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1、the partys fine style, carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues, practicing the Socialist core values, vigorously carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, Hongqi Canal spirit and spirit of persistence, honesty in politics, strict statesman, stick to the spiritual heights of the Communists. Four t

2、o devotion, as, do play a role in qualifying. Official Communist duty. To fulfill the partys purpose, maintain for the people themselves, and dedication, devotion, maintain pioneer, pioneering and enterprising spirit, active at the well-off extra practice, make contributions. The incentive function

3、of party organizations at all levels should give full play to advanced models, establish a representative, advanced and typical of the times, and guide the broad masses of party members to emulate. In honor of the 95 anniversary of founding as an opportunity to award in recognition of a number of ou

4、tstanding party members advanced grass-roots party organizations, outstanding party workers, and put the pioneer trees. Third, the reform efforts for example, be sure to change into. Learning to teachEducation in order to solve the problem, if it does not solve the problem, it will form, goes throug

5、h the motions. To strengthen the consciousness of problems and insisted on problem-oriented, problem-solving learning education for traction, truly deep investigation into change, modification. A checked swing. Learning education programme for party-building in our city actually proposed to focus on

6、 solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct study contents specific programmes for all party members and leading cadres above the county level shall focus

7、 on further refinement to the problems. Specific to every party member and every cadre, also requires a combination of actual and controlled, focused and really put yourself in, people see things, see, with their own specific problems to learn Constitution Party rules, series, address, so precision

8、to find the problem, laying a solid foundation for further corrective action. B to make change. For check put of problem, through established rectification Taiwan account, and take special supervision, and on account PIN, approach, insisted do side learn side modified, and that know that modified, w

9、hile focused on put two learn a do learning education rectification with grasp party of mass line education practice activities and three strict three real topic education problem rectification combined up, consolidation expanded has made of rectification results, strongly corrected for officer not

10、for, and Chi and endless corrected four wind, and regulation masses side of abuses, ensure work advance more powerful, and problem solution more completely. Third, we must consolidate our achievements. For more public, some party members who focus on the outstanding issues, combining concentrated第十章

11、 数据的收集、整理与描述1、数据处理的基本过程收集数据、整理数据、描述数据、分析数据、得出结论。2、全面调查:考察全体对象的调查方式叫做全面调查。3、抽样调查:一种非全面调查,从全部调查研究对象中,抽选一部分对象进行调查,并据以对全部调查研究对象做出估计和推断的一种调查方法。显然,抽样调查虽然是非全面调查,但它的目的却在于取得反映总体情况的信息资料,因而,也可起到全面调查的作用。4、统计调查的优点:全面调查的优点是可靠、真实;抽样调查的优点是省时、省力,减少破坏性。5、总体:要考察的全体对象称为总体。6、个体:组成总体的每一个考察对象称为个体。7、样本:被抽取的所有个体组成一个样本。为了使样本



14、图的目的,是为了将频数分布表中的结果直观、形象地表示出来,其中组距、组数起关键作用,分组过少,数据就非常集中;分组过多,数据就非常分散,这就掩盖了分布的特征,当数据在100以内时,一般分512组。16、直方图的特点:清楚显示各组频数分布情况;易于显示各组之间频数的差别。17、制作频数分布直方图的步骤:(1)找出所有数据中的最大值和最小值,并算出它们的差; (2)决定组距和组数; (3)确定分点; (4)列出频数分布表; (5)画频数分布直方图。数据的收集、整理与描述测试题一、选择题1.要了解某市九年级学生的视力状况,从中抽查了500名学生的视力状况,那么样本是指( ) A.某市所有的九年级学生

