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1、人教版中考初中英语完形填空讲义全一、中考英语完形填空(含答案详细解析)1通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题给出的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。 A truck is running across the Steel Bridge. David Fisher and Anna, his 3-year-old dog, are sitting quietly in the truck. This evenings work has been 1 . They collected two bags of garbage. Since three years ago, Fisher has bee

2、n doing the 2 thing. Every evening after work he drives back home to meet Anna and then to the Willamette River. The thing they want to get is 3 instead of fish. Collecting is always good, Fisher always says with a big smile when he 4 garbage on a beach. At the same time, Anna plays nearby. Sometime

3、s Anna brings Fisher some old cans or bottles, 5 its owners high praise. I can work with Anna on a beach for many hours at weekends. Its very 6 ! Fisher says happily. Fisher thinks small changes can make a big 7 . Since he started picking up garbage, he has been more careful to put empty bottles int

4、o his pocket, collect the cans that others throw away 8 recycle everything he can. Fisher has 9 not only himself but also others. Once, a family with two little girls were playing onthe beach where Fisher was collecting garbage. After seeing what Fisher was doing, the two girl 10 to help him pick up

5、 garbage. Fisher has actually done a lot to protect the environment.1. A. startedB. shownC. leftD. finished2. A. sameB. commonC. boringD. terrible3. A. moneyB. fishC. garbageD. clothes4. A. gives upB. picks upC. puts upD. sets up5. A. winningB. rememberingC. refusingD. keeping6. A. tiredB. annoyingC

6、. relaxingD. sad7. A. problemB. troubleC. inventionD. difference8. A. butB. andC. howeverD. so9. A. hurtB. trainedC. botheredD. changed10. A. stoppedB. forgotC. dreamedD. continued【答案】 (1)D;(2)A;(3)C;(4)B;(5)A;(6)C;(7)D;(8)B;(9)D;(10)A; 【解析】【分析】文章大意:费希尔和一只叫做安娜的三岁的狗三年前就开始在威拉米特河边捡拾垃圾,每天下班后个周末他们就去捡拾垃圾,

7、他的行为也感染了身边的人,他们一起为保护环境作出了贡献。(1)句意:今天晚上的工作结束了。A.开始;B.展示;C.离开;D.结束。根据 They collected two bags of garbage. 可知,今天的活干完了。故答案是D。(2)句意:自从三年前,费希尔就一直做同样的时。A.同样的;B.普通的;C.无聊的;D.可怕的。根据后面的叙述可知,他们每天晚上去威拉米特河边捡拾垃圾,因此是做同样的事,故答案是A。(3)句意:他们想要的是垃圾而不是鱼。A.钱;B.鱼;C.垃圾;D.衣服,根据前面的句子 They collected two bags of garbage. 可知他们去河边

8、捡垃圾了,故答案是C。(4)句意:当费希尔在河边捡拾垃圾的时候,他总是微笑着说,收集总是好的。A.放弃;B.捡起来;C.张贴;D.支起。根据根据前文的叙述可知他去河边捡垃圾了,故答案是B。(5)句意:有时候安娜会叼来一些旧的盒子和瓶子,赢得主人的奖励。A.赢得;B.记住;C.拒绝;D.保持。根据语境可知,狗帮了主人的忙,因此会得到主人的奖励,故答案是A。(6)句意:这非常令人放松。A.疲劳的;B.是使生气的;C.放松的;D.伤心的。根据 Fisher says happily.可知费希尔认为这样做是令人放松的,故答案是C。(7)句意:费希尔认为小的改变可以成就大的不同。A.问题;B.麻烦;C.

