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1、 分类编号:单位代码:100068 密 级:公开 学 号:y200068 天津外国语大学 研究生学位论文 A Narrative Stylistic Perspective to the Thematic Construction in Slaughterhouse-Five 叙述叙述文体学视角下五号屠场文体学视角下五号屠场 的主题建构的主题建构 学生姓名:陈卓 申请学位级别:硕士 申请专业名称:英语语言文学 研究方向:英语语言学 指导教师姓名:刘宏伟 专业技术职称:教授 提交论文日期:2023 年 1 月 A Narrative Stylistic Perspective to the Th

2、ematic Construction in Slaughterhouse-Five By Chen Zhuo A THESIS SUBMITTED TO GRADUATE SCHOOL AND SCHOOL OF ENGLISH STUDIES IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS Under the Supervision of Professor Liu Hongwei Tianjin Foreign Studies University January 2023 !#$%&()*本

3、人声明所呈交的学位论文是本人在导师的指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。据我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果,也不包含为获得天津外国语大学或其他教育机构的学位或证书而使用过的材料。学位论文作者签名:签字日期:2022 年 12 月 11 日 !#$+,-.()*本人同意在校攻读学位期间论文工作的知识产权单位属于天津外国语大学。本人保证毕业离校后,发表本论文或使用本论文成果时署名单位仍为天津外国语大学。学校有权保留学位论文并向国家主管部门或其他制定机构交送论文的电子版和纸质版,允许论文被查阅和借阅,有权将学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据

4、库进行检索,可以采用影印、缩影或其他复制手段保存学位论文,可以公开学位论文的全部或部分内容。本学位论文属于(请在以上相应方框内打“”)保密,在 年解密后试用本授权书 不保密 学位论文作者签名:导师签名:日期:2022 年 12 月 11 日 日期:2022 年 12 月 11 日I /0/0!一转眼研究生期间的学习即将步入尾声,两年半的学习紧张而充实。在论文写作的过程中,我得到了很多人的支持和帮助,才能最终克服困难,为自己研究生学习生涯交上最后一份答卷。首先,我想衷心感谢我的导师刘宏伟教授,她是我在学习中、工作中和生活上的榜样,刘教授在我的论文写作的各个阶段都给予了耐心的指导,她严谨的学术精神

5、一直影响着、指引着我不断前进。此外,我还要感谢在研究生期间为我们授业解惑的教授们,是他们带领我进入语言学这一深奥且有趣的领域,感谢项成东教授、田海龙教授、王晓军教授、张蕾教授、晏尚元副教授、李昊平老师和其他任课老师。感谢我的朋友和同学在学业上和生活上的支持,和他们相处的期间,我感受到了他们的关心、关爱和帮助。最后感谢我的家人在我求学期间给予我无条件的支持和鼓励。II Acknowledgements In a blink of an eye,my postgraduate study is coming to an end,and the two and a half years of stu

6、dy are intense and fulfilling.In the process of writing the thesis,I received support and help from many people,which helped me finally overcome the difficulties and submit the last answer sheet for my postgraduate study.First,I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to my dear supervisor,Profess

7、or Liu Hongwei.She is my role model in my study,work,and life.Professor Liu has given me patient guidance at all stages of my dissertation writing,and her rigorous academic spirit has guided me all the time and helped me move forward.In addition,I would also like to thank the professors who taught u

8、s during the postgraduate period.They brought me into the profound and exciting field of linguistics.I would like to thank Professor Xiang Chengdong,Professor Tian Hailong,Professor Wang Xiaojun,Professor Zhang Lei,Associate Professor Yan Shangyuan,Teacher Li Haoping,and other teachers.I would like

9、to thank my friends and classmates for their support in my studies and life.During the time I spent with them,I received their care,help,and love.Finally,I would like to thank my family for their unconditional support and encouragement during my studies.III#!库尔特冯内古特(1922-2007)创作的长篇小说五号屠场是他众多小说中最著名的一


11、理顺序的语言表征等语言特征,通过感知视角带领读者亲眼见证战争的残酷,通过概念视角表达反战思想,深化反战主题,激发读者的反战情绪。本文验证了在结构形式层面上叙述学和文体学结合的可行性,以叙事技巧作为宏观框架和出发点,从微观上探寻语言特征,从而更深入、全面地阐释小说的主题意义和美学效果。!#$叙述文体;时间技巧;人物刻画;叙事视角 IV Abstract Slaughterhouse-Five,one of Kurt Vonneguts(1922-2007)most famous novels,portrays the Dresden bombing in World War II with hi

12、s own war experience as background.After its publication,the novel reached the top of the New York Times bestseller list and received an enthusiastic response from all walks of life.Narrative stylistics is an interdisciplinary study combing narratology and stylistics,providing novel perspectives for

13、 literary analysis.This thesis adopts a narrative stylistic framework to analyze the narrative techniques and stylistic features of Slaughterhouse-Five from three perspectives:time,character,and point of view,and to disclose the novels themes and the authors intentions in a comprehensive manner.The

