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1、Transcripts&Translation 聽力練習題目全文及翻譯Unit 1 Transport and TravelListening 1 TrainAnnouncementsThe next train at Platform 3 will be the 15:20 service for Bath Spa calling at Swindon.This is the14:48 service from London,Paddington.The train now standing at Platform 1 is the 15:05 service from Reading to

2、 Oxford.At Platform 2,the train just arriving is the 14:53 Thames train service for SouthamptonCentral,calling at Basingstoke and Winchester.This is the 14:25 service from Oxford.We would like to apologise to passengers at Platform 6 waiting for the 14:50 First Great Westernservice to London,Padding

3、ton.This 13:55 service from Taunton is running approximately 20minutes late.Because of the recent heavy rain,regular local services between Reading and Oxford have beenreduced to two trains per hour.These will be running at 12 and 42 minutes past every hour.FirstGreat Western would like to apologise

4、 for any inconvenience caused.Unit 1 搭乘交通工具及旅行Listening 1 火車站廣播3 號月臺下一班停靠的是15 點20 分開往巴斯溫泉的列車,中途停靠史雲頓。本次列車於14點48 分由倫敦派丁頓發車。第一月臺現在停靠的是15 點05 分由瑞丁開往牛津的列車。第二月臺現在到站的是14 點53 分開往南漢普頓中央車站的泰晤士鐵路公司列車,本次列車於14 點25 分由牛津發車,中途停靠貝辛斯托克及溫徹斯特。6 號月臺候車的旅客請注意,14 點50 分開往倫敦派丁頓的大西部第一鐵路公司列車,預計將晚20 分鐘左右到站,造成各位旅客的不便敬請見諒,本次列車於1

5、3 點55 分由陶頓發車。由於近來豪雨不斷,瑞丁和牛津之間的通勤列車縮減為每小時兩班,將於每小時的12 分及42 分發車,如有造成任何不便,大西部第一鐵路公司在此向您致歉。Listening 2At a BRTicket CounterStation Employee:Next,please!Passenger:Hello,Id like to get a return ticket to Cambridge.What kind of tickets are available?SE:Saver Return,Standard Open Return and First Open Return

6、.P:Whats the cheapest one?SE:Thats Saver Return.27.20.P:All right,the Saver Return,please.Do you accept this credit card?SE:Sure.Please sign here.Thank you.Heres your copy and receipt.P:Urm,what time is the next train?SE:11:52P:And what time will it arrive in Cambridge?SE:Urm,arriving in Cambridge a

7、t 13:01.P:Do I need to change trains?SE:Yes,change at Kings Cross.P:Right,so leaving at 11:52 and change at Kings Cross and arriving in Cambridge at 13:01?SE:Yes.Serain雅思必胜!P:Thank you.Urm,which platform should I go to at Kings Cross?SE:Platform 11.P:OK,thank you.Bye.Listening 2 購買火車票車站售票員:下一位,謝謝。乘客

8、:哈羅,我想買一張到劍橋的來回票。有哪些可以買?站員:有特價來回票,標准開放回程票,開放回程頭等票。乘客:哪一種最便宜呢?站員:特價來回票。27.20 英鎊。乘客:好,那我就買特價來回票,謝謝。你們收這張信用卡嗎?站員:是的。請在這裏簽名.謝謝,這是您的簽單和收據。乘客:呃,下一班車是幾點?站員:11 點52 分乘客:什麼時候會到劍橋呢?站員:呃,13 點01 分抵達劍橋。乘客:我需要換車嗎?站員:是的,在國王十字車站換車。乘客:好,所以是11 點52 分出發,在換車,然後13 點01 分抵達劍橋?站員:是的。乘客:謝謝你,喔,在國王十字車站我應該去第幾月臺?站員:11 號月臺。乘客:好的,謝

9、謝你,再見。Listening 3 Phoning for Directions(RRR)Secretary:Hello,London Life Agency.Can I help you?Mike:Yes,Id like to speak to Ms Paula Kent,please.S:Certainly,who shall I say is calling?M:Mike Davison.S:One moment,please.Paula:Hello Mike.How are you?M:Fine.P:Great.So where are you now?M:Oh.Im still at