15、 B.被抽查的500名九年级学生 C.某市所有的九年级学生的视力状况 D.被抽查的500名学生的视力状况2.要了解某地农户用电情况,抽查了部分农户在某地一个月中用电情况:用电15度的有3户,用电20度的有5户,用电30度的有7户,那么平均每户用电( ) A.23.7度 B.21.6度 C.20度 D.5.416度3.已知某班有40名学生,将他们的身高分成4组,在160165cm区间的有8名学生,那么这个小组的人数占全体的( ) A.10% B.15% C.20% D.25%4.为了了解某校学生每日运动量,收集数据正确的是( ) A.调查该校七年级学生每日运动量 B.调查该校女生每日的运动量 C

16、.调查该校男生每日的运动量 D.从七、八,九年级各抽调100人调查他们每日的运动量5.如图是某公司四个部门的营业情况,则销售情况最好的是( ) A.甲 B.乙 C.丙 D.丁6.近年来,国内生产总值增长率的变化情况如图,从图上看,下列结论不正确的是( ) A.19951999年国内生产值增长率逐年减少 B.2000年国内生产总值增长率开始回升 C.这7年中,每年的国内生产总值不断增长 D.这7年中,每年的国内生产总值有增有减7.如图是体育委员会对体育活动支持情况的统计,在其他类中对应的百分数为( ) A.5% B.1% C.30% D.10%8.下列调查中:为了了解七年级学生每天做作业的时间,

17、对某区七年级班的学生进行调查;爱心中学美术爱好小组拟组织一次郊外写生活动,为了确定写生地点,对美术爱好小组全体成员进行调查;为了了解观众对电视剧的喜爱程度,数学兴趣小组调查了某小区的100位居民,其中属于抽样调查的有( ) A. 3个 B. 2个 C. 1个 D. 0个9.请指出下列抽样调查中,样本缺乏代表性的是( ) 在某大城市调查我国的扫盲情况;在十个城市的十所中学里调查我国学生的视力情况;在一个鱼塘里随机捕了十条鱼,了解鱼塘里鱼的生长情况 ;在某一农村小学里抽查100名学生,调查我国小学生的建康状况。 A. B. C. D.10.将100个数据分成8个组,如下表:组号12345678频数

18、1114121313x1210则第六组的频数是( )A.12 B. 13 C. 14 D. 15 11.某校为了了解九年级500名学生的体能情况,随机抽查了其中的30名学生,测试了1分钟仰卧起座的次数,并绘制成如图所示的频数分布直方图,请你根据图示计算,估计仰卧起座次数在1520之间的学生有( )A .50 B. 85 C. 165 D .20012.某校在“创新素质实践行”活动中,组织学生进行社会调查,并对学生的调查报告进行了评比。如图是某年级60篇学生调查报告进行整理,分成5组画出的频数直方图。已知从左到右5个小长方形的高的比为13763,那么在这次评比中被评为优秀的调查报告有(分数大于或

19、等于80分为优秀,且分数为整数)( ) A. 18篇 B. 24篇 C. 25篇 D. 27篇13甲校女生占全校总人数的50,乙校男生占全校总人数的50,比较两校女生人数( )A.甲校女生人数多 B.乙校女生人数多 C.甲校与乙校女生人数一样多 D.以上说法都不对 14南北朝著名的数学家祖冲之算出圆周率约为3.,在3.这个数中数字“1”出现的频数与频率分别为( )。A.2,20 B.2,25 C.3,25 D.1,2015某同学按照某种规律写了下面一串数字:122 122 122 122 122,当写到第93个数字时,1出现的频数是( )。A.33 B.32 C.31 D.3016.为了了解某

20、校1500名学生的体重情况,从中抽取了100名学生的体重,就这个问题来说,下面说法正确的是( )A.1500名学生的体重是总体 B.1500名学生是总体 C.每个学生是个体 D.100名学生是所抽取的一个样本17.在一个样本中,50个数据分别落在5个小组内,第1,2,3,5小组数据的个数分别是2,8,15,5,则第4小组的频数是( )A.15 B.20 C.25 D.3018.某课外兴趣小组为了解所在地区老年人的健康状况,分别作了四种不同的抽样调查你认为抽样比较合理的是( )A在公园调查了1000名老年人的健康状况 B在医院调查了1000名老年人的健康状况C调查了10名老年邻居的健康状况 D、