14、novel breaks the traditional narrative time and adopts distorted temporal order and repetitive narrative,combining various linguistic features in different registers to present a chaotic story world.In terms of characterization,the novel adopts indirect presentation to build the characters images th

15、rough the changes in their actions,appearances,and addressing terms at different periods,reflecting the physical and mental damages of human beings caused by war and constructing the anti-hero theme.The author combines points of view with linguistic indicators,deixis,schema-oriented language,and lin

16、guistic representation of psychological sequences.He leads readers to witness the brutality of war through the perceptual points of view and expresses anti-war ideologies through conceptual points of view in order to deepen the anti-war theme and stimulate readers!anti-war sentiment.This thesis veri

17、fies the feasibility of combining narratology and stylistics at the level of forms,taking the narrative techniques as the macro-framework as well as the starting point.Meanwhile,it explores the linguistic features at the micro level so as to explain the thematic meanings and aesthetic effects more p

18、rofoundly and comprehensively.Key words:narrative stylistics;narrative time;characterization;point of view Contents Acknowledgements(in Chinese).I Acknowledgements(in English).II Abstract(in Chinese).III Abstract(in English).IV Chapter One Introduction.1 1.1 Research background.1 1.2 Purpose and sig

19、nificance of the study.2 1.3 Layout of the thesis.3 Chapter Two Literature Review.4 2.1 Previous studies on narrative stylistics.4 2.1.1 Narratologists drawing on language.4 2.1.2 Stylists drawing on narratology.5 2.2 Previous studies of Slaughterhouse-Five.7 2.2.1 Previous studies on the narrative

20、techniques of Slaughterhouse-Five.7 2.2.2 Previous studies on the style of Slaughterhouse-Five.9 2.3 Comments on previous studies.9 Chapter Three Theoretical Framework.11 3.1 General introduction to narrative stylistics.11 3.2 Narrative Time.13 3.3 Characterization.14 3.4 Point of View.15 3.5 Summar

21、y.18 Chapter Four Narrative Stylistic Analysis of Slaughterhouse-Five.20 4.1 Narrative time in Slaughterhouse-Five.20 4.1.1 Temporal order.20 4.1.2 Frequency.26 4.1.3 Thematic construction of chaos .28 4.2 Characterization in Slaughterhouse-Five.29 4.2.1 Action.29 4.2.2 Appearance.31 4.2.3 Addressin

22、g terms.33 4.2.4 Thematic construction of anti-hero.35 4.3 Point of view in Slaughterhouse-Five.35 4.3.1 Perceptual point of view.35 4.3.2 Conceptual point of view.40 4.3.3 Thematic construction of anti-war.46 4.4 Summary.47 Chapter Five Conclusion.48 5.1 Major findings of the study.48 5.2 Limitatio

23、ns and suggestions for future research.49 References.51 A NARRATIVE STYLISTIC PERSPECTIVE TO THE THEMATIC CONSTRUCTION IN SLAUGHTERHOUSE-FIVE -1-Chapter One Introduction?This introductory chapter contains three parts:the introduction of the research background,focusing on the author Kurt Vonnegut an

24、d his best-known fiction Slaughterhouse-Five;the purpose and significance of the study;and the layout design of the thesis.1.1 Research background Kurt Vonnegut(1922-2007),was an American pacifist writer,and one of the representatives of American black humor literature.He was praised by Graham Green

25、e,an English famous writer,and journalist as“the most talented writer in America today”.Published in 1969,Slaughterhouse-Five was one of Vonneguts best-known novels with multiple viewpoints,profound themes,and postmodern techniques.Slaughterhouse-Five was so highly valued by writers and critics in o

26、ur country and in other countries since its publication that it was nominated the Hugo Award.It tells the story of Billy Pilgrim,a former American soldier in the Second World War who was a prisoner of war(POW)in Dresden,Germany.What he suffered was the inhumane treatment by the German soldiers and t

27、he horrifying bombing scene in Dresden.As an anti-war activist,Vonnegut aims to save humankind and arouse peoples anti-war sentiment by writing fictions.It can be found that his writing purpose has been realized in Slaughterhouse-Five,which reflects his own war experience and anti-war appeal through

28、 deconstruction and reconstruction with its successful narrative skills.There are plenty of analyses of the novel from the perspective of narrative skills and themes;however,there are relatively few interpretations of the themes combining both narrative techniques and linguistic features.These techn

29、iques consciously reveal the detestation of war and the desperation for survival,reinforcing the representation of the loss of humanity,the hatred of war,and the eagerness to escape from the indifferent society.A NARRATIVE STYLISTIC PERSPECTIVE TO THE THEMATIC CONSTRUCTION IN SLAUGHTERHOUSE-FIVE -2-

30、1.2 Purpose and significance of the study Vonnegut,who is regarded as a writer of science fiction,has a great influence on the writing of later generations.His writing style can be seen through the themes of his works,including abhorrence of war,despair of reality,and satire of the current governmen

31、t and politics.His superb writing level is demonstrated by his writing skills,such as the fragmentation of narrative time and space,well-arranged plots and characters,and wisely-chosen discourses.Therefore,it is worth studying Vonneguts novels.It is worth noting that Slaughterhouse-Five is a masterp