9、发明;D.不同。结合语境可知一天一点小的改变就会有大的不同,故答案是D。(8)句意:自从他开始捡拾垃圾,他已经更加认真地把空瓶子放进口袋里,收集别人扔掉的饮料盒,而且回收利用他能做的一切。A.但是;B.和;C.然而;D.因此。这几个短语是并列出现的,最后一项应使用and连接,故答案是B。(9)句意:费希尔不但改变了自己而且也改变没了别人。A.伤害;B.训练;C.麻烦;D.改变。根据后面说的一个小女孩帮助他捡垃圾可知,他不但改变了自己而且改变了别人,故答案是D。(10)句意:看到费希尔所做的之后,这两个小女孩停下来帮着他捡拾垃圾。A.停止;B.忘记;C.做梦;D.继续。stop to do st

10、h.固定搭配,停下来做某事,原来小女孩在玩,现在跟他捡垃圾,所以是停下来做某事,故答案是A。【点评】考查完形填空,先跳过空格理解文章大意,然后根据语境,语法、固定搭配等逐一作答,再读全文,核实并订正答案。2阅读短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 Jessica was born without arms and she had learned to live her life with her feet. There were many questions about whether Jessica would be able to live a(n) 1 lif

11、e. However, Jessicas father had full confidence in 2 . With the support of her family, Jessica became 3 in herself and continued to explore(探索) the world with her 4 . As a child, Jessica studied 5 in her hometown. When the first performance arrived, she asked herself to be put in the back 6 . Her da

12、nce teacher told her there was no back row. She appeared on the stage with other students and performed 7 . When she finished, the applause(喝彩) from the audience gave her encouragement and confidence to 8 dancing for 14 years. After graduating from high school, Jessica attended the University of Ari

13、zona where she 9 bachelors degree. 10 talking about her degree, she explained that the way people think has a 11 influence on their lives than a physical limitation. Jessicas most famous achievement was learning how to 12 . She received the Guinness World Records 13 being the first person certified(

14、被认证的) to fly an airplane with only her feet. Jessica now works as a motivational(激发性的) 14 . She travels the world sharing her 15 and encouraging people to be creative and confident. She often says, Think outside the shoes.1. A. importantB. normalC. popularD. painful2. A. themB. usC. himD. her3. A. c

15、onfidentB. amazedC. pleasantD. interested4. A. feetB. armsC. legsD. mouths5. A. drawingB. singingC. writingD. dancing6. A. rowB. lineC. yardD. room7. A. terriblyB. simplyC. wellD. badly8. A. stopB. continueC. startD. teach9. A. foundB. gotC. enjoyedD. caught10. A. BeforeB. AfterC. WhenD. Until11. A.

16、 greaterB. smallerC. worseD. less12. A. driveB. actC. rideD. fly13. A. forB. toC. inD. with14. A. speakerB. artistC. singerD. dancer15. A. mistakeB. sadnessC. storyD. mood【答案】 (1)B;(2)D;(3)A;(4)A;(5)D;(6)A;(7)C;(8)B;(9)B;(10)C;(11)A;(12)D;(13)A;(14)A;(15)C; 【解析】【分析】文章大意:杰西卡生下来就没有胳膊,在家人的鼓励下,杰西卡顽强的奋斗,

17、最后走进了大学,他也通过分享她的故事鼓励人们要有信心,要有创造性。 (1)句意:有很多关于杰西卡是否能过正常人生活的问题。A.重要的;B.正常的;C.受欢迎的;D.痛苦的。根据 Jessica was born without arms and she had learned to live her life with her feet. 可知杰西卡生下来就没有胳膊,能不能过正常人的生活是许多人心头的问题,故答案是B。 (2)句意:然而杰西卡的父亲对他充满了信心。A.他们;B.我们;C.他;D.她。根据 she had learned to live her life with her fee

18、t. 可知杰西卡是个女孩,空缺处需要宾格人称代词最宾语,故答案是D。 (3)句意:在家人的支持下,杰西卡变得有信心了继续用她的脚探索世界。A.有信心的;B.令人震惊的;C.令人愉快的;D.感兴趣的。根据前文的把描述,她父亲对她充满了信心,所以在家人的帮助下,她也变得有信心了,故答案是A。 (4)句意:在家人的支持下,杰西卡变得有信心了继续用她的脚探索世界。A.脚;B.胳膊;C.腿;D.嘴。根据前文的描述可知杰西卡生下来就没有手,说以她只能用脚探索世界,故答案是A。 (5)句意:还是个孩子的时候,在他的家乡学习了舞蹈。A.画画;B.唱;C.写;D.跳舞。根据 Her dance teacher

