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1、Almost everyone thinks they are a good personAlmost everyone thinks they are a good personBut the question you should be asking is,“Am I good enoughto go to Heaven?”Almost everyone thinks they are a good personBut the question you should be asking is,“Am I good enoughto go to Heaven?”HOW WOULD YOU K

2、NOW?HOW WOULD YOU KNOW?The way to find out is to ask yourself if you have obeyed theTen Commandments.The way to find out is to ask yourself if you have obeyed theTen Commandments.Most people say,“Well,Ive broken one or two,but nothing too serious,like murder,etc.”The way to find out is to ask yourse

3、lf if you have obeyed theTen Commandments.Most people say,“Well,Ive broken one or two,but nothing too serious,like murder,etc.”So lets go through them and see how you do.Have you Have you alwaysalways put God first in your life?Jesus said to love God put God first in your life?Jesus said to love God

4、 with all your heart,mind,soul,and strength-so much,that your with all your heart,mind,soul,and strength-so much,that your love for your parents,brothers and sisters,friends,and even your love for your parents,brothers and sisters,friends,and even your own life is like hatred compared to your love a

5、nd devotion for own life is like hatred compared to your love and devotion for God,(Luke 14:26).Have you God,(Luke 14:26).Have you everever failed to put Him first in your failed to put Him first in your life?life?Click on your answer below.Yes,I have broken this commandment at least once.No,I have

6、NEVER broken this commandment in my life.1.You shall have no othergods before Me.Who is God to you?Is he only a god of love and mercy who would Who is God to you?Is he only a god of love and mercy who would never judge anyone and never cast anyone into Hell?If thats your never judge anyone and never

7、 cast anyone into Hell?If thats your god,then youre right.Your god couldnt cast anyone into Hell god,then youre right.Your god couldnt cast anyone into Hell because he doesnt exist.Hes a figment of your imagination.because he doesnt exist.Hes a figment of your imagination.Youve Youve createdcreated

8、a god in your own mind that youre more a god in your own mind that youre more comfortable with.You may call it your“personal belief,”but God comfortable with.You may call it your“personal belief,”but God calls it calls it idolatryidolatry.The Bible warns that idolaters will not inherit the.The Bible

9、 warns that idolaters will not inherit the kingdom of heaven,(Ephesians 5:5).kingdom of heaven,(Ephesians 5:5).Click on your answer below.Yes,I have broken this commandment at least once.No,I have NEVER broken this commandment in my life.2.You shall not make foryourself any idol.Have you ever used G

10、ods name as a curse word?If you have,Have you ever used Gods name as a curse word?If you have,youve taken the holy name of God-who gave you your life,your youve taken the holy name of God-who gave you your life,your family,and everything precious to you-and used it as a filthy,family,and everything

11、precious to you-and used it as a filthy,four-letter word.Hitlers name wasnt even despised enough to be four-letter word.Hitlers name wasnt even despised enough to be used as a curse word!If you have used Gods holy name in that used as a curse word!If you have used Gods holy name in that manner,you a

12、re a manner,you are a blasphemerblasphemer and the Bible says“God will not and the Bible says“God will not hold him guiltless who takes the name of the Lord in vain,”hold him guiltless who takes the name of the Lord in vain,”(Exodus 20:7).(Exodus 20:7).Click on your answer below.Yes,I have broken th

13、is commandment at least once.No,I have NEVER broken this commandment in my life.3.You shall not take thename of God in vain.God commands that we set aside God commands that we set aside one dayone day in seven.Have you in seven.Have you everever been guilty of breaking this Commandment?been guilty o

14、f breaking this Commandment?Click on your answer below.Yes,I have broken this commandment at least once.No,I have NEVER broken this commandment in my life.4.Remember the SabbathDay,to keep it holy.Have you Have you alwaysalways honored your parents in a way thats pleasing in honored your parents in

15、a way thats pleasing in the sight of God?Ask Him to remind you of the sins of your youth.the sight of God?Ask Him to remind you of the sins of your youth.You may have forgotten them,but God hasnt.You may have forgotten them,but God hasnt.Click on your answer below.Yes,I have broken this commandment

16、at least once.No,I have NEVER broken this commandment in my life.5.Honor your fatherand your mother.Jesus warned“Whoever is angry with his brother without cause,is Jesus warned“Whoever is angry with his brother without cause,is in danger of judgment,”(Matthew 5:22)and the Bible says,“He in danger of

