Thats allThanks for your listening!

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