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1、BTLEWLesson 4-Wisdom of Bear Wood Lesson FourLesson FourENTERByMichael WelzenbachBTLEWContentPart A.Background informationPart B.Text Appreciation Part C.I.Word Study II.Phrases and ExpressionsBTLEWMichael Welzenbach(19542001)wasanartcriticaswellasapoetandnovelist.Hewrotesomeofthemoststimulatingcrit

2、icismsofartandmusicfortheWashington Post.Lesson 4-Wisdom of Bear Wood Part A.About the Author Part A.About the Author The end of Author.BTLEWLesson 4-Wisdom of Bear Wood Berkshire Berkshire SituatedintheheartofsouthernEngland,theCountyofBerkshire,alsoknownasRoyalBerkshireishometoseveralwell-knowntow

3、nsandcities,suchasWindsor,wherethefamousroyalretreatWindsorCastlecanbefound.AnotherroyalconnectionistheTownofAscot,famousforitsverypopularannualhorseracingfestivalRoyalAscot.BerkshirealsoboastsmanypicturesquevillageswithviewsacrosstheRiverThamesabsolutelystunning.To be continued on the next page.BTL

4、EWBerkshire,acountyofsouthernEngland,thatoccupiesthevalleysofthemiddleThamesanditstributary,theKennet,immediatelytothewestofLondon.Itsareais485sqmi(1,256sqkm),anditisdividedintosixdistricts:Bracknell,Newbury,Reading,Slough,WindsorandWokingham.Lesson 4-Wisdom of Bear Wood Berkshire Berkshire Please m

5、ark out Berkshire in the map given.To be continued on the next page.BTLEWPart B.Text AppreciationPart B.Text AppreciationLesson 4-Wisdom of Bear Wood I.Text Analysis 1.General Analysis 2.Theme 3.Structure 4.Further DiscussionII.Writing Devices 1.Homonyms 2.Antithesis 3.OnomatopoeiaIII.Sentence Parap

6、hraseBTLEWLesson 4-Wisdom of Bear Wood Plot of the story Setting of the story Protagonists of the story Writing techniques of the story Theme of the storyI.I.Text AnalysisText AnalysisHave you got the key elements in the story?To be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 4-Wisdom of Bear Wood Plot:t

7、hecultivationoffriendshipbetweenaboyandanoldladySetting:BearwoodProtagonists:IandMrs.Robertson-GlasgowWriting techniques:gotoWritingDevicesTheme ofthestory:gotothenextpageI.I.Text AnalysisText AnalysisFor reference.The end of General Analysis.BTLEWLesson 4-Wisdom of Bear Wood I.I.Text AnalysisText A

8、nalysisTruefriendshipisbothrareandprecious.Itexistsdeepinheartanddoesnotchange.Itisenduringandrewarding.Theme of the StoryThethemeissummedupattheveryend.The end of Theme.BTLEWPart1(paras.1 )about:Part2(paras.)about:Part3(paras.)about:Part4(paras.)about:Lesson 4-Wisdom of Bear Wood I.I.Text AnalysisT

9、ext AnalysisStructure of the Text4523 2427 2837ThelonelyboyfoundhispleasureinBearWood.TheboymetMrs.Robertson-GlasgowintheBearWoodandtheybecamebestfriends.Mrs.Robertson-Glasgowbecamesickanddeadwhiletheirfriendshipflourishedmorethaneverbefore.Therevelationoftruelove.The end of Structure.BTLEWLesson 4-

10、Wisdom of Bear Wood I.I.Text AnalysisText AnalysisDifferencesSimilaritiesFriendship Between Two SoulsoldEnglishwomanlostherhusband12Amoninterestnatureandknowledge3.truelovegivingnottaking4.othersScan the text and list out the related information.To be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 4-Wisdom

11、of Bear Wood I.I.Text AnalysisText AnalysisBeauties vs.BeautiesDiscuss in groups!BeautiesthatlieintheWoodBeautiesthatlieinthefriendshipavaultedcathedralgivingbutnotakingTo be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 4-Wisdom of Bear Wood I.I.Text AnalysisText AnalysisWhenIwas12yearsold,myfamilymovedto

