1、Unit 6How do you feel?I feel happy. Do you feel happy?同义句:Im happy. Are you happy?第三人称单数How does he feel?He feels sad. Does he feel happy?同义句:Hes sad. Is he happy?How do you feel?I feel ill. What should I do?You should see a doctor.情绪单词(形容词)sadhappyangry be angry withafraid be afraid ofworried be wo
2、rried about建议You should see a doctor.You should do more exercise.You should wear warm clothes.You should take a deep breath and count to ten.Dont be sad.Dont worry.小作文(对话):A: Where is the cinema?B: Its neat to the park.A:How can I get there?B: Turn left. Then go straight.A:Thanks.B: You are welcome.
3、Unit 2How do you come to school?3、我们在水中发现了什么微生物呢?(P18)comego二、问答:方位介词:6、化学变化伴随的现象有改变颜色、发光发热、产生气体、产生沉淀物。How can I get to the cinema?答:可以,馒头中也含有淀粉,淀粉在咀嚼的过程中发生了变化,变得有甜味了。或How can I get there?Turn right at the bookstore.二、问答:turn lefton the left4、举例说明微生物对人类有益的方面是什么?go straight for 5 minutes答:烧饭时米变成了饭;写字时纸上留下了字迹;下雨后路上的积水慢慢地变成水蒸气消失在空中;岩石风化变成沙子等。go straight to the crossing其他:6、二氧化碳气体有什么特点?Excuse me.21、血液中的细胞好像运输兵,负责运输吸入的氧气和产生的二氧化碳。I want to buy a postcard.A talking robot.8、地球自转一周的时间是一天;地球公转一周的时间是一年;月球公转一周的时间是农历一个月。Its next to the park on Dongfang Street.Is it far?