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1、未来社 HOUSEPATCH_IN HOUSE设计:WutopiaLab地点:广东省广州市Design:Wutopia Lab Location:Guangzhou,Guangdong Province特辑:工业遗存,价值重塑Feature:ReshapingtheValueofIndustrialHeritage148项目鸟瞰 Aerial view of the project1492022.9 建筑实践ArchitecturalPracticeWutopiaLab 在 广 州 TIT 创 意 园 中 创 作 的 未来社 HOUSE 项目于 2022 年 9 月落成开放。这个以“光塔”为枢

2、纽,以“糖”为隐喻的垂直微型社交综合体设计是一次名为“KeepPatching”的城市社区和生活方式更新活动,一座集咖啡厅、酒吧、展览、剧场等灵活场景于一体的社区试验场。项目基地一边是在广州纺织机械厂原址上改造而成的 TIT 创意园,另一边则是将要建成的大型城市公共建筑。未来社 HOUSE 可以被看成是城市更新迭代中的一个橙色补丁:连接过往与未来,跨越线上与线下。WutopiaLab 决定在丰富多样生长的 TIT 园区里创造一个抽象、纯粹的椭圆形岛白花园,将原来微坡且杂乱的场地变得纯粹而干净。设计师还用钢、阳光板和白色创作了作为楼梯的光塔。半透明的光塔既作为垂直交通联系了 3 层空间,同时也是

3、一座户外立体公园或户外展廊。未来社 HOUSE 首层内部的中岛环形吧台是整个空间强化社交氛围的主角。座位环绕吧台自由布局,内部空间可容纳 60 人。当折叠门开启,咖啡空间与白花园合为一体,底层就变成了可容纳 180 人的派对场地。首层的日常功能是咖啡厅和酒吧,而特别功能可以通过与不同品牌的合作、快闪,实验多元化运营。漂浮于白花园之上的橙色立方体是建筑的主要实体。二层内部空间灵活多变,不设置固定隔断。3m高度以下为白色展墙,3m 高度以上保留原混凝土结构,内部利用活动阳光板隔墙围合活动空间。透过长形条窗、方形天窗、玻璃门,将自然光引入到了空间渲染之中。二层的日常功能是作为展览空间的 AirSho

4、w 天台美术馆,特别功能可以变身 livehouse、分享空间和表演空间。屋 顶 花 园 可 以 让 游 人 享 受 无 遮 挡 的 天 空。WutopiaLab 设计了 2 条到达屋顶的路径,可以根据运营需求,调整屋顶活动的入口和出口。置身屋顶花园,西侧可以看到 TIT 创意园中的砖墙老厂房,东侧可以看到建设中的广州科技馆和已建成的广州美术馆。屋顶的日常功能是月光营地,而特别功能是光塔,是有趣、有仪式感的场所,也可以是派对舞池和露台营地。未来社 HOUSE 作为令人向往的社区,可以让志趣相投的灵魂相识相知,源源不断迸发出新鲜的创意和灵感。未来,建筑设计并不拘泥于所谓的物理空间场所,而能够以更

5、细微的触角进入我们的生活从而影响我们。业主爱范儿主持建筑师俞挺项目建筑师李灏设计团队王志铮、蒋心平(实习)照明顾问张宸露、尉诗羽、杜雨轩合作设计上海三益建筑设计有限公司施工单位河源市御宸居装饰有限公司景观施工单位珠海御园景观工程有限公司建筑面积178m2设计周期2021.122022.1建造周期2022.22022.7摄影吴嗣铭1 从屋顶花园看向光塔和广州塔 View from roof garden towards the Light Tower and Canton Tower 2 从白花园看向建筑 Exterior view from the White Garden3 底层 Talll

6、k 咖啡和彩虹卡座 Talllk Cafe and rainbow deck on the first floor312150特辑:工业遗存,价值重塑Feature:ReshapingtheValueofIndustrialHeritage一层平面图 First floor planN1 Talllk 咖啡2 彩虹卡座3 日落空间4 酒柜5 户外散座6 厨房7 储藏室8 座位区9 洗手间1 Talllk cafe2 Rainbow deck3 Sunset space4 Whisky cooler5 Outdoor seating6 Kitchen7 Storage room8 Seating