12、England,thefourthmajormoveinmyshortlife.InPara.1Question:What does the author intend toemphasize,usingthissentenceastheopening?Theauthorintendstoimpressthereadersthatthe boy disliked moving very much.Thecomparison formed between 12 and 4 isimpressive.To be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 4-Wi

13、sdom of Bear Wood I.I.Text AnalysisText Analysis Question:Whatcanyoulearnfromthefirst3sentencesofParagraph2?From the Background information wevealreadygotagoodideathatinBerkshirethereare lots of historic interests,including somefamous ancient castles.For little boys,ancientcastles usually mean brave

14、 explorations andendless pursuit of mysterious treasures.Theboy,however,had no taste for these kinds ofthings.Instead,he just loved nature.Maybebesidesthisreason,hewasalsotryingtoavoidanyinvolvementwithotherboys.To be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 4-Wisdom of Bear Wood I.I.Text AnalysisText

15、 AnalysisPayattentiontothewording.Question:Inthebeginningofthestory,whatdidBearWoodmeantothelittleboy?heavenbut a lonely heaven(Was he really happyaboutthesituation?)asecretfortress(Whattodefend?Didit formattachmentsorloneliness?)almostaholyplace(Whyholy?)aprivateparadise(Whowasgoingtointrudeintoit?

16、)To be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 4-Wisdom of Bear Wood I.I.Text AnalysisText AnalysisQuestion:WhatistheimplicationofParagraph7?Question:Theowlsareintroduced,notnative.Whatisindicatedhere?Following the6shortsentencesconnectedby5andsand1so,thereaderscanfeel,inavividway,theboyisnotateasean

17、diseagertoleave.Infact,neithertheoldladynorthelittleboyisnative in Berkshire.The only common thing isthattheycansharenaturepeacefullyandhappilywiththeintroducedanimals.To be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 4-Wisdom of Bear Wood I.I.Text AnalysisText AnalysisComparisonandcontrastQuestion:Compa

18、rethetwosentences.shewasgrowingfrailerandlessinclinedtolaugh.I began to grow quickly.I played soccer andmadeagoodfriend.With time passing,the old lady was dying;atthe meantime,with the inspiration of thefriendship,the boy was developing into aconfident and open-minded boy and no longerafraidofhaving

19、newfriends.To be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 4-Wisdom of Bear Wood I.I.Text AnalysisText AnalysisInPara.26Question:Whatistheimplicationhere?Theoldladywassokindtotheboy.Shewassoinvolvedinfurtheringthecommunicationwiththeboythatheevenfailedtonoticehowillshewas.Ofcourse,becauseshewasquiteope

20、ntohim,hecouldunderstandherloneliness.Isuspected,ofcourse,thatshewaslonely;Ididnotknowshewasill.To be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 4-Wisdom of Bear Wood I.I.Text AnalysisText AnalysisImagestudyQuestion:Why does the image of the biscuittinreoccursomanytimesinthelastpartofthestory?Suchanimag

21、eentailsalot:thefinestshortbreadintheworldmadebytheoldlady;theeverlastingfriendshipbetweenthem;the kindness best shown by the boys favoritesnacksevenbeforeherdeath;the odds and ends kept to remind how much theboy had learned from the old ladynot onlyknowledge about nature,but also about lively lifea

22、ndrewardingfriendship.To be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 4-Wisdom of Bear Wood II.II.Writing DevicesWriting DevicesAntithesisFamiliarity sometimes makes people physically invisible,for you find yourself talking to the heartto the essence,as it were,rather than to the face.(26)Antithesis:th

23、e relation between successive units that are put in contrastapairofantitheseswhatisdeepdownvs.whatcanbephysicallyseenTo be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 4-Wisdom of Bear Wood II.II.Writing DevicesWriting DevicesAntithesis:More Examples#Caring for a family member yourself can be enriching an

24、d rewarding but also demanding and draining.#As a spot on the weather map,Rochester is one chilly town.But as a model for educational reform,its shaping up as the hottest place in America.#Terms like liberal and conservative do more to muddle than to clarify.Translation.Pay special attention to the