17、 judgment,”(Matthew 5:22)and the Bible says,“He who hates his brother who hates his brother is a murdereris a murderer,”(1 John 3:15).God sees,”(1 John 3:15).God sees hatred in the heart to be as wicked as murder.We can violate His hatred in the heart to be as wicked as murder.We can violate His Law

18、 by attitude and intentLaw by attitude and intentClick on your answer below.Yes,I have broken this commandment at least once.No,I have NEVER broken this commandment in my life.6.You shall not murder.Jesus warned,“You have heardYou shall not commit adultery.Jesus warned,“You have heardYou shall not c

19、ommit adultery.But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart,”(Matthew 5:28).already committed adultery with her in his heart,”(Matthew 5:28).Have you Have you eve

20、rever looked at another person with lust?The Bible says looked at another person with lust?The Bible says that adulterers and fornicators(those who have had sex before that adulterers and fornicators(those who have had sex before marriage)will not enter the kingdom of heaven(1 Corinthians marriage)w

21、ill not enter the kingdom of heaven(1 Corinthians 6:9).6:9).Click on your answer below.Yes,I have broken this commandment at least once.No,I have NEVER broken this commandment in my life.7.You shall notcommit adultery.Have you Have you everever stolen anything(even if it was something small)?stolen

22、anything(even if it was something small)?The value of the thing stolen doesnt matter;petty theft is The value of the thing stolen doesnt matter;petty theft is stillstill theft.theft.Have you ever taken anything that belonged to someone else(from Have you ever taken anything that belonged to someone

23、else(from the office,school,parents,etc.)?If you have,that makes you a the office,school,parents,etc.)?If you have,that makes you a thief.thief.Click on your answer below.Yes,I have broken this commandment at least once.No,I have NEVER broken this commandment in my life.8.You shall not steal.Have yo

24、u Have you everever told a lie?Then you are a liar.How many murders told a lie?Then you are a liar.How many murders do you have to commit to be a murderer?Just one.If you have told do you have to commit to be a murderer?Just one.If you have told even oneeven one lie,that makes you a liar.The Bible w

25、arns that lie,that makes you a liar.The Bible warns that allall liars liars will have their part in the Lake of Fire(Revelation 21:8).You may will have their part in the Lake of Fire(Revelation 21:8).You may not think deceitfulness is a serious sin,but God does.not think deceitfulness is a serious s

26、in,but God does.Click on your answer below.Yes,I have broken this commandment at least once.No,I have NEVER broken this commandment in my life.9.You shall not lie.This means we should never desire anything that belongs to This means we should never desire anything that belongs to another person.Not

27、their house,nor their car,nor their money,nor another person.Not their house,nor their car,nor their money,nor their wife,nor their lifestyle,nor anything that belongs to our their wife,nor their lifestyle,nor anything that belongs to our neighbor.Have you neighbor.Have you everever broken this comm

28、andment?broken this commandment?Click on your answer below.Yes,I have broken this commandment at least once.No,I have NEVER broken this commandment in my life.10.You shall not covet.Who of us can say we are not guilty of breaking these Commandments?Who of us can say we are not guilty of breaking the

29、se Commandments?This is what the Bible means when it says,“All have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God,”(Romans 3:23).Can you see your predicament?You are guilty of sinning against God Himself,and,because you have a conscience,(con-with,science-knowledge)you have sinned“with knowledge.”Can yo

30、u see your predicament?You are guilty of sinning against God Himself,and,because you have a conscience,(con-with,science-knowledge)you have sinned“with knowledge.”Isnt it true that every time you lied,stole,or lusted,etc.,you knew it was wrong?Does the fact that you have sinned against God scare you

31、?Does the fact that you have sinned against God scare you?It should.Does the fact that you have sinned against God scare you?It should.You have actually angered Him by your sin.Does the fact that you have sinned against God scare you?It should.You have actually angered Him by your sin.The Bible says

32、 His wrath abides on you(John 3:36),and that you are an“enemy of God in your mind through wicked works,”(Colossians 1:21).Perhaps you think God is good and because of his goodness He will overlook your sins?Perhaps you think God is good and because of his goodness He will overlook your sins?But if y

33、ou knew of a human judge who turned a blind eye to the crimes of a guilty rapist.would you describe him as a“good”judge?Perhaps you think God is good and because of his goodness He will overlook your sins?But if you knew of a human judge who turned a blind eye to the crimes of a guilty rapist.would

