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1、八年级上册人教版英语单项选择100题练习题及答案解析及解析一、选择题1Its very _ for teenagers to feel a little bit worried and stressed because most of us have such feelings.AcommonBstrangeCcuriousDenergetic2 You see, more and more cows are getting sick. If the problem is so _, the farm will be closed from tomorrow on.AheavyBpopular

2、CstrongDserious3I like collecting old stamps because they are _.AsimpleBvaluableCimpossibleDnatural4How do you like the talk show?I think its _, but some people think its so _.Awonderful enough; boredBenough wonderful; boringCwonderful enough; boringDenough wonderful; bored5What do you think of your

3、 English teacher?She is very _. She often explains the difficult points many times until we understand.AstrictBhard-workingCpatientDsmart6There isnt an airport near where I live. The _ one is about 90 miles away.AbusiestBfarthestCnewestDnearest7Its _ knowledge that bad moods can have an influence on

4、 our health.AunusualBspecialCgeneralDcommon8As the number of the novel coronavirus infections grows_, the World Heath Organization takes active steps to control the serious disease.AmoreBlargerChigherDwider9My little sister is _ and she always asks me different kinds of strange questions.AcreativeBw

5、iseCcuriousDgenerous10Whats wrong with your radio?The sound coming out is not _.AcleanBclearCfreshDwell11Sorry, I dont know how many colours there are in a rainbow.Are you joking? This is just _ knowledge.AnaturalBgeneralCproperDancient12You may meet many difficulties in the future, you should learn

6、 to be _ enough to take on any challenge.AconfidentBmodestCgenerousDcurious13 What language is that guy speaking? I can hardly catch a _ word! Neither can I. Hes from India. So I guess its Hindi.AsilentBsingleCsimpleDsimilar14How do you feel about the dish?Look! This is nothing but _ vegetable soup.

7、AfamousBwonderfulCunusualDcommon15He takes part in all kinds of activities in his _ time.AbusyBspareChighDempty16Im always _ before the exam. I often try to make myself calm down by taking a deep breath.ArelaxedBboredCnervousDhappy17Peter has good grades in all his subjects, but he never shows off.I

8、 agree. He is very_.AhumorousBorganizedCmodestDgenerous18 How do you find the price now? As a_rule, prices follow needs.AprivateBgeneralCcentralDfixed19Can we chat in the library?Im afraid not. We should keep _.AhealthyBcleanCquietDwarm20 How was your job interview yesterday?Oh, I couldnt feel _. I

9、could hardly answer most of the questions they askedAworseBeasierCbetterDhappier21I really cant believe such a learned man has made so silly a mistake.Dont you know _ sense is worth more than knowledge.AgeneralBusualCspecialDcommon22Many companies try to get into the market by offering _ rewards to

10、their customers.ApeacefulBprimaryCgenerousDgeneral23Its a(n)_ report. You must read it. Oh, yes. It says our school won the basketball final.AexcitedBexcitingCboredDboring24 Sorry, I cant afford to go abroad. What about having a country travel with a little_ price?AcheaperBhigherClowerDless25Read th

11、is sentence She felt small as she walked to the enormous, empty stage.Which word has the SAME meaning as the underlined word enormous?ACleanBBright.CHugeDTiny26With true friends, we feel _ to share our joy and sadness to the greatest possible degree.AfreeBsuitableCstrangeDfriendly27I always get the

12、best grade in my class, but Im feeling stressed.Why? Are your parents too _ with you?AangryBsatisfiedCboredDstrict28Were late! Its already 7:30.Dont worry. My clock is 20 minutes _.AfastBlateCslowDearly29Sadly the number of the tigers is getting _.Amore and moreBfewer and fewerCsmaller and smallerDl

13、ess and less30Peter, have you heard of the song Let it go? Yes, it sounds _ and its popular among young people.AniceBbadCterribleDstrange31Although this may sound like a _ process, great care is needed.AstupidBsimilarCsimpleDstrict32Some people change the wetlands into farms. This will lead to _ spa

14、ce for wildlife.Afewer and fewerBsmaller and smallerCbigger and biggerDless and less33 I got a job in a sales company. Great! Make yourself _ so that they dont want to lose you.AvaluableBpossibleCenjoyableDcomfortable34Henry, you seem _ than before. What are you doing these days?Well, I am preparing

15、 for the coming examination.AbusierBhappierClazierDhealthier35The speaker showed _ examples to make the science report easy to understand.AawfulBproperCstupidDtiring36In the USA, many people use decorations to make their yards more _.AliveBlivelyCaliveDliving37Its really _ that modern technology can