7、 area9 Toilet57641145228339二层平面图 Second floor plan二层“街头拓印”布展平面图 Second floor plan of Shot On iPhone exhibition1 天台美术馆2 展台3 光塔平台4 户外长凳5 外挂楼梯1 Air Show gallery2 Show stage3 Tower of Light platform4 Outdoor bench5 External stairs0125m1512022.9 建筑实践ArchitecturalPracticeCLIENTifanrCHIEF ARCHITECTYU TingP

8、ROJECT ARCHITECTLI HaoDESIGN TEAMWANG Zhizheng,JIANG Xinping(intern)LIGHTING CONSULTANTChloe Zhang,YU Shiyu,DU YuxuanCOOPERATIVE DESIGNShanghai Sunyat Architecture Design Co.,Ltd.CONSTRUCTION COMPANYHeyuan Yuchenju Decoration Co.,Ltd.LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION COMPANYZhuhai Royal Garden Landscape Engine

9、ering Co.,Ltd.GROSS FLOOR AREA178 m2DESIGN PERIOD2021.122022.1CONSTRUCTION PERIOD2022.22022.7PHOTOGRAPHYWU Simingcial operations can be held in this venue based on different brand collaborations or pop-ups to experi-ment with multiple businesses and operations.The orange cube floating above the Whit

10、e Garden is the main volume of the building.The second floor is flexible and changeable according to the operation demand,no fixed partition is set up.The partitions perform as white exhibition walls below its 3 m height,then retains the original concrete above.Through the long strip windows,square

11、skylights and glass doors,natural light is blended into the at-mosphere.The daily operation on the second floor is the Air Show gallery as exhibition space,which can be transformed into a live house,sharing space and performance space by special operations.The rooftop garden enables people to enjoy

12、the sky with no barrier.Wutopia Lab designed 2 paths to reach the roof,offering multiple circulations to fit flexible activities on the rooftop.You can see the old brick-walled factory buildings in TIT Creative Park on the west side,and the Guangzhou Science and Tech-nology Museum under construction

13、 and the com-pleted Guangzhou Art Museum on the east side.The roof is a camp for moonlight,and transformed to a Tower of Light when the special activities happened.It is a fun,ritualistic place as well as a party floor for dancing and a terrace for camping.The Patch_in House is an aspirational commu

14、-nity where like-minded souls can meet and get to know each other,and where fresh ideas and inspiration are constantly coming out.In the future,architectural design will not be limited to the so-called physical space but will be able to influence us by entering our lives with more subtle touches.Wut

15、opia Lab created the Popped OrangeIf-land in Guangzhou TIT Creative Park,which was completed and opened in September 2022.It is an open design experiment,a vertical micro social complex with a light tower as the hub,including cafe,bar,theater,exhibition,sightseeing and party areas,and also an urban

16、community and lifestyle renewal activity.On one side is the TIT Creative Park transformed from the former site of the Guangzhou Textile Machinery Factory,and on the other side is the large urban public buildings under construction.It is located right at the border.You can consider Ifland House as an

17、 orange patch in the iteration of urban renewal:between the past and the future,across online and offline.Wutopia Lab decided to create an abstract and pure oval island,White Garden,in the rich and di-verse growing TIT Park,turning the originally sloping and messy site into a pure and clean place.Th

18、e de-signer also used steel,sun panels and white color to create the Tower of Light as stairs.The translucent Tower of Light not only connects the 3-story space of the Patch_in House as a vertical transportation vestibule,but also serves as an outdoor three-di-mensional park or outdoor exhibition ga

19、llery.The center island circular bar inside the first floor of Patch_in House is the protagonist enhancing social atmosphere throughout the space.Seating is freely arranged around the bar in which interior space can accommodate 60 persons.When the folding doors open,the coffee space and the white ga

20、rden merge into one,turning it into a party venue with a capacity of 180 persons.The daily operations on the first floor are coffee bar and wine bar.Spe-剖面图 Section北立面图 North elevation0125m152特辑:工业遗存,价值重塑Feature:ReshapingtheValueofIndustrialHeritage项目轴测图 Axonometric drawing of the project从光塔看向屋顶露台 View of the roof terrace from Tower of Light二层“街头拓印”展厅 Shot On iPhone exhibition of Air Show gallery on the second floor1532022.9 建筑实践ArchitecturalPractice

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