32、iece that the author spent twenty-three years recollecting his experience in World War II.Analyzing the techniques is a better approach to comprehending the authors ideology behind the texts.There is a fact that most researchers are interested in the story instead of viewing the novel comprehensivel

33、y in narratology and style,which shows a research gap.As such,the non-linear narrative and drastic change of the narrative order portrayed a veteran with mental disorders caused by the war.It also contains changes of perspective because the events are portrayed through the authors omniscient narrato

34、r,who tells Billys story and Billys account of his story in Dresden.All in all,the well-designed,conscious representation of reality can be ascribed to delicate storytelling and word choice.Therefore,it is important to study literary text under narrative stylistics.Narrative stylistics was born in t

35、he 20th century.It is an inter-discipline of“style”of stylistics,and the“discourse”of narratology,uniting the study of the narrative techniques and language features in narration.Narrative stylistics aims at analyzing fiction comprehensively for the study of literature.Narrative time,point of view a

36、nd narrative space are the most important intersections of narratology and stylistics.Therefore,there are three questions as follows:1.How is the study of narrative stylistics applied to Slaughterhouse-Five?2.What are the narrative techniques and linguistic features adopted to depict the narrative t

37、ime,character,and point of view in Slaughterhouse-Five?A NARRATIVE STYLISTIC PERSPECTIVE TO THE THEMATIC CONSTRUCTION IN SLAUGHTERHOUSE-FIVE -3-3.What are the themes conveyed by the author;how did he convey his ideology through narration and linguistic effects?The study helps readers better understa

38、nd Vonneguts masterpiece,and appreciate the thematic and aesthetic effects created by linguistic features and narrative techniques.1.3 Layout of the thesis This thesis is divided into five chapters.Chapter one serves as an overall view of the study,containing the research background,purpose and sign

39、ificance of the study,and layout of the thesis.Chapter two reviews the previous studies of Slaughterhouse-Five in terms of theme,narratological techniques,and linguistic features,which explores the existing research gaps.Chapter three introduces the origins and development of narrative stylistics,ta

40、king narrative techniques as a framework and stylistic features as a detailed analysis,and systematically sorting out the combined aspects of narrative time,characters,and point of view.Chapter four analyzes the narrative techniques and stylistic features of Slaughterhouse-Five in terms of narrative

41、 time,characters,and narrative perspectives using exemplary analysis to reveal the thematic construction of temporal confusion,anti-hero,and anti-war.Chapter five summarizes the main findings of the thesis and future research directions.A NARRATIVE STYLISTIC PERSPECTIVE TO THE THEMATIC CONSTRUCTION

42、IN SLAUGHTERHOUSE-FIVE -4-Chapter Two Literature Review This chapter starts with a literature review of the previous studies in narrative stylistics,including the narratologists efforts of drawing on languages,and statisticians efforts in combining narratology and stylistics.Then it proceeds to pres

43、ent the previous studies of Slaughterhouse-Five from the perspective of narrative techniques and style.2.1 Previous studies on narrative stylistics Numerous scholars currently combine narratology and stylistics to produce a new literary interpretation.Building on Chatmans work,we could say that wher

44、eas style deals with the form of narratives(verbal nuances,for example),narrative form refers to the broader and more abstract devices that not only organize the fictional text but are also more explicitly tied to its thematics(Lothe,1989,p.9).Lothes distinction between stylistics and narratology is

45、 critical to the point.Narratology and stylistics both investigate the level of forms,although they have different emphases.The narratologist is concerned with the relationship between events on the tale level and their reordering on the discourse level.The stylistics,on the other hand,focuses on sp

46、ecific linguistic features that are foregrounded to increase the thematic and aesthetic effects.Many scholars have recognized the need to bring them together.Following that,we will look at their multidisciplinary research from two perspectives.2.1.1 Narratologists drawing on language Rimmon-Kenan(20

47、02)notes in the study that the core problem of narratology is“the exclusion of language”.However,due to her perspective on language,her work fails to promote the merging of two fields.She stresses the contrasts between mediums and the qualities of language as a medium and language as an act,which ar

48、e not in the domain of stylistics.As a result,while Rimmon-Kenans(2002)study addressed the A NARRATIVE STYLISTIC PERSPECTIVE TO THE THEMATIC CONSTRUCTION IN SLAUGHTERHOUSE-FIVE -5-issue of narratologys exclusion of language,it ds notoe draw narratologists attention to the stylistic level,hampering t

49、he integration of the two disciplines.Besides,there are two additional researchers,Fludernik(1996)and Herman(2004)conduct studies on both narratology and stylistics at the beginning of their careers,and their works demonstrate their stylistic concern,but they slowly switched to the subject of narrat

50、ology.In general,there are few interdisciplinary studies from narratologists,while some works are solely from literary linguistics.Shen(2018)notes two major reasons why narratologists didnt bring these two subjects together:first,most narratologists reject the language,viewing it as the material man

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