16、 help doctors treat patients online!AprivateBfamousCamazingDtraditional38Theres a _ feeling that a high price means good quality.AsuddenBjoyfulChardDgeneral39I really cant believe such a wise man has made so silly a mistake. Dont you know _ sense is worth more than knowledge?AgeneralBusualCspecialDc

17、ommon40What do you think of the film Hi, Mom directed by Jia Ling?I have never seen a _ one before. I cant wait to see it again.AbestBworseCbetterDworst41Our monitor Jenny is so _ that she always keeps things in good order.AorganizedBpracticalCgenerousDmodest42This is the chance he needs to make a _

18、 start.AcuriousBpatientCfreshDnatural43 I wish I could move away from the noisy city. Really? But I think the life in the countryside may be .AcomfortableBboringCpeacefulDexciting44David promised to help me with my physics last Sunday. But to my great disappointment, he never appeared that day.What

19、does the word “disappointment” mean in the sentence?AThe feeling of being nervousBThe feeling of being lonelyCThe feeling of being unhappyDThe feeling of being worried45It is _ for people to drive after drinking or without wearing a seat belt.AsickBdangerousCfunnyDimportant46 Mary can get good marks

20、 in all her subjects, but she never shows off. I agree. She is _.AgenerousBmodestCpatientDcurious47It will be _.Thats great! The whole world will be white.AsunnyBcloudyCsnowyDfoggy48 More and more people like group buying on WeChat. You said it. The prices are _.Amuch lowerBmuch cheaperCmore expensi

21、veDeven higher49I think “heroes in harms way(逆行者)” must be one of the _words on the Internet last year.AhottestBwidestCcleverestDdriest50Like so many creative people, he was never _.Thats why he has made lots of valuable paintings.AcheerfulBskillfulCsatisfiedDsurprised二、选择题51Because of COVID-19, thi

22、s summer holiday will begin _ July 18.AonBinCforDat52During the online learning, some parents were too impatient_ their children to solve the problem _ a proper way.Ain; withBwith; inCfor; inDto; with53The blue planet is so far from the earth that radio signals, travel _ the speed of light, take 16

23、hours to reach the spacecraft.AforBinConDat54I cant think of any other actress who is more beautiful than Audrey Hepburn.Youve got the point. Her beauty is _ words and she succeeded _ hard work.Aover; byBover; throughCbeyond; byDbeyond; through55Everyone was touched _ words after they watched the fi

24、lm Hi, MOM 你好,李焕英directed by Jia Ling.AunderBacrossCbeyondDagainst56The chopsticks are _ wood.Amade ofBmade fromCmade inDmade with57I met Nancy _ my way home yesterday.AinBatCbyDon58The girl is _ a singer _ everyone in her hometown.Awell known as; forBwell known as; toCwell-know as; toDbest known fo

25、r; for59My family get together and have a big dinner _ Sundays.AatBinConDto60_ a spring morning, a bird flew into our classroom and we were very excited to see it.AInBOnCAtDFor61 Would you like to visit the zoo with me now?Sorry, its _ the visiting hours. Lets go there tomorrow.AbeyondBthroughCdurin

26、gDon62The teacher encouraged the students to tell the story _ English.AatBwithCinDfor63In the end, Mr Song came up_a good method to solve the problem AforBatCinDwith64Sorry, I cant finish the exercise on time.Never mind. It is _ the abilities of most of the class.AacrossBonCoverDbeyond65Peter is cle

27、ver enough to read and write _ the age of 4.AbetweenBatCtoDduring66 The Dragon Boat Festival falls_May or June every year. Yes, this years Dragon Boat Festival is_June 25th.Ain; onBon; inCin; inDon; on67To our joy, Tom pleased everybody by making his dog walk _ two legs.AbyBoverCfromDon68Ive been a

28、League member for about two years. What about you?I joined the League _May, 2017.AinBonCatDby69Bees and butterflies play _ flowers. Then they hide _ the April showers.Aamong; fromBamong; inCwith; inDwith; on70China sent up the final satellite of Beidou Navigation Satellite System(北斗卫星导航系统) from Xich

29、ang Satellite Center_ June 23,2020.AatBinCtoDon71How long have you lived in the new building?_2010.AAfterBInCSinceDBefore72Jack, you should put the things away in your room. It is _ a terrible mess!OK, Im coming, Mum!AonBatCinDfor73There have been great changes in Taizhou in the past few years.I can

30、t agree more. The changes there are _ my imagination.AnearBpastCalongDbeyond74Armstrong joined the navy in 1949 and served _ a pilot for three years.AwithBlikeCtoDas75My family is always _ me no matter what I decide to do. That makes me very pleased.AaboveBbehindCagainstDthrough76On sunny days, my g