25、italic words.KeysBTLEWLesson 4-Wisdom of Bear Wood II.II.Writing DevicesWriting Devices#自己照顾家人,虽然可以让你在心灵上得到充充实实和回报回报,但这也是一份对你要求很高要求很高、甚至使你精疲力尽精疲力尽的工作。#在气象图上,罗彻斯特只是一个寒冷寒冷的小城。但作为教育改革的典范,该城市正渐渐成为全美的炙热炙热焦点。#自由自由、保守保守等字眼非但没有澄清澄清反倒让人糊涂糊涂。Antithesis:More ExamplesThe end of Antithesis.BTLEWLesson 4-Wisdom o

26、f Bear Wood II.II.Writing DevicesWriting Devices Id leave the bright sun and the twitter and rustle of insects and animals outside and creep into another worlda vaulted cathedral,(4)Onomatopoeia:theformation of wordsthatarelike natural soundsOnomatopoeiaMore examplesTo be continued on the next page.

27、BTLEWLesson 4-Wisdom of Bear Wood II.II.Writing DevicesWriting DevicesOnomatopoeia:More Examples thetwitterof birds therustleof leaves thehissof the snake thegurgleof the water thecrackingof the fire thebangingof the door theflutteringof the flag therumblingof the waves thetick-tockof the clockCan y

28、ou imitate the sounds of these words?To be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 4-Wisdom of Bear Wood III.III.Sentence Paraphrase 1Sentence Paraphrase 1When I was 12 years old,my family moved to England,the fourth major move in my short life.(1)When I was 12 years old,my family moved to England,wh

29、ich was the fourth major move in my short life.noun phraseas a condensed non-restrictive relative clauseMore examplesgo to 2To be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 4-Wisdom of Bear Wood III.III.Sentence Paraphrase Sentence Paraphrase 1.Lottie grinned,a real wide open grin.2.His father was laugh

30、ing,a queer sobbing sort of a laugh.back to 1BTLEWLesson 4-Wisdom of Bear Wood III.III.Sentence Paraphrase 2Sentence Paraphrase 2My fathers government job demanded that he go overseas every few years,so I was used to wrenching myself away from friends.(1)twisting and pulling myself violently away fr

31、om friendssubjunctive moodnot went or goesgo to 3More examplesTo be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 4-Wisdom of Bear Wood III.III.Sentence ParaphraseSentence Paraphrase1.In the past men generally preferred that their wives _ in the home.A.workedB.would workC.workD.were working2.Jean Wagners m

32、ost enduring contribution to the study of Afro-American poetry is his insistence that it _ in a religious as well as worldly frame of reference.A.is to be analyzedB.had been analyzedC.be analyzedD.should have been analyzedC Cback to 2KeyBTLEWLesson 4-Wisdom of Bear Wood III.III.Sentence Paraphrase 3

33、Sentence Paraphrase 3Loving nature,however,I was most delighted by the endless patchwork of farms and woodland that surrounded our house.(2)However,as(because)I loved nature,I was really very happy to enjoy the endless pieces of farms and woods around our house.farms that look like small pieces of c

34、loth of different colors when seen from far abovepresent participle phrase,showing the reasongo to 4More examplesTo be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 4-Wisdom of Bear Wood III.III.Sentence ParaphraseSentence Paraphrase1.Being a few minutes late,he was dismissed.2.Having been criticized,he ma

35、de up his mind to improve his work thoroughly.back to 3BTLEWLesson 4-Wisdom of Bear Wood III.III.Sentence Paraphrase 4Sentence Paraphrase 4In the deep woods that verged against our back fence,a network of paths led almost everywhere,and pheasants rocketed off into the dense laurels ahead as you walk

36、ed.(2)was close to;was at the edge or on the border ofa system of roads that cross each other and are connected to each otherpheasants went off like rocketsgo to 5BTLEWLesson 4-Wisdom of Bear Wood III.III.Sentence Paraphrase 5Sentence Paraphrase 5Keeping to myself was my way of not forming attachmen