10、 Heathrow Airport.the plane was a little late.P:Thats OK.If you come to my office,I can take you to my flat.Its only 10 minutes form theoffice.M:OK.Whats the easiest way to get there?P:Well,theres a special express train to Paddington but thats expensive and because Paddington isso big,you may have

11、to walk a long way to change onto the underground.If you dont mind alonger trip,I think the underground is better.M:OK.That sounds fine.P:OK.So you take the Piccadilly Line,thats the dark blue,form Heathrow to Leicester Square.M:OK.Dark Blue line to Leicester Square.Serain雅思必胜!P:Yeah.And there you c

12、hange to the Northern Line,thats the black line,and take a northbound trainto Camden.M:Camden.P:Yes.At Camden,get off and go up the escalator and out of the ticket gates.Turn right,walk downthe road for about three minutes,and youll see a bus stop.From there,take bus 153 and get off atZoo Gardens.My

13、 office is opposite that stop.M:OK.Let me just check once more.Take the underground from.Listening 3 打電話問路(電話鈴響)秘書:倫敦人壽公司,您好,請問需要什麼服務嗎?麥可:是的,我想找寶拉肯特小姐,謝謝。秘書:好的,請問是哪位找呢?麥克:麥克戴維森。秘書:請稍待一會兒。寶拉:哈羅,麥克。你好嗎?麥克:很好。寶拉:太好了。你現在人在哪兒?麥克:喔,我還在希斯洛機場.班機有點誤點。寶拉:沒關系。如果你到我辦公室來,我可以帶你去我的公寓,離辦公室只有10 分鐘而已。麥克:好,怎麼去最容易?寶拉:嗯

14、,有一班直達派丁頓的特快車,但是很貴,而且派丁頓車站很大,你可能要走很長一段路才能轉乘地鐵。如果你不介意多花點時間,我想直接搭地鐵會比較好。麥克:可以啊,我無所謂。寶拉:好,所以你先搭皮卡地裏線,就是深藍色的那條線,從希斯洛坐到列斯特廣場。麥克:好.搭深藍線到列斯特廣場。寶拉:對。然後換乘北線,就是黑色線,搭往北的列車到康頓。麥克:康頓。寶拉:對,在康頓下車,搭電扶梯上樓,出售票口,右轉之後沿街走3 分鐘左右,就可以看到公車站牌。你在那邊搭153 路公車,然後在動植物園下車,我的辦公室就在站牌對面。麥克:好,我再確認一次。搭地鐵從.Listening 4 On a BusPassenger:T

15、o South Wimbledon,please.Driver:This is not for South Wimbledon.you need the 92 from Wimbledon.P:Right,then how much is it to Wimbledon?D:90p,please.P:Would you please let me know when we get to Wimbledon?D:Sure.(several minutes later)D:Wimbledon!P:Thank you.Urm,do you happen to know where to take t

16、he 92 from?D:See the blue building over there?The 92 goes from just in front.P:Great.Thanks.Serain雅思必胜!Listening 4 搭公車乘客:我要到南溫布頓,謝謝。司機:這班車不到南溫布頓,您要在溫布頓搭92 路公車才行。乘客:這樣啊,拿到溫布頓要多少錢?司機:90 便士,謝謝。乘客:到溫布頓的時候可以請你叫我嗎?司機:沒問題(幾分鐘之後)司機:溫布頓到了!乘客:謝謝你。呃,你知不知道要到哪兒搭92 路公車?司機:看到那邊那棟藍色建築物了嗎?92 路站牌就在那棟建築物正前方。乘客:太好了,謝謝。

17、Unit 2Accommodation and HousingListening 1 Phoning anAgency for a Flat Share(RRR)Estate Agent:Brighton Estate Agent,how can I help you?Marisa:Well,Im looking for a furnished flat close to the University of Sussex.EA:Right,urm,do you have any particular area in mind?M:No,actually,Im quite new to Brig