34、you describe him as a“good”judge?No.Perhaps you think God is good and because of his goodness He will overlook your sins?But if you knew of a human judge who turned a blind eye to the crimes of a guilty rapist.would you describe him as a“good”judge?No.That would be a corrupt judge.God could never be

35、 a corrupt judge.God could never be a corrupt judge.He will punish all the rapists,murderers,and thieves.But he wont stop there.God could never be a corrupt judge.He will punish all the rapists,murderers,and thieves.But he wont stop there.He will also punish all liars,the lustful,adulterers,idolater

36、s,and blasphemers,(Revelation 21:8).God could never be a corrupt judge.He will punish all the rapists,murderers,and thieves.But he wont stop there.He will also punish all liars,the lustful,adulterers,idolaters,and blasphemers,(Revelation 21:8).The place of eternalpunishment is Hell.God does not want

37、 you to perish.He is rich in God does not want you to perish.He is rich in mercymercy and and compassioncompassion,and has provided a way for you to be forgiven.He,and has provided a way for you to be forgiven.He has invited you to come to Him for a full pardon and receive the has invited you to com

38、e to Him for a full pardon and receive the free gift of Eternal Life.You cannot earn it,and you do not free gift of Eternal Life.You cannot earn it,and you do not deserve it,but God is offering it to you as proof of His deserve it,but God is offering it to you as proof of His lovelove for for you.yo

39、u.Imagine you are standing in front of a judge,Imagine you are standing in front of a judge,guiltyguilty of multiple of multiple serious crimes.All the evidence has been presented and there is no serious crimes.All the evidence has been presented and there is no doubt about your guilt.Your apologies

40、 and good works cannot doubt about your guilt.Your apologies and good works cannot erase your crimes;therefore you must be punished.The fine for erase your crimes;therefore you must be punished.The fine for your crime is$250,000 or imprisonment,but you dont have two your crime is$250,000 or imprison

41、ment,but you dont have two pennies to rub together.The judge is about to pass sentence when pennies to rub together.The judge is about to pass sentence when someone you dont even know steps in and pays your fine for you!someone you dont even know steps in and pays your fine for you!The court accepts

42、 the money and declares that you are free to go.The court accepts the money and declares that you are free to go.The law has been satisfied,your debt has been paid in full,and theThe law has been satisfied,your debt has been paid in full,and theContinued on the next pagestrangers sacrifice was a dem

43、onstration of his love for strangers sacrifice was a demonstration of his love for youyou.Thats.Thats what God did for you 2000 years ago.what God did for you 2000 years ago.The Bible says that the God of the Universe became a man(Jesus The Bible says that the God of the Universe became a man(Jesus

44、Christ),and suffered and died on the cross for your sins and mine Christ),and suffered and died on the cross for your sins and mine so that we could be set free.Its as simple as thisso that we could be set free.Its as simple as thiswe broke the we broke the Law,Law,and Jesus paid our fine.and Jesus

45、paid our fine.God demonstrated His own love for us in that while God demonstrated His own love for us in that while we were still sinners,Christ died for us.we were still sinners,Christ died for us.(Romans 5:8)(Romans 5:8)Christ redeemed us from the curse of the Law,Christ redeemed us from the curse

46、 of the Law,being made a curse for us.being made a curse for us.(Galatians 3:13)(Galatians 3:13)Do you see Gods Do you see Gods great lovegreat love for you?Do you see your need for for you?Do you see your need for His His forgivenessforgiveness?Then do what He commands and“Repentthat?Then do what H

47、e commands and“Repentthat your sins may be wiped out and times of refreshing may comeyour sins may be wiped out and times of refreshing may comeContinued on the next pagefrom the Lord.”(Acts 3:19)from the Lord.”(Acts 3:19)You must turn away from sin and You must turn away from sin and turn to God.tu

48、rn to God.Desire to have NOTHING to do with sin,and Desire to have NOTHING to do with sin,and surrendersurrender your life to the One who can save you.Jesus died to set your life to the One who can save you.Jesus died to set you free,and then he rose from death to be your Lord.Jesus said,you free,an

49、d then he rose from death to be your Lord.Jesus said,“I am the Way,the Truth,and the Life.No one comes to the Father“I am the Way,the Truth,and the Life.No one comes to the Father except through me.”If you will confess and forsake your sins except through me.”If you will confess and forsake your sin

50、s(repent)(repent)and trust in Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lordand trust in Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord,God will forgive you and youll pass from death to life.God will forgive you and youll pass from death to life.If you are not sure how to pray,If you are not sure how to pray,read Psalm

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