21、利用派出所的户籍网随机调查了该地区10的老年人的健康状况19.如图1,所提供的信息正确的是( )A七年级学生最多 B九年级的男生是女生的两倍C九年级学生女生比男生多 D八年级比九年级的学生多20.一个容量为80的样本最大值是143,最小值是50,取组距为10,则可以分成( )A.10组 B.9组 C.8组 D.7组21.关于如图4所示的统计图中(单位:万元),正确的说法是( )A.第一季度总产值4.5万元 B.第二季度平均产值6万元C.第二季度比第一季度增加5.8万元 D.第二季度比第一季度增长33.5%22.某学校为了了解学生的课外阅读情况,随机调查了50名学生,得到他们在某一天各自课外阅读

22、所用时间的数据,结果如图根据此条形图估计这一天该校学生平均课外阅读时为( )(A) 0.96时 (B) 1.07时 (C) 1.15时 (D) 1.50时二、填空题23.在条形统计图上,如果表示数据180的条形高是4.5厘米,那么表示数据40的条形高为 厘米,表示数据140的条形高为 厘米。24.调查某城市的空气质量,应选择 (填“抽样”或“全面”).25.某校八年级共有400人,为了了解这些学生的视力情况,抽查20名学生的视力,对所得数据进行整理.在得到的条形统计图中,各小组的百分比之和等于 ,若某一小组的人数为4人,则该小组的百分比为 。26.某校七年级(1)班60名学生在一次英语测试中,

23、优秀的占45%,在扇形统计图中,表示这部分同学的扇形圆心角是 度;表示良好的扇形圆心角是120,则良好的学生有 。27.某校九年级部分学生做引体向上的成绩进行整理,分成四组,其中15次以下占比例为5%,1619次占15%,2027次占30%,28次以上有25人,若20次以上为及格(包括20次),如果该校有600名学生,你估计能通过引体向上检测的约有 人。28.为了估计鱼池里有多少条鱼,先捕上100条作上记号,然后放回到鱼池里,过一段时间,待有记号的鱼完全混合鱼群后,再捕上200条鱼,发现其中带有记号的鱼有20条,则可判断鱼池里大约有 条鱼.29.已知一个样本容量为50,在频数分布直方图中,各小

24、长方形的高比为2341,那么第二组的频数是 。30.在如图所示的扇形统计图中,根据所给的已知数据,若要画成条形统计图,甲、乙、丙三个条形对应的三个小长方形的高度比为 。31.如果要反映一天温度的变化情况,我们应该绘制的统计图是 。32.某中学为了反映七、八、九三个年级人数所占的比例,在绘制统计图时,首先考虑的统计图应该是 。33.在式子-(-3)2=9;-(-1)3=3 ;-5-(-5)=10;(-1/2)(-2)=1/4;-22=-4中计算正确的频率是 。34.为了了解某商品促销广告中所称中奖率的真实性,某人买了100件该商品调查其中奖率,那么他采用的调查方式是_。35.为了了解某校七年级4

25、00名学生的期中数学成绩的情况,从中抽取了50名学生的数学成绩进行分析。在这个问题中,总体是 ,个体是 ,样本是 ,样本容量是 。36.在进行数据描述时,要显示每组中的具体数据,应采用 图;要显示部分在总体中所占的百分比,应采用 图;要显示数据的变化趋势,应采用 图;要显示数据的分布情况,应采用 图。37.在扇形统计图中,其中一个扇形的圆心角是216,则这年扇形所表示的部分占总体的百分数是 。38.为了了解某所初级中学学生对6月5日“世界环境日”是否知道,从该校全体学生1200名中,随机抽查了80名学生,结果显示有2名学生“不知道”由此,估计该校全体学生中对“世界环境日”约有 名学生“不知道”