19、told her there was no back row 可知她学习的是舞蹈,故答案是D。 (6)句意:他要求把自己放在后排。A.排;B.线;C.院子;D.房间。根据 Her dance teacher told her there was no back row. 可知他要求在后排,故答案是A。 (7)句意:她和其他学生出现在了舞台,表演的很好。A.非常地;B.简单地;C.好;D.坏的。根据 When she finished, the applause(喝彩) from the audience gave her encouragement and confidence 可知,她表演的

20、好,故答案是C。 (8)句意:当她结束的时候,观众的喝彩声给了他鼓励和信心继续跳了14年。A.停止;B.继续;C.开始;D.教。根据,后面的for 14 years可知是继续跳舞跳了14年。故答案是B。 (9)句意:高中毕业之后,她进入了亚利桑那大学,在那里获得了学学士学位。A.发现;B.到达,得到;C.喜欢;D.抓住。根据 the University of Arizona the University of Arizona 可推知他在这所大学获得了学士学位,故答案是B。 (10)句意:在谈论他的学位的时候,她解释道相对于身体限制,人们的思考方式最大的影响了他们的生活。A.在之前;B.在之后

21、;C.当时候;D.直到。根据句子意思可知,这是一个时间状语从句,两个句子的动作是同时进行的,因此使用when,故答案是C。 (11)句意:她解释道相对于身体限制,人们的思考方式最大的影响了他们的生活。A.更伟大;B.更小;C.更差;D.更少。结合选项意思和题干内容可知,greater最合适,故答案是A。 (12)句意:杰西卡最著名的成就是不是学习如何开飞机。A.驾驶;B.表演;C.骑;D.飞。根据 She received the Guinness World Records13being the first person certified(被认证的) to fly an airplane

22、with only her feet. 可知,他正在学习开飞机,故答案是D。 (13)句意:因为是第一个只用脚驾驶飞机被认证的人,他获得了吉尼斯世界纪录。A.因为;B.到;C.在里面;D.用。根据 being the first person certified(被认证的) to fly an airplane with only her feet. 可知这句是获得吉尼斯纪录的原因,应使用for,故答案是A。 (14)句意:杰西卡现在是一个励志的演讲者。A.演讲者;B.美术家;C.歌唱家;D.舞蹈家。根据 She travels the world sharing her15and encou

23、raging people to be creative and confident. 可知她是个演讲家,故答案是A。 (15)句意:她周游世界,分享她的故事鼓励人们要具有创造性而且要有信心。A.错误;B.伤心;C.故事;D.情绪,心情。根据 encouraging people to be creative and confident. 可知分享的是故事,故答案是C。 【点评】考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力,答题时首先要跳过空格通读文章掌握其大意,然后细读文章字斟句酌逐一作答,注意考虑句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素。最后通读一遍检查验证。3完形填空 Devon Gallagher, a colle

24、ge graduate from Philadelphia, wants the world to know where shes been during her great worldwide vacation in a(n) 1 way. The traveler, who was 2 with a bone disease, had her right leg 3 at the age of four. 4 the amputation (截肢) caused hardships for Gallagher early on, she, at the age of 22 now, 5 i

25、t as an inspiration for making the 6 of her life. To spread that 7 , Gallagher has 8 to social media, 9 she shares photos of her travels across the world, but instead of 10 using a geotag (地理标签), she draws her location across her artificial leg before taking a picture. Now she has been taking pictur

26、es 11 Europe. I get a new leg every two years and I can choose the design on it. One day I had a sudden 12 that my new leg could be used as a blackboard, Gallagher said. My mum and grandmother werent too 13 the idea, but my friends thought it was great and told me to go for it, so I did. Gallagher s

27、aid people often stare when shes 14 on her leg, but once she shares the photos, she 15 only praise and encouragement. My leg hasnt 16 me from doing anything Ive wanted to do, she said. I dont know 17 it is my determination to prove to myself that I can do it, but anyhow, Ive been able to 18 up with