31、randma often reads a novel _ the window.AforBbyCwithDfrom77The little stream ran dawn from a high mountain _ many villages and forests.AacrossBagainstCbeyondDthrough78The boy is tall enough _ his age.Yes, I was much shorter when I was his age.AofBatCfromDfor79Almost everyone was touched _ words afte

32、r they saw Jia Lings moving film Hi Mom.AbeyondBunderCofDin80Do you really want to refuse this offer?I have to. Im afraid the job is _ my ability.AbeyondBbesideCbehindDbetween81Wu Mengchao, known as the “father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery” passed away _ the age of 99 on Saturday.AonBinCatDby82T

33、o fully understand the writer, we must read not only between the lines, but sometimes _ the lines.AwithinBbeyondCbesideDamong83In western countries, children play “trick or treat” _ the evening of October 31st.AatBinConDto84 My aunts 3-year-old daughter can eat a meal with chopsticks. Really? Most c

34、hildren _ her age still use spoons.AofBinConDfor85How did you get to the zoo, Helen?I went to the bus station _ my bike, and took the No. l bus to the zoo.AonBbyCinDwith86A study shows that rude languages spoken to children may have bad results that go _ those of beating them.AagainstBbeyondCexceptD

35、with87The exercise is _ my ability and its hard for me to work it out.AoverBagainstCbeyondDthrough88Dont be afraid of difficulties. Remember: kites rise highest _ the wind, not with it.AagainstBaboveCacrossDalong89Dont be afraid of difficulties. Remember: kites rise highest _ the wind, not with it.A

36、overBagainstCacrossDalong90Its a pity that the exercise is _ the abilities of most of the class.AoverBaboveCbeyondDwithout91Some of the technology weve seen on screen is _ our ability to create. But that might not be true for long.AagainstBduringCbeyondDthrough92A new bridge the Yangtze River in Nan

37、jing opened to traffic on Dec. 24, 2020.AthroughBoverConDalong93 Maybe you should call her up. But I dont want to talk with her _ the phone.AatBinConDwith94Its raining heavily outside. May I push my bicycle into your house?Certainly. But please put it _ the wall so that it wont take up too much spac

38、e.AinBonCagainstDover95Xuzhou Metro Line 2 came into use _ November 28, 2020, it is one of the most important events in our daily life.AatBinConDfor96Why cant we drive in the emergency lane (应急车道) on expressway?Because the lane makes it possible to race _ the clock to save peoples lives.AbeyondBover

39、CagainstDthrough97New York City, also known _ Big Apple, becomes one of the worlds greatest business and cultural centers.AasBbyCforDto98We have a party _ the evening of October 31.AinBatConDby99Hi, Mom directed by Jia ling is a hit _ this year.It really is. It shows us the deep love between a mothe

40、r and a daughter.A/BinConDat100I like reading. I often fill my bookshelf _ all kinds of books, like novels, detective stories, and so on.AonBinCwithDof【参考答案】*试卷处理标记,请不要删除一、选择题1A解析:A【详解】句意:青少年感到有点担心和压力是很常见的,因为我们大多数人都有这样的感觉。考查形容词辨析,common常见的;strange不平常的,奇怪的;curious好奇的;energetic精力充沛的。根据后半部分“because mos

41、t of us have such feelings.”那么应该是常见的,故选A。2D解析:D【详解】句意:你看,越来越多的奶牛生病了。如果问题如此严重,明天起这个农场将会关闭。考查形容词辨析及语境。heavy重的;popular受欢迎的,流行的;strong强壮的;serious严重的,严肃的。If从句中的主语是the problem“问题”,因此这里表示“问题很严重”。故选D。3B解析:B【详解】句意:我喜欢收集旧邮票,因为它们很有价值。考查形容词辨析。simple简单的;valuable有价值的;impossible不可能的;natural自然的。根据“I like collecting

42、 old stamps”可知旧邮票是有价值的,所以喜欢收藏。故选B。4C解析:C【详解】句意:你认为脱口秀怎么样?我认为它足够精彩,但是有些人认为它是无聊的。考查形容词辨析和enough的位置。bored无聊的,修饰人;boring无聊的,修饰物;enough修饰形容词时,要放在形容词后,排除B/D;而第二空表达“无聊的”,修饰物“the talk show”,应用ing形容词,故选C。5C解析:C【详解】句意:你觉得你的英语老师怎么样?她很有耐心。她经常把难点解释多次,直到我们明白为止。考查形容词辨析。strict严厉的;hard-working勤奋努力的;patient有耐心的;smart聪明的。根据空格后的句子“She often explains the difficult points many times until we understand.”可知,老师很有耐心。故选C。6D解析:D【详解】句意:我居住的附近没有机场。最近的一个大约

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