26、。三、解答题25.某果农承包了一片果林,为了了解整个果林的挂果情况,果农随机抽查了部分果树的挂果数进行分析。如图是根据数据绘制的统计图,图中从左到右各长方形之比为56842,又知挂果数大于60的果树共有48棵。(1)果农共抽查了多少棵果树?(2)在抽查的果树中挂果数在4060之间的树有多少棵,占百分之几?26.某中学要为同学们订制校服,为此小丽收集了她们班50名同学的身高,结果如下(单位:cm):141 165 144 171 145 145 158 150 157 150 154 168 168 155 155 169 157 157 157 158 149 150 150 160 152

27、152 159 152 159 144 154 155 157 145 160 160 160 155 158 162 162 163 155 163 148 163 168 155 145 172 (1)填写下表;(2)将表中整理的数据制成条形统计图。 全班身高分布表身高x(cm)划记人数140x145145x150150x155155x160160x165165x170170x175合计答案:一、选择题1.D; 2.A; 3.C; 4.D; 5.D; 6.D; 7.D; 8.B; 9.B; 10.D;11.A; 12.D; 13.D; 14.B; 15.C; 16.A; 17.B; 18.

28、D; 19.B; 20.A;21.C; 22.B。二、填空题23.1,3.5; 24.抽样; 25.1,20%; 26.162,20; 27.480; 28.1000;29.15; 30.345; 31.折线统计图 32.扇形统计图 33.40 ; 34.抽样调查;35.某校七年级400名学生的期中数学成绩 每名学生的期中数学成绩 50名学生的数学成绩 50;36.条形统计图 扇形统计图 折形统计图 直方图; 37.60%; 38.30。三、解答题39.(1)200棵;(2)112棵,56%。40.略。将汽机PCA段电源进线开关241A摇至工作位,送上操作电源,把联锁开关2LK打至远方,在DC

29、S操作汽机PCA段进线开关241A合闸,检查母线带电运行情况rectification and strengthening the management of daily education, the spirit of reform short of the complete system, pay close attention to system implementation, really make the party organization and party member education and strict management, solid. Finally, the u

30、rge work on the lead, be sure to promote efficiency. Two education, not on education educational, not working with the Centre two, must stick around the Center, serving the overall situation, coordinate, truly result-oriented and promote efficiency. Current and future a period, to tightly around coo

31、rdination advance four a full strategy layout, winning full built society this a central and work overall, put carried out learning education as promoted work of important opportunities and powerful power, guide General members cadres insisted development first priority, active adapted economic deve

32、lopment new normal, consciously practice line five big development concept, effective grasp supply side structural reform, to guarantees and improved livelihood, construction more high ecological vitality happiness of city. Last year, we carry out three-three activities as a three-three special educ

33、ation important, find education and effective platform to facilitate the combination of work. Reference this a good practices, provincial, and municipal decided in two learn a do learning education in the carried out five check five promoting, the County District units to insisted put two learn a do

34、 learning education and five check five promoting organic fusion, and common advance, do one plan layout, and one organization implementation, put carried out two learn a do situation, and five check five promoting situation as party work evaluation of importantContent, as an important aspect of mut

35、ual evaluation on party members, testing as an important basis for leading bodies and leading cadres performance and guide the broad masses of party members and cadres to study education opens up to the main economic and social development. At present, the overall smooth economic operation in our ci

36、ty, but downward pressure is still high, faced a number of challenges and tests. Meanwhile, coincides with the city, County and township party committees this year general election year, how to really choose loyal, clean and serves as a good cadre, iron discipline of General Feng Qing Qi, Qi, Qi Shu

37、n, swapped out Powerful good situation, is a real test for all of us. General work on two to study the effect of education inspection, if the true series of party rules and Constitution speaks well and truly become a qualified party member, naturally we can deal with advance and retreat left turn tr

38、eatment, proper organizational arrangements and selection, proper treatment of personal interests. To put carried out two learn a do learning education with do reform development stable the work combined up, and seriously do Center work, and daily and job combined up, and guarantees improved livelihood, and promote social harmony combined up, and completed the task combined

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