18、hton.What Im looking for is a furnished flat within walkingdistance of the university or I dont mind commuting by train if its within a half hour or so.EA:What type of accommodation are you looking for?An entire flat just for you or.M:Im looking for a room to rent.EA:All right,so you dont mind shari

19、ng the bathroom and kitchen with others.M:No.Not at all.And about the rent,say 100 inclusive per week is the max.Mod cons such as awashing machine and microwave are a must.EA:OK,is there anything else you need?M:Oh,yes,Im allergic to cats but dogs are OK.EA:OK,weve got some flats which may suits you

20、.When would you like a viewing?M:How about tomorrow?Say tenish?EA?No problem.Now,may I have your name,please?M:Marisa Evans.M-A-R-I-S-A and E for Edward,V for volleyball,A for apple,N for navy and Sfor Steve.EA:Ok,Marisa,the see you tomorrow around 10 in the morning.Thank you for calling.Bye.M:Bye.U

21、nit 2 住宿及找房子Listening 1 打電話給房屋中介找分租公寓(電話鈴聲)房地產中介:布萊頓房地產中介,請問需要什麼服務嗎?馬莉莎:嗯,我想找附家具的公寓,靠近薩西克斯大學。中介:好的,呃,您心裏有特定想要找那個區域嗎?馬莉莎:沒有,事實上,我對布萊頓不怎麼熟。我想要找的是附家具的公寓,可以走路到大Serain雅思必胜!學,或者搭火車半小時之內可達的也可以。中介:您也要找到時哪種型式的住宿?一個人租一整層公寓還是.馬莉莎:我要租一個房間。中介:好的,所以您不介意和其他人共用浴室和廚房。馬莉莎:不,一點也不介意,至於租金,一個禮拜100 英鎊含水電是我的上限。現代化家電用品例如洗衣機

22、、微波爐一定要有。中介:好,還有什麼其他需要的東西嗎?馬莉莎:喔,對了,我對貓過敏,不過狗沒問題。中介:好的, 我們這裏有些公寓可能適合您的需求。您什麼時候想要看房呢?馬莉莎:明天怎麼樣?十點左右?中介:沒問題。還有,我可以請問您的大名嗎?馬莉莎:馬莉莎伊凡斯,拼法是M-A-R-I-S-A,Evans 是Edward 的E,volleyball 的V,apple的A,navy 的N,Steve 的S。中介:好的,馬莉莎,那麼就明天早上十點左右見了,謝謝您的來電,再見。馬莉莎:再見。Listening 2 Flat HuntingRobert:Mr Howard?Agent:Yes,good a

23、fternoon.Mr Johnson,is it?R:Yes,Robert Johnson.Nice to meet you.Sorry Im a bit late but there is a lot of Saturday traffic.A:Thats OK.so,here is the building with the ground-floor flat you are interested in.R:Looks nice from the outside.A:Yes,it does.Now the front door is down these steps which also

24、 go down to the back garden.(front door opens)A:Here we are in the hallway.Here on the right is a small toilet.and here on the left is the sittingroom.R:Oh great,an old fireplace.And large bay windows.A:Yes,this rooms got a lot of light,and of course,a good view of the front garden.And if we openthe

25、se sliding doors(sliding door sound)weve got the kitchen.Its quite small but very modern.A gascooker here,a microwave,lots of cupboards,and here next to the sink,a dishwasher.R:How about a washing machine?A:Oh yes,over there in the corner.OK.now lets go towards the back of the flat to the bedrooms.R

26、:OK.A:Here,next to the toilet is the bathroom with a bath and gas-heated shower.Again its verymodern.Now,here straight ahead is the small bedroom,and here to the left is the master bedroom.R:What size are they?A:This one is 12 feet by 11 and the smaller bedroom is eight by seven-and-a-half.R:Seems v