37、ts that I would only have to abandon the next time we moved.(3)not mixing with or talking to other peopleI did not try to make many friends because in that way I did not have to give up my friendship the next time I had to move.gerund phrasesgo to 6More examplesTo be continued on the next page.BTLEW

38、Lesson 4-Wisdom of Bear Wood III.III.Sentence ParaphraseSentence Paraphrase1.You can have it for the asking.2.I feel like going shopping today.How about you?3.Our family make a point of going to church every Sunday.4.The old lady had great difficulty getting on the bus.5.The children are having fun

39、playing on the playground.back to 5BTLEWLesson 4-Wisdom of Bear Wood III.III.Sentence Paraphrase 6Sentence Paraphrase 6My own breathing rang in my ears,and the slightest stirring of any woodland creature echoed through this private paradise.(4)movementI could even hear my own breathing,and even the

40、lightest movement of any bird or animal in the wood could be heard throughout this paradise.gerund phrasego to 7BTLEWLesson 4-Wisdom of Bear Wood III.III.Sentence Paraphrase 7Sentence Paraphrase 7I proceeded quietly,careful not to alarm a bird that might loudly warn other creatures to hide.(5)movedI

41、 moved quietly and carefully so that I would not alarm any bird which might loudly warn other animals in the woods to hide.an adjective phrase:functioning as subject complement,which denotes the state the subject is ingo to 8More examplesTo be continued on the next page.BTLEWLesson 4-Wisdom of Bear

42、Wood III.III.Sentence ParaphraseSentence Paraphrase1.Theyre not?I asked,fascinated.2.At a quarter to three,he got up and crept downstairs,careful of the creaky boards,and let himself out.3.The cows looked at him,sleepy and surprised.back to 7BTLEWLesson 4-Wisdom of Bear Wood III.III.Sentence Paraphr

43、ase 8Sentence Paraphrase 8Soon I saw a small brick cottage that glowed pinkly in the westering sun.(18)Soon I saw a small brick cottage shining with a pink color in the sun that was moving toward the west.go to 9BTLEWLesson 4-Wisdom of Bear Wood III.III.Sentence Paraphrase 9Sentence Paraphrase 9and

44、my well of knowledge about natural history began to brim over.(24)spring or fountainI began to know much about natural history,too much for a boy of my age.overflowmetaphor:knowledge linked to a wellexaggeration:having knowledge overflowinggo to 10BTLEWLesson 4-Wisdom of Bear Wood III.III.Sentence P

45、araphrase 10Sentence Paraphrase 10Familiarity sometimes makes people physically invisible,for you find yourself talking to the heartto the essence,as it were,rather than to the face.(26)the most important quality of sth.;the thing that makes sth.what it isWhen people get to know each other really we

46、ll,sometimes they dont notice physical changes.The boy did not see that his friend,the old lady,was getting weaker and weaker because all the time he was talking to her heart,rather than to her parisonto A rather than to Bused to describe sth.in a way that is not quite accuratego to 11BTLEWLesson 4-

47、Wisdom of Bear Wood III.III.Sentence Paraphrase 11Sentence Paraphrase 11My mother was regarding me with a strange gentleness.(29)My mother was looking at me with a strange gentleness because she wanted to break the news gently so that I would not take it too hard.go to 12BTLEWLesson 4-Wisdom of Bear

48、 Wood III.III.Sentence Paraphrase 12Sentence Paraphrase 12It is a wisdom tutored by nature itself,about the seen and the unseen,about things that change and things that are changeless,and about the fact that no matter how seemingly different two souls may be,they possess the potential for that most

49、precious,rare thingan enduring and rewarding friendship.(37)I learn a lot of knowledge,taught by nature itself,about the things I can seethe birds,insects,trees,and flowers,and the things I cannot seeideas,scientific laws and principles.I also learn a lot about the things that change,including life

50、itself,as well as the things that are changeless like friendship,love,and many basic values.The end of Sentence Paraphrase.BTLEWPart CI.Word studyII.Phrases and expressionsBTLEWLesson 4-Wisdom of Bear Wood I.Word StudyI.Word StudyWord list:1.attachment2.dangle3.dense4.earn5.extend6.familiarity7.frai

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