1、精品文档老年痴呆症的评估与认知康复治疗(Assessment and Cognitive Rehabilitation on Dementia)李月英 (香港) 葵涌医院背景: 香港人口有急剧老化的现象。根据香港统计处的数据显示,于1991年的65岁或以上的老年人口占香港8.7%,于2004年增长至11.9%,及至2031年则会增加至约25%。于1988年赵凤琴教授于本港进行的老年痴呆症流行病率研究显示,65岁或以上的长者约有4%患有老年痴呆症,70岁或以上的长者则约有6%患有老年痴呆症。海外研究显示,80岁或以上的长者约有20%患老年痴呆症,病发比率随年龄增长而增加。香港社会服务联会于199
2、7年在护理安老院进行研究,结果发现约37%的长者患有老年痴呆症。因此,及早对老年痴呆症病者进行评估及订定适切的认知训练是对老年痴呆症病者很重要的。(2) 文化优势技术分享: 评估老年痴呆症长者包括以下几方面精神状况,身体功能,日常生活操作,家居支持及环境设计等。作业治疗师会因应老年痴呆症患者的能力,选择合适的标准的评估工具。常用的认知能力评估工具包括Mini-Mental State Examination(MMSE), Mattis Dementia Rating Scale(DRS), Kendrick Cognitive Tests for the Elderly, FULD Objec
3、t Memory Evaluation, Clifton Assessment Procedures of the Elderly, Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test, Hierarchial Dementia Rating Scale, Severe Impairment Battery, Ellens Diagnostic Module, Clock Drawing Test , Silvers Test等。评估情绪方面,我们会采用老人忧郁症短量表Chinese Version Geriatric Depression Short Form。日常生活评估工
4、具包括Modified Barthel Index, Lawton IADL Scale, Chinese Disability Assessment for Dementia , Assessment Motor & Process Scale等。 评估患者及其家人的生活质素和生活压力与及居住环境 (包括实物环境及人物环境) 是痴呆症患者的康复中很重要的一环,评估工具包括WHOQOL (Bref) & QOL in Alzheimers Disease (QOL-AD), General Health Questionnaire (GHQ), Relatives Stress Scale,
5、Zarit Carer Stress Index 及Safety Assessment of Function & the Environment for Rehabilitation(SAFER)等。评估痴呆症患者的发展阶段,我们会使用Global Deterioration Scale (GDS) 及Functional Assessment Staging Test (FAST) 。痴呆症患者有认知缺损,他们的近期记忆较差,集中注意力也较弱。执行及处理日常生活事情也有相当的困难,以致能否安全地在小区生活也是一个疑问。我们大学生没有固定的经济来源,但我们也不乏缺少潮流时尚的理念,没有哪个女
6、生是不喜欢琳琅满目的小饰品,珠光宝气、穿金戴银便是时尚的时代早已被推出轨道,简洁、个性化的饰品成为现代时尚女性的钟爱。因此饰品这一行总是吸引很多投资者的目光。然而我们女生更注重的是感性消费,我们的消费欲望往往建立在潮流、时尚和产品的新颖性上,所以要想在饰品行业有立足之地,又尚未具备雄厚的资金条件的话,就有必要与传统首饰区别开来,自制饰品就是近一两年来沿海城市最新流行的一种。认知残障模式(COGNITIVE DISABILITY MODEL, Katz, 2004)应用于老年痴呆症的复康,旨在增加患者的功能及减低他们的残障。训练患者的策略是因应长者的认知能力而改变环境,以增强痴呆症患者日常生活的
7、适应能力。作业治疗师会因应患者个别的需要, 订定有系统的认知及记忆训练,并提供一些记忆改善设施,以协助痴呆症患者在小区生活,并改善生活质素。记忆策略包括组织法、重复法、分类法、联想法及善用记忆辅助工具等。功能性手工艺品。不同的玉石具有不同的功效,比如石榴石可以促进血液循环,改善风湿和关节炎;白水晶则可以增强记忆力;茶晶能够帮助镇定情绪,缓解失眠、头昏等症状。顾客可以根据自己的需要和喜好自行搭配,每一件都独一无二、与众不同。英国的研究显示,有系统的记忆训练可以改善早期痴呆症患者的记忆及减少伤残障碍。认知训练包括不同的训练活动现实导向训练、怀缅治疗、记忆训练、计算机软件训练、认知剌激训练等。营销调
8、研课题伦敦的随机临床测验(RCT)研究显示(Spector, 2003),201位在小区的长者,参与认知剌激治疗后,在认知能力及生活质素两方面都有改善。6 个随机临床测验现实导向训练的研究(RCT)显示(Spector, 2005),共125位痴呆症患者,67人在实验组,58人在非实验组,现实导向训练可帮助老年痴呆症患者改善认知能力和行为问题 。=记忆训练包括打麻将、配对游戏、骨排游戏、宾哥游戏、拼图活动、问答活动及教授记忆力策略等。陈章明教授及余枝胜医生于2005年在香港发表的研究报告显示,三十位居住老人院的长者,参与打麻将治疗后,认知、情绪及运算能力方面也有改善。痴呆症的情度则由中度痴呆症
9、进展到轻度痴呆症。其实打麻将治疗也是一种切合中国文化的认知训练活动。因应痴呆症患者的教育背景,治疗师可编写阅读及书写的认知训练活动。作业治疗师可与家人商讨家居认知训练计划,定期检讨复康计划,以切合患者的情况。结论 作业治疗师会因应个别痴呆症患者的能力和需要及痴呆症患者的发展阶段而提供适当的评估及认知复康训练。治疗师会定期与家人一起检讨复康计划,以协助痴呆症之长者能够活得精采,长者及其家人会有较佳的生活质素。老年痴呆症的评估与认知康复治疗(Assessment and Cognitive Rehabilitation on Dementia)李月英 (香港) 葵涌医院Backgraound: I
10、n HK, the population is ageing rapidly. According to data of HK Census & Statistic Dept., there was about 8.7 %, 11.9% and would be increased to about 25% of the elderly are of age 65 or above in 1991, 2004 and 2031 respectively. Local prevalence study in dementia showed that about 4% of elderly per
