1、Reading method 薛秀佰 201440210327Content Definition BackgroundPrincipal Feature RepresentativeThe Main TenetsStrategiesThe Procedure of Teaching ReadingAssessment Definition The reading method is a theory of language teaching which deliberately restricted the goal of language instruction to one of pra
2、ctical attainable utility.Background The reading method was prominent in the U.S following the Committee of Twelve in 1900 and following the Modern Foreign Language Study in 1928.The earlier method was similar to the traditional Grammar Translation Method and emphasized the transference of linguisti
3、c understanding to English.Presently,the reading method focuses more on silent reading for comprehension purposes.Principal FeatureThis method deliberately restricts the goal of language reaching to training in READING comprehension.Representative Michael West(American)The Main TenetsVocabulary cont
4、rolGrading learnersIntensive reading&Extensive reading Strategies Skimming&ScanningSkimming略读:是通过快速阅读文章来获取大意的阅读技巧。Scanning 寻读:目的是从较长的文字资料中寻找特定的细节内容。The Procedure of Teaching ReadingPWP三阶段英语阅读教学模式三阶段英语教学模式是我国中小学英语阅读教学中普通被采用的教学模式,主要属于“自上而下”或交互作用的阅读教学模式,具体属于哪种阅读教学模式主要依据阅读文本体裁和教师的教学活动而定。三阶段即 读前(pre-read
6、脑思考、独立阅读的能力、(4)围绕课文进行多样化的听、说、读、写的综合训练,以阅读带动听、说、写能力的发展。(5)进一步复习课文,使学生熟练掌握语 言结构。在这一步可以组织学生根据课文进行角色表演(Role play )、填空练习(Gap-filling )、复述(Retelling )、写作(Writing )等活动,培养他们用英语表达思想的能力。AssessmentThe reading method grew out of practical educational consideration.It introduced into language teaching some important new elements.Such as reading objective,application of vocabulary control,the creation of graded readers.Reading method should focus on developing students reading skills and strategies and on maintaining studengs motivation for reading.END