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1、摘要:波形钢腹板组合小箱梁桥是一种新型钢混凝土组合结构,采用波形钢板代替混凝土腹板或加劲平钢板。针对高架桥梁,提出了预制装配式波形钢腹板组合小箱梁设计方案,针对其进行经济技术分析,并结合上海市沿江通道西延伸(富长路 江杨北路)改建工程项目,进行了实际应用。通过研究及应用,表明该类型结构具有预应力效率高、结构各部分受力明确、施工速度快、综合造价低及造型美观等优点,值得进一步在高架桥梁中推广和应用。关键词:波形钢腹板;小箱梁;预制装配式;高架桥梁中图分类号:U443.32文献标志码:B文章编号:1009-7716(2023)01-0064-03预制装配式波形钢腹板组合小箱梁的研究及应用收稿日期:2

2、022-08-09作者简介:马骉(1961),男,本科,教授级高级工程师,全国工程勘察设计大师,从事桥梁工程设计研究工作。马 骉,徐 航,苏 俭,黄 虹上海市政工程设计研究总院(集团)有限公司,上海市 200092DOI:10.16799/ki.csdqyfh.2023.01.0170引言目前高架桥梁中的预制拼装上部结构通常采用预制空心板梁、预制小箱梁、预制 T 梁、叠合梁、钢梁等。预制空心板梁整体性及耐久性能稍差,且适用跨径小,一般不大于 25 m。预制小箱梁适用中小跨径,一般用于 2535 m,其经济跨径一般为 30 m。预制 T 梁适用中等跨径,其跨越能力相对小箱梁大,一般为 3045


4、江杨北路)改建工程。研究成果可为后续预制装配式波形钢腹板组合梁的设计提供参考。1技术经济综合分析本节以桥宽 B=32 m、跨径 L=45 m 为例,针对叠合梁、T 梁、波形钢腹板组合小箱梁三种结构(见图1图 3)进行技术经济分析。叠合梁、T 梁、波形钢腹板组合小箱梁三种结构进行经济分析见表 1。由表 1 可见,相比常规组合梁,波形钢腹板组合小箱梁具有显著的经济性优势,其造价与 T 梁相当。URBAN ROADS BRIDGES&FLOOD CONTROL第 1 期(总第 285 期)2023 年 1 月图 3波形钢腹板梁断面布置(单位:mm)图 2T 梁断面布置(单位:mm)图 1叠合梁断面布

5、置(单位:mm)表 1经济性比较分析项目叠合梁T 梁波形钢腹板梁建安费/万元1 3771 0411 034每平米建安费/(元m-2)9 5637 2317 179造价比1.331.011.00桥梁结构64常规组合梁、T 梁、波形钢腹板组合小箱梁三种结构施工、景观、维养等分析见表 2。由表 2 可见,相比常规组合梁,波形钢腹板组合小箱梁的吊重较大,对运输、吊装设备要求较高,但其景观效果好,后期养护工作量小。相比 T 梁,施工安装方便,不存在单片 T 梁的倾覆问题;且横隔梁少,现浇工作量少,施工速度快,景观效果好。2波形钢腹板小箱梁设计结合上海市沿江通道西延伸(富长路 江杨北路)改建工程,针对预制

6、装配式波形钢腹板组合小箱梁进行设计,如下文所示1。2.1 总体设计预制装配式城市高架建设需要特别注意预制构件的尺寸大小,截面过大的构件会导致运输、吊装困难。因此控制预制的单片波形钢腹板小箱梁截面尺寸宽度不大于 4.5 m,高度不大于 3.0 m。通过工厂整体预制单片波形钢腹板组合小箱梁,运输至现场吊装,最后通过桥面板纵向接缝、横隔板连接成整体。本项目标准桥宽 B=32 m,共设置 7 片梁,见图 4。2.2波形钢腹板波形钢腹板采用常用的 1600 型波形钢腹板,波长 L=1.6 m,波高 H=0.22 m,水平面板宽 B=0.43 m,水平折叠角度 30.7,弯折半径 R=15 t(t 为波形

