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1、Politics&Economy/政经外国驻渝蓉领事官员话“两会”Insights from Foreign Consular Officials in Chongqing and Chengdu on the Two Sessions of Chongqing1月12日,重庆市政协六届一次会议开幕,匈牙利、菲律宾、缅甸、加拿大、意大利、巴基斯坦、韩国、柬埔寨、泰国、新加坡、乌拉圭等外国驻渝蓉领事官员应邀旁听。会前,市政协主席团常务主席李静、五届市政协副主席张玲看望了各国驻渝蓉领事官员。1月13日,重庆市六届人大一次会议开幕,匈牙利、菲律宾、白俄罗斯、日本、缅甸、新加坡、法国、加拿大、意大利、

2、巴基斯坦、荷兰、韩国、澳大利亚、柬埔寨、英国、泰国、乌拉圭等The First Session of the 6th Chongqing Peoples Political Consultative Conference was opened on January 12.Consular officials of Hungary,the Philippines,Myanmar,Canada,Italy,Pakistan,the Republic of Korea,Cambodia,Thailand,Singapore,and Uruguay,were invited to sit in on

3、the Conference.Prior to the Conference,Li Jing,Executive Chairwoman of the presiding group of the Chongqing Municipal Committee of CPPCC,and Zhang Ling,Vice Chairwoman of the 5th Chongqing Municipal Committee of CPPCC,met with the consular officials in Chongqing and Chengdu.The 6th Chongqing Municip

4、al Peoples Congress was held on January 13.Consular officials from 17 countries including Hungary,the Philippines,Belarus,Japan,Myanmar,Singapore,France,Canada,Italy,Pakistan,the Netherlands,South Korea,Australia,Cambodia,the United Kingdom,Thailand,and Uruguay were invited to attend the opening cer

5、emony of the first session of the 6th Chongqing Peoples Congress and the first plenary meeting of the 各国驻渝蓉领事官员应邀列席旁听重庆“两会”。20 The World and Chongqing 匈牙利驻重庆总领事葛凯达:匈牙利与重庆有着高度匹配的发展方向,期待在多个领域开展新的合作很高兴能有这样一个机会来旁听重庆“两会”,让我了解重庆这五年收获的工作成绩和未来发展的方向,感受到重庆在绿色发展、科技创新方面的长足进步,以及对新兴行业浓厚的兴趣。匈牙利与重庆有着高度匹配的发展方向,比如都瞄准

6、了汽车、医疗、旅游行业等领域。未来我们可以朝着这些方向加深合作交流,让匈牙利各个领域的专家、企业代表都有机会来到重庆,和重庆的专家、企业、研究机构有更多交流,期待在多个领域开展新的合作。I am very glad to have such an opportunity to attend Chongqings Two Sessions.It allowed me to understand the achievements of Chongqing in the past five years and its future development.And I can see the sign

7、ificant progress in green development and scientific and technological innovation,as well as the keen interest of Chongqing in emerging industries.Hungary and Chongqing share highly compatible development goals.Both of our countries,for example,are targeting the fields of automobile,medical care,and

8、 tourism.In the future,we can deepen cooperation and exchanges in these sectors,so that Hungarian experts and business representatives from various fields will have the opportunity to come to Chongqing and have more communication with experts,companies,and research institutions in Chongqing.We look

9、forward to new cooperation in various fields.Gergely Kdr,Consul-General of Hungary in Chongqing:Highly Compatible Development Goals and Expectations for New Cooperation in More Fields17国驻渝蓉领事官员受邀列席市第六届人大一次会议开幕会及第一次全体会议。会前,市人大常委会副主任莫恭明会见了各国驻渝蓉领事官员,市人大常委会副秘书长李洪亮、市人大民宗侨外委副主任委员蹇泽西、市政府外办主任王雯参加会见活动。各国驻渝蓉领

10、事官员通过同声传译认真聆听了中共重庆市委书记袁家军同志讲话、五届市政协常委会工作报告及五届市政协提案工作情况报告、重庆市人民政府市长胡衡华作政府工作报告。会后接受媒体采访时,各国驻渝蓉领事官员纷纷为2022年重庆的发展与成就点赞,并表示将一如既往支持重庆发展,积极发挥桥梁纽带作用,进一步加强与重庆的交流互动,推动与重庆的务实合作迈向更高水平。conference.Before the meeting,Mo Gongming,Deputy Director-General of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Peoples Congress,me

11、t with the foreign consular officials in Chongqing and Chengdu.Li Hongliang,Deputy Secretary-General of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Peoples Congress,Jian Zexi,Deputy Director of the Office of Ethnic,Religious,and Overseas Chinese Affairs of the Standing Committee of the Chongqing Municip

12、al Peoples Congress,and Wang Wen,Director-General of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Municipal Government,attended the meeting.Foreign consular officials in Chongqing and Chengdu listened attentively to the speech of Comrade Yuan Jiajun,Secretary of the CPC Chongqing Municipal Committee,the work r

13、eport of the Standing Committee of the 5th CPPCC Chongqing Municipal Committee and the work report on the proposals of the 5th CPPCC Chongqing Municipal Committee through simultaneous interpretation,and Hu Henghua,Mayor of Chongqing Municipal Peoples Government,delivered the government work report.I

14、n interviews with the media after the conference,consular officials in Chongqing and Chengdu praised Chongqings development and achievements in 2022.They expressed their continuous support for Chongqings development and will continue to actively play the role of a bridge to further strengthen exchan