28、my peers and lead a pretty great life. Gallagher shows us that you should never let anything stand in the 19 of your dream. And if you meet with an obstacle (障碍), get 20 with it if life gives you an artificial leg, make art.1. A. commonB. rightC. simpleD. special2. A. bornB. chargedC. filledD. linke

29、d3. A. curedB. treatedC. cutD. kept4. A. UnlessB. AlthoughC. OnceD. Since5. A. considersB. thinksC. treatsD. looks6. A. coolestB. bestC. worstD. fullest7. A. evidenceB. newsC. messageD. schedule8. A. appliedB. belongedC. stuckD. turned9. A. whichB. thatC. asD. where10. A. simplyB. officiallyC. enthu

30、siasticallyD. reasonably11. A. acrossB. throughC. aboutD. for12. A. attitudeB. thoughtC. beliefD. opinion13. A. curious aboutB. fond ofC. patient withD. afraid of14. A. walkingB. reportingC. writingD. standing15. A. acceptsB. takesC. likesD. receives16. A. protectedB. preservedC. stoppedD. defended1

31、7. A. whyB. thatC. ifD. what18. A. makeB. comeC. putD. keep19. A. wayB. cornerC. courseD. bottom20. A. satisfiedB. creativeC. familiarD. connected【答案】 (1)D;(2)A;(3)C;(4)B;(5)A;(6)B;(7)C;(8)D;(9)D;(10)A;(11)A;(12)B;(13)B;(14)C;(15)D;(16)C;(17)C;(18)D;(19)A;(20)B; 【解析】【分析】文章大意:文章讲述了一个加德文 加拉赫的残疾姑娘,她乐观向

32、上。四岁的时候截肢,但是她把截肢当做了一种动力,他环游世界,利用社交媒体在网上分享她的照片,因此收到了人们的鼓励和赞扬,她的故事告诉我们:如果你遇到障碍,创造性地使用它,如果生活给了你假肢,你把它当做艺术品。 (1)句意: Devon Gallagher 毕业于费城大学,想用一种特殊的方式让世界知道他在旅游中的位置。A.平常的;B.正确的;C.简单的;D.特殊的。根据后文的描述可知,她用了一种特殊的方法告诉了人们他在的位置,故答案是D。 (2)句意:他生下来就有骨病。be born with与生俱来,固定短语,故答案是A。 (3)句意:在她四岁的时候截取了右腿。A.治愈;B.治疗;C.切削,砍

33、掉;D.保持。根据 the amputation (截肢) caused hardships for Gallagher early on 可知他截肢了,故答案是C。 (4)句意:尽管截肢的早期给她带来了困难,但是22岁的她把它看做使生活变得最好的一种激励。这是一个让步状语从句,能够构成让步状语从句的是although,故答案是B。 (5)句意:但是22岁的她把它看做使生活变得最好的一种激励。A.看做,当做;B.思考;C.对待;D.看起来。consideras,把当做,固定短语,故答案是A。 (6)句意:但是22岁的她把它看做使生活变得最好的一种激励。A.最凉爽的;B.最好的;C.最差的;D.

34、最满的。根据 an inspiration 可知是把生活变得最好,故答案是B。 (7)句意:为了发布消息,他求助于社交媒体。A.证据;B.新闻;C.消息;D.日程。根据 social media, 可知,她想利用媒体传播消息,故答案是C。 (8)句意:为了发布消息,他求助于社交媒体。turn to求助于,求助,固定搭配,故答案是D。 (9)句意:在那里她分享了她在世界各地旅行的照片。这是一个非限定性定语从句。先行词在从句中做地点状语,应使用关系副词where,故答案是D。 (10)句意:但是并没有简单地使用地理标志。A.简单地;B.官方地;C.热情地;D合理地,根据 she draws her