7、钢腹板厚度),见图 5。波形钢腹板与混凝土顶板的连接采用焊接钢板+焊钉的连接方式,见图 6。波形钢腹板与混凝土底板的连接采取钢底板外包的形式,将混凝土底板浇筑在钢底板之上,浇筑时既可利用钢底板作为模板支撑,也能确保连接节点位置的浇筑质量。2.2混凝土结构设计波形钢腹板箱梁顶底板采用混凝土,顶、底板厚度 0.2 m,波形钢腹板位置加厚至 0.25 m。跨中及 4 分点位置设置混凝土横隔板,其中 4 分点横隔板兼做体外束的专向块;跨中横隔板厚 30 cm,转向横隔板厚 50 cm。端横梁加厚至 1.25 m,以满足体外束的锚固受力需求。端横梁附近 0.5 m 范围的波形钢腹板内侧设置内衬混凝土,改

8、善端部波形钢腹板的抗剪稳定性。波形钢腹板箱梁及相邻梁的顶板均纵向外挑0.4 m,在盖梁上形成一个宽 0.8 m 的空间,用于后期体外束的养护更换,见图 7。2.4预应力体系预应力采用体内体外混合配束,在底板内设置体内束,箱室内设置体外束,体外束在端部横梁锚固,跨中横隔板兼做体外束的专向块,见图 8。体外预应力体系是以“易安装、可检查、可维修、可更换”为出马骉,等:预制装配式波形钢腹板组合小箱梁的研究及应用表 2施工、景观、维养比较分析图 4波形钢腹板组合小箱梁断面布置序号 结构型式组合梁T 梁波形钢腹板梁1施工难易程度较容易,可分段输运 吊 装,现 场 焊 接 拼装,对运输、吊装要求低工 厂

9、整 体 预制,现场安装,安装过程需注意单片梁的倾覆。此外,横隔梁多,现浇工作 量 较 大,施工繁琐工 厂 整 体 预制,现场安装,施 工 较 方 便,对运输、吊装设备要求较高2单片梁吊重可分段,吊重小于 100 t约 150 t约 215 t3景观效果较好横 隔 板 密 布,景观效果差较差规律性波折腹板,通过涂装、灯光,景观效果好4后期养护工作量钢结构养护工作量较大小较小。钢材用量少,且波形腹 板 无 加 劲,养 护 方 便,工作量较小图 5波形钢腹板大样图图 6波形钢腹板与顶底板连接方式示意图2023 年第 1 期65(下转第 72 页)发点进行设计,采用的体外预应力体系具备有效的防腐措施,

10、能够方便进行单根换束,能够对钢束进行多次张拉、补张拉等操作。2.5波形钢腹板组合小箱梁连接波形钢腹板组合小箱梁在预制厂分片进行预制,再运输至现场进行拼装。各箱梁之间桥面板采用 形筋交错搭接的现浇湿接缝形式进行连接(见图 9),现场无焊接工作量,施工简便快速。3波形钢腹板小箱梁施工预制装配式波形钢腹板组合小箱梁施工工序为:波形钢腹板制作波形钢腹板底模铺设波形钢腹板定位及焊接底板、端横梁及中隔板制作顶板制作构件养护预应力张拉构件运输现场架设现场连接二期铺装,见图 10图 14。4结论预制装配式波形钢腹板组合小箱梁兼有混凝土梁经济性好、易于施工和钢结构重量轻、跨径大的优点:(1)在 4045 m 跨

11、径范围,波形钢腹板组合小箱梁相比叠合梁具有显著的经济性优势,其造价与 T梁相当。(2)波形钢腹板组合小箱梁的吊重相对较大,对运输、吊装设备要求较高,因此,受限于其运输、吊装,整体预制拼装时跨径不宜大于 45 m。马骉,等:预制装配式波形钢腹板组合小箱梁的研究及应用图 7体外束的养护更换空间布置图(单位:mm)图 9桥面板接缝示意图图 8体外束布置示意图图 11波形钢腹板成品图 10波形钢腹板压制图 13波形钢腹板组合小箱梁现场吊装图 12波形钢腹板组合小箱梁预制施工图 14波形钢腹板组合小箱梁安装就位2023 年第 1 期66(上接第 66 页)(3)相比 T 梁,波形钢腹板组合小箱梁施工安装

12、方便,不存在单片 T 梁的倾覆问题;且横隔梁少,现浇工作量少,施工速度快,景观效果好。通过研究及应用,表明该类型结构具有预应力效率高、结构各部分受力明确、施工速度快、综合造价低及造型美观等优点,值得进一步在高架桥梁中推广和应用。参考文献:1 上海市政工程设计研究总院(集团)有限公司.上海市沿江通道西延伸(富长路 江杨北路)改建工程施工图设计Z.上海:上海市政工程设计研究总院(集团)有限公司,2021.图 18MHH bridge 拱轴线及受力示意图影响桥面布置等问题,而致使其应用存在一定的限制,需要采取一定的措施改进;通过对比分析各种拱轴线发现,实际应用较多的椭圆形拱轴线是一种比较理想的拱轴线