11、sons of age 65 or above and increased to 6% and those of age 70 or above were suffered from moderate to severe dementia in HK (Chiu, H, 1988). Overseas studies reported that about 20% of elderly persons aged 80 or above had dementia and the prevalence of dementia increases with age. Studies of HK Co
12、uncil of Social Services showed that above 37% of elderly persons living in Care & Attention Home had dementia. Early assessment and provision of appropriate cognitive training are important in the rehabilitation of the dementia persons. From overseas data, about 50% of carers of clients of dementia
13、 have symptoms of dementia (Alzheimers Association, 2005)但这些困难并非能够否定我们创业项目的可行性。盖茨是由一个普通退学学生变成了世界首富,李嘉诚是由一个穷人变成了华人富豪第一人,他们的成功表述一个简单的道理:如果你有能力,你可以从身无分文变成超级富豪;如果你无能,你也可以从超级富豪变成穷光蛋。Experience Sharing: Assessment on dementia clients include the following aspects: mental, cognitive, physical, ADL, social
14、support and home environment. Different validated standardized assessment tools are employed with reference to the functioning of the dementia clients. Commonly used cognitive screening & assessment tools are: Mini-Mental State Examination(MMSE) Chinese ver., Mattis Dementia Rating Scale(DRS), Alzhe
15、imers Disease Assessment Scale (Cognitive) ADAS-Cog, Kendrick Cognitive Tests for the Elderly, FULD Object Memory Evaluation, Clifton Assessment Procedures of the Elderly, Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test, Hierarchial Dementia Rating Scale, Severe Impairment Battery, Ellens Diagnostic Module, Clock
16、 Drawing Test and Silvers Test etc. For mood assessment, Chinese version Geriatric Depression Scale Short Form is used. ADL assessment tools include Modified Barthel Index, Lawton IADL Scale, Chinese Disability Assessment for Dementia and Assessment Motor Process Scale. Assessment of QOL among demen
17、tia clients & their carer stress and their home environmental (including physical & human) are important in the rehabilitation of the elderly: WHOQOL (Bref) & QOL in Alzheimers Disease (QOL-AD), General Health Questionnaire (GHQ), Relatives Stress Scale, Zarit Carer Stress Index and Safety Assessmen
18、t of Function & the Environment for Rehabilitation(SAFER) will be employed. To assess the stages of development of dementia illness, the Global Deterioration Scale (GDS) and the Functional Assessment Staging Test (FAST) are used. 创业首先要有“风险意识”,要能承受住风险和失败。还要有责任感,要对公司、员工、投资者负责。务实精神也必不可少,必须踏实做事;People w
19、ith dementia suffered from cognitive impairment. They have very poor short term memory, attention/concentration problem and with deficits in executive functions. Thus, they have difficulties in planning and initiating and manage their basic self-care and the instrumental ADL and with problems in liv
20、ing safely in the community. Cognitive Disability Model (Katz, 2004) is adopted with the goals to reduce disability and enhance the functioning of dementia clients. Training in task performance by adapting task to clients capacity & enable independence at dementia clients cognitive functioning level