27、ery nice.Is there central heating?A:No,but every rooms got new electric storage heaters which are very economical.R:Sounds fine.A:OK,shall we go out to the back garden?Listening 2 找公寓羅伯:霍華先生嗎?Serain雅思必胜!中介:是的,午安,您是詹森先生,對吧?羅伯:是的,我是羅伯詹森,幸會幸會。抱歉我有點遲到,因為星期六總是塞車。中介:沒關系。.好了,這就是那棟你對一樓有興趣的公寓。羅伯:從外面看起來很不錯。中介


29、室有多大?中介:這間是12 乘11 英尺,比較小的那間是8 乘以7 英尺半。羅伯:聽起來很不錯。有中央暖氣設備嗎?中介:沒有,不過每個房間都有新裝的電暖器,非常經濟實惠。羅伯:聽起來很棒。中介:好,我們可以到後院去了嗎?Listening 3Where Do You Live?Speak 1:(Housewife in her thirties)I live in a two-bedroomed flat near Camden Station in North London.Its on the second floor andis quite old.Built about 120 yea

30、rs ago,I think.Moved there five years ago and live there with myhusband,John and our two sons,Jim whos three and Toby whos one-and-a-half.Theres a smallback garden which is nice but which we dont often use.Its got a large kitchen but a smallbathroom and the second bedroom.In the sitting room,theres

31、a lovely big fireplace where we relaxin the autumn and winter.the only thing we dont like about the flat is the noise from all the traffic.Speaker 2:(55-year-old man)We live in the middle of Devon,a beautiful part of the English countryside in the South-West,in theWest Country.We live in a lovely th

32、atched cottage.you know.with a straw roof.We moved there16 years ago,but it was built about 350 years ago.Its got two large bedrooms and one similarbedroom,a sitting room and a dining room next to the kitchen.And under the stairs is my favouriteroom,my study.There is a front and a back garden which

33、are both small but very beautiful withlots of flowers;roses mostly.Although our daughter now lives in London where she goes touniversity,I live there with Helen,my wife,and our son who is still at college.Speaker 3:(Elderly woman)I live an a bungalow in a small town near Bath.Its eight years old and

34、 has got a small back gardenwhere I often spend my time gardening or reading.Theres only one bedroom,a small lounge and aSerain雅思必胜!dining room.The kitchen is also quite small,but easy for me to keep clean.I live with my five catsand three dogs.Listening 3 你住在哪兒?1 號說話者:(三十多歲的家庭主婦)我住在靠近倫敦北邊的康頓車站、有兩間臥

35、房的公寓裏。公寓位在3 樓,相當老舊了,建於120 年前吧,我想。5 年前搬到這裏,同住的有我的丈夫約翰,還有2 個兒子,三歲的吉姆和1 歲半的托比。有個不錯的小後院,但是我們不常用。廚房很大,但是浴室和次臥室很小。客廳裏有個很棒的大壁爐,是秋天和冬天休息的好地方。這棟公寓唯一美中不足的地方,是街上的交通太吵了。2 號說話者:(55 歲的男性)我們住在德文郡的中部,是位於英國西南部各郡裏的一處美麗鄉村。我們住在一間可愛的茅草小屋裏.你知道的.屋頂是茅草做的。我們16 年前搬來這兒,但是這棟小屋有350 年的曆史了。有2 間大的臥房、1 間小臥房、客廳、飯廳和相鄰的廚房。下了樓梯,是我最喜歡的地

36、方,書房。有前後院,都小小的,但是很漂亮,有很多花,主要是玫瑰。雖然我們的女兒現在到倫敦去上大學,但是我和我太太海倫,以及還在念大專的兒子住在一起。3 號說話者:(年長的女性)我住的平房位於靠近巴斯的一個小鎮,是8 年的房子,有個小後院,我常在後院從事園藝工作或看書。只有1 間臥房、1 間小客廳和飯廳。廚房也蠻小的,但是這樣我很容易清理。我和5 只貓、3 只狗住在一起。Listening 4WhoWould You Like as a Flatmate?Willem:Our landlord seems to be looking for a new lodger.Did you know t

37、hat,Eleanor?Eleanor:Really?No,I didnt.W:I love meeting new people all the time,but living under the same roof and meeting new peopleare different matters.E:Yes,youre right.So what kind of person would like as a flatmate,Willem?W:Well,first of all,someone thats not so noisy and someone who is clean.E

38、:A clean person?What exactly do you mean?W:Well,you know,were going to share the bathroom and kitchen.So somebody who always keepsthem clean and tidy.When I was living in Wimbledon before,I had such a bad experience withpeople who couldnt tidy up.What about you?E:Me?Well,someone from abroad might be

39、 interesting.You see,as you said,living under the sameroof and meeting new people are different matters.So it may be a good chance to make a foreignfriend.W:Thats ture.Anyway,I hope our landlord will find a nice person as our new flatmate.Listening 4 你要找誰當室友?威倫:我們的房東好像要找一個新房客,你知道這件事嗎,愛莉諾?愛莉諾:真的嗎?我不知


41、我們的新室友。Unit 3 Food and DrinkingListening 1AVegetarian DietInterviewer:John,youre a vegetarian.Can you tell me a little about this?John:Well,I gave up eating meat when I was 16.I:Really?And what kind of things do you eat now?J:Urm.dairy products,I eat a lot of dairy products ,you know,yogurt,cheese,e

42、ggs.but onlyfree-range,of course.I:Free-range?J:Yes,eggs which comes from chickens that are not kept in small cages but free to movearound.The eggs are more expensive but also much healthier,and they taste better,too.I:Are there any other special foods that you have to eat?J:Yes,I often eat tofu,nut

43、s,beans.again for protein.oh yes,and my favourite,veggie-burgers.I:What are veggie-burgers?J:Well,they look ,smell and taste like burgers made from meat,but theyre made from soyabeans.Nut burgers are so delicious.but made from nuts,of course.I:How about fish and chicken?J:Well,for five years I also

44、didnt ear any fish or chicken but now I eat them about twice a week.I:Why did you change?J:I started to live on my own and couldnt cook vegetarian food as well as my mother.So now,Isometimes eat fish or chicken because they are easy to cook and not unhealthy.Unit 3 飲食習慣Listening 1 素食餐點訪問者:約翰,你是個素食主義

45、者,可以請你談談吃素的事,嗎?約翰:嗯,我從16 歲開始就不再吃肉了。訪問者:真的嗎?那你下你在都吃些什麼?約翰:呃.乳制品,我吃很多乳制品,你知道的,像是優格、起司、蛋.但是只吃自由放養的蛋,當然啦。訪問者:自由放養?約翰:是的,生蛋的雞不是養在狹小的籠子裏,而是可以自由自在的走動,這種蛋比較貴,但是健康得多,吃起來也好吃許多。訪問者:你還必須吃些什麼特別的食物嗎?約翰:是的,我常吃豆腐,堅果,豆子.補充蛋白質.喔,對了,還有我最喜歡的,素漢堡。訪問者:什麼是素漢堡?Serain雅思必胜!約翰:嗯,素漢堡看起來,聞起來和吃起來都和肉做的漢堡一樣,但是是用大豆做成的。堅果堡也很好吃.但是是用堅

46、果做的,當然啦。訪問者:那魚肉和雞肉呢?約翰:嗯,我有5 年的時間沒有吃任何魚肉或雞肉,但是我現在一個禮拜吃兩次。訪問者:你為什麼改變了呢?約翰:我開始一個人過活,而且我煮的素食沒有我媽煮的好吃,所以現在我偶爾會吃魚肉或雞肉,因為它們容易料理又不會不健康。Listening 2 Ordering Drinks in a PubPete:Ok,let me get the first round.What would everyone like to drink?Henrietta?Thereswine,lager,bitter.Henrietta:Whats better?P:Well,its

47、 traditional English beer.Lager is a light golden colour,but bitter is dark brown.H:Urm.P:OK.Im having bitter.So you can try mine.H:What other English drinks can I try,Pete?P:Cider.Thats an alcoholic drink made from apple juice.Or shandy.thats half lager and halflemonade.H:Well,I usually drink red wine,but I

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