13、形。(3)曲线+内倾直线段的轴线形式在受力方面存在不尽合理之处,需要采取措施解决受力不平衡的问题;曲线+外倾直线段的拱轴线形式也不失为一种可推荐的拱塔轴线形式。拱塔斜拉以其优美的造型、千变的拱塔形式,在满足城市交通需求同时成为城市的地标建筑。随着对该类桥梁研究工作的深入和建设经验的积累,拱塔斜拉桥将不仅仅适用于城市的中、小跨桥梁,也必将公路、铁路等大跨度桥梁中得以应用。参考文献:1 MASAKI SHIOMI,YOSHIO NAKAMURA.Aesthetic Design ofHaneda Sky ArchJ.Transportation Research Record:Journal of

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16、tionofaNewTypeofCable-StayedBeam-Arch Combination Bridge based on Field TestsJ.2012,28(1):64-729 马文刚.拱塔斜拉桥力学特性及若干问题研究D.东南大学,2014.10 杨善红,徐宏光,梅应华,等.马鞍山长江大桥右汊主桥拱形塔斜拉桥设计创意J.公路交通科技,2009,53(5):191-19311 张乃乐,李海泉.常益长铁路沅江特大桥(32+90+90+32)m 拱塔斜拉桥总体设计J.铁道标准设计,2021,65(12):69-73.12 刘厚军,郑国富,陆勤丰.南京花山大桥主桥设计J.桥梁建设,20

17、20,50(S2):82-87.13 施洲,胡豪,蒲黔辉,等.高速铁路拱塔斜拉桥拱塔轴线优化求解J.西南交通大学学报,2021,56(3):469-476.马文刚,等:拱塔斜拉桥不同拱轴线形的力学特点分析2023 年第 1 期72Abstract:The main causes of parking problem in urban new area are specially analyzed.Aiming at itselfcharacteristics of new town and the different land use classes,the refined predictio

18、n method is proposedto calculate the parking insufficiency.The specific principles and optimization ideas for the locationselection and scale calculation of public parking lots are further put forward under the premise of serviceobject and on the purpose of promoting implementation.Finally,taking Sh

19、anghai Nanhui New Town asan example,the optimized improvement suggestions for the public parking planning of the new town areput forward.Keywords:public parking;urban new area;scale predictionResearch on New Detection Method of Road Flatness Based on On-board Laser-point CloudHUANG Qingcai(57)Abstra

20、ct:Pavement flatness is one of the main technical indexes for evaluating the pavement quality ofroad.The traditional detection method of flatness has the low detection efficiency and high labor intensity,which is difficult to meet the needs of quick routing inspection and highway maintenance.The mob

21、ilemeasurement system can quickly and dynamically obtain the high-precision road point cloud data andreproduce the detailed features of road in detail.Therefore,by analyzing the accuracy characteristics ofthe on-board point cloud and the calculation method of international flatness IRI,a method of a

22、pplyingthe on-board laser-point cloud to detect the pavement flatness is put forward.Firstly,the on-board pointcloud data is preprocessed and the pavement points are extracted along the direction of the wheel trackbelt.Then,the pavement elevation value is obtained by using the method of equal spacin

23、g neighborhoodmean sampling points.Finally,IRI is calculated by using the pavement elevation value and compared withthe calibration results calculated by high-precision leveling data.The experimental results show that theon-board mobile measurement system can be used for the rapid detection of pavem

24、ent flatness,whichprovides the technical support for 3D quick routing inspection and highway maintenance.Keywords:on-board mobile measurement system;pavement flatness;laser-point cloud dataDiscussion on Parameter Selection in Rock Slope CalculationRUAN Tiefeng(61)Abstract:Slope design is inevitable

25、in the process of road design,in which the excavation slope is keyand difficult points in the slope design.The designers often directly adopt the parameters from the geologicalsurvey without analysis.In fact,the rock stratum is not homogeneous but continuously changing from top tobottom.It is obviou

26、sly not precise to directly use the parameters from the geological survey in the design,which will certainly lead to the deviations between the calculation result and the physical truth.Takinga general natural mountain as a study object,from the analysis on the rock stratum property,the calculationa