35、 location across her artificial leg before taking a picture. 可知她在拍照之前用假肢画出她的位置,因此她并不是简单地使用地理标志,故答案是A。 (11)句意:现在,她正在欧洲各地拍照。across Europe遍布欧洲,欧洲各地,固定用法,故答案是A。 (12)句意:一天,我突然有了一种想法,我的腿可以当做黑板来用。A.态度;B.想法;C.信仰;D.观点。把假肢当做黑板使用是一种想法,而不是态度,也不是信仰,更不是观点,故答案是B。 (13)句意:我的妈妈和奶奶不太喜欢这个想法。be fond of,喜欢,固定短语,故答案是B。 (1

36、4)句意:加拉赫说,当他在腿上书写的时候,人们经常盯着她。A.步行;B.报道;C.书写;D.站立。根据前面的叙述她打算把假肢当做黑板,因此本句的意思是在假肢上写字,故答案是C。 (15)句意:但是,一旦把照片分享出去,她收到了只是表扬和鼓励。A.接受;B.带走;C.喜欢;D.收到,表扬和鼓励是人们在网上评论她的照片时候说的,应该说收到了表扬和鼓励。故答案是D。 (16)句意:我的腿没有阻止我做任何事情。A.保护;B.保存;C.停止,阻止;D.保卫。stop sb. from doing sth,阻止某人做某事,固定搭配,故答案是C。 (17)句意:我不知道是否是我的决定证明了我自己能够做。A.

37、为什么;B.那,那个;C.如果,是否;D.什么。本句为宾语从句,从句结构完整,因此使用that或者if,根据dont know 和prove,可知在她心里还有疑惑,应使用if连接,故答案是C。 (18)句意:我能够跟得上我的同龄人,过上更好的生活。A.制作,迫使;B.来;C.放置;D.保持,keep up with sb.跟上某人,固定搭配,故答案是D。 (19)句意:加拉赫告诉我们,你不应该让任何事情妨碍你的梦想。A.道路,方法;B.角落,拐角;C.课程;D.底部。in the way of,妨碍,固定搭配,故答案是A。 (20)句意:如果你遇到了障碍,用它获得创造力,如果生活给了你假肢,那

38、就做艺术吧。A.满意的;B.有创造性的;C.熟悉的;D.有联系的,根据文章的叙述,加拉赫创创造性的把假肢当做了黑板,故答案是B。 【点评】考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力,答题时首先要跳过空格通读文章掌握其大意,然后细读文章字斟句酌逐一作答,注意考虑句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素。最后通读一遍检查验证。4阅读下面短文,理解其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。 One day a professor entered the classroom and told the students about a surprise test. Now the professor gave the tes

39、t papers to all students with text facing down at the desk. After he 1 the test to all students, he asked them to turn the test pages and begin. Students were 2 to see that there was not a question but just a black dot(小圆点)in the center of the page. The professor 3 the students face expressions and

40、told them, I want you to write about what you see there. The students were 4 surprised but got started with the test. At the end of the class, the professor took all answer papers and started reading each 5 from each paper. All of them 6 about the black dot and tried to explain its position(位置). Aft

41、er the professor finished reading, the whole class was 7 . 8 , the professor explained, Dont worry. Im not going to give you 9 for this test, but I just want you to think about something. Here everyone paid attention to the black dot and wrote about it 10 no one wrote about the white paper, the same

42、 is with our lives. The white paper represents our whole life and the black spot represents 11 in our life. Our life is a gift given to us 12 God, with love and care, and we always have reasons to celebrate-our friends around us, the joy 13 provides us our livelihood, the happiness in our families.

43、Still we only care about problems like health problems, study problems, problems in relationships, but we 14 see that these problems are very small compared everything we have in our lives” So we should try to take eyes off our problems and enjoy each nice moment that life gives 15 . Just smile, and

44、 life will smile to us!1. A. put outB. worked outC. handed outD. set out2. A. disappointedB. boredC. surprisedD. pleased3. A. foundB. lookedC. realizedD. noticed4. A. stillB. yetC. alreadyD. only5. A. replyB. answerC. wordD. story6. A. askedB. toldC. thoughtD. described7. A. happyB. excitedC. relaxedD. silent8. A. HoweverB. ThenC. on the other handD. All in all9. A. giftsB. gradesC. resultsD. answers10. A. andB. butC.

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