15、ges and interactions with Chongqing,and promote cooperation with Chongqing to a higher level.The World and Chongqing 21Politics&Economy/政经菲律宾驻重庆总领事玛友:欢迎更多合作伙伴,致力促进菲律宾和重庆之间实现更友好的交流合作首先,我要祝贺重庆人民和政府在过去的一年里取得了令人印象深刻的成就。我从报告中听出了一些合作机会,菲律宾和重庆完全可以共同合作,努力实现双赢,例如农业、基础设施建设、能源等,这些都是菲律宾机构优先考虑的领域。期待在新的一年里,重庆努力实现

16、愿景,我们也欢迎更多合作伙伴,来促进菲律宾和重庆之间实现更友好的交流和更健康的伙伴关系。First,Id like to extend my congratulation to the people and government of Chongqing for their impressive achievements in the past year.I learned from the report that there are many cooperation opportunities between our two sides.The Philippines and Chongqi

17、ng can work together to achieve win-win progress,in sectors such as agriculture,infrastructure construction,energy,etc.These are priority areas for Philippine agencies.We sincerely hope Chongqing will realize its vision in the new year,and we welcome more partners to promote friendlier exchanges and

18、 healthier partnerships between the Philippines and Chongqing.H.E.Camille P.Mayo,Consul-General of the Philippines in Chongqing:Welcoming More Partners and Committed to Better Exchanges and Cooperation白俄罗斯驻重庆总领事叶 德米特里:将进一步加强双方在经贸领域的交流合作我很荣幸能够在现场旁听政府工作报告,报告里提到了很多有意思、值得关注的内容,让我了解到重庆未来发展的计划,也发现了双方未来合作的

19、机会。2022年,双方人文交流丰富多彩,中白建交30周年图片展、重庆明斯克电视周在重庆举行,我们在电影制作、艺术交流、外语教学等方面的合作正稳步推进。相信在2023年,将会有更多的白俄罗斯代表团来到重庆,不仅人员之间的交流更紧密,双方在国际发展合作领域的交流也将进一步得到加强。It is my great honor to listen to Chongqing governments report on the site.The report mentioned many interesting and noteworthy points,which let me know the futu

20、re development plan of Chongqing and find the future cooperation opportunities between the two sides.In 2022,the two sides enjoyed colorful cultural and people-to-people exchanges.A photo exhibition celebrating the 30th anniversary of China-Belarus diplomatic relations and Chongqing-Minsk TV weekend

21、 were held in Chongqing.The two sides are making steady progress in cooperation of film production,art exchanges and foreign language teaching.I believe more Belarusian delegations will come to Chongqing in 2023,which will not only facilitate closer people-to-people exchanges,but also further streng

22、then bilateral exchanges in cooperation of international development.Dmitry Emelyanov,Consul General of Belarus in Chongqing:We will further enhance exchanges and cooperation in economic and trade fields with Chongqing.22 The World and Chongqing 日本驻重庆总领事高田真里:期待重庆能推动相关政策,加深与日本企业在制造业领域的合作听完了重庆市政府工作报告,

23、我感到在未来日本和重庆的合作充满可能性。报告中提到,要奋力抓好以制造业为重点的产业升级转型,我们期待重庆能推动相关政策,加深与日本企业在制造业领域的合作。同时,重庆正在全力推进国际消费中心城市的培育建设,促使消费活力不断提升。当前,我们也积极推动在日本食品、日本观光方面与重庆的合作,越来越多的重庆市民开始接受日本的饮食,今后我们也将朝这个方向继续努力。未来,我们还想邀请更多的重庆市民去感受日本,欢迎大家来日本。After listening to Chongqing governments report,I feel that the cooperation between Japan and

24、 Chongqing is full of possibilities in the future.The report mentions that efforts should be made to upgrade and transform industries with manufacturing as the focus.We expect Chongqing to promote relevant policies and deepen cooperation with Japanese companies in the manufacturing sector.At the sam

25、e time,Chongqing is making every effort to build itself an international consumption center city to increase its consumption vitality.At present,we are actively promoting the cooperation with Chongqing in Japanese food and Japanese tourism.More and more Chongqing citizens begin to accept Japanese fo

26、od.We will continue to make efforts in this direction in the future.In the future,we would like to invite more Chongqing citizens to travel to Japan.Welcome!Takada Mari,Consul General of Japan in Chongqing:We hope Chongqing will implement relevant policies to deepen cooperation with Japanese compani

27、es in the manufacturing sector.新加坡驻成都总领事陈子勤:重庆和包括新加坡在内的国际合作伙伴间有良好的合作潜力重庆非常重视科学与创新,这说明重庆和包括新加坡在内的国际合作伙伴间有良好的合作潜力。对于中新(重庆)互联互通项目,下一步新加坡方面将继续重视重庆在此方面的发展,期待新加坡与重庆之间不断加强交通、物流、科技和创新等领域的合作。我也关注到中国优化了疫情防控政策,期待重庆和新加坡之间加强交流访问,这将让双方更好地了解彼此的发展,探索更深层次的合作途径。Chongqing attaches great importance to science and innov

28、ation,which shows there is a good potential in cooperation between Chongqing and international partners,including Singapore.As for the China-Singapore(Chongqing)connectivity initiatives,Singapore will continue to attach importance to the development of Chongqing in this regard in the next step,and l

29、ook forward to strengthening cooperation between Singapore and Chongqing in the fields of transportation,logistics,technology and innovation.I have also noted that China has improved its epidemic prevention and control policies.I look forward to more exchanges and visits between Chongqing and Singap

30、ore,which will enable the two sides to better understand each others development and explore deeper avenues of cooperation.Steven Pang,Consul General of Singapore in Chengdu:Chongqing has a good potential in cooperation with international partners including Singapore.Source/Chongqing Foreign Affairs Official WeChat Account来源/重庆外事微信公众号The World and Chongqing 23

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