27、nd analysis are carried out through the refining hierarchy and the practical engineering cases,and therelevant calculation suggestions are put forward.Keywords:excavation slope;rock stratum;geological parametersBRIDGES&STRUCTURESStudy and Application of Prefabricated Assembled Corrugated Steel Web C

28、omposite Small-box BeamMA Biao,XU Hang,SU Jian,HUANG Hong(64)Abstract:The corrugated steel web composite small-box beam bridge is a new steel-concrete compositestructure by using the corrugated steel plate to replace the concrete web or stiffened plain plate.For theelevated bridges,the design scheme

29、 of prefabricated assembled corrugated steel web composite small-boxbeam is put forward,and its economy and technology are analyzed.Combined with Shanghai RiversideChannel West Extension(Fuchang Road-North Jiangyang Road)Reconstruction Project,the practicalapplication is carried out.The study and ap

30、plication show that this kind of structure has the advantages ofhigh prestressing efficiency,definite structural stress,fast construction speed,low comprehensive cost andattractive appearance,which is worthy of further promotion and application in the elevated bridges.Keywords:corrugated steel web;s

31、mall-box beam;prefabricated assembled;elevated bridgeAnalysis on Mechanical Characteristics of Arch-pylon Cable-stayed Bridge with Different Arch Axis ShapesMA Wengang,CHEN Li,ZHU Yuqin,HU Shixiang(67)Abstract:The arch-pylon cable-stayed bridge combines the features of both arch bridge andcable-stay

32、ed bridge.The beautiful shape splendidly meets the aesthetic requirement of bridge design,which often makes it become the landmark building of a city.Taking the development process ofarch-pylon cable-stayed bridge as the basis,the design and construction of this kind of bridge at homeand abroad are

33、summarized.On this basis,the influences of the different arch axis shapes on the decklayout and the arch-pylon force of arch-pylon cable-stayed bridge are analyzed so as to obtain theadvantages,disadvantages and mechanical characteristics of various arch axis shapes.This conclusion canprovide some r

34、eference for the design and late maintenance of the arch-pylon cable-stayed bridges.Keywords:arch-pylon cable-stayed bridge;arch axis shape;mechanical characteristics;landscape effectAnti-seismic Design of Bridge in Ultra-high Intensity Zone of Kangding Transit Section in Yaye ExpresswayZHAO Zhi,WEN

35、 Lina(73)Abstract:In order to study the seismic design characteristics of small and medium-sized bridges in theultra-high intensity zone and taking the design of the bridges in the interconnected and the main lines ofKangding Transit Section in Kangxin Expressway as the engineering background,the mu

36、ltiple seismicdesign schemes are put forward for the irregular bridges.The nonlinear time history analysis method is usedto compare the conventional concrete structure with the steel structure,and the lower cylinder pier with thehollow pier,and the influencing effect of seismic isolation design with

37、 ductility design on the seismicresistance.The results show that the steel structural bridge to be used can effectively reduce the seismiceffect.More excellent seismic performance can be obtained by optimizing the dead loads of sub-piercolumn,tie beam,bent cap and other details.When the pier height

38、is high,the seismic isolation designschemes may not be the most reasonable,so it is necessary to compare the seismic isolation design with theductility design during design.Keywords:ultra-high intensity zone;irregular;steel-concrete composite structure;detailed structure;seismic isolation and ductil

39、ity designAnalysis on Influence of Viscous Damper Parameter on Seismic Response of Continuous Beam BridgeLIU Chaofu,LIU Weijuan,ZHOU Huihui(79)Abstract:To improve the reliability and safety of the continuous beam bridge under the earthquake action,it is to give full play to the seismic isolation tec

40、hnology in seismic application of bridge.Taking a continuousbeam bridge of an expressway in Yunnan as the background,the finite element model of the bridge with theviscous dampers or without viscous dampers is established by the finite element software Midas Civil.Thenonlinear dynamic time history a

41、nalysis method is used to calculate and analyze the beam enddisplacement,the shear at pier bottom and the bending moment at pier bottom.The influence of viscousdamper parameters on the continuous beam bridge under the seismic response is studied.At the same time,the damping coefficients are optimize

42、d to achieve the best damping coefficient of viscous damper.Thecalculation results show that the bending moment and shear at the pier bottom show the change of regularitywhen the damping coefficient is constant.The best damping coefficient C=4 000 and the damping index=0.4 viscous damper are selected.Keywords:seismic response;viscous damper;continuous beam bridge;nonlinear dynamic time historyanalysis.

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