21、. Structured cognitive and memory training will be planned & adaptive device will be used with reference to the cognitive deficits so that clients will live in their own environment safely with community support and lead the life of better QOL. Memory strategies include techniques of Organization, R
22、epetition, Categorization, Association etc. Use of memory aids (mnemonic devices) in daily life are also integrated into the memory strategies. “Systematic memory training can help some people with early-stage Alzheimers disease (AD) to sharpen their memories and reduce (4) 创新能力薄弱disability” British
23、 researchers stated.Cognitive training activities cover a wide range of activities: RO, Reminiscence Activities, memory training programmes, computer programme, cognitive stimulation programme etc. 众上所述,我们认为:我们的创意小屋计划或许虽然会有很多的挑战和困难,但我们会吸取和借鉴“漂亮女生”和“碧芝”的成功经验,在产品的质量和创意上多下工夫,使自己的产品能领导潮流,领导时尚。在它们还没有打入学校
24、这个市场时,我们要巩固我们的学生市场,制作一些吸引学生,又有使学生能接受的价格,勇敢的面对它们的挑战,使自己立于不败之地。Overseas RCT study in London among 201 elderly persons (Spector, 2003) showed that cognitive stimulation therapy (including RO, Reminiscence & cognitive stimulation) improved the cognition and QOL of older people with dementia. Cochrane re
25、view in application of Reality Orientation (classroom RO) indicated that RO has benefits on both cognition and behaviour for dementia suffers (Spector et al, 2005). “碧芝”的成功归于他的唯一,这独一无二的物品就吸引了各种女性的眼光。Memory training programmes included playing mah-jong or pokers, matching game, playing dominoes, bing
26、o games, constructing puzzles or participating in quiz and application of memory strategies. Mahjong Therapy Study implemented in the Home for the Elderly in HK reported that pre & post assessment of 30 clients showed improvement in cognitive function, emotion and ability to calculate and the client
27、s progressed from moderate stage of dementia to mild stage of dementia (Chan & Yu, 2005). Actually, playing mah-jong is also one of the activities that can be used in cognitive training with cultural relevancy to the Chinese.Reading or simple paper and pencils might be planned for some selected deme
28、ntia clients, with reference to their education background. In fact, home programme on cognitive training would be set together with the carer and the dementia clients. Evaluation will be made regularly on the progress of the clients and on their changing cognitive profile and thus cognitive rehabil
29、itation programme will be modified then创业首先要有“风险意识”,要能承受住风险和失败。还要有责任感,要对公司、员工、投资者负责。务实精神也必不可少,必须踏实做事;Discussion & Conclusion: Assessment and cognitive rehabilitation should be provided accordingly to meet the individual needs of dementia clients at their level of function. Appropriate assessment too
30、ls should be selected with reference to the stages of development of dementia. OT would monitor the cognitive rehabilitation programme of dementia clients to enhance their coping skills in their living environment. Finally, OT would collaborate with carers to enhance daily functioning & improve QOL of dementia clients